In the afternoon, Ding Yu was having an operation. When he was concentrating on himself, a doctor came in from outside and went straight to Ding Yu's body. "Doctor Ding, I'll take over the rest of the operation. A gentleman calls for you. Things seem to be in a hurry." After that, he also signed the document.

The reason why the signature means the operation? He started to take over. If there was any problem or situation, it had nothing to do with Ding Yu. Ding Yu also took a look at it and felt a little bit surprised. What about this situation? I didn't really encounter it.

Out of the operating room, Ding Yu also took off his mask and hat, looking at the people waiting outside, Ding Yu also looked for a bottle of water, "excuse me, what's the matter?" Ding Yu did not show too much arrogance and impatience, although he did not know the one in front of him.

Standing beside Ding Yu, the middle-aged man immediately pressed his chest position and saluted him respectfully. "Hello, Mr. Ding. I'm sorry to disturb your work. I'm extremely sorry. Mr. Dongfang is online now. He has something important to look for you!"

Ding Yu Leng Leng Leng, and then also to their own office, and then the network connection to the East, "sorry to disturb you, have time? I'd like to ask you to have a look at the situation. The problems in my side are very difficult! "

"It doesn't matter. What's the matter?" Ding Yu also poured a cup of coffee, and then sat on the chair. He saw a special mobile camera. There was a young man lying on the bed, about 20 years old! But lying on the bed pale face, breathing can be said to be very weak.

Ding Yu looked at it, but there was no change in his expression. After observing for a while, he slowly said, "who was hurt? This attack is heavy enough, but no one is still alive. There should be no problem?"

"If you are injured internally, those who understand it dare not treat it. What about those who dare to treat it? I don't really understand it! "

Ding Yu hesitated for a moment, "I have encountered such a situation in China." Just after Ding Yu finished speaking, Dongfang also immediately took the words, "I understand this matter. Our family has already taken up the responsibility. Now the question is whether we can save xiaolun!"

What about the so-called rescue? It's not about saving your life. What about this risk? Dongfang's home will bear it, but even if it is like this, Ding Yu does not dare to make this guarantee. This is totally two things! Taking risks does not mean that you have been able to save people.

"No one dares to make this guarantee!" Ding Yu thought for a while, but also said, "do you want me to go there or send people over?" What about the medical conditions there? Ding Yu did not really understand, so Ding Yu also asked more.

"There is no problem with the medical conditions!" Dongfang is also very sure to say, "this matter may be about to trouble you, there are other candidates, but now there are so some are not suitable! I am also forced to be helpless, but no matter what happened, I will undertake! It has nothing to do with you! "

After the video conference, Ding Yu came out of his office, and even didn't have time to change his clothes. However, he also said hello to the security guard at home, and then took his own private plane to fly directly to the East. What happened in the whole process? There was no pause.

When Ding Yu arrived at the airport, Dongfang had been waiting there for a long time. Seeing that Ding Yu also stepped forward quickly and clasped his hands, it was obvious that he was very grateful for Ding Yu's arrival at such a fast speed. He even came to the airport in person to welcome Ding Yu, which was heavy enough.

Of course, Ding Yu's coming in person can also be said to give Dongfang the face. Judging from Ding Yu's identity, he can find other excuses. I believe that the East will not give him anything, but what about Ding Yu? Or personally rushed over, and still the shortest time to come, so Dongfang personally to the airport, Ding Yu is also able to bear.

After getting on the bus, Dongfang looked at Ding Yu's appearance and sighed, "that's my grandson. He grew up with me when he was a child. He was very obedient and obedient. It's also a relatively hard work. I can't catch up with Dr. Ding, but I feel satisfied. I didn't think this would happen this time!"

"I didn't see the truth! What's the situation? "

"The anterior sternum is broken, but now the heart problem is not very big, but that is to say, hanging a breath, there are other injuries, pure surgery is not impossible, but I can't let this grandson die!" After that, Dongfang also bit his teeth, "I think he doesn't want to see his sick appearance in the future."

Ding Yu blinked his eyes. He already understood what it meant! If you really can't save it, you'd rather let him close his eyes than let him live. This is unacceptable to the East, even to the guy lying on the bed."I'll try my best!" Although Dongfang said such a thing, it doesn't mean that Ding Yu must follow suit. What about such a thing? He, an outsider, can't say such a thing. Otherwise, he is making himself uncomfortable. Ding Yu has a very clear understanding of this.

