For Dongfang Jing's visit, Ding Yu didn't receive him. He needed to recuperate for a period of time. Now he doesn't see any foreign guests. This reason is that Dongfang Jing can't do anything about it. On the other hand, this time it's really his fault.

It's the Oriental family's problem to let the white second come here. You have already said that you should take the responsibility. Since all the words have been said, why does the white second come to the door? There are some things that can't be said. Dongfang Jing naturally knows the inside story of this!

Ding Yu was deliberately missing, or had some opinions about himself. Dongfang Jing didn't mean to defend himself. In this case, the Bai family was quite unruly, but what were the main reasons? Or should be in their own body, who let themselves not explain this matter clearly.

If the explanation is clear, then the Bai family will not look for Ding Yu's trouble. It is not to say that Ding Yu is afraid of trouble. It is entirely a matter of two natures and cannot be generalized.

Until the third day, Ding Yu met Dongfang Jing, but after meeting, he didn't have much enthusiasm. Ding Yu showed indifference, and Dongfang Jing was also cold in his heart. It has been three days since Ding Yu saw himself. Can you see the tone in his heart? Still did not come out!

It's really not a simple thing to settle the matter of the Bai family. Offending such a person is not a wise choice. What's more, he has come here to express his gratitude rather than to say clearly, "younger martial brother Ding, I didn't expect such a thing to happen in the future. Originally, xiaolun had to come in person, but it was inconvenient. Please Ding Excuse me, younger martial brother

Ding Yu nodded. He didn't have any other words, and he didn't mean to talk more. Dongfang Jing also endured for a long time, and then he said, "younger martial brother Ding, I'm going out of my way. The people of the Bai family found me. He was a sophomore of the Bai family who was in the airport before." When talking, Dongfang Jing also pays attention to Ding Yu.

Ding Yu also raised his eyes and looked at it with a smile, "Oh, the people of the white family, this is really the first time I heard about it. However, when I was at the airport, someone seemed to have a killing heart on me!" After saying that, Ding Yu also used his finger to scratch his eyebrows, "but such a thing, it seems that there is no so-called evidence!"

When he said this, Ding Yu's tone was very insipid, as if he had been joking. However, for Dongfang Jing, he seemed to hear a bolt from the blue. He knew that the second son of the white family was so unscrupulous, but he didn't expect how confused he was!

If you want to frighten Ding Yu, you have to see the situation clearly! Is it really because you are a monk with an umbrella?

No wonder Ding Yu directly buckled him. If he changed into himself, he might have been killed by this guy at that time. But what about Ding Yu? He didn't finish saying, "elder martial brother Dongfang means to let me let him go, as if nothing had happened, is that right?"

"Younger brother Ding misunderstood me!" Dongfang Jing immediately changed her words. Just like a joke, she and Ding Yu had a hard time establishing this friendship. What's the matter this time? It's up to me. In such a case, I don't know the truth. Even if I don't know the truth, I have to stand on Ding Yu's side.

What about the Bai family and his family? There are right and wrong about rotten millet. But the matter between himself and Ding Yu needs to be treated with a serious attitude, and can't be joked casually.

"Younger martial brother Ding, I did something wrong this time! I've got a lot of responsibility. "

Ding Yu said with a smile, "the man is here. If you have time, elder martial brother Dongfang can go and have a look. It's not a big deal, is it?" Having said that, Ding Yu also took up the tea cup, which means very simple. He served tea to see off the guests.

When she came out from Ding Yu, Dongfang Jing also bit her teeth. She didn't have much anger at Ding Yu. She knew that these white guys were more bastards, but she didn't expect to get so confused that she was not afraid of God like teammates, but really afraid of pig like teammates!

Frighten Ding Yu and embarrass the Dongfang family. Such a thing can be done by such an asshole as the white family. I have already said before. What can I do for the Dongfang family? Do you have donkey's hair in your ear?

Looking at Bai Rihui waiting below, Dongfang Jing also felt a little bit out of breath. On the contrary, someone sent a card directly, but there was not too much information written on it. Bai Rihui peeked at it, and a little smile appeared on his face, "brother Dongfang, you still have face!"

