What about the investigation? It's because Ding Yu can cross the military intelligence department, so there won't be many such units. But the same bad investigation is also here, which can surpass the military information management department? Ha ha, if such a thing is really involved, it is not difficult to know what kind of situation it will be. Don't think that the emotion management department is omnipotent.

Therefore, Geng Zhi also knows that this matter is really too thorny. Ding Yu is totally giving them a problem. He can't say this thing himself. He can't say it as a dumb man eating Coptis. He can't really say it!

And it is obvious that Ding Yu is accurate. The information management department can't pierce the window paper, so he seems to be a bit unscrupulous now. For Ding Yu, since you can't reach the basis of mutual cooperation, there is no need to be bored and crooked. It's a kind of harm to both parties. Early break up and early release.

Not to mention the original time? For other reasons, you seem to represent the entire military, but now? Because of the Boston consortia, Ding Yu also suddenly woke up, so he gave up his hand directly. Since he can't afford it, then don't have any provocation!

Therefore, there is such a situation now. For the intelligence management department, the attack is really so big. After all, the difference between the support and help of Ding Yu and that without Ding Yu's support and help is really too big.

Ding Yu's financial support is not only about money. If it's just about money, maybe the intelligence department will not be so interested. Ding Yu's support is also shown in other aspects, such as special immunity, such as the relationship between human relations, and so on. Now everything has stopped abruptly.

It's no use whether you agree or not! Ding Yu is also very resolute. This is also Ding's earlier radical reaction to the Boston consortium incident. Although it is said that this reaction came a little faster, it still came. However, Ding Yu is very clear about public and private affairs, which also makes some people have nothing to say.

In the case of Lao maozi, Ding Yu did not harm the interests of the military, but also made the interests of all sides reach an agreement and balance. This matter is really impeccable, because all sides have passed the matter and achieved their respective goals.

What about this one? Also let Ding Yu have a certain excuse and confidence, so directly put the affairs of the intelligence department to push! Everyone's future is irrelevant. In fact, what is the most practical point? Ding Yu hopes to cooperate with each other, but the problem is Ding Yu's efforts. What about this side? But did not see any response! So Ding Yu's heart is cold!

Geng Zhi also held an internal meeting. In a small internal meeting, not many people were called, but what about Ding Yu's attitude? It has been revealed that the matter has reached its present state. How to deal with it in the next step? After all, it is a very important issue for the intelligence department.

However, the British side has soon spread the news. What was the original time? This channel, which can also enjoy special immunity, is blocked! When knowing the news, the people in the room also held their breath. It's hard to say who is responsible for this matter! No, this is obviously not the time to discuss this issue.

What about Ding Yu? The influence of the intelligence management department is not very big. With this special immunity, it is really very convenient, but without it, it is not necessarily impossible to live. But the problem is that after meeting with Ding Yu, Ding Yu immediately expressed that this action was so fast that people could not be prevented.

"Check it out!" When he said this, Geng Zhi was also powerless, because he was very clear that he could not give Ding Yu any help, because Ding Yu was standing in a different position and position. Previously, Ding Yu came to seek cooperation, but what about Ding Yu? There are so many people who don't answer.

Now? Ding Yu's face was directly thrown away, and people stopped doing it. What's the use of it? For Ding Yu, it doesn't play any role. It's just like Ding Yu's breaking with Wang's family. If you dare to do it, why don't I dare to do it? What's the difference?

Do you know the relationship between Ding Yu and the Wang family since something happened? It was cold to freezing point. Anyway, Ding Yu came back several times during this period, but he never wanted to visit the house. He didn't even call. It was as if he didn't know the Wang family at all. Even though the old lady was hospitalized, Ding Yu never came back.

Ding Yu is young after all. What about some things? It's easy to get into the top of the heap, so to this point, the gang of guys who used to be presumptuous have stopped. Anyway, what about this black pot? The emotion management department is back!

Now Ding Yu has withdrawn, the next step may be the problem of funds! What about cooperation? Although the time is not long, Ding Yu's investment in this point can be said to be without cost, but now? Such a beautiful thing can be said to be completely gone, big fish and meat beautiful for a period of time, and then need to live a few meters.

