"Bullying too much!" When Wang Pu knew the news, he also wanted to understand the way of the inside. He didn't expect that the gangsters would carry themselves out. Isn't there a little situation before? Do you still hold on to it? So Wang Pu is also so some can not control his anger.

However, the old lady was not surprised by this reaction. It was a normal thing. She knew exactly what the old man thought in his heart. Su bochen, who had always been a canner, actually put a pressure on him. This made him feel that he couldn't recover his tone. The important thing was that he couldn't afford to lose his face.

How do you feel? Su bochen has always been vulgar, but did not think about it? In this matter, Su bochen didn't take the lead in picking up such a big leak. What about this leak? Even the Wang family gave up on his own initiative, so the old man can't get over this mood now!

But the question is, can the Su family be affected at this time? Or can it affect the child Ding Yu? No matter which aspect is not affected, so sitting here to be angry is of no use. The old lady is also sitting here safely, let alone angry can solve the problem? Bullshit!

"What kind of choice do you think an old man would make?"

The old lady also pursed her mouth and laughed, but the smile was a little cold. "It's obvious that what kind of choice can be made? He will never ignore it, nor will he just oppose it. At this time, he will choose to support Xiaoyu, but what kind of support is it !”

Wang Pu also thought for a while. This matter is really the same as what she said. Su bochen, an old fellow, will never ignore or hold any opposition opinions. He will only support it, but how to support it is really open to discussion.

But it is also because of this appearance that Wang Pu also feels angry in his heart. No matter what kind of choice he makes, he puts himself there as a target. For Wang Pu, what is the situation like this? It's really a little unbearable. Why not let go of your pigtail?

However, the old lady thought of the countermeasures at the first time. "He can say that he has frozen the relationship with the military, at least with the intelligence department. But what aspect has he reached an agreement with?"

A word also let Wang Pu fall into meditation, yes! What department did he reach this agreement with? Actually, he had a relationship with the intelligence department, and the number of times he returned to China was quite limited. Basically? It's all within the controllable range. It's really hard for people to understand!

In a moment? Wang Pu also feels that he has some doubts. What aspects has Ding Yu reached cooperation and agreement with? What is the price? I can't say I care, but I have some interest, that's all! At least Wang Pu will not admit this in front of Ding Yu, or even in front of the public.

But in the heart? Wang Pu still has some exclamations about Ding Yu's cooperation? It can be said that it was done under the noses of the public, but he didn't pay attention to it. Anyway, Ding Yu has done this. How to do it is not important. What matters is that he has already known how to do it.

It is true that some underestimated him, now Wang Pu? It is also Yuejia's feeling that the original choice was wrong. At the beginning, I wanted to subdue him because I thought he would be the key to the rise of the Wang family, but I didn't think that this guy was really not a loach, but a real dragon!

The Wangs have lost a little bit on this issue! It's been a year since I was young! Ding Yu's performance is also seen in the eyes, not to mention with their own, even his father does not have too much contact, as for the children below? It seems that there is contact, but what kind of relationship it is, I also see it in my eyes.

What about the Su family? Wang Pu is really a little unwilling, with what, but also know, in this matter? I really don't have much capital. What else? It is Ding Yu, the son of a bitch, who will buy if he doesn't see it. This is the most troublesome thing!

This is what this thing looks like. Toss it around? May not have any results, but there is always a glimmer of hope, at least Wang Pu is so feeling. Instead of tossing about! Wang Pu always feels unwilling. You should know that Ding Yu's blood is from the Wang family. You can't be fair to let the Su family occupy all the good things!

The old lady looked at the old man and thought about it for a long time. "It's better not to get involved in this matter, because there won't be too many results. The meaning of sending the news to our two families is already quite clear. Forcing the Su family to make a choice does not really need to pay attention to the Wang family's meaning! We have been abandoned. "

There's no one in the game. The onlookers are clear about it, because it's so simple. What about Ding Yu's reaction? It makes everyone feel that there are some unexpected things. At what time is this thing, we all feel that they don't know how to deal with it. Under such circumstances, they also drag the Wangs and Sujia out.First throw out the two families to see what the effect looks like. In fact, what about the Wangs? It is used as a foil for the Su family, which we all know well. The Wang family has nothing to attract Ding Yu this time. But they just put the Su family there alone. Who knows what will happen to Mr. Su.

Therefore, after thinking about it, they also put the Wang family in. The Wang family is the foil. At least the Su family can look better in face. As for Ding Yu, how to choose? ha-ha! This question? In fact, we want to know what kind of situation it would be if the Su family chose to support Ding Yu!

Since I can't figure out the details, I'd like to have a little trial. I want to know that Su Lao is Ding Yu's real grandfather. Although he said that he didn't officially admit it, what about such a thing? It's clear in everyone's heart.

When Ding Yu returned to the quadrangle, he had already heard the news from all aspects. However, Ding Yu didn't really care about it. He didn't have so much mood to deal with the relevant matters, mainly the marriage of mingzai. This is the first problem!

The distance between Tianjin and Beijing is not very far away. On the one hand, Ding Yu is busy with mingzai's marriage, on the other hand? Brothers from all over the world come over, there is a long time no see, is also very miss!

