The next morning, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying were ready. Today is a rare 60 year national day. What about such a grand occasion? Originally, I could only feel it from the TV, but now? I can also participate in it, the feeling is really quite different!

What about the Olympics? More proud, so early on two people got up, is also specialized to clean up the things in their hands, as for the two little guys? There is a small red flag on the body, which is very posture. I have already informed you that we need to arrive at the scene at four o'clock in the morning!

Otherwise, there would be no position, and the road would need to be closed when the time came. Originally, Ding Yu could have won some other positions, but the problem is that Ding Yu did not do so, so he regarded himself as a common people.

What's more, in the eyes of many people? I am such an identity, so there is no need for any change. Then with his father and mother, of course, Ding Ding and Cao Zhen, Da Jun and Qian Qian, they had nothing to do anyway.

Although the time was delayed for a long time, the problem was that people didn't feel tired at all. Even at the end of the ceremony, everyone was talking about it without any sense of hunger. When Ding Yu watched the ceremony, his mood was also a little excited, but Ding Yu's expression was not very obvious.

At noon, we didn't go back to the siheyuan. We had already made a reservation earlier. We had a little get-together outside. After October 1, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying were going back. After the illness, they did not stay at home. Even Xiao lazy didn't stay in the capital. We had no time to pay attention to it.

Now that you don't have too many problems, you'd better go back! No matter how good it is outside, it's not as good as at home. Anyway, the feeling given to Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying is like this! You should know that when you came back earlier, you had already discussed the relevant matters. You don't need to discuss anything. Just let your son and daughter know.

During the meal, two people also mentioned something about it. Ding Yu really didn't want to let her parents go back, so she gave ding ding a color. But the problem is that Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying strongly insist on it. Ding Yu doesn't have much to do with it. After all, the two old people do! Have their own ideas!

In the afternoon, I feel tired and have a rest. I was hyperactive before. I may not have this feeling. But when there is nothing else, I find that I can't bear it.

What about Ding Yu and his party? Basically, they all go back to their homes and find their mothers. But Ding Yu also specially asked Anjie to prepare. After all, what about his father and mother? I'm going back tomorrow. I'll take some things with me. In addition, they already have some things, and I don't mean to let them make airplanes. Anyway, the nanny car at home is also there. It's very comfortable.

In the morning, Ding Yu also took two children to see off his parents. The time was a little early. What about the two little guys? Is also sleepy appearance, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying two people? There are also some rejections, but the problem is Ding Yu's strong demand, and there are not too many ways for them.

However, after seeing off his parents, Ding Yu didn't turn back to the courtyard. Instead, he went to the airport at the first time. He didn't stop at all and didn't give other people any opportunities. When everyone knew the news, Ding Yu's plane had already taken off for a long time.

Everyone also felt that they were so stupid. Yesterday was the National Day military parade. They were very tired. In addition, Ding Yu's adoptive father and mother were all there, so we didn't disturb them. We thought that Ding Yu would make such a reaction there!

What about the Wang family, the Su family and even the military? All of them are serious underestimation. We didn't expect Ding Yu to be so temperamental. At the beginning, they still wanted to educate Ding Yu well and let him have a long memory. But they didn't think about it. Before they had any action, they left directly.

I didn't give any chance to teach others, but I didn't think that they would not play with you. Let's play by yourself! I will not accompany you! Happy or unhappy, it has nothing to do with me, and I don't want to be involved in any relationship!

Wang Pu's face was extremely ugly when he heard the news, but he didn't have any words to say, and didn't know what to say at this time. If he said it again, he would never have made such an impulsive choice at the beginning. He had to bear too much responsibility for the result.

Taking away all the things on Ding Yu's face seems to have no effect in a short time. However, with the change of time, this disadvantage is also gradually revealed. No doubt, if we have a good communication with each other, we will definitely not have such a thing, but we will never have such a chance in the future.

