Ding Yu returned to the United States after flying back to the United States. He also picked the opportunity to meet Wen Dong. "You need to take the shortest time to adapt to the social life. There are too many Eyeliner around me. So you need to be careful. If you are found out by someone, then I will solve you when you are turned out by others. There will be no politeness. "

Yeah? Wendong didn't react for a moment. Then he narrowed his eyes and looked at Ding Yu. However, he didn't have any influence on Ding Yu. Instead, Jin looked at Wendong and frowned. It's obvious that Wendong's current situation is not suitable.

For Jin, if such a person stays with him, it may be a time bomb. At least he doesn't like it very much. Of course, Ding Yu also noticed the change in Jin's face, but he also noticed the change in Wendong's face, so he also smiles.

"You may not be convinced because you think everything is superior to ordinary people, but it is not of much use. I don't want you to be around a killing machine. If so, I'll hire mercenaries, but I can't use you. For you, learn how to integrate into this society first."

"I am your man?"

"I won't admit it for the time being!" Ding Yu's attitude is also a little bit tough, "as for what will happen in the future? It's up to you, not to me, and if I have time, I'll give Rankin some help, but I hope you'll perform well, because Kim won't be as good-natured as I am! "

"And the result?" At this time, Wendong also looked at Jin with provocative eyes, showing a little disdain.

What about Ding Yu? Also considered for a moment, "there are many results! One is that you are not competent, but I think the possibility of being cleaned up will be greater. Maybe there will be a chance to live. But I don't think there is any significance for you to survive. What else? You're up to the job! Who knows? "

He told Wendong some things, and then asked Wendong to leave. Jin was puzzled, and Ding Yu also laughed. "The smell of blood on him is so strong that it's easy to guess the origin. What's more, he still regards himself as a soldier, which is the most undesirable point. He needs to improve his level!"

"Time is too slow!" "We have this time, but we don't have much efficiency. What's more, whether he will grow up or not is really not guaranteed."

"There is no guarantee. In fact, this is not very important. After all, this is the beginning of cooperation. The ability is absolutely there. The problem is how to train them. I said I don't need soldiers. For me, soldiers are not useless, but it's too much for Wendong to be a soldier, and it's too wasteful to let Wendong be a soldier!"

"I'll stare at him!" Jin also nodded, although he did not understand the inside story, but since the gentleman has said so, how can he not understand? But I really feel that there are some headaches, because Wendong is not a good stubble.

There was an agreement with Sanchez earlier, but what about some things? It really needs Ding Yu to deal with it in person. He called Bruno and Dongfang. In the past, both of them were busy. Now they don't have much time. Ding Yu doesn't mean to be too wordy. Half of the money will be returned!

It's the funds previously loaned to Ding Yu. What does Ding Yu mean now? Is to return half of the original funds to everyone, and what about the remaining half? As an investment, what about the specific investment? It should be laomaozi's body. Eating meat by oneself absolutely needs everyone to drink soup!

Bruno and Dongfang didn't mean to care. Their cooperation with Boston consortium had made a lot of money. What did Ding Yu say? It is really in place. We should know that there are many interest relations behind them. Ding Yu's doing so also allows the two people to occupy considerable discourse power in the whole consortium.

At least in Ding Yu's case, no one will express any objection. What did Ding Yu take out? But the real interests, no one will refuse to deliver the interests of the door, unless he is a fool! In the world of capital, what do you value? Basically, it's all interests! This is the first.

Then Ding Yu also called Charlie's father and took the lead to apologize. He wanted to go to England in person, but the time was too hasty, and his side's affairs were quite chaotic, so he could only make a phone call. Of course, these are all trivial. The most important thing is that Ding Yu let the British side join in. This is the key.

Meeting or not? What can be done? Meeting, just to deepen the emotional exchange between each other, and Ding Yu and Charlie do not need to have these red tape, and Charlie's father on the phone also expressed his appreciation and admiration for Ding Yu, which is sincere.