"I XXX!" After Dongfang Jing came up, he started to spit out directly. Even in front of the public, he started to scold on the street. After two words of abuse, he might feel a little wrong. He was not afraid of humiliation, but he was also afraid of shame! "I'm not, you get in the car!"Bai Rihui is a little confused. As far as I know, Dongfang Jing is still a very warm person. It's just like the Arabian Night Dream to blow dirty words from his mouth. However, the expression on Bai Rihui's face is also dark. It seems that things are not so optimistic as they imagined!

Just after closing the door, Dongfang Jing's fingers have already poked into Bai Rihui's face, and then there is a scolding, which is quite ugly. Although Bai Rihui has so many helplessness and some don't want to face, this time is also quite embarrassing, "brother Dongfang, some have passed?"

Dongfang Jing also changed his breath. He even dared to reply when he heard Bai Rihui. He also snorted, "ha ha, how about Bai Rihui, the second white man? It's really you. I didn't know that he had the courage to grow hair and even killed younger martial brother Ding. I don't believe this. You don't know! "

After that, Dongfang Jing also narrowed her eyes and looked at Bai Rihui, "what about our two families? Although the fighting is noisy, it is still within the controllable range. My grandson does not know good or bad, so I have nothing to say. What's more, he is not good at learning. He asked for it by himself. But now, you need to give me an account of this matter! "

When Bai Rihui heard this situation, he couldn't help shivering, "it's impossible!" But then he closed his eyes, and then sighed, "the second one has always been more daring, some things are not good or bad! But... " What's next? Bai Rihui did not go on.

"Your son is a human being, but our xiaolun is not a human being? What's more, where do you put younger martial brother Ding in? " Dongfang Jing also said in a somber way. When he spoke, he also leaned to one side of his body and said, "people are here. Do you think you should go to see it now or wait for a moment! You decide

At this time, Dongfang Jing is not polite at all. Before that, he thought that the white boy might be so disrespectful, so he angered Ding Yu. But he never thought that the situation was like this, so Dongfang Jing felt that he couldn't accept it!

"Go now!" Bai Rihui also opened his eyes fiercely. He knew that his son was a bit confused, but he didn't expect him to mix up to such a degree. He also blamed himself for being too arrogant. The Oriental family didn't take the same view with himself, which made him a little too complacent.

The address on the card is not very far away. What about the party? But when we got to the place, only one car was released. What about the other vehicles? I waited outside honestly, but when the car stopped, neither Dongfang Jing nor Bai Rihui wanted to get off the bus first.

"That's my son! The eldest brother died early, and I have such a son left! "

The corner of the mouth of Oriental Jing is also twitch a bit, "make trouble, sooner or later will let the whole white family be buried with him!" That is to say a simple sentence, and then Dongfang Jing also pushed open the door. The two people simply exchanged a little, and did not say anything else, but they basically understood each other's hearts.

However, Bai Laoer looked at his father and Dongfang Jing standing in front of him. His expression did not show any ecstasy, but some doubts. If he was to take himself out, he should not make such a fuss! The father came, that is to say, even the head of the Oriental family came!

"Dad! Uncle Dongfang Bai zhange also hesitated for a moment, or called out. He was left here these two days. He really eliminated his arrogance. What can he do? The situation is stronger than others. What about other places? They can also rely on their own name to act, but here, who knows who they are?

"Is it true that you have been killing him?" Since Bai Rihui doesn't say so, say it yourself!

When asked about this sentence, Bai zhange was stunned for a moment, and then he also looked at his father. However, he did not think that his father did not mean to look at himself. He just looked at the surrounding environment as if he was deliberately looking at something! Bai zhange also swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"I just want to frighten him, there is no other meaning!" When speaking, Bai zhange is also timid looking at his father, the truth is like this, but at that time some exaggeration.

Get it! What if we say that? He is also a man with responsibility. Dongfang Jing has no other questions to ask. It doesn't make any sense. Now it's up to Bai Rihui to deal with it!

When Bai Rihui, standing on one side, heard his son say so, his eyes could not help closing. He even admitted that, no matter intentionally or unintentionally, he had already done so! Bai Rihui also felt his breath a little bit out of control, and then he also put his hand behind him.

The atmosphere was a little bit dull. There was no other sound in the whole room except for a little breath! What about the wheeze of dayrihui? It also lasted for a long time, and then Bai Rihui opened his eyes and looked at his son, and then turned to Dongfang Jing!After bowing to the end, "brother Dongfang, I have such a son now. I want to save his life!"

