Next to him, someone looked at Ding Yu, and then put his eyes on Wang Li's body. What about Ding Yu's eyes? Slightly suspicious, puzzled and even a little hostile, and look at Wang Li? It is slightly show that there are some taste of infatuation.

Ding Yu just took a look and didn't pay much attention to it. However, it is obvious that this one can't bear it. Looking at Wang Li's attitude towards this young man and the young man's attitude towards Wang Li, he can't bear it! And then came forward!

But standing on the side, Anjie snatched a body position forward and directly crossed it. This action also made some young people who came by did not think, "who are you?" The young man looked at an Jie, but also looked up and down. Ding Yu looked up again, but he didn't care too much.

"You're really in the business!" Although Ding Yu didn't have much expression on his face, he was also kind and said, "buy something. If you have time, go to my place for dinner at night."! If you don't have time, that's fine! " After saying that, he also looked at the young man who had been anxious with Anjie and said, "let's go! I'm already in a hurry! "

Wang Li also snorted, a little dissatisfied, obviously did not put this guy in the heart of the above meaning, "Zhao's grandson!" Seeing that her elder brother didn't respond, Wang Li said in a low voice in Ding Yu's ear, "the calligraphy and painting family is kind of gentle, but he didn't inherit much from him, but his elder sister was not bad! I didn't expect that this guy was still a piece of brown sugar

Ding Yu also felt a little funny, then nodded, and then turned around. He had other things to deal with, because he had already smelled a little smell, which could be said to be very special, but what about this smell for other people? Ding Yu has no feeling of scalp numbness.

Wang Li looks at her elder brother's appearance, also spits out own small tongue, immediately also is to go to the public side, but Ding Yu? After smelling the smell, he picked some things for himself, and then gave an eye to Anjie, and Ding Yu went out of here.

Anjie didn't follow him, and he didn't ask for any reasons. Ding Yu didn't walk for a long time. Soon, a young man with glasses also followed Ding Yu's side. Ding Yu took a look at him and rubbed his nose, "did you just come down from the battlefield? There is not too much smoke on the body, but why is the smell of blood so strong? "

"Can you smell it?" Then the young man who followed Ding Yu nodded, "let me follow you. I'm no longer a person with identity now."

Ding Yu also looked up and down at the young man, "introduce it! If you have any other requirements, please say it together! "

"Wen, Wendong! Thirty five years old Then he took out an envelope from his pocket and handed it to Ding Yu secretly, "this is what it brings to you!" Since it's a paper document, Ding Yu is also a bit funny. Then he takes a look at the envelope. After tearing it open, he also looks at the contents inside.

When he got to the garbage can, Ding Yu rubbed the envelope and paper with his hands, and Wendong saw the fine particles fall from Ding Yu's hands, which made Wendong narrow his eyes. What he saw was absolutely not true, which was definitely a joke! It must be.

Although he said that he could destroy such paper documents with his hands, he would never do so easily. He felt as if he had breathed a breath. Then Ding Yu nodded to Wendong, "find a temporary place to live, and you will come with me when you leave! I'll have someone go through the formalities for you! "

The documents have also explained the specific situation, but what about Ding Yu's opinion on Wendong? It's not very clear, but anyway? Contact is a good thing. As for Wendong? This guy is full of murderous spirit. After reading it, he feels that he is a little bit unconvinced. He really has some doubts. How did he come here?

Soon Ding Yu went back to the place where he had bought the brush, ink, paper and inkstone. The Anjie over there was also a big bag. The store owner also personally wrapped it up. On the one hand, Wang Li came to say hello to him earlier, so the manager also deliberately explained it. On the other hand? The buyer seems to be very generous!

After coming out, Anjie also carried the things in his own hands. Although there are many, they are not so troublesome. What's more, they come out with big and small ones? Just two people, no one else! But not far away, someone bumped into two people's bodies.

Looking at the debris on the ground, Ding Yu also took a look at Anjie. Two people looked at each other, and both of them couldn't help laughing. The smile seemed so fearless. This actually made the middle-aged people feel that they couldn't understand. What's the meaning! I was deliberately "touching porcelain". How could these two guys react so much! Give me a look of panic!