Judging from the handling of all kinds of affairs by the eldest grandson, I'm afraid he didn't mean to rely on the Wang family at the beginning. Now it's even more impossible to gamble everything on the Wang family. As for the Su family? It depends on whether your grandson is happy or not.If you are happy, then you can help. If you are not happy, then who knows who you are!

However, the military is quite depressed about Ding Yu's departure. He never thought that Ding Yu would be so determined. It is true that he did not pay attention to Ding Yu's meaning before, but it is not so! When you leave, you don't even say hello. In this case, how do you get along in the future.

If this is coercion, it may be better, but the problem is that Ding Yu does not mean to force at all, because what is Ding Yu doing now? It's just that there is no meaning of any attention. What the military thinks now has nothing to do with me. Everyone has nothing to do with it.

Who could have thought that Ding Yu was so careful? This is to make everyone speechless at the same time? I feel so helpless, because from a certain point of view, what about the person who can replace Ding Yu? No, not at all!

Although Ding Yu's age is not very young, and even his time of rising is not long, but his status and position are recognized. What about other domestic forces? If you go out, it will be like the previous Australian Incident! No way!

The influence that can be produced is too small to support. What about this issue? The United States and Europe are more special. What about the systems of the two countries? It's quite relevant, so what about now? It is also a headache. How to deal with Ding Yu's problems and conditions.

If it's true that Ding Yu has not refused to convey his good will to the military all the time, even though it is said that this contact between them? They are all step-by-step, but the performance is still very good. Relatively speaking, there is not much domestic support for Ding Yu, on the contrary, it is a bit broken down!

So the present situation, in a certain sense, seems to have some self inflicted feelings. So what about Ding Yu? We must deal with it properly. What about the unfair treatment of Ding Yu? It's time for another way.

What about these problems? In fact, they should have talked with Ding Yu specifically after the national day. But I never thought that Ding Yu didn't give any chance. That is to say, the first hand between Ding Yu and Ding Yu has been lost. If we want to reach an agreement between them, this problem is really not as easy as we imagine.

For one thing, Ding Yu doesn't contact with China. How can we solve this problem? However, at a time when people were slightly upset, a new message was sent from the United States. Sun Yingnan left office and a new man appeared. It seems that his name is Hort. Who is it? I don't know. What's more, I don't know about sun Yingnan.

What's more, what about the time when hotter took over? It seems that it is not a day or two. It seems that when Ding Yu came back last time, he had already taken over. There are absolutely some changes, and there are still quite a lot of changes. However, the problem is that the domestic authorities do not understand the relevant information at all.

Whether the information is blocked is too strict, but soon everyone also understood the inside story. Ding Yu seems to have been assassinated, even sun Yingnan is the same. It is not clear what the assassination is, but it is obvious that things are not the same.

If you think about Ding Yu's stake in the Boston consortium, you can really find out some of the reasons. But what about this? I'm afraid only Ding Yu himself can say it clearly! What about the others? It's not that they don't believe it, but that everyone is just guessing out of thin air.

But what about Ding Yu? Time has changed. What's more? It is Ding Yu who is completely hiding now. Does he want to break the ice on this relationship? It's not a simple thing! Can Ding Yu really ask the military to give a so-called reply now?

The military is really not very good to start with, after all, what about this one? A little bit of a situation! What's more, this is even just a guess, with no real evidence. What's more, at that time? Ding Yu's attitude is also relatively clear. I just want the attitude of the military, that's all.

What's more, even if we deal with this matter, it's really unknown whether the relationship between them can be restored to the past.

The reason why China is very concerned about this matter is that it is also worried about whether the group controlled by Ding Yu is out of control. Sun Yingnan gets down from the position and changes to Hote? Ding Yu's stake in the Boston consortium is impossible without any conditions. If the group is out of control, all efforts will be in vain.

It's really not easy to know that a group has come to that point. If the group is out of control, it means that Ding Yu has completely lost the right to speak. It is not to say that there is no possibility of this aspect. Therefore, there are some anxieties in China, but the urgency is useless, because the party is Ding Yu!