"Dad Bai zhange looked at his father and his expression was distorted. He felt that the situation was not very good. However, he did not think that his father and uncle Dongfang came together. Moreover, his father never lowered his head in front of Uncle Dongfang all his life. Now he is so polite! In my heart, I was shocked.

Bai Rihui doesn't pay attention to his son. He is still in the previous posture. He has no way. In order to keep his son's life, he needs to bow his head. Dongfang Jing sighs, "you old guy is deliberately embarrassing me!"

Listening to Dongfang Jing, Bai Rihui seemed to understand something. Then he straightened up his waist, looked at his son, gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. Then he lowered his body and exerted strength on his waist. Then he swept his right leg out.

White zhange is like a felled branch. It falls to the ground directly. Even when it falls, it doesn't feel any pain! Looking at his son lying there, Bai Rihui is biting himself, "brother Dongfang, I will discipline him well after I go back! If something goes wrong, take my head! "

Dongfang Jing looked at her "old friend" and nodded her head slightly. "I don't know if I can ask for this favor, but I can give you a call, but it's not enough!"

"The conditions I mentioned earlier, plus the present, and the three-tier industry that I have brought out!"

Looking at his old friend's appearance, Dongfang Jing also took out his mobile phone and waited a long time for the phone to be connected. In front of Bai Rihui, Dongfang Jing tried to be polite and said, "younger martial brother Ding, Bai Rihui is my old brother. Now he has such a son. It's too cruel to ask him to send the black haired man to the white haired one. Everyone is of the same clan and lives outside together, It's not easy! "


"Three tier industry, promise me some conditions!" Even if it was Bai Rihui in person, Dongfang Jing didn't hide anything. What he said was straightforward! "What's more, Bai He gives it to xiaolun!"

"I don't have much interest in other industries. He has a killing heart for me, so I taught him a lesson. I once said to him earlier that courtesy is reciprocity!" Speaking of this, Ding Yu also stopped for a period of time, "since you are willing to be a guarantor, then cure it and shut him up for half a year!"

After that, Ding Yu also hung up the phone. When Dongfang Jing put down the phone, he also looked at Bai Rihui. "You heard that. People don't have any interest in your industry, and they don't want your little things. Besides, if they are cured, they should also be shut down for half a year! My head is hanging here too

"When I go back, I will open the class! I will give you an account of this matter! "

After that, he did not pay attention to the white zhange on the ground and saved his life. It was enough. When the two people were talking, they did not know where a group of people came from. Moreover, the situation seemed to be the most professional. Obviously, they were all prepared in advance.

He buckled up the oxygen mask for Bai zhange, and then carried it on the bed for further treatment. However, some people also stayed. They also wrote a list on the text. Then they looked at it and motioned to them. Under the direction of Dongfang Jing, he also handed the list in his hand to Bai Rihui.

"Sir, we're not on a voluntary visit. All the bills are here. Please sign in!"

Looking at the above figures, Dongfang Jing also felt that he couldn't stop laughing. I'm afraid that the price of smoking a cigar is more than that. Bai Rihui also took out a check and directly dropped it on the text. He was about to smoke.

It's not that asking for money makes me angry, but this embarrassing thing is seen by Dongfang Jing. It makes me feel very miserable. When I come out of it, I don't get any hindrance. During the period, I also see some people with guns, but these people are the same as those who don't see themselves!

After coming out of here, although Bai Rihui didn't speak, someone from the Bai family had already arrived at the hospital. After all, all the family members were martial arts practitioners. The so-called broken leg and broken arm were common necessities. What else? It's a little uneasy for the people in the hospital!

Even after he separated from Dongfang Jing, Bai Rihui deliberately arrived at the hospital. Besides his own family? It's true that there is no other force involved, but Bai Rihui is really clear that this time his son's life is recovered. If it's not the old guy Dongfang Jing, he may have left it there.

Although it seems that he has won a lot of sympathy, but in fact, what is the matter above? I can see very clearly that human relationship is not human? He has nothing to do with others. His son is so bold that he kills others. In turn, he teaches a reasonable lesson!

They didn't take his head off. It's not that they have a big face. They know who they are! There is no need to pay attention to any meaning, just because of Dongfang Jing's face! But even if it is like this, still have to squat in it for half a year to show punishment!Also did not wait for Bai zhange to wake up, Bai Rihui left, it is true that there is no expression, but he really need to do some preparation, offend such people, so the past, this is really too much as a thing, others want, they need to have a show! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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