What about Ding Yu about the Wang family? I didn't mean to care at all, or even paid any attention to it. Since I have already expressed my attitude, I need to be firm. As for why I stayed in China, because I talked with the people there? It's not over yet.

Even if it was just the beginning, Ding Yu showed more sincerity on this issue, and he came back in person. What is the reason on the surface? It is for Sanchez's business, but secretly, it is to cooperate with relevant departments. This is the most important purpose of Ding Yu's return this time.

And so far? Although some people expressed doubts, they couldn't find any clues. Everyone felt very strange. Ding Yu didn't leave in a hurry when he came back this time, and he didn't communicate with the hospital. How about going out? In addition to normal things, he went to Liulichang to buy brush, ink, paper and inkstone. What did he want?

There are absolutely problems in this, but no one has found the problem. This is what makes people feel so weird! Ding Yu bought a pen, ink, paper and inkstone back, but it was not for fun. He started writing on the same day. How good was his writing? Anyway, he was attentive.

People in the front yard seldom come to the back. Even if Ding Yu is not there, few people come to the backyard. This has become the rule of the quadrangle. Although it is said that Anjie is the main part of the quadrangle, Anjie has not set too many restrictions for everyone, but what about this? It's a hard and fast rule.

Anjie didn't mean to dismiss anyone, not to mention raising a few people, even if it was to raise hundreds of people, it was not any problem, but there were other aspects involved. Anyway, Mr. a didn't like these people, but although he said that he had fallen out with the Wang family, there were some things? Still need to appear some magnanimity!

What about these people? He has been in the front yard all the time, but how long it will stay is really hard to say. Maybe one day, Ding Yu will be unhappy and all of them will be cleared out. Of course, Ding Yu didn't throw them out when he fell out with the Wangs, and he won't do it now.

What about Ding Yu's discussion with the people over there? It's going on quietly. After Wendong's procedures have been handled, Wendong will leave immediately without any intention of staying. What about when to leave? It's the same quietly. We all know that in the process, something must have happened, but what was hidden after the event was not fully investigated.

However, Ding Yu's car just arrived at the airport. Before waiting for the plane, he saw several people rushing down from the plane not far away. What's more, what's the posture? It seems that there are still some unusual postures. Ding Yu was ready to stop, but he was stunned by the figure not far away.

Then he whispered two words in Jin's ear. Jin nodded slightly and got off the plane. Ding Yu took a bus not far away and stopped by the man's side. Wang Jianguo was stunned by the car that suddenly stopped by his side. Who is this! In the airport side of the rampage, did not see yourself busy?

"Third brother!" After the window opened, looking at the people inside, Wang Jianguo was also stunned, his face also showed a little smile, "you boy, what are you going to do?"

"Ready to return to the United States, did not want to see you here!" Then also looked at not far away, "is it OK?"

"My father-in-law has a heart problem! It's breathtaking Wang Jianguo also looked at Ding Yu, and then opened the door, without any hesitation. "I wanted to find you, but I didn't expect you were in China." Ding Yu also gave way to a seat, and then gave an order to the driver.

What about the driver in front? Also deliberately looked back at Wang Jianguo, but Wang Jianguo looked at the driver, a little puzzled, but also did not care, "you boy, these two years have been very quiet, I have not heard much of your news!" As he spoke, Wang Jianguo also leaned back on his body.

The driver in front also looked at Wang Jianguo through the reversing mirror. Who is this! What he said was that there was no news in the past two years, because you were not well informed. If you were well informed, you would know that the situation was definitely different! But what about his familiar attitude? I also know that this relationship with big and young should be extraordinary.

"In the past two years, I haven't been making a lot of trouble in China. Some people won't be satisfied with the fuss." Ding Yu also said something insidiously. Wang Jianguo also looked at Ding Yu with a smile, "you! It's still like this inside the bones! Forget it, I don't have much leisure in the past two years. I want to stabilize my position before the old man goes down! "

"Straightforward enough!" Ding Yu also stretched out his thumb. "I've heard some news about the trail. Director Wang is about to catch up with the iron faced Baogong, so it's not going to stop?"

"Is that exaggeration?" Wang Jianguo also shook his neck, and then said with a slight sigh, "those guys below are really a bit out of line. With two bad money in their hands, some of them are so forgetful, and even begin to harm. To be a man, we should have a bottom line, and at the same time, we should be afraid of them."The two people didn't chat much on the car. Obviously, Wang Jianguo also had some worries. If his father really wanted to retire, he would not let people go, but who can guarantee? What about such a problem? Wang Jianguo still has a very clear understanding.