But what about the pressure from the east? Ding Yu really did not want to put in the heart of the above meaning, whether intentional, or unintentional, for their own, eggs are useless! I haven't seen the specific situation. Anyway, for myself, if I can cure it, if I can't, I won't ask for it.

Looking at Ding Yu sitting there, the east also suppressed the impatience in his heart. Although he was not in a mess at the previous time, he was also at a loss. What about his family? It's not that there is no special doctor, but it's very unfortunate! I can't even come at this time.

The reason is very clear in the heart of the Orient. There are some family problems involved. In this situation, I think of Ding Yu. He is a doctor. Although he is a western medicine, he can't understand Chinese medicine at all, and he has quite good Kung Fu.

Dongfang's home for the east to personally meet people at the airport, but also feel quite shocked, so the size of the home? They were all standing outside the manor in line. The owner went to pick up the person in person. Even if he was not a master, what was his identity? It's definitely the extraordinary one.

"Elder martial brother Dongfang, even if there is no doctor at home, there should be martial arts masters!" Sitting in the car, there are some old gods in Ding Yu, but also suddenly opened his eyes, very abrupt said such a sentence.

Hearing hearing the rain, Dongfang was stunned and then gave a wry smile, "there are such people in my family. When I came here, I was able to build my family with martial arts. What happened later? It's just that the family is passed down by martial arts. There are many martial arts masters in the family, but the problem is that no one dares to do it now! "

Since this is said, Ding Yu almost understood, and did not dare to do it, because the injured is not the position, and what's more, the identity of this person has decided. Anyone who does it will have scruples. You should know that it is the grandson of the old man. If it is really cured, he will never stay, and no one dares to take the responsibility.

"No! Elder martial brother Dongfang, all of them are martial arts practitioners. Even if most of them don't have a good idea, at least some people should know it! "

The East is very direct to shake his head, quite a few helpless appearance, "where are our people in this life? Reading is not very much, or even a lot of reading? It's just to read. The idea is accessible, but how to say it? To describe with words, there is life in the heart, but it can't be said or done! "

"I see!" Ding Yu also laughed. At this time, he heard Dongfang continue to say, "what about me? Surname Dongfang, single name a Jing! My grandfather named me! "

Ding Yu is also a Leng, and then gently called out, "elder martial brother Jing!"

As a matter of fact, the car came to the place very quickly. Looking at the people standing outside, Dongfang Jing didn't give too much introduction. Now time is running out. Instead, people in Dongfang's family are looking at the young man coming down from the car with a little distrust and even some doubts in their eyes.

But we really dare not say anything. After all, the owner of the house personally accompanied Ding Yu, who was also introduced by Dongfang Jing to the room. What about the facilities inside? Is it true that it is not generally complete, or even a lot of instruments? They are all transported directly from the hospital, and there is also that spare time!

Looking at the young man lying on the bed, he was a little younger than himself. Ding Yu just took a look, and then he found a room to change his clothes. After cleaning his hands, he walked into the young man's side and said, "show me the film!" Ding Yu also looked at the images he had taken for a while.

The image data can be said to be very clear. After seeing it for a while, Ding Yu nodded to Dongfang Jing not far away. "The risk is very high. Although the heart and other organs are not affected, it does not mean that there is no danger. What's more, what about these two bones? It's not just broken, it's broken! Although there is no open wound, it should not be underestimated. "

We should know that the two places that Ding Yu refers to are basically close to the heart, and even can't see the difference between them. If they are one centimeter away, they may touch the heart. No wonder we dare not do it.

"Can you do it?" When he said this, Dongfang Jing's back in the back of his arm had already clenched into a fist. What about now? It is also a little bit nervous. What about the people lying on the hospital bed? After all, he is his grandson.

"It's OK to start with your hands, but the problem is that you still need an operation in the end, but you don't need to open your chest!" What about inside? It needs to be explained. It is not true that there is no need for surgery. This is an impossible thing. It is just that there is no need for fixed stent. However, for patients, there is a little bit of pain!Oriental Jing's face is also slightly twitch, what do I need to do? "Find two surgeons, and if you can, a master of traditional Chinese medicine. However, my elder martial brother can be present during my treatment, and only two of them are able to fight. Other people don't want to disturb me. I can have a try!"

Ding Yu did not make any absolute guarantee. This is impossible. It is risky to do anything. What's more, it is also related to such a situation. Even if Ding Yu starts to use it, he does not guarantee that there will be no problems and situations. If it is impossible, Ding Yu is not a god!

