When I got on the plane, I didn't have any problems, but when I got off the plane, I looked at the people who were blocked at the gate of the airport? Ding Yu also narrowed his eyes to see, that is to say, just a look, there is no fuss, although said this posture? I came here to find fault on purpose.

"Ding Yu? Dr. Ding Although there are a little more staff, what about the visitors? The attitude is still very good, after seeing Ding Yu, he also appears gentle and gentle! Not too much rudeness.

"I am!" Ding Yu is also kind-hearted, and immediately raises his coffee cup in his hand. The meaning is very clear. Do you want a cup? His attitude also made people lose their mind. He didn't expect that Ding Yu would do this. He didn't think of himself as a thing.

Then this face is also a positive, "Dr. Ding, Dongfang xiaolun teases my niece!"

Ding Yu frowned and didn't mean to speak, but there were some disdainful looking at the middle-aged people standing in front of him. Whether you molested your niece or your daughter, did it have anything to do with me?

The middle-aged man looked at Ding Yu, but also narrowed his eyes. "Dr. Ding means that he should not be taught a lesson? Or are some of them too heavy? "

Ding Yu then handed the coffee cup inside to the security guard behind, and then looked up and down at the middle-aged man before him, "what has Dongfang xiaolun done? Does it have anything to do with me? I don't seem to be involved in any of them. Now I want to know what you mean when you are here? "

Eh? What about Ding Yu's question? The middle-aged people are obviously not prepared too much. You should know that they have come to question Ding Yu. How can they be questioned by him in the opposite direction?

And Ding Yu's words obviously did not finish, "first of all, I am a doctor, and then? I have a good relationship with elder martial brother dongfangjing, so he invited me? I should give it to myself After that, Ding Yu looked at the middle-aged man in front of him again, "OK, I've finished my business. Now I want to understand one thing. You stand in front of me, and then put on such a posture. Is this provocation?"

The middle-aged man couldn't help but hit a smart, which was obviously inconsistent with the news he got. Then he quickly took a step back, then looked at Ding Yu hesitantly, "Mr. Ding, as far as I know, you seem to want to deliberately intervene in this beam! It doesn't seem to conform to the rules. "

"Out of order?" Ding Yu said with a smile, "you're blocking me up here now, and then tell me that it's against the rules. This is what you said, isn't it? That is to say, if there is a problem, you and even the forces behind you will bear the responsibility! " After that, Ding Yu also nodded, "OK! What kind of statement do you want? "

"Dr. Ding, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean that!"

"I just came back from the outside, and I didn't even go back home, and then I was blocked here by you. Then you told me that you didn't mean that, you didn't come to disgrace me. What do you mean?" Then the security guard at the back did not know where to take two chairs.

What about one of them? It was also placed behind Ding Yu. What about the other chair? Also placed in the middle-aged body side position, Ding Yu did not have any hesitation to sit down, "you don't want me to give you an account? okay! I'll wait here and tell me what you want, you say

Seeing Ding Yu sitting there, the middle-aged man also looked at Ding Yu with a bad look. "I didn't expect that Dr. Ding, besides your good Kung Fu on hands and feet, your tongue is also quite good!"

Just as Ding Yu just sat down, two people came from the distance. They almost trotted all the way to the front of Ding Yu. It was the one who invited Ding Yu to the hospital earlier. "Mr. Ding, the owner of the house has already known the situation, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen..."

Ding Yu waved his hand. "I remember that the Dongfang family had given me this guarantee when I got it earlier. It has nothing to do with how things are going. I'm just a doctor. Everything is undertaken by the Dongfang family, right?"

"Yes, sir!"

Hearing this answer, Ding Yu also nodded, and then looked at the middle-aged man who was still standing opposite him. When he stood up, he deliberately patted his clothes and said, "what happened to you? I don't want to know how it happened, and I don't want to know how it happened, but I don't mean to be unprepared.

If you slap me, I'll give you a knife with my backhand

After that, Ding Yu left without any attention, and there was no intention of staying. The middle-aged man standing there looked at Ding Yu's back, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Then he twisted his neck to the left and made a little dull noise.