When he arrived at Fuwai, the car was very good. Looking at Wang Jianguo, who was about to get off, Ding Yu pulled his arm and then took a look at the driver. The driver got off the car for the first time. Wang Jianguo looked at Ding Yu suspiciously, but Ding Yu didn't care.

"Third brother, you are ready to go down this road. As far as I know, Haige continues to mix with state-owned enterprises! He didn't mean to be involved in it

"Well, there are some things that can't be done. They are too indulgent when they are young, but what's the good news? There's no big problem. As for the sea? This guy has a different mind Wang Jianguo also looked at Ding Yu with some incomprehension, "what do you mean, just say what you say!"

"Uncle Wang may know something about it, but he won't take the initiative to mention it with you. In fact, what about Beijing? There are some people who know my situation. If you are ready to walk down this road, I can introduce you to two people, but you can't have any other problems yourself

Wang Jianguo's brow was also slightly frowned. It was not that he had any problems. There were no so-called stains on his body. When he was young, he was more fun. This matter was nothing, and there were no other situations and problems. It was mainly what Ding Yu said? Let yourself feel a little shocked, even shocked.

In a little bit of hesitation, I also entered the hospital, and my father-in-law has also been admitted to the hospital. What about the rest? It's not Wang Jianguo who needs to worry. It's better to deal with it by the hospital. Previously, the hospital didn't notice Ding Yu. After all, the people below are not familiar with Ding Yu.

Always waiting for the director to check, looking at Ding Yu standing outside, is also a Leng, immediately also stretched out his own hand, "Dr. Ding, came to do not say a Hello, how? Just want to see our jokes, don't you? "

"Hello!" Ding Yu also stretched out his hand, "I'm going back to the United States today. I met my third brother here at the airport. I knew something was wrong, so I came here to have a look." Then he introduced Wang Jianguo. What's the relationship between them? It's also more familiar.

While Ding Yu entered the ward, Wang Jianguo also called his father-in-law and said, "Dad, I sent my father-in-law to Fuwai, and I have already checked it. The specific situation may need to wait for some time. Besides, I met Ding Yu at the airport, and he also came with me!"

There is not much language there. Wang Jianguo also said tentatively, "Dad, Ding Yu said that you may know his identity and mentioned some things about me! How can I feel so unreal! "

"Oh! I see! " Then he hung up the phone and didn't have any opinions to reveal. But for Wang Jianguo, it seems that he has understood the hidden meaning of his father's words. What about his father about this matter? There is no intention to oppose it, which seems a little strange.

After the inspection is over, Ding Yu also said, "I originally wanted to set it for tonight, but it's certainly not appropriate to see your condition, so it is! If you have time tomorrow, I'll call you at noon or in the evening! It's my treat. I'll introduce you to someone else then! "

Ding Yu didn't leave. What about the person who received the news? It was quite unexpected that Ding Yu stayed for Wang Jianguo. What about this situation? It seems that it is not normal, but after careful analysis, it is quite normal. What is the relationship between Ding Yu and Wang Jianguo? It's really extraordinary.

When Ding Yu first came to Beijing, what about the people who had a good relationship with him? There is really not much, Wang Jianguo and the sea two people? It can be said that there are a few of them. What is the relationship between them? It's really not a sentence, two sentences can say clearly, so deliberately stay, it is understandable.

After returning to the courtyard, Ding Yu didn't have much to do. After lunch, he went to Liulichang and this time to Panjiayuan. In the process of wandering, Ding Yu bought two comic books, two pairs of walnuts and a bunch of handkerchiefs.

For Ding Yu, it's just a hobby. It doesn't mean anything else. What about other things? I really have some knowledge is not enough, don't look at the things in my home, but for this aspect? Don't say it's Xiaobai. Anyway, it's almost the same. Even the nearby Anjie can't match it.

Ding Yu is really aware of this. He is not an immortal. He can't be proficient in everything. There is no such person in the world. Anyway, he is not such a person. So when he came here, Ding Yu was only interested in small things. That's all!As for the others? It has nothing to do with Ding Yu. Of course, there will be some art investment at home, but Ding Yu is only responsible for investment, and the specific things are basically handled by Anjie. From what he knows, Anjie is still very good at this work! At least praise!

