"Dr. Ding! Hello When receiving Bruno's phone call, Ding Yu was also stunned. He even called himself this way. Obviously, there was a problem, but he seemed to think of something, and then he also laughed.

"Hello, the previous income has basically come back, I will return half of the principal!" Ding Yu didn't have any hesitation. It was quite obvious that he would return half of the principal, that is to say, what about the remaining money? Ding Yu is not borrowing, but will invest in the business with Lao maozi. What about this part of the profit? It can be said to be quite large!

Bruno's reason for calling Ding Yu is very simple. The negotiation with the Boston consortium has been completed. The Boston consortium not only found itself, but also found the East. It can be said that it is a two pronged approach. You should know that you and the East are integrated, and you are more interested in this matter.

I didn't expect that Ding Yu would give him such a big gift. You should know that the problem of capital is not any pressure for him. It is not so important that Ding Yu returns or does not return. Now Ding Yu has returned half of the capital. For himself, it is really a friend!

Moreover, before he even mentioned this topic, Ding Yu has already indicated his attitude and talked with smart people? It's just different! At the same time, I feel very comfortable.

"I'm going back recently. How about Playboy asking me to take two pictures? Are you interested? "

"Come on Ding Yu also said jokingly, "my aesthetic views are so different from yours, so don't tempt me with such things. However, I'm more interested in red wine recently. If you bring red wine, I can ask you to smoke cigars!"

"It's a deal!" Bruno was also very happy, "I'm not the same! At the same time, I will prepare a special gift for you

"Unique in the world!" Ding Yu is also very sure that Bruno is very interested in this, and then said two polite words, and then also put down the phone, looked at the East sitting next to me, "anyway, when I come to the door, I can bring two bottles of red wine. What do you bring to your door?"

Oriental smile, did not speak, and then also looked at the other side of Sanchez, "I and the east two people will come out!" Even if this sentence is given down, Sanchez's heart is also determined. What about the Boston consortium? Paid a certain price, but relative to get, is worth!

And Ding Yu looked at the time, and then he also called a mobile phone number. Wu Mingyu, who received the call, was stunned, because what about the caller ID? It's from the United States, but then Wu Mingyu seemed to think of something, "Hello, I'm Wu Mingyu!"

"I'm Ding Yu. I want to talk to you about something! I don't know if it's convenient or not! " What about the voice of the phone? Not impatient, a little bit calm.

"Wait a minute!" Wu Mingyu really did not dare to make this decision, and then he called and contacted him. After waiting for about ten minutes, he also got in touch with him, "I've got in touch." Ding Yu also gave a hum, then put down the phone.

Don't think it's very easy to call your third uncle. He works hard every day. He doesn't have much free time. What's more, he needs to think more about security and other issues when he is in this position. Even if Ding Yu's identity is more special, it's impossible to get in touch with him at any time and twice!

After waiting for a while, the middle-aged man over there was also very curious and said, "you monkey grandson hiding behind such a stop, how do you want to call me? It's not that you're holding on to something bad

"Third uncle, I really let you talk. I really have something to discuss with you." Ding Yu is also on the trend, anyway you said so, I am not polite.

Well, middle-aged people are also in a daze. The term "sanbo" has already been used at this time. For myself, I still feel quite surprised. The boy is busy with the old man's affairs during this period of time. What's behind this? The military accounts for a large part. It's not proper to call yourself at this time!

"Tell me! I'll listen to it! "

"I'd like to ask grandpa Zhu to come when he is free." Then Ding Yu also explained the reason for that, "we have basically discussed with Lao maozi, but Credit Suisse Boston first bank will undertake credit and other issues, that is to say, all the funds are basically in their accounts, but there is some gap between us!"

"Is this suitable?" Middle aged people are also worried about it.

"I don't want to know about many aspects of the people in Boston, but I don't want to know more about the people from the East and abroad, but I don't want to know more about the people from home and abroad, but I don't want to know more about the people from both home and abroad

The middle-aged man was also thinking about Ding Yu's story. After a long time, he was also worried and said, "please come to visit. This is a very troublesome thing, and there are more things to consider!""Sanchez and I can go to China and visit grandfather Zhu. Anyway, I'm a younger generation. It's natural to visit our predecessors! And Sanchez needs to hand over other business with me! "

"Time!" Middle aged person also bit a tooth, why does Ding Yu call oneself this, this latent meaning? I really don't need to explain. Since he has been so confident and determined, he should support it, so in the first time? I also made this decision!