At will, Ding Yu also took a look at the things on the ground, and then shook his head to Anjie, "I don't have much appreciation for this. I heard that you are more interested in this aspect!"Anjie also laughed, "you don't see my jokes. Because there are more things in the house, if I don't understand anything, I make people laugh because of nothing, so I usually have a more look at it when there is nothing to do, learn more, but I just learned some fur!"

However, for Dingyu, he hit it. It was not big deal. He took over the things in Anjie's hand. Anjie also squatted down and looked at it. He also stood up. "The coarse porcelain of Qing Dynasty folk kiln is really ready for people to go. However, because of the close time, the price is very general. If the auction is outside, it will be a common price , not more than 20000, is it here? And they took them from 8000 to 15000! "

Dingyu also looked at the middle-aged people standing in front of him. It means simple, satisfied or dissatisfied. What is unsatisfied is that middle-aged people also look at it with a smile. So, they don't know what to do, but rather sensible. Looking at the people around, they know that the scene can not be made up.

What about this? For Dingyu, it is a small thing that doesn't seem to be obvious, even if it doesn't mean to put it on the heart at all. What about this kind of method? There are also some rough and low-level, as for why to hit themselves and Anjie, the reasons need to be explained?

But Dingyu really has so many lazy to pay attention to it. Anjie then pulls out his handbag, ordering 15 thousand, and then puts the money on the middle-aged man's hand with a smile, "sir!" Then Anjie also took the things in Dingyu's hand. "You see how to deal with this!"

"Forget it! It's also ordered, and it's just a mess! " Dingyu also has not too much to pay attention to the meaning, and then also step forward, his mood is still good today, so also do not have to worry about the meaning, with such a flat headed people do not have too much meaning!

And the middle-aged man also has no intention to pursue. If other people are, they may be rogue to the end. You said that the Qing Dynasty folk kiln is a folk kiln! But after seeing Ding Yu and Anjie, the two young people were in the rehearsal, they really dare not.

I have been mixing in this line for many years, although it is said that high or low, but this eye power? There is still a little bit of it. Look at the momentum of these two, make yourself feel a little dizzy, and the two people wear this dress, especially the wrists of the two people. It is definitely not the goods in Xiushui Street, even Yansha is rare.

What's more, I have promised that two less, is not to find trouble? I found it myself, but they were too clear, and I was very happy in my heart. Why do you say that people have no intention of finding their own trouble, or they are not put in their eyes at all.

I should kill chicken today and go to God. Fortunately, God cares for himself. Otherwise, if I find myself, will that two seldom show up for yourself? The possibility is not very big, let alone oneself to serve for two less, what is it, really rush him to go, just strange! I went to his grandfather.

"Two little, it's not done!" Looking for a corner, middle age also said the previous situation once, "people are expert, I went to give them the dishes, so that hanging out of the pit!"

"It's not good to do this. It's a waste!" The voice over the phone is also quite angry, but before we wait to talk, the middle-aged man looks at three people standing in front of him? There are also some silly eyes! What do you mean? I have been in this street for many years.

Looking at one of them reaching out into his arms, the middle-aged man was angry with his eyes. MADD and the son of heaven were under his feet. He dared to rob himself and kill him. But wait for clear come person from inside of the thing that pulls out, middle-aged person waist also is a sudden a hubris, but looked at two eyes, do not know! How to find yourself.

"You know how to get to the fence? Go together and ask you something! " Three people have no meaning to force, but the middle-aged people behind me feel silly. This thing is not big, small, how can I find my head? No, no!

When I came to the police station of Dalian, there were some old ones in the place. One of the three people also went in and took people to find a spare room. The police officers in the police station looked at the middle-aged people brought in, which was also known to them! What happened to the glass factory? What's the matter with it? Bring people here!

"Tell me the details of the matter!" The leader sat there, the person next to him sat in the record, while the other person was checking the middle-aged man's cell phone with a box. The middle-aged hesitated, and simply said about the previous situation, that is, he found a vase and hit someone else.

There is no so-called dispute, people lost money, and then things passed, that is so simple!

