But for the military, what about access to relevant information? It's not a very easy thing, because it involves a lot of secrets, some secrets? Even those who have been generals for a lifetime have no way to contact, because it involves the fundamental of the military!

What about these things? There has never been a clear record, or even a record on the surface, but it does exist. After a few days of hard work, a soldier without too many marks on his body was also selected. Standing there, it felt too impotent.

Su Quan looked at the middle-aged man standing in front of him and looked at him carefully for a while, "Hello, I'm Suquan!" The middle-aged man standing opposite Su Quan also made a salute. That's all, but he didn't say anything. He looked at it and said nothing. Su Quan didn't mean, "you taught Ding Yu! Do you remember the name? "

The middle-aged man thought for a while and shook his head, "I can't remember!" What about the voice? A little bit hoarse, as if there is something in the throat blocked the same! Su Quan's mouth also slightly twitched for a while, because he also did not have any information and information in front of him. This guy seemed to come out of thin air!

Su Quan then put Ding Yu's photo on the table. The middle-aged man looked at it twice, but his eyes did not change. After thinking about it, Su Quan took out a document from the drawer, and then placed it in front of the middle-aged man, "you sign for the order!"

Since Ding Yu is not familiar with him for a while, he may not be familiar with this guy, but when he is not familiar with him, he may say something about himself.

The middle-aged man took a look, and then he took the pen and wrote his name on it, "what do you want to know?"

What about Su Quan's tone? It's also quite helpless, because I didn't really contact such veterans before. I didn't feel like a normal soldier, or even felt like a normal human being.

"About him!" The middle-aged man nodded? So let me get rid of him? "

Su Quan's eyes almost fell to the ground, what with what! He was sent here to persuade Ding Yu. You want to get rid of Ding Yu, who is his nephew. Su Quan also glared at him fiercely. "There is no violation of discipline. Maybe I didn't explain it to you when I came here. I want to talk about it!"

The expression of the middle-aged man has finally changed a little. Talk to him and pull himself out for such a thing? Isn't some too boring! What kind of situation is it that you need to come out on your own, even in a conversation?

"Sit down, please." Su Quan also took who came over, "drink water, I heard you trained him at the beginning, understand his situation?"

"I don't understand!" The middle-aged man also shook his head, "I was the instructor he trained at the beginning. I taught him point-to-point and face-to-face for three months. The specific situation is stipulated. We know each other partially. I also know his name for the first time! But I've heard of his nickname. I remember it's called feather! Retired? "

Su Quan also nodded his head in embarrassment. "He retired for some years. At the beginning, because of special circumstances, he was retired!" When saying this, Su Quan also snorted, expressing his dissatisfaction, "after retirement, I became a doctor, because of some other reasons? It's a good development abroad

All in all, Su Quan didn't say why he went to find Ding Yu, because of the reasons? It's really hard to say that, so at the end of the summary, Su Quan was also impatient and said, "you will go to the United States with you these two days. I'll join you! You can take a look at some specific information! "

The middle-aged man also stood up and saluted! What about the information? You can't read it here. You have to go to a special place to read it. However, after reading the materials, the middle-aged people's eyes are slightly turbid. They are very sharp, but fleeting! Then the whole person returned to normal.

Soon a group of people also took a plane to the United States, Su Quan and the middle-aged people, using the identity of the embassy martial arts, middle-aged people? Zhang Hongqi has a more traditional name. I feel like it was in the 1960s and 1970s. I don't know whether it is a real name. Anyway, it sounds strange now!

However, Su Quan did not really have such feelings, because he was also from which era, and he had some feelings. It seemed that Zhang Hongqi, who was incompatible with modern society, was probably the most persistent people in the military. They have been anonymous soldiers for a lifetime!

The so-called nameless soldiers are not so easy. Although they are not completely divorced from the society, they are also semi divorced from the society. Their generation is unknown and dedicated to themselves. How lucky they are! To be able to see such a person! Even let such a sit beside their own position.But from inside? It can also reflect some problems and situations. Finding such a person to persuade Ding Yu proves that there is a problem in the previous treatment of Ding Yu, and even if Zhang Hongqi is found back, how much effect it can play, this problem is really hard to say!