Ding Yu had already gone away, but when he heard the sound, he suddenly stopped his steps. He even looked back and thought about it. After thinking about it, Ding Yu turned back to his previous position. He looked at the middle-aged man carefully and smelled the smell with his eyes closed."It seems that you are not here to find trouble, but to kill me!" After that, Ding Yu also opened his eyes, "do you know? When you want to kill people, your body will secrete a very special substance. This taste can be said to be very strange. You have a killing heart on me. This is not good, it is quite bad! "

After staring at the middle-aged man in front of him for a long time, Ding Yu also blinked his own eyes, "I just saved Dongfang xiaolun, you have to kill your heart, ah!"

After that, Ding Yu also left. What about the people who followed Ding Yu? Is also deliberately looked at, the last sentence? Basically, the middle-aged man has been sentenced to death, because the implication of Ding Yu's words is very strong. Since you have killed me, you are sorry.

Do you want to know something like reciprocity? I can still do it, but what about middle-aged people? This is completely disdainful of the situation, even if it is your Ding Yu moved to kill the heart and how can? Is it hard to be afraid of you?

But what about the next moment? Before I put my sunglasses on, I heard a roar. Countless vehicles surrounded the place directly. Even in the sky, there were many helicopters. This made the middle-aged people feel a little distracted and made such a big noise?

Looking at the people around them, the middle-aged man also sneered, and he was sure that these guys didn't dare to give themselves how! With their courage, they watched several people coming forward, and before they could speak, the two heavily armed police officers directly started.

Almost with the posture of a tiger to the ground, just when you want to speak, the two butts of the gun also fell down, and directly smashed the words you want to say back. Just like a joke, you dare to kill Ding Yu. What else do you dare not move?

What about the butts? It's also quite cruel. There's no intention of being merciful. Would Ding Yu not know what happened? It doesn't matter if you know or don't know the impossible things. At this time, I want to see what kind of ghosts and ghosts are hiding behind me.

And the one on the ground was really knocked down by these two butts. How did this happen? Not only did they do it by themselves, but they even had some doubts. Did these guys want their own lives?

After putting the middle-aged man behind, someone immediately grabbed his two arms, just like dragging a dead dog, and threw it directly onto the side of the car. Then, as soon as the door was closed, they quickly evacuated. There was no stopping at all. What about other people around? This time is also honest.

Why? Don't see that black muzzle! That's not a joke!

How fast is it? It is also true that there are so many beyond imagination, and Dongfang Jing in knowing the news, obviously also feel that there are some disbelief, not as it is! What happened on the scene that made Ding Yu so angry? The boy of Bai family doesn't really annoy Ding Yu, does he?

When the white family got the news, they also had some dull feelings. Things seemed to be out of their expectation! It is to let Bai Laoer explore the details. I didn't expect that the Dongfang family could keep Dongfang xiaolun. Moreover, he invited outsiders. How many times did he feel that the white family was slapped in the face.

It is true that the Oriental family has mentioned that they should take all the responsibilities, but for the Bai family, they still don't pay much attention to them. The so-called rules of the river and lake depend on who says it and what angle to say it. The white family says that this is a rule, and no one else dares to come forward and refute it.

But I didn't think about it. Even if the Dongfang family didn't give this face, even a little doctor didn't give it, so the white family was a little bit unhappy, and the second son seemed to be cut in. This is also a problem. First get the second one out, and then talk about it.

And then what about the family? It's also about looking for relationships. In any case, whether it's white or black, all the relationships that can be found are found. As a result, the white family members who get the news look at each other. Without this situation, no one knows what happened to Bai Laoer. Even if he is locked there, they can't find out.

For the Bai family, almost all the people who know the news stand up. What happened on the scene is still such a big move. Now you tell me that no one knows the news. How can this be possible!

Why is there such a situation? There is only one problem, that is, the identity of the doctor is definitely not as simple as imagined, or even an untouchable existence. There are so many people who have gone there. Now all these people have no movement. Even if they are fooling a fool, they are not like this.

