However, when some people are going to look for Ding Yu, Ding Yu suddenly disappears. Where did he go? Anyway, he won't tell you. What's the whereabouts of Ding Yu? Not everyone can inquire about it! What's more, your identity is really open to discussion! Or not enough weight.

At the same time, Ding Yu took a plane back to China. Mingzai is going to get married. He had just contacted him before. The date has been fixed. No one else has informed him. Ding Yu is the first one.

This is a big deal! And it's a big happy event, so Ding Yu also put down the things in his hands, and then flew back by plane. It seems that after the old ghost had something wrong, we didn't contact each other very much. This time seems to be an opportunity. It's not easy to get together. It's also a very difficult thing!

After Ding Yu came back, Anjie was already ready. However, he didn't mean to hide from anyone, "when will it happen? Why didn't you hear this guy mention it? "

Anjie, who was asked about it, also laughed. "I heard about it before, but it was very vague, but I had more confidence than before. In addition, the living conditions are better now, so this aspect of the matter should also be considered, but I haven't seen it yet!"

"It's not easy for this guy to whisper such a thing. It seems that he's mixed up pretty well." Ding Yu is also very satisfied with this. At the beginning, he just gave a hand. However, it seems that mingzai is still good. At least he can stand up, but it is also quite difficult. Not everyone can stand up under such circumstances. At the beginning, Ding Yu did not stand up.

"Do you still live where you used to be?"

"Yes, he had already bought a house by mortgage, but his parents couldn't get used to it, so he went back. He renovated the old house. I didn't ask about the specific situation!" Anjie also truthfully replied that he knew so much.

"OK, there's nothing wrong with it anyway. Go and have a look!" But at this time, Ding Yu seems to remember what, "by the way, Tongtong? Why didn't I see her? "

"It's a holiday!" Anjie also reminded him, "I always live here and go back to get together with her grandfather and grandmother for a period of time. These years, it's so easy for the two old people to be free! So I also sent her back, which is a good accompany for the two old people

Ding Yu also looked at Anjie from top to bottom, and he felt that he had some hair. However, he saw some banter in his eyes, so he also gave a reluctant smile.

"Don't look at me like this. You seem to be older than me. After all, you should have a family." Ding Yu also points to stop, and does not want to go deep into the meaning of such a thing? It's Anjie's personal affair. I don't want to get involved in it. He should have his own consideration.

After the things were ready, the siheyuan also drove to Jincheng. Ding Yu was the first to see the two old people. Originally, Ding Yu had been here, but this time he came to keep up with the other time, it was totally two scenes. The original time was shabby, but now? Suddenly a new one!

When looking at Ding Yu, the two old people were also a little bit unconvinced, but then they were divided into two parts. They caught Ding Yu and didn't let go. They almost even dragged Ding Yu to the house. The little girl was leaning her head and looked at it as if she were a little strange!

After all, it was a child. Under the scolding of his grandfather and grandmother, she also gave a cry of grievance. However, looking at the toy that Ding Yu took out, the little girl seemed to think of something. She ran out with her short legs and didn't take long to come back with a big toy.

Get it! Think of it, and then the little girl is also pinching looking at the toy, and then staring at her big eyes at Ding Yu, he completely remembered, Ding Yu is also holding the head of the little girl ravaged for a period of time!

"I'll call mingzai!"

Seeing the old man in a hurry, Ding Yu also waved his hand and refused, "no, this time I will stay until mingzai gets married and let him concentrate on his work. Earlier, he called me, and I still have some doubts. How is the situation there? Are you two satisfied? "

Ding Yu also told the two old people that it was very common. At this time, the old lady took out all the fruits in the house as if they didn't need money. Ding Yu was not polite, but the girl next to her also ate a lot. Moreover, she sat on Ding Yu's legs, which was beautiful and beautiful, and she was not afraid of life at all.