Even when I put down the phone, I also exclaimed in my heart, my son! It's really good luck to find a lifetime opponent and friend. What about the so-called opponent? Is to be able to promote his progress all the time, not decadent, and so-called friends? Is between each other can entrust each other!What about this in European countries? It's really not a very common thing, especially for people like his family and Ding Yu. Although such a thing has never happened, I have such a feeling in my heart.

Of course, Ding Yu also called the Lee family of South Korea and the Lee family of Hong Kong City respectively, but what about the Lee family in South Korea? It's for Li Jianxi, but what about the Li family in Hong Kong City? But Uncle Li, Ding Yu did not call that grandfather Li, as for the reason why? It's not that hard to guess.

Because the relationship between that grandfather Li and his grandfather seems to be very good, although Ding Yu has no prejudice, but at this time? I really don't want to be involved in any relationship with my grandfather. I really don't want to. Of course, to a certain extent, it is also avoided. We will be very embarrassed!

What about Ding Yu's own meat and soup? In a small range? It also caused quite a fluctuation, because Ding Yu's interest is a little bit big, but how to say? As a friend of Ding Yu? Everyone is grateful, as spectators? Basically it's jealousy, envy and hate!

After saying hello to all parties, Ding Yu also transferred the funds to Credit Suisse, which is just an account. Then he started specific negotiations with Lao maozi. There was no shortage of funds. What's the problem now? It's how to strive for the best interests for yourself.

As for Lao maozi, he didn't meet such a happy customer. He had a large amount of money, and all of them were in place. Although some of the negotiation conditions were slightly harsh, they were all acceptable, and soon an agreement was reached between them!

At the same time of reaching the agreement, the Boston consortium's funds are in place without any delay. How efficient is it? It also makes the outside world surprise. Who could have thought that such a large operation would be completed in such a short time? There are some people can not imagine.

We should know that this involves not only huge funds, but also the coordination of interest consortia. This is the most troublesome thing! Who is more, who is less? This middleman is not so easy to be.

And in the whole process? It seems that he didn't see how Ding Yu worked, but what about the people below him? The two law firms and accounting firms have made a lot of money. In fact, it is a process of mutual cooperation, which is nothing remarkable.

What about China? He also paid close attention to this matter. He mentioned it to Ding Yu earlier, but he never thought that Ding Yu could finish the matter so quickly. We should know that many preparations have been made in China before, but did not think about these preparations? It's basically useless!

In the original days, this kind of international negotiation, or how ink there is, today to consider this, tomorrow to investigate that, anyway, a delay is not a day and two days, although said to drag each other have no mood, but still need to sit in front of the negotiation table, this is no way!

But what about Ding Yu? From the beginning of the negotiation to the final contract signing, even Ding Yu himself did not show up, and then it ended. The speed was really beyond imagination. There was no so-called dispute in the process. It was as simple as buying a bottle of mineral water instead of an international transaction!

However, the difference between Mao yu'ao and Da Yu Kuang is too different from that of Da Yu Kuang before. What's the difference between them?

Many people in China are quite interested in this. What's behind Ding Yu? There is not much support from this country? It doesn't mean that Ding Yu has no scruples about the national interests at all, but it means that in this process, there is really not much domestic effort, that is, he acts as a stakeholder.

Almost everything is handled by Ding Yu himself, but what about this one? Also let the domestic see completely different situation, complete copy and imitation is not feasible, but does not mean that we can not learn from it?

But the question is, what about the people in China? It's really not convenient to contact Ding Yu, because what does Ding Yu say? It's the long house grandson of the Wang family! Although I broke up with Mr. Wang, what about this problem? It's really not good to make comments. It's absolutely uncomfortable for yourself.

What's more? Earlier, Ding Yu came back to see Mr. Zhu. At that time, someone deliberately introduced him. What about the one who introduced him? The relationship with the Wangs is also extraordinary. The most important thing is Ding Yu? It's not in China any more. This is actually what makes us feel most embarrassed.

