But what about the reaction of the Bai family? It's also faster. Since you can't find it from Ding Yu's body, you can start from other aspects. It's not that there is no chance at all. So the people of the Bai family found Dongfang Jing at the first time!

"Brother Dongfang, as for it?"

Looking at the old man sitting in front of him, Dongfang Jing also took a cup of tea and took a breath. "Xiaolun is not sensible, so being educated is also being educated. But what about going to doctor Ding's trouble? It seems that it's too much! And I seem to have deliberately said hello before, is your brother do not give face is! "

Bai Rihui also took a look at Dongfang Jing. What about this old friend? I know that Dongfang xiaolun was injured before, but even in this case, the Oriental family did not have any words and mention. If he was injured, he would be injured. Even if the Bai family took some doctors away? The Oriental family did not have any intention to investigate.

But this time? The second one has been taken away, and even now there is no news. Bai Rihui feels that things are really wrong. Dongfang family has no such strength. I still know something about their family. If not Dongfang family, what is the origin of this young man?

"The first thing, the second one did wrong, admit to fight and punish!"

When Dongfang Jing put down her tea cup, she also took a look at her "old friend". The expression on her face was a little embarrassed. After a long time, she said slowly, "this thing doesn't mean that you accept punishment. I can invite him here. It seems that I have a lot of face, but I can't explain it clearly."

Bai Rihui looked at his "old friend" with a look of disbelief. "What's the origin of Dr. Ding? After the second brother went to Boston, there was no news. This makes me feel suspicious. I have some friendship with Boston, but I can't find any way out this time."

"I can barely talk to him, that's all!" Looking at Bai Rihui's face, Dongfang Jing also pondered for a period of time, and then slowly said, "I've heard a little about the relationship between the Boston consortium and him. I don't know if you've heard a piece of news, and the Boston consortium has been seriously damaged!"

Day Hui Leng for a moment, "feel the wind is a little tight, but the relevant information is not very clear!" After that, Bai Rihui also took a deep look at Dongfang Jing. What about this news? I just heard some news on the grapevine. I didn't have any practical content. But I seem to know a lot about Dongfang Jing.

"I won't say much about the inside story, but I have something to do with younger martial brother Ding!"

When Bai Rihui heard this address, he was stunned again. Instead of calling Dr. Ding, he changed to be younger martial brother Ding. There is a problem with this address! Then he also looked at Dongfang Jing. Dongfang Jing laughed and said, "daomen, Zhenwu!"

Hiss, Bai Rihui also took a deep breath of cold air. No wonder he was able to save the little boy Dongfang xiaolun back. Do you want to know the injury at that time? Although I did not see, but also know, in their own impression, not many people dare to start.

What about people who know the inside story? Basically, they will give themselves this face, but what about people who don't know the inside story? I have already invited them. In my opinion, what about the Dongfang guys? I don't dare to start at all. Otherwise, let Dongfang xiaolun become a waste man, or let Dongfang Yixuan become a dead man, or come to ask for himself. Let's do it!

But did not think really was rescued back, and the home of the second? Also did not resist, at that time ran in the past, did not think this disaster was also provoked down, "Oriental brother, did not expect you have this friendship!" After that, he bit his own teeth. "You talk, I listen!"

What's the reason for that? It's also a way to show our own attitude. Anyway, the situation is already like this. We Bai family recognize that we are capable of saving people. Moreover, we still have the status of Taoist true martial arts. This is so exaggerated. When will such a guy come out?

Dongfang Jing looked at Bai Rihui's appearance of being a bachelor, but some of them couldn't laugh or cry, "I said, you old guy, are you so thick skinned? Have you done this? It seems that you made it. Now something is wrong. Then you come to my head. There is no such thing

At that time, if he asked for help, the bastard must have given face, but the problem is that he did not have any face, so he took to find Ding Yu. But did not think, after their white family problems and conditions, this guy did not care about the so-called face, directly on the door.

This is really shameless to a certain extent will do things! And look at him? It seems that there is no pressure and burden at all. For a while, I don't know what Dongfang Jing said. It's not like you! It's shameless.