Then Ding Yu also carefully checked, using the methods and means of Western medicine, in order to take special measures when there is an accident, "I need other tools!"

What about the whole afternoon? Ding Yu is basically busy in the ward. He needs to make preparations in advance, and at the same time, he also needs to prepare some drugs. What about these? Although there are doctors of traditional Chinese medicine, Ding Yu also needs to know the situation. Of course, there are some medicines for Ding Yu.

Do you want to know such treatment? Ding Yu had a meal with his elder martial brother dongfangjing in the evening. That's all. He didn't mean to let other people accompany him. He didn't have to ask for it. He didn't like red tape.

The next morning, Ding Yu also observed the patient's condition, which was still good. When standing outside, Ding Yu also paid attention to the sky outside and said, "how? Do you need to look at the weather when you do it? What's the fate? "

What about that? Ding Yu took a look at his elder martial brother, and then explained, "if you get Yang, you will be born; if you lose Yang, you will die. There will be some troubles in this operation. Although we can't guarantee 100% success, we need to ensure the best conditions!"

When Ding Yu said this, Dongfang Jing fully understood why Ding Yu wanted to see the sky outside. If Yang was strong, life would be long, and if Yang declined, he would die. Now his grandson's Yang Qi had some shortcomings. Therefore, Ding Yu should choose the time when he had enough Yang Qi to ensure that his grandson would not be willing by the outside world and lead to the failure of treatment.

In the past, Ding Yu had more food for breakfast, but what about this morning? Ding Yu doesn't eat much, but what's the good news? Yesterday's time is to prepare a lot of good things, once the spirit of their own weak, good at any time to supplement!

What about these situations? Dongfang Jing also looked at the preparation of ginseng, especially ginseng. You should know that even martial arts people would not use it. Don't be cheated by novels or movies. Ginseng is really a good thing, but if you eat too much, it will be absolutely dangerous and even poisoning. Don't think it's a joke.

Having a look at Ding Yu, Ding Yu also greets his elder martial brother Jing and enters the room together. There are two people who fight. Ding Yu doesn't wear gloves. Because he doesn't need to open his chest for the time being, he just cleans his hands. Dongfang Jing is also standing on one side, and the other two people are fighting with each other.

At the beginning, they didn't have much feeling, but with the change of time, they found that Ding Yu, who was working there, began to emit heat on his head, which was just like a kettle in a pot. Although the weather is a little bit hot now, it's not like this. Moreover, the sweat on his forehead is like water.

However, Ding Yu didn't mean to let anyone go forward. Even Dongfang Jing was standing on one side because he was very clear that Ding Yu could not be affected at this time. If it really affected him, though he didn't know that all his efforts had been wasted, the influence would be quite great.

Ding Yu himself, in particular, needs to know that in the whole process, what he expends is his own spirit. If the relationship between them is not very good, and how much money he spends, he can't ask Ding Yu to do this. Dongfang Jing is also a martial arts practitioner. So naturally, it is a kind of damage to Ding Yu.

It was only two hours before Ding Yu gave up his hand, and then his whole body began to falter. Dongfang Jing, who had been nearby for the first time, jumped over from a distance. This step was nearly three meters away and landed on the side of Ding Yu's body, and then he was caught by Ding Yu.

When he started, he found that Ding Yu was all wet, just like he had just fished out of the water facade. Ding Yu turned his slightly astringent eyes, and then, with the help of Dongfang Jing, he staggered outside.

The people standing outside, looking out of the home owner and Ding Yu two people, are also a Leng, this is exactly what? How long does it take for a good person to enter! That's what it looks like. But several old people who have been not far away, when they see this situation, their eyes are all bright.

Dongfang Jing also nods to several old people. What about the situation inside? He has seen that, can save, Ding Yu is really dedicated, now need to let Ding Yu good recuperation, this is the right way, and he must personally arrange, absolutely can not borrow people.Ding Yu is also sitting in the wooden tub, sitting upright to regulate his breath. There are all the medicinal juices boiled out in the bathtub, and it needs to be kept at a certain temperature all the time, so as to be conducive to absorption. However, Ding Yu's soaking time is not very long.

But the medicine juice in it is no longer of much use under the absorption of Ding Yu. Then Ding Yu also sits on the top of the futon and begins to recuperate and regulate his breath. What happens in this process? Ding Yu still needs to be added! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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