Originally, the military was able to get in touch with Ding Yu, but after the last talk broke down, Ding Yu took the initiative to cut off the contact with the military. Even Tao Jin's door was turned away. What about others? He is familiar with Ding Yu, but what about that?Ding Yu is not in China now, but in another hemisphere. What's more, Ding Yu still has the meaning of hiding from sight. Things must be dealt with and solved immediately. At least, we should know what kind of problems and conditions have happened in the process!

When she heard that her grandson was assassinated, the old lady's eyes began to twitch. It took a long time to recover. Everyone saw that Ding Yu was shining on the surface, but no one saw the danger behind it.

They all think it's easy for the child to make money, but who saw his efforts for it also remembered what happened to the old man before. He touched his upper lip with his lower lip, and then forced his grandson to make such a choice. All his efforts were in vain.

But his grandson has never complained about it, and he has never mentioned any problems with his family. However, both of them are clear in their hearts that they can't bear to take other people's painstaking efforts as human relations.

Turn your face! This is light. If you change it to other people's bodies, I don't know what will happen to it!

The old lady also fell into a burst of meditation, and her mood was slightly dignified. What about Wang Pu? Is the brow tight frown, placed in the previous? Encountered such a thing, he can even take the initiative to make this call, that son of a bitch should still be able to answer his own phone, but now not.

Don't say it's yourself. Even if it's his wife who calls, he doesn't answer. After the broken love affair, all the connections seem to have been cut off. It's said that before the national day, he and his daughter-in-law had a meal outside, and they didn't mean to come home at all. Thinking about it, Wang Pu also felt a little sad.

To know that you have experienced so much wind and rain, you should not have such a feeling, but do not know why? I feel so strong now. Is it because I am really too old to be like this?

"Let him come back, it's a matter of deliberation." Wang Pu also knows that this matter is very difficult, why does he say so? I also want to see the attitude of my wife, but the problem is that the old lady's eyelids don't mean to lift up at all. She still sits there with her head down and doesn't know what she is thinking about!

Wang Pu looked at the old lady's appearance, but also slightly coughed, then looked at her some reluctantly said, "do you say?"

This seems to be asking the old lady, but in fact, he is forced to make a helpless choice, because he really has no way to take this grandson. He never listens to what he says. He has made it through his own efforts and has nothing to do with the Wang family and himself.

Under such circumstances, why should people listen to you and Ding Yu's main industry? There seems to be not much in China, and there are not too many ways to restrict them. Wang Pu also has some doubts. Why was he so confident at the beginning? Where does this self-confidence come from?

The old lady thought for a while and shook her head. What's the situation now? It's really hard to deal with. Lily and Yangyang can go to Ding Yu, the great grandson, but can they talk? What's more, her daughter-in-law, even though she had a meal together, she didn't know what to say

If Su Yuan can't say anything, then the rest of the family will be even more immobile. This even includes a sophomore. Although he is a father, there won't be any difference. Since all the people in the family can't do it, then we need to find other people, acquaintances and friends of Ding Yu.

Although this limitation is very small, it does not mean that there is no such limitation. For example, when Ding Yu served in the army, he had instructors and leaders, but he could choose to start from this aspect! Then the old lady also revealed the meaning of this aspect!

I have already said, how to deal with the specific situation, this problem you see to do! Wang Pu is also very satisfied with the nod, this matter? I really didn't think of it, and even ignored it. Although I had read the report of my grandson, the content about the military in the report was poor!

But the idea has come out. How to deal with it depends on the follow-up. But what about this problem? It also makes the military feel embarrassed. Why? Where was Ding Yu in the army? There are quite a few instructors, but Sun Jun has been looking for Ding Yu in the past. It seems that there is no small dispute.

Love was wasted too early. Now go to find Ding Yu. The relationship is too indifferent, so what about the effect? It will never be as good as you think! That's for sure!

Obviously, Sun Jun's identity is not appropriate, but what about the military for this method? At the beginning, Ding Yu's identity in the military was trained. Although there were not many people who had experienced it, it seemed that there were many people. It was impossible not to find a suitable person. Just think of a way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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