"It's already burning, brother Dongfang. Face is not so important, at least compared with people!" Bai Rihui also said without any pressure. Anyway, this is his style of dealing with people. He is not the same as Dongfang Jing. He should not only take care of face, but also take care of the interior, so there is no such trouble.What kind of face, inside, really so important? The actual interests are the most important, although they do not have so many good reputation, but it doesn't matter! I am like this, and so far? I don't seem to be much worse than the Oriental family!

"This younger brother Ding is slightly different from the rest of us! This time, I will go to see him now, will I be shut out of the door, it is difficult to say, and take you to see him, this identity? Not enough! So try to find out more from other places! "

"It's so hard to do?" "Bai Rihui thought," our lotus married xiaolun. Since our old brother sat together today, then some things can be decided. Xiaolun seems to like our lotus flowers very much. I think xiaolun is a good child. Since both of them have this meaning, how about the success of Qin Jin? "

"I said old white, you this guy does not want to face, I also face!" Oriental Jing is really helpless, how can I know such an old rascal? True lotus this girl is good, but you can not do it! Said to buy, buy, to know that is your parents and granddaughter!

"Ah! When did you guys talk about this Sven? Xiao Lun likes our lotus, which is a common thing, and what about him? There is nothing and no situation, plus such an opportunity, so the two have a good relationship with Qin Jin is wrong? I think it's very appropriate! "

Oriental Jing is really helpless, what about the old man? I can only believe three points. If I believe it all, I am also fooled by this guy. He can not resist the skill of people.

How did he give the anemone to wander away at that time, he still remember very clearly, for this old man shameless? I really have some understanding, looking at the East Jing silence, and the white sun Hui also has so many press can not bear, "I said Oriental Jing, you give a word! I'm still waiting here! "

"What would you like me to give you, we have been for these years? Fight the noisy, white face, also red face, who are you? I know. Who am I? You have a good idea in your heart. What about something to be sure about? I do it, but I don't have any assurance about this. It doesn't mean to pinch you old man! "

The face of dayglow also changed a little. He looked at Dongfang Jing with uncertain looks. He also knew Dongfang Jing quite well. There was no male prostitute in the bone of this guy. It really means that there are so many decent meanings. It is a gentleman.

Since he said so, it shows that this matter may be really different from his own ideas. He should know that he even has put out his granddaughter lotus flowers, but he still has no intention of loosening his mouth. The trouble level of the matter is beyond imagination.

"Then you can show me a way! Can't you let the second man be heard? "

Dayglow now also began to play rogue at this time, anyway, now things have been like this, you should at least give me a statement! At least let me know what to do? That is my son, after all, and it's also pro son.

"What was the situation like at that time? I didn't know very well. In my impression? Younger brother Ding is still a more reasonable person, you old two! It should have been a mess! "

This is also to make the day glow look is a daze, and not to say, there is really a possibility of this aspect, their second is what temperament, others do not know, their father can not know?

But I think about it. Bai Rihui looks at Dongfang Jing with poor looks, "brother Oriental, how can we deal with these things? All follow-up conditions, the problem is how to solve the immediate matter! What do you say? "

"Xiaolun has been stable. I need to go to express my thanks. But I don't see any effect if I go alone. I think you should start from other aspects. If there is any effect, you can do it yourself!"

Although Bai Rihui has obtained certain results, it is not really satisfying for him to feel that the result is, "I have some relationship with Taoist, but daomen is really martial arts! There are few people who have never seen that they can really involve the relationship! " When it comes to this, it feels like it is a bit tricky.

We should know that Taoism is really martial arts. What represents is different from ordinary. Don't look at the fact that many people seem to be in Taoist status, but what about it? What about the disciples of the secular family? Maybe not, it is just a layer of identity. But daomen is really martial arts. This is not only a simple identity, but the whole Taoism stands behind it!

Such a person is not only such a simple regular army, but also the direct family in the lineage. Although Bai family has a certain relationship with daomen, it seems that the relationship has not been so deep, right? So after Dongfang Jing mentioned this matter, it also felt that there were so many difficulties, some of which could not be dealt with!