"A good man is a man of average appearance!" The accent of Jincheng is slightly different. It really makes people feel funny, "say it! What if it's your family, or even our family? Now I really don't dare to think about it! "

"There is no exaggeration. Mingzai can stand up on his own. This is the most important thing. It is the lack of an opportunity." Ding Yu obviously doesn't want to go all over his body, "what about this girl?" Ding Yu did not say too clearly, but after all, it is mingzai's own daughter, or need to mention a sentence."Ah! That mother has been married, and she has completely ignored her. But now this mother is very nice. She is even more intimate than her own girl. Mingzai mentioned this girl to her earlier. We are ordinary families, and we don't have any wealth. You've got a crush on mingzai, not other things! "

What about noon? Ding Yu didn't go out to eat. What he ate at home didn't matter whether it was good or bad. As long as he could eat it in his stomach, he didn't have any other requirements. What's more, he came here to have a meal himself? What we eat is emotion. It has nothing to do with other things.

However, mingzai also ran back at noon and saw Ding Yu give a big hug. Unexpectedly, he came to the house in person. He was really happy! "My daughter-in-law is busy. I'll let her come over then! Other aspects are very good, but people are very general! "

Ding Yu also laughed, "you are a little poor, uncle and aunt, do you think so?" Although it shows that Zai is back, no one wants to drink at noon. Mingzai still has work to deal with in the afternoon. What about Ding Yu? There is no interest in wine itself!

But even if there is no drinking, the atmosphere is not generally warm, "brothers, I have given letters, basically all come back, but sesame and Guangfu there, there is no situation!" When he spoke, his face was dark, and Ding Yu didn't say anything. He just nodded to show that he knew.

"I'll take care of it! Anyway, I have nothing to do these two days! " In a word, Ding Yu has taken over everything. Anyway, he really has nothing to do. What about in the afternoon? Ding Yu didn't stay too much, but when he left, he took some things from home. Although they were not valuable, they were also a piece of heart.

However, Ding Yu's car just stopped at the door, that is, when the door was opened, it was blocked there. Looking at the third uncle standing by the car, Ding Yu blinked his eyes and explained to Anjie. Then he also walked to his third uncle, but when he passed by, he was somewhat casual.

"Third uncle!" Ding Yu just yelled, no other words, but also stood in a certain position by the car, without relying on the past meaning, "want to drink tea?"

"Get in the car!" Su Quan also called out, but the problem is that it doesn't have much effect on Ding Yu. Ding Yu just squints at him and doesn't see what he does. This makes Su Quan frown a little, and at the same time, it also makes the upright in the car frown so much!

"Xiao Ding, get in the car and have a talk!" After thinking about it, Geng Zhi also showed up and called out. The reason why Ding Yu didn't come over was very simple. Obviously, he didn't know who was sitting in the car. Now that he showed up, Ding Yu must have given this face! In fact, what about your own heart? It's not as calm as you think.

Ding Yu sidetracked his head, and then got on the car. As for Su Quan, he was not satisfied with his nephew. However, he closed the door and sat in his seat again. However, the driver got off the bus at the first time, because it is not suitable for him to stay there at this time.

"Xiaoding, I didn't expect you to come back so soon!"

Ding Yu also rubbed his cheek with his hand, "comrades in arms are going to get married, so come back and have a look! There are a lot of things to be busy with, so there is not much time! " What is the hidden meaning of this word? I'm telling you, what's the matter? If you can handle what you can, you will try to be satisfied. If you say you can't handle it, you will be embarrassed.

What about Ding Yu's attitude? Let Geng straight some frown, and sitting in the co driver's seat Su Quan also to the back of the seat on his own body, although said with the old maozi side of the matter? The progress is relatively smooth, but the problem is that the relationship between Ding Yu and the military has not been eased.

Now you can see Ding Yu's attitude. In the past, although Ding Yu was quite indifferent, what about the cooperation between Ding Yu and the military? It's still quite good, but since the incident, the relationship between Ding Yu and the military seems to have some sudden stops.

Even now Geng Zhi and Su Quan have come to visit, but what is Ding Yu's reaction? It is very indifferent, which is even more than imagined? Even worse, in anticipation, even if Ding Yu was disappointed, what was his performance? It shouldn't be like this, but the current situation really makes Geng Zhi and Su Quan feel a little cold in their hearts.

What's the meaning of Ding Yu's words just now? Also let Geng straight feel that there are so many no way to speak, I come back this time? It's because my comrades in arms get married and don't want to be involved in any relationship with other things, so? You don't have to be so kind to each other, aren't you?