After going to the embassy for a while, Su Quan and his party went to Ding Yu's residence. It seems that they have already pinched the time. When they came, Ding Yu just came back from the hospital. Looking at the security standing in front of him, Ding Yu also patted him with his hand, but Ding Yu's eyes were not on his third uncle's body, but on him Middle aged people around me.

Both of them looked at each other, and then Ding Yu nodded. Then he took the lead to walk to his apartment. Zhang Hongqi ignored Su Quan and others. He also followed Ding Yu's position, "when did you come?"

"Just arrived!" After catching up with Ding Yu, Zhang Hongqi also smiles, but it may be because he hasn't laughed for a long time, so the muscles on his face give people a somewhat unnatural feeling. Ding Yu also smiles unnaturally, and then sighs, "do you still eat rabbit meat?"

"Less food, living conditions have been significantly improved, with some of the past is not the same, but occasionally greedy will also play a dozen tooth sacrifice!" Then he also looked at Ding Yu and said, "just like before, it's still so spiritual!"

"It's my treat in the evening. By the way, I have two good things in my collection here!" He pulled Zhang Hongqi into his room. The room was very large and even seemed to be a bit empty. Although he said that he had experienced the assassination incident, since the incident had passed, the place was also restored to its former purity.

Of course, it just looks like this on the surface, but what about the surroundings? There is still a lot of security, and they will be in place as soon as the situation arises. But what about Ding Yu? I like to be quiet, but I don't like to move, so I can't see anyone here.

"I heard you've been retired for a long time!" Zhang Hongqi took over the water, which was not salty and mild. Ding Yu also nodded, "at that time, there were some personal situations and problems, plus the existence of external factors, so he also left the army!" While speaking, Ding Yu also sent some messages to the service personnel.

Then Ding Yu also sat beside Zhang Hongqi. What about his third uncle? Ding Yu just nodded and didn't say much. Su Quan was also the first to visit Ding Yu's residence in the United States. Because he was his nephew and there were no other strangers, he was a bit presumptuous!

"When did you come out?" Ding Yu asked abruptly. When he spoke, he seemed to think of something. "It doesn't matter. I'm still very confidential here. There won't be any monitoring and monitoring situation."

Standing on one side looking at the porcelain, Su Quan also coughed, "Xiaoyu! You left so abruptly that there was no preparation at home. Besides, sun Yingnan's sudden resignation seemed to have been blocked for quite a long time. Too many things have happened during the period from your assassination to now! "

However, Ding Yu did not pay attention to his third uncle's meaning, but looked at his instructor, "how is the situation at home? Your son should have gone to college! Is everything ok? "

"Good! I did well in the exam. I just entered the school before, but I just got the news soon! " When talking about his son, Zhang Hongqi also laughed. His son had just been admitted to university. This is enough for him to talk about comforting things in his life, and he has no regrets.

However, Zhang Hongqi can see that Ding Yu is not far away from the officers? It's true that which color is true. It's totally the appearance that I don't care much about. I really don't know how to deal with it. However, I don't care so much about it. Although there is a task in my body, it doesn't mean that we should stand together.

"I have two kids, too, but I don't know when they're going to school." While speaking, there was also a noise at the door. It was the service personnel who sent things over! Ding Yu also pressed the remote control in his hand, and then the door was opened automatically, and some service personnel put the food on the table.

Ding Yu took Zhang Hongqi and sat down. Looking at his uncle not far away, Ding Yu also called out, "uncle, do you drink?" Zhang Hongqi's expression is also slightly strange. There are some problems with this address! The third uncle looked at Su Quan carefully.

Su Quan also pursed his mouth, "don't you run on me, do you feel uncomfortable?" Then he brought out two bottles of Maotai and put them on the table. Usually, he didn't drink because he was a soldier, and he was engaged in a special job. For things like wine, he tried to avoid it.

But today? It is possible to make an exception. Ding Yu also took the drink and poured a cup to Zhang Hongqi, and then to his third uncle. What about the rest? He also poured himself a cup, which made Su Quan look at him differently. As far as he knew, his nephew drank only a few times.But today, the red flag came, and without saying a word, I poured a full cup for myself. This is not only to give face so simple, so I feel like things are very promising! "Have a drink?" Under Ding Yu's proposal, the three people all took a sip. Since they had drunk the wine, they didn't seem to be very restrained.