"And Dr. Ding?"

"It's like going back to my apartment and there's nothing going on there!" The people standing below, looking at the old man of the white family, said cautiously and respectfully, "what about the Oriental family? There is no so-called saying in their family? And there's no news coming over there? ""I'm not sure. Dr. Ding didn't contact too many people in the manor. How many of them seemed aloof and mysterious. What about our people? They can only wait and see from afar, and even can't even get close to them. Even in the process, I have a limited few words with Dongfang Jing and Zhang Laowu. Anyway, that's what I know! "

People standing in the hall are all looking at each other. What was the original time? I want to step on it at will and embarrass the Dongfang family. But who ever thought it was like stepping on a mine at once. After the white boy entered, there was no news or news. It was too exaggerated.

It is true that Boston is not our own territory, but it is also a mixture of good and bad people. Under such circumstances, we can not get any information, but only show that the Boston consortium is involved. There is no other possibility other than that. The doctor has such a deep relationship with the Boston Consortium!

What about the jailed white dick? Now it can be said that this time is completely withered. Previously, I was full of disdain. But when I was detained, I found that the situation was completely different from what I imagined. In addition to leaving a pair of underpants for myself, there was nothing left on my body, and I even shaved my hair.

What about this way of treatment? Also let white old two feel inside the heart hair hair, because to do it yourself person? They are not policemen at all. On the contrary, they are all soldiers. Moreover, these guys are just like dumb people. If they say a word, they will be beaten violently on the ground. They will not speak any truth at all.

Originally, Bai Laoer was still a little tough, but after being beaten for two times, he also knew that the hero didn't suffer from the immediate loss. He had no reason to speak with this gang of Qiu ba. At the same time, he was also a doctor in his heart? Why did you get involved in the military?

I don't deny that Dongfang family has a little power, but similarly, it seems that our family is not for nothing, right? But I didn't think about it. The result was totally different from what I imagined. Moreover, these guys had no reason to say, so they just started to work. Anyway, they were confused.

I specially checked my body and washed it. Then I was thrown into a cell. Even when I went to the door, I was kicked. I can say that the whole white man was kicked in. The room is quite dark. Looking at the bed over there, the white boy also lay down.

However, when lying on it, the white second groaned twice, which was really too painful. Although it was said that it was all skin injuries, there was no big obstacle, but these grandsons really started! For a long time, the white second didn't recover, but because he was a little bit severely damaged, he lay down for a short time and then went to sleep.

When I wake up again, it's because there's something going on outside, but I don't mean to let myself out. Two pieces of bread, some soup, that's all. I can see that the white boy also feels that some of them are living in his dream. Is this not a joke? Just give yourself these things to eat?

But the problem is that people do it like this. What can they say? At this time, it's better to be honest and give yourself these things? Also explained another problem, so far, the white family still has no way, this white second can be said to see very clearly.

In fact, I just want to give that young person a little color to see, there is no other ideas and opinions, just education, and it's not a terrible thing, how can such a consequence occur? After eating, the white second still felt a little hungry, but no way, no one took care of himself.

The white family has such a sense of confusion. It's already at night, and there is still no news delivered. It seems that nothing has happened. The white family has also asked a lot of people, but obviously there is no effect. Even the white family wants to contact people from the Boston consortium, but there is still no result.

What about the Boston consortium? It's not made up of one family, it's made up of multiple family forces. If one family can't succeed, can't all the families become? But the result is really like this, there is no family to pay attention to the meaning of the white family, white second may not be important, but the problem is to provoke such things, let the white feel a little guilty.

What if it's normal? It doesn't matter, but now? The attitude of the whole Boston consortium made the white family feel that things were not right. The little doctor was definitely not a simple person, but the problem was that he could not be contacted at all! I don't have any friendship with this one.

What's more, the upper and lower levels of Boston seem to have reached an agreement. Now even the people of the white family have some difficulties in entering Boston. They don't give any opportunities at all. Some things can't be said? It's not something you can do at will! This is the price!

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