In fact, such a situation itself does not matter, or that sentence, the important thing is to go to Ding Yu as a partner, which is the most painful feeling of the Department of emotion management. But can this matter really blame Ding Yu's head? It seems that you can't say that!At that time, Ding Yu personally rushed back to discuss relevant matters. He had already put his sincerity on the table, but the problem was that he was rejected. What about the intelligence and governance department in the military? It's not the biggest mountain, but what about this one? Ordinary people really don't want to mess with it, but now? The intelligence department is a bit rough.

Let's be bad guys. At the end of the day, we'll carry the black pot on our back. It's not just bullying people. But now? It's not time to calculate the general ledger. Wait! Sooner or later.

The information management department has swallowed this tone. Now it will be more severe for the whole intelligence management department to make a noise. Originally, Ding Yu's evacuation has already damaged the intelligence management department. If it starts again, who knows what the result will be, so it is better to keep quiet. The fists collected are more powerful than the fists that are stretched out.

What about the intelligence department? Although there was no intention to pass the news on, for some people, it was really hard to hide. Soon, some people also knew about the situation. No one thought that Ding Yu would be so resolute. Of course, they did not expect that the intelligence department would be so tolerant.

This can be said to be thoroughly offended Ding Yu and the intelligence department to death, there is no room to save. The current cooperation between Ding Yu and the intelligence management department has broken down. That is because the situation was not clear at that time, so the intelligence management department was misled, but it does not mean that there will be no opportunities for cooperation in the future.

There is also at the same time offended Ding Yu and the emotional management department, this is really a headache! Ding Yu may not be easy to provoke, but the question is, is it easy for the intelligence department to provoke? This group of guys is even more annoying! Although we say that they are all military people, they belong to different natures!

In the heart of all some people, there are some things that are not very good, but there are not too many good ways to reconcile? Unless we can come up with the same conditions as Ding Yu, but how can this be possible? Just kidding! The conditions provided by Ding Yu are unique.

Therefore, there is no possibility of reconciliation. Originally, the idea was very good, but I didn't think that Ding Yu's reaction was so fierce. At the same time, he was too decisive, which made people feel that there were some unimaginable! How old is this guy! As for such a resolution?

Know that the future belongs to you, and what about your future? It will also be bright. It will not be necessary to start at this time, and it is still a kind of dead hand. Isn't it necessary? So what's the way and means for Ding Yucai? I feel that some of them can't understand.

But what? And there is no way to communicate with each other.

To be honest, or is it because of Ding Yu's attack in the United States? These guys are really scared, and even feel that the back road has been cut off. If Ding Yu is really offended to death, there is nothing at present, and there is nothing in China. But don't think about going abroad in this lifetime. There is a precedent for the fate of going abroad.

This is too much. I'm afraid that some people can't accept it! Originally, I didn't expect that Ding Yu would be so fierce. If I had known that, I would not offend Ding Ding Yu by saying anything at the beginning. It seems that he has fished a lot of things from Ding Yu's body, but the gain is not worth the loss!

It is said that it is better to cheat the old than to cheat the young, but the problem is who can think that Ding Yu's rise is so fast that people feel that there are some fingers. In this process, some means and methods have been adopted, but they only exacerbate the contradictions between each other, and have not played any practical role.

What's more, the rise of this guy? There is no dependence on domestic capital, and even now, there is still no intention to develop in China, which makes many people feel helpless.

Some of Ding Yu's two stalls in China were transferred to Ding Ding Ding, which neither involved the listing nor other disorderly matters. Moreover, the dishes were a little too small, even for Ding Yu, they were not so impressive. And what else? It's Wang Yang. No matter how big or small, there's no way to do it.

That is to say, there is no restriction on Ding Yu's existence in China. There was originally a royal family. But because of Ding Yu's decision, there is no reason for any action. To know that Ding Yu has already made a decision with the Wang family, what's more, this matter? There is no way to prove it.