In the evening, Ding Yu did not go back to the courtyard, but found a place to eat alone. What about the whole process? Ding Yu was a little lazy, and from the beginning to the end, Ding Yu was alone, and had no contact with outsiders. After eating, Ding Yu had the heart to wander for a while, and then returned to the courtyard.

The more so? The more people feel suspicious, but what about this doubt? There is no reason why we say so? Previously, Ding Yu was ready to leave and even arrived at the airport, but later he stayed for special reasons. Under such circumstances, can Ding Yu do anything else?

What about the next day? Ding Yu is still the same as before. In the morning, he went to the antique market for a walk. At noon, he ate something outside. In the afternoon, he went to the flower, bird and fish market. He didn't know where he was interested. But now there are not many people following him.

How to say that? Ding Yu seems to have some intentional flavor in it. In the past, he has not done so, but now everyone's spirit? A little bit nervous, so it led to some passivity. After waking up, he thought what Ding Yu had done? It's normal.

Although visited the flower, bird and fish market, Ding Yu didn't really buy anything, but what about the situation? It is really very beautiful. Ding Yu even deliberately went to see it. There are many decorations in his home, but the same thing, he knows that it looks good, but how to arrange it, so don't look for yourself.

In the evening, Ding Yu came early, but not long ago, Wang Jianguo took the lead. Wu Mingyu didn't mean to refuse, but he had other things. So he came a little late. Of course, he knew Ding Yu didn't leave the capital. Don't ask why he knew.

Looking at Wu Mingyu? Wang Jianguo had such a sense of familiarity, and then seemed to think of something, and then his eyes widened, "secretary Wu! Hello What about Wang Jianguo? But it is not so familiar, but since it is the majority of their own invitation, they really dare not take this identity.

"Wang Jianguo, Wang San Ge!" Ding Yu is also a simple introduction, Wu Mingyu is also hastily stretched out his hand, "third brother Wang, Hello!" His attitude is slightly respectful, but Wang Jianguo has a good look at Ding Yu. How can he feel that Wu Mingyu is in awe?

"Do you know?" Ding Yu asked casually, and Wu Mingyu nodded, "uncle, I'm surprised you didn't leave!" After finishing speaking, he also took a look at Wu Mingyu, "but the third uncle asked me to bring you a message. The study over there in the quadrangle is a little empty recently!"

Ding Yu scratched his chin with his hand, and then looked at Wang Jianguo. "The third elder brother has been working hard in the following area during this period. Although he has some support, this is also blocked by all aspects. So I have to ask you to learn from me. I don't mix in the official career. I think you will have more communication!"

However, Wu Mingyu didn't nod immediately. Although he said that this person was introduced by Ding Yu, and he was still a large number of secretaries to a certain extent, this matter is definitely not as simple as imagined. He still needs to have some investigation before he can decide how to deal with the next thing.

But Wang Jianguo looked at Wu Mingyu's attitude, not angry but happy. If Wu Mingyu immediately agreed to come down, he would feel that some of them were not very practical, because he was also the son of 49 cities. What's the way? Too much, too much. If you are really interested in yourself, you will be hesitant.

However, he was really interested in Ding Yu's identity. Wu Mingyu communicated with Wang Jianguo, and even exchanged phone calls when Ding Yu deliberately left. However, after Ding Yu came back, he left, not to say that he didn't give face, but that he really had other things and could not stay for a long time.

Wang Jianguo didn't even touch a drop of wine during the whole process. After Wang Jianguo came back, he looked at Ding Yu sitting there. He was also very curious. "He is a very popular role now. How many people want to hit his attention? I am so curious. What is your identity?"

Ding Yu also said with a smile, "I should know. My relationship with Wu Mingyu is not so deep, but there are still some relationships. I don't want to hide anything deliberately. When you return to the capital, I think you will know all this!" Looking at the difference in his hands, Wang Jianguo also laughed.

"I thought I could take care of you at the beginning, but I didn't think that things would turn around. But I didn't look away from you at the beginning, you brother! It's really different! "

"Come on, don't brag! Call me if you need anything. " Ding Yu also left a phone call for Wang Jianguo, "I'll go back first, waiting for you to return to Beijing when!" This return to Beijing is not a daily return to Beijing, but refers to when he can return to work in Beijing. This is called returning to Beijing!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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