"When I ate roast rabbit, I imagined when I would eat meat and drink wine. At that time, I felt that was the best life!" Ding Yu is also slightly emotional, said, Zhang Hongqi's face is also a little red, but that is a simple and honest smile, that's all! Not too much to say!

After eating something for a while, Ding Yu also pushed his third uncle with his hand. Sun Yingnan came over with information. What's the matter? Third uncle went to sun Yingnan to talk about it. Don't delay yourself and the instructor to drink.

Su Quan looked at his nephew, looked at the things on the table, hummed, and then went to sun Yingnan. Zhang Hongqi looked at Su Quan who left, and said with a smile, "your uncle? It doesn't feel like it! "

"Uncle!" However, it is obvious that Ding Yu does not want to talk about this issue. "It has been some years since I came out, and some things really miss the scenes of that year." What about Ding Yu's speech? Although said to be sentimental, but two people did not mention the training situation inside at that time!

After all, both of them have served as soldiers, and both of them have studied confidentiality regulations. Naturally, they are very familiar with the situation. Let alone Ding Yu has retired now. Even if he has not retired, how about the communication between them? It will not involve the relevant situation!

"The above is to find me, and then show me some of your information, as for the follow-up how to deal with, to be honest, I am not very clear!" Zhang Hongqi's words are very straightforward!

Ding Yu also gave a noncommittal smile, and then raised the glass in his hand. "Although I retired, I don't drink much in my usual time, and I'm very happy today! To the days when we were together! And to those officers and men who are still sticking to it. "

When Su Quan came in, looking at Sun Yingnan standing there, he was also the first to put out his hand. Although they said they had not met each other, they were also famous for a long time!

"Sun Dong!" After thinking about it, Su Quan thought that this might be the best address, but Sun Yingnan was very generous, "just call me Lucy, everyone calls me that!"

After a brief introduction to each other, the two people also took their seats separately. Su Quan also said to the point, "Lucy, you stepped down from your previous position, and Xiaoyu joined the Boston consortium. Does that mean that you have lost the initiative?" This is also a little straightforward.

Sun Yingnan shook his head with a smile. "The reason why I became a shareholder in the Boston consortium was because of the assassination. The compensation might have been more, but because other things were delayed, that's all. As for me to leave that position, because hort has been able to stand well in that position! "

he didn't explain his own reasons, and there was no need to explain them. Su Quan nodded. He understood that the great power was not left behind. He just let the following people take over Sun Yingnan's work. As for what work sun Yingnan will do next? It belongs to someone else's secret.

"It's not clear what happened this time?"

Sun Yingnan hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "the investigation is not clear, it has been sealed. Although it is said that it has occupied a more favorable position, it is only for those who are interested in fighting with the Boston consortium to fight against each other. For everyone, the stability of the situation is important, at least on the surface of stability! "

Well, this is very obscure, but the actual situation has been able to explain the problem. It would have achieved more results, but the problem is the attitude of the military, which has led to the current results. However, we have no intention to complain. If we cooperate together, we will take what we need and separate. Although there is some influence, it is not fatal.

However, Su Quan felt a little uncomfortable, because the meaning inside and outside the words seems to be so indifferent. With the existence of your military, we can, without your military, we can not survive, just the way may be worse, that's all!

In other words, since some things have been done, they are not worth being forgiven. It has nothing to do with whether you are magnanimous or magnanimous. Everyone has his or her own bottom line. If you break the bottom line, you need to pay for it. It is not because you say you are sorry or you are sorry that all the things can be solved.

If it's OK to say sorry, then the world has already coexisted peacefully for a long time. How can it still be the situation and situation in front of us? What's more, this is not the first time. Cooperation requires a foundation and mutual trust. However, the problem is that Ding Yu has not failed to do so!

It's not to say that Ding Yu must need benefits and reports, but at least there should be some trust and tacit understanding between them! Even this point is not done, so Ding Yu can only be quite helpless to leave the country after the national day, it is a kind of silent struggle! Otherwise, what can you do?www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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