What's more, if this matter is really turned out, the impact will be too great. This is completely a mine. Maybe Ding Yu is waiting for someone to take out the mine and explode something? It has nothing to do with Ding Yu. On the contrary, he can achieve the desired result through the explosion of this mine, so it's better to forget about this matter!

That is to say, looking around? Did not find a better cut to tear Ding Yu, this guy is really worthy of training, this careful and cautious ah! Taking all aspects into consideration, it really makes people feel that they have nothing to say, and even don't know where to start!

But what about the news? It's really not spread widely. It's basically controlled within a limited range. On the one hand? It's the military that doesn't want the news to spread. What's more? Some people also blocked the spread of the news, but the problem is that the Su family and the Wang family still know the news.What about Su bochen's heart? In sum, he had reached out to his grandson before, but the problem is that he has never been given a positive response. What about his measures now? It can't be said to be a bad thing! The problem is how he thinks and does it. Of course, it also matters what kind of choice he should make!

What about the big grandson's choice? Some of them were unexpected, and I didn't know which force of the military had reached an agreement and alliance, but they could not be underestimated. My heart was also very suspicious, but what about these? It doesn't have a big impact on yourself.

What I think now is, what kind of choice should I make at this time? Is it support? Or ignore it, or express opposition? These ideas are also flipped back and forth in the mind of subochen. Previously, there was still time, but now, a decision must be made.

The idea of expressing opposition was soon dispelled by Su bochen. Now, he doesn't even know where to start or what to oppose to his great grandson. So what's the remaining choice? Just support and ignore.

Ignore it? It seems that there are not too many problems, but what about yourself? It's true that there are some people who are not quite willing to see the development of this great grandson over the years. They have great potential. The Wang family is short-sighted, which does not mean that they will make the same choice!

What's more, after the Wang family made that choice, he had already begun to test Ding Yu's grandson, so he ignored the choice? Is also slowly abandoned, the remaining choice? It is support, but how to support it? This problem also made him feel that he was in a dilemma.

I have already retired. What's the influence now? It's not as big as you think. What's the idea? It's also very important that you can't shave your head and pick a hot one! You need two? Have the intention and choice of this respect!

But what about this? Don't let the old three get involved. He's a member of the emotion management department. Although Ding Yu and the Department of emotion management haven't turned over each other this time, the relationship between them has also fallen into a freezing period. As for when the third one will thaw, it is still unknown. It will have an impact on the third party's blind involvement.

But what about this? I need to have a good talk with the old three!

"I've heard about Ding Yu. Although the news is strictly blocked, it still flows into my ears. Of course, the same should be true for Wang Laogui. After all, one is a grandfather and the other is a grandfather, who can hide from others, but he will never hide it from us two old guys!"

Su Quan looked at his father and thought for a while, then slowly said, "this is to see the choice of you two old people. After all, there are not so many people who can influence Ding Yu at this time. And after what happened to Uncle Wang, there is basically no movement."

After saying that, Su Quan couldn't help but shiver, and Su bochen nodded slightly gratified by his son's reaction, "yes, can you think of this problem? I don't want to be so big! These years, there is no white experience, at least can let people see some progress. "

Hearing his father say so, Suquan also feels some sweat. How old are his children? Now at this time, my father still says that he is not a pure embarrassment to himself? "Dad, this is the time for you to make this choice? Will this cause a lot of noise? Not afraid of problems? "

"What do you know?" Su bochen also reprimanded and said, "even if Wang Laogui wants to have some action now, it doesn't have much significance, because Ding Yu will not give any chance. At the beginning, he was too determined and blocked all the ways. The idea is good, but it is too naive!"

Well! Su Quan didn't dare to go on because it was not something that he could comment on. "He! Greedy, but it's no wonder that anyone who meets such a situation will have some dreams, even difficult to themselves, so we should learn this lesson

"Dad, you mean support, but it needs a certain degree of support!"

Su bochen also laughed and didn't say too much. But when he looked at his son, he also looked at him, and then he gave a slight dislike to him. Su Quan's heart was also moved. He had already understood what this meant. He could let himself know, but he could not let himself have anything to do with this matter!

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