When Bruno came, he was a bit of a slouch. The clothes on his body were the same as those of the photographer. There were too many pockets on the vest, and the camera bag was quite large. What do you think? I don't want to stay in the car below. I don't believe in security! This should be intentional.

But Ding Yu really has some feelings about this. Why do you say so? The price of the things in this bag really makes people feel a little smack after listening to it. You should know that this is only a very small part. Of course, why do you want to move things here? To a certain extent, it also has a taste of individuality.

But what about the two bottles of red wine he brought? It was very good. After waiting for a long time, Dongfang also came as scheduled. His dress was very Chinese. After seeing Ding Yu, he also bowed his hands, and Ding Yu was the same. Then Dongfang also presented the gift in his hand!

What about the reception room of Ding Yu? It's already ready. The red wine has been woken up. The decanter is on the side because Bruno came a little earlier. What's in it? More or less, it means to take care of Bruno. Otherwise, it is Chinese style, not western style.

What smoke? Not Cuba and Ecuador! It's not Honduras, that is to say, he smelled it, but Bruno was very professional, and he didn't smell it. This made Bruno suspicious. However, the East over there saw the cigar in the box and seemed to be distracted, so he took one and put it under his nose.

"East, do you know?"

Dongfang looked at Ding Yu and hesitated and said, "for many years, there are still two hidden in my home. I want to take them into the coffin. In fact, there is no smell any longer, but I just can't bear it. I didn't expect that I could smell it in my lifetime."

Looking at the East, Bruno also showed some impatience. Then he found a tool, found a seat, sat down and began to taste. Even the East felt that there were so many rare things to taste. What about this taste? It really has a different taste and feeling from the cigar that I have tasted.

At this time, Ding Yu also poured drinks, and the three people were also puffing in the cigar room. However, Bruno was not a general enjoyment, because the taste of cigars was so good, so was the East over there. During the smoking process, they didn't even say much between each other.

"Where did you make it?" Bruno said that.

Ding Yu did not speak, but looked to the East, and the east also laughed, "Bruno, I think you still don't want to think about it. This is planted by the ancient method, and its production conditions are also extraordinary. I know the location, but I can't tell you, and we can smoke. It's really not appropriate to dig the corner of other people's wall!"

"I'm going to the corner there!" Bruno was also very angry and said, "I'm worried that I won't have to smoke in the future. This is the most distressing thing." After that, he also looked around. Then he opened a box on the bar, and then he put the box on his hand. He could see that there were some teeth itching in the East.

I really have no way to be so shameless, but what about Bruno? It really makes me feel quite envious, so I look at Ding Yu pitifully. Ding Yu also smiles, "at the beginning, I was joking. I didn't expect to make a little noise, but the output is not big!"

"I have some Chilean wine, which is to deal with at home. How about exchanging two bottles for one?"

The East is also in the side of provocative said, "I have two wineries in France, there are some wine before World War II, one bottle for two!" After that, I also deliberately looked at Bruno. What about all these things? Never appear in the world, because the things on the world, more vulgar, less a taste.

After tasting it, Bruno and Dongfang left as if they were children fighting for candy. Even now, they are still arguing about the amount of things. In the process? They didn't really talk about Sanchez! There is no need for that.

What about Bruno's so-called great gift? Ding Yu is also open to see the meaning of each other to understand what it means.

Ding Yu made a phone call with Sanchez the next day, "Sanchez, I'm going to visit an elder tomorrow. Do you have this time?" What about this one? It's sending an invitation to Sanchez. What about the people you invited? It's already here, so I'll show you something.Sanchez is also on the contract. How about two people arriving in the capital? There are so many quietly smells, there is no big meaning. Although the previous three uncle has explained the situation, but want to visit such things? It is also absolutely not particularly simple at home.

Actually, what about visiting? It's a gesture. What about Sanchez and this grandpa Zhu? It is an old friend. Ding Yu has no much connection with this grandpa Zhu. The relationship between them was almost impossible in the past. But his uncle stood out and the face should be given.