"Xiaoding, you have an idea in your heart, which is understandable!" After thinking about it, I think it's time to be honest? Or don't use any tough means, because it won't have any effect. If you're in a hurry, it's OK for them to leave as soon as they're in a hurry. At that time, they'll be themselves?What's more, drastic and tough measures can't have any effect at this time. What's more, it's very important to know what Ding Yu is thinking at this time. If Ding Yu cooperates with the military, there are many benefits, but the problem is that Ding Yu obviously has some other ideas.

No denying it? In dealing with the previous affairs, this side is inappropriate, but what about the cooperation between Ding Yu and Lao maozi? It seems that the military has seen some hope, but did you have a talk with Ding Yu today? It's really not as pleasant as you can imagine!

What about business? It was negotiated earlier, and the foundation of interests was put there, so Ding Yu's reason was involved in it. But similarly, Ding Yu did not suffer any damage to anyone who participated in it. The interest was a piece of cake. Ding Yu didn't mean to swallow it alone, so he didn't owe anyone.

As for the fact that the military wants to cooperate with itself, I don't want to. I tried it at the beginning, but the goal is too big. For me, it's not a problem that is difficult to control, but the goal is not practical at all. So I found another cooperative target. Although it is a little smaller, it can see the future.

"Things are over, so it doesn't matter what understanding or not understanding!" Obviously, Ding Yu doesn't want to talk about this issue? Continue to talk about, "if there is nothing, come to me for tea, I am very welcome! Excuse me, I have other things to deal with! "

After saying that, Ding Yu's hand has been put in the car's position, and Su Quan this time is a cough. "Xiaoyu, what about you this time? Some other things, I hope you can help! You've got a stake in Raytheon, and depending on the situation, the Boston consortium has great respect for you now

Ding Yu hesitated for a moment. "It's two times to buy shares and respect them, and there's the Boston consortium. I can't help you." Ding Yu said firmly in the latter sentence, "to become a shareholder in the Boston consortium doesn't mean that I can tell what to do. I haven't reached the time when I'm too young to live a long life!"

After that, Ding Yu also opened the door. For Ding Yu, such behavior can be described in two words: stupidity. The military didn't grasp such a good opportunity at the beginning. Now, it's too simple to think about how to get involved in the Boston consortium.

Regardless of whether they have such influence, even Boston will not agree, because they dare not agree. After the previous events, they have suffered too much loss and pressure, and there is no possibility of any major action. If we really export some materials and resources, we will be seized by other consortia in the United States !

Under such circumstances, the Boston consortium needs to consider its own survival problem. If it doesn't even consider survival, what's the significance and simplicity! So Ding Yu used two words to evaluate stupid! But what about this? Ding Yu didn't say it directly. That would break his face.

Anyway, Ding Yu will not be the first to start. I am such an attitude. It was the best time before. You don't cherish it. Now, in turn, what are you thinking about in your head? Ding Yu felt that some of them could not be understood.

What about Geng Zhi and Su Quan in the car? Looking at Ding Yu getting out of the car, there are also some exclamations. What about this time? It is also forced to find Ding Yu, standing in their angle? For the whole thing is also a certain guess and understanding, but things are such ups and downs!

Ding Yu's attitude also makes the situation management department feel extremely difficult. At the same time? It also makes the whole military feel that the relationship between Ding Yu and the whole military seems to be estranged. This situation seems quite abnormal! Ding Yu should not be a short-sighted person. He should know that such a conflict with the military is not conducive to him.

Unless Ding Yu has other ideas or has found other partners? If this is really the case, for the entire intelligence department, this blow is really a little bit big!

Will Ding Yu make such a decision? No one dares to make this guarantee! And from the way he does things? It's not that there is no possibility of this aspect, but what side will he cooperate with? The intelligence department has no clue at all! Anyway, so far, we haven't got any clues.

Geng Zhi took a look at Su Quan and then closed his eyes. It is useless to see Su Quan. What about his official position? He is not bigger than himself. He has not heard any news and clues, let alone him. As for the Su family? Even more impossible!

Since it is not the Su family, what kind of unit will it be? The military is just a general term. There are many subordinate units. In this case, who did Ding Yu choose as a partner? This matter is easy to investigate, but it is also extremely difficult to investigate! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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