And the next person after checking the mobile phone, also said something to the leader. The leader also knocked on the table with his hand, and looked at the middle-aged, and then said faintly, "don't leave Beijing at this time. In any special case, come to the police station or the report of the West Bureau!""Yes Middle aged people feel that their back has been wet. The hot weather is only one reason, and I have guessed the reason. Obviously, the childe's background is not small. What about his rash behavior? They are not investigated, but it does not mean that other aspects will not be investigated either!

"Sign, sign and leave!" The leader of this also did not have a good temper said, "go back and remember to burn incense and worship God!" The middle-aged man almost ran away, but when he came out, he called the second young boy again, but the phone couldn't be answered. He didn't know how it happened.

After all, Ding Yu's identity is so special, so what about the handling of some things? It's also a little bit different, but what about this time? It's not big, so it's just a little education. If Ding Yu wants to deal with the matter at that time?

We really have considerable consideration for this. What's more, after Ding Yu came back this time? Everything has been talked about, but Ding Yu did not have to leave immediately. This makes some people feel confused, even confused! What is the reason?

The reason is not clear, the road is not clear, but no one will go to the pole to ask, what's more, even if it's on the pole, Ding Yu will go to say it? So forget it! But Ding Yu's two-day itinerary seems to have some problems and problems! I went to Liulichang to buy ink, brush, paper and inkstone. What did he want?

But after some investigation, there are some small situations, but the problem is that Ding Yu doesn't have any intention to care about. For Ding Yu, it seems that such a thing has not been taken seriously by him. It really makes people confused!

We all know that Ding Yu is back, and seems to have visited Mr. Zhu. But the question is why he went to see him? I didn't seem to have heard of the relationship between Ding Yu and Zhu Lao before! What are the reasons for this?

However, the news soon spread out. When Ding Yu visited old Zhu, he took a foreigner with him. What's the identity of the foreigner? It's also clear. What about this? It should be related to some aspects of the problem, at least on the surface, but what about the Wang family? Feel a little uneven!

"What's the meaning of the third one?" Wang Pu also can't stop the anger in her heart, but the old lady has a funny feeling. She knows why her wife looks like this. It's just that she feels unbalanced in her heart. But the question is what happened before? Ding Yu has been asked to make a choice for this child. What he is doing now is beyond reproach.

The third is a very good object. Since I have chosen, I will buy it. At this point, the child is still quite courageous, which makes me feel gratified. So what about the old man? The old lady didn't have any other feelings. That's all. What can he do if he said something?

Seeing that the old lady didn't mean to speak, Wang Pu also murmured, "do you know what happened when he came back? And what did he go to Liulichang for? "

"You old man, why are you following other people's children? What's more, what Ding Yu, the grandson, wants to do is his own freedom. " The old lady also complained and said, "as for what he wants to do or what he has done, he has his own attention in his heart, or you can ask him in person!"

A word directly let Wang Pu speechless, go to find him, how possible things, again? I am also afraid that there will be problems in some aspects. I have already done everything and said that other things are useless. I am more worried that although the relationship between the third and the Wangs is very good, after all, they will not be the Wangs!

It can only be said that everyone's political inclination is the same. Why don't you go to your father when you find the third? Is your father really inferior to your eyes? Or in other words, the Wang family is really disappointed with what they have done? It's a bit too much, but your father didn't get involved in it, did he?

Wang Pu is also trying to find a suitable reason for himself, at least in this way his heart can live, said that he is good, said he is stubborn! That's what it's like anyway. What about the actual power? Don't think about Ding Yu, there is no possibility.

Ding Yu didn't choose the Wangs, which made the faces of the Wangs embarrassed. It was obvious that what Wang had done earlier? Let Ding Yu have an opinion, and still quite a big opinion, to know Ding Yu can be said to be the eldest grandson of the Wang family to a certain extent!

What about this? Mr. Wang's performance has some loss of points. There is nothing wrong with his high moral integrity. But in dealing with things, there are quite some defects. But what about these problems? No one will get a face-to-face comment, but what about each other's heart? There are so many sums.

Ding Yu didn't choose Wang family, but what about this one? The relationship with the Wang family seems to be good. Is this actually divorced from the Wang family? Still did not leave Wang's family, still really have so some not very good to say.

When Wang Changlin knew the news, he felt that he was speechless. He was surprised at his son's choice, but he was glad that his son made the choice. Anyway, he felt that there were some , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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