So we also talked very happily, and they talked about each other for more than two hours. Later, due to Grandpa Zhu's physical inconvenience, dingyucai and Sanchez got up to say goodbye. Whether it was a visit or a resignation, they were very simple, and did not disturb anyone in any aspect.

"Thank you!" Having met an old friend, Sanchez took the lead in extending his hand. Previously, there was a platform for cooperation between them. The rest of the work was much simpler, and it depends on how everyone came to operate. Although the cooperation has basically been reached, there are many complicated things in it.

But what about these things? There is no need for Ding Yu and Sanchez to appear. They only need to grasp the big things. As for the following people, they will have subordinates to finish. If they have to work hard, they will be tired.

Dingyu returned to the courtyard, did not attract the attention of others, the next day? Dingyu didn't leave, but he left the quadrangle courtyard with Anjie, who slipped out of dada. This is to make people in the family feel that there are so many people who can't understand. What is this to do?

However, since the big Butler of Anjie is followed, it should not be a very important thing. Besides, it seems that there are no other people, but there must be security around the big and small ones. Since the big and small people don't want others to follow, then even if Dingyu and Anjie go to Liulichang.

It was not until this time that Anjie learned that Mr. Wang came to buy paper pens. This one made Anjie a little confused. Would you like to buy paper pens in such a place? What is the origin of the glass factory? There is no need to have too much explanation, after Ming Dynasty? Also the place where the literati gathered, how much has been contaminated with some cultural atmosphere, so here the ink and ink paper inkstone? It's still quite famous.

Dingyu knows not much about the glass factory, so he knows that the ink and ink ink ink are very famous here. However, Anjie is the housekeeper of the quadrangle. He should have some impression on this, "Sir, here? There are several hundred year old shops. Things are still very good. It needs some foundation to inherit the old ones for hundreds of years! "

Oh? Dingyu also blinked his eyes, in the domestic? Especially after the founding of the people's Republic of China, it is really difficult to stay such a century old shop. Anjie said that Ding Yu really had some interest, and then he went to the place along the way with Anjie.

What about the store? It's not as big as you think, but what about the glass factory? All of them are newly built in 1980. It is not easy to have such a large area. After entering the door, the furnishings on the counter are opened. It is really different from the antique shops that I have visited before!

It is very clean and tidy, people are not very many, and Anjie also let a step, accompanied by Dingyu on the first floor to see at will, Dingyu mainly came to pick ink and ink ink, so naturally also on the first floor, Ding Yu really did not know how to do the study, so also listen to the introduction of the shop.

And Anjie also stood behind the position, listen carefully, then Dingyu also selected a few brush, but in Dingyu in the selection of brush, from upstairs is also a pedestrian, standing on the side of Ding Yu, Anjie seems to hear some movement, as well as looking back.

It doesn't matter. Anjie wants to give himself a slap when he is conscious. However, Anjie also looks back. He also has some feeling of Qi and Qi. How can I meet Miss two here? This is a big deal. Do you know that Mr. is here? It was just accidental, and even more, this one was introduced by myself.

It was Wang Li who felt something, and then she looked at her in the hall. After seeing Anjie, she was also stunned. Then she also noticed the position of Anjie station. Her eyes were suddenly bright. She complained with the people nearby, and then she walked towards this side.

Wang Li also stood behind Dingyu without hesitation. After the reminder of Anjie, Dingyu looked back. In fact, she didn't need to look back. She knew the sound. She looked at it. Then Dingyu was also curious, "how can you be everywhere?" And then I showed you to Anjie.

"Brother, when did you come back?" Wang Li didn't hear about the relevant matters at all, but it was not so strange. Because her brother was a little mysterious, she didn't expect to meet him here, so she also came to say hello.

"I came back yesterday. I'll come back and talk about something!" I also saw Anjie, Dingyu's heart also had some doubts. I heard his introduction and came here, and then I met Wang Li here. It was not intentional, it was also a coincidence.Anjie also feels quite bitter in his heart. This thing really has nothing to do with himself! My own injustice! But how can I say something else now that I'm like this?

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