But then, it seems that Bai Rihui also thought of what, suspicious looking at Dongfang Jing, "brother Oriental, if that is such an identity? I'm afraid it won't be that much of Boston's consortium? "Dongfang Jing hesitated for a moment, "you must know that I was with you when I went to the meeting earlier, but he sat on the throne!" As soon as the words were finished, I saw a burst of crisp sound. Looking at the broken tiles at the feet of Bai Rihui, Dongfang Jing also shook his head.

Although I always had some ideas before, but after Dongfang Jing said so, all Bai Rihui's ideas and opinions were all driven away. I knew that the doctor Ding was extraordinary, but I didn't expect that the origin was so big! It's a giant!

They look like they are huge, but in front of such giants, they are a little bit smaller. Although they are not mantis, they are not better than there. And the second of his family is not good or bad to block others, but also to give an account, this is the old longevity eat arsenic!

Shock? It's not enough to describe dayglow, so he can't control himself. What about the tiles on the ground? It's also fragmentary, some of which are not very decent! Dongfang Jing looked at the tiles on the ground, slightly showed some pity, and then also some unhappy looking at the white sun.

Bai Rihui's expression is really a little dull. Although he was so arrogant in the past, he didn't even dare to face Dongfang Jing at all. But now that he knows some situations, the whole person has some stupid eyes. He can brush a knave, but he has to divide things and see the situation.

Playing a rogue in front of this one has no effect. Especially after he knows his identity, Bai Rihui feels that he has some regrets. What about the meeting he attended? I've heard of it, but what about my family? Not to achieve that strength, but also their own reputation is not comparable to Dongfang Jing.

Naturally, I'm interested in the meeting, but it doesn't mean that I can make a random inquiry. If there's any real situation, it's a disaster for myself and even the whole family!

"Brother Dongfang, you're so bad!" After that, Bai Rihui also began to smile bitterly, "even if I went to the Taoist school, I didn't see any effect. Although I have several old friends, the problem is that the relationship with the mountain is just a gentleman's friend."

"I'll go to the bottom and see what happened!" Dongfang Jing is still the same as before, "what kind of result will it be? I dare not make any guarantee. At least in this matter, I am also worried. What did you think at that time?"

Bai Rihui is also very dissatisfied with a look, at that time how to think? What's the point of saying this now? So don't expose the short story, or think about how to deal with the matter in front of you better! Is it bleeding, for yourself? It's not that important!

However, the second son of the white family was very lonely and stayed in the cell. In the morning, there was still little water, and there was no one to talk to him. However, there was a cleaning time. He grabbed him and threw it on the ground directly. He threw a piece of soap. Then he turned on the water gun and washed it very clean. However, the appearance of the white second was really worthy of him This surname, after taking a bath, is really very white!

White old two in it can be said to be extremely miserable, although this is not abuse, but also not good to go there, even if it is a federal felon is not treated like this! What's the origin of the guy you're provoking and why there's no news at home?

Sitting in the dim little room, the white old man also felt a little worried and afraid. When facing Ding Yu earlier, he gave himself a feeling. Isn't this young man a doctor? What's the big deal? If you put out your hand, you might strangle this guy.

But now it seems that the reverse is almost the same. People stretch out their hands and maybe strangle themselves directly. What about places like this? It's really not everyone can come. Anyway, I've fallen into it. What about myself now? There is no way, just look at what will be done at home.

What's your only support now? That is to say, at home, where are you being held? What's more, people don't have to ask themselves what they mean, or they don't mean to treat themselves as human beings, or even the most basic questions.

Under such circumstances, if we can still understand anything, these years are really nothing. To be fair, the white family really can't do this? Even if it is to buy some staff, but there are so many staff in the whole department, it is easy to have problems. It will never be as quiet as you are now.

What about this? It can only be one reason, that is, the power of this person is so powerful that it gives this person face from the top to the small, big and small. What about what happened? Listen but not see, see but not smell!

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