But someone went to visit the old man. What's Wang Pu's attitude towards this matter? There is a little indifference, or there is not much to pay attention to. Since the incident happened, we have completely cut off the contact between each other, even the most basic emotional maintenance.In this problem, I have done a little too much, but who ever thought that the child was so heartless that I felt that I couldn't accept it. I even took the initiative to turn to the third child instead of his own father, which made Wang Pu suffer a blow!

What about things with Lao maozi? I also heard that the Li family of Hong Kong city also deliberately called. What about the language? But there was not much to avoid, and even deliberately explained that Ding Yu, the child, did not call him in person, but called his son, who were old friends, so there was no need to hide too much.

Of course, what about this discourse? There is another meaning, all of them are family members. There is no saying that anyone is right or wrong. No matter what you do right or wrong, just admit it. No one is a saint. No one can never make any mistakes in his life. What about some things? We still need to be more open-minded.

After all, this thing is not to live for yourself. The meaning of my old friend's words is very clear. If you don't feel suitable, then I will recommend myself and go there in person. It doesn't matter whether I give this face or not. As long as I can solve the problem, there will be no problem!

Wang Pu also has some small feelings, for this matter? On the one hand, there are other reasons why I can't put down this face. So after chatting for two words, Yixing put down the phone and called.

My old friend is right. He can't just think for himself. After all, there are his wife, his relatives, and even his son and daughter-in-law in the process. However, he has already done everything by himself. Now even if he repents, how much effect can it play? Wang Pu has some doubts about this issue.

What's more, Ding Yu's attitude towards the family? It is also to let oneself feel that there are so many uncertainties, not to mention that there is nothing at home. Even if his wife is lying in the hospital, he has not seen him come once, and even does not have an active phone call. Therefore, things are not as simple as imagined!

Looking at the old lady who came in, Wang Pu hesitated for a moment, and then said aloud, "have you heard? He has reached an agreement with Lao maozi, and things seem to be going smoothly

The old lady also tilted her head and looked at it. How could she suddenly mention her grandson's affairs? The old lady didn't have much meaning to pay attention to, because she had already seen this matter clearly and thoroughly. The grandson's heart was cold. This is not a sentence two words can change one's mind.

Seeing that the old lady didn't respond, Wang Pu also went on to say, "earlier on, that old guy of the Li family called me. Ding Yu returned half of the capital and gave all the income. As for the other half of the money, it seems that all the other half of the money has been put into laomaozi's side!"

Oh! The old lady is still not interested in returning the general funds, rather than returning all the funds. That is to say, Ding Yu does not mean to eat alone. However, from another perspective, the reason why Ding Yu does this is to maintain the relationship. The important thing is that he is a little empty and somewhat empty!

Looking at the old lady still didn't have much meaning to respond to, Wang Pu also looked back. "Lao Li mentioned a sentence in the phone just now. When Ding Yu mentioned this matter earlier, he called Xiao Li. I don't know if there is any problem or situation. So I want to see Ding Yu! Maybe there are other things? "

Until this time, the old lady was also looking back at her old man, "this thing should not be mixed up blindly!" Why do you say so? Ding Yu has just revealed a little achievement. Now, when he reaches out, I'm afraid he will be misunderstood for picking peaches.

After all, what about such a thing? It happened earlier. Will the old man do this? I don't know. But what about Ding Yu? There must be some consideration in this respect. It must be unavoidable, because the previous time has been pit once, and it is quite miserable!

It is not the best choice to contact Ding Yu at this time! Wang Pu looks at his wife's appearance, also nods, actually oneself also had this aspect to consider and worry about.

At this time, not only can we not solve the problem, but also make the relationship which has already fallen into the freezing point continue to deteriorate. At the thought of this, Wang Pu is also a little annoyed. Why was he so arbitrary at the beginning? Why is there no comprehensive consideration at all?

Now, after all aspects of things are integrated together, I feel that I was a little too narrow at the beginning. From the perspective of the previous, what did you do? They are all right, at least there are not too many deviations.

But after jumping out of the well, did you find out what you had done? There are a lot of problems, but I didn't look at the problem from that angle before, so that's how it looks! Ah, it's really too late to repent!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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