And what about the last time we met? It seems that I'm not very happy. What about this meeting? It's a bit different! Mingzai's marriage is a very happy thing! Fortunately, some things? There is no need for Ding Yu to come forward in person, let Anjie come out to arrange it. He is doing this.

Ding Yu doesn't take this as a thing, but it doesn't mean that other people don't take it as a matter. Su bochen also personally called Ding Yu, the great grandson, "it's me. Don't give me any other excuses. I know you're definitely not coming to my side, so I'll go to your place!"

Ding Yu's mouth also twisted. What about his grandfather's character? I really feel that I can't accept it. You are so old. Shouldn't you be reserved! What can I say if you come at this time? How will the outside world look at this problem?

So Ding Yu felt a little headache. After thinking about it, he also said, "I asked Anjie to arrange a car to pick you up." Then Ding Yu hung up the phone and asked him to come by himself and ask Anjie to pick him up. This is really two times. At least in public opinion, he won't suffer too much!

What about the reaction to the great grandson? Su bochen still felt very satisfied. If he went there, there would be some bullying children. But he didn't think that the great grandson was still very smart. He started at one point. He just mentioned it a little, and then he understood what it meant. Good, very good.

When he put down the phone, Su bochen also called his old family and said, "let Lao Wang answer the phone. Who am I? You're a motherfucker... " The attendant who answered the phone also asked a question to his mouth and was scolded by Su bochen, which also made the service staff feel aggrieved.

But think about it, the old man is also really hard to annoy, this half a year's time telephone many, and almost every time? It's all rude. What about the attendant who answers the phone? It belongs to the type of substitute class, which can't catch up with one.

When Wang Pu heard that Su bochen was calling, he was also shocked. He didn't want to answer the phone, but after thinking about it, he still answered the phone, because he was very clear that he called him, and he should not be angry with himself. "What's the matter! How could you call me in person

What about the voice? It's not a kind of good spirit. It's definitely intentional!

"Well!" Su bochen also intentionally coughed, which could be regarded as his opening remarks, "I just called Xiaoyu, the child, and said that I would like to go to his side for a ride. He has sent a car to pick me up!"

Although this talk? It's just like ordinary chatting, but what about the information? It is really quite a lot, and Wang Pu also quickly interprets the problems and the situation. First of all, the Su family has indicated the relevant attitude? What about Ding Yu's grandson? What about the attitude towards this matter? It's not as exciting as I thought.

What is the reason? It's not clear, because you don't know whether it's hard to get, or it's just the nature. How about his cooperation? It's not as optimistic as I expected. Now there is a lack of relevant information and data. Wang Pu can't speculate about it, so he is still a little silent at this time.

"And you? What do you think of it? "

It wasn't a long time. Wang Pu also expressed his opinions. Although he said that he had some other ideas about this matter, when he said this, Wang Pu was not really joking, but wanted to understand what kind of plan Su bochen was in this matter. He was very concerned.

"Not very optimistic!" Su bochen also sighed, "I am ready, but what about Ding Yu? I've seen it for a long time. He's hiding too much. Now, it seems that there are a lot of things exposed, but they are basically perfunctory. What about the real things? It's still hidden underneath. You can't see it or find it! "What about the old family's view? Wang Pu also agreed that he didn't want to understand this problem at the beginning, and at that time, he was not only conceited, but also had other ideas in his heart. So what about in front of this son of a bitch? It looks like a victory, but it's a total defeat.

"So you are ready to give him your full support."

"It can't be said to be all-out. The problem is how much Ding Yu needs. This is the key point." Su bochen also said bluntly, "he was able to hide all people's eyes before, so his attack is definitely the one with strength. There is an essential difference between the two."

"I remember you had a plan for this from a long time ago!"

"It's one thing to have a plan, but it's another thing to really implement it. So what about this time? I don't know what you think in your heart, but I don't have the confidence in my heart! That's it Having said that, he hung up.

When he put down the phone, Wang Pu sighed, and then he leaned back on his body. The situation was not as good as he imagined. He didn't like Ding Yu, nor was su bochen optimistic about Ding Yu. Even many people were optimistic about Ding Yu. But the question is Ding Yu's choice? Very picky.

What about official career? He didn't even choose his father, or even the Wang family behind him, but he chose the third. There are other reasons for this. What about the military's choice? Will Ding Yu regard the Su family as the last resort? It's impossible. The Su family didn't tear her face with Ding Yu, so Ding Yu won't choose to tear her face!

At most, there are some different positions, but what about the actual situation? Or on the ship, for Su bochen, the meaning of calling Wang Pu is to show no intention. What is the requirement of Su family now? It's on this ship. What about the follow-up? should be regarded as a different matter! That's it.

I didn't expect that Su bochen, an old bastard, was so indifferent that he didn't mean to be greedy at all. This really made Wang Pu have so many things he didn't expect. The old bastard was very satisfied and knew what he should strive for and what he should not strive for. In contrast, what was his original choice? Some are too greedy.

In his own mind, Ding Yu should not refuse the kindness of the Su family. At least this matter is something that some people talk about. What's the result? It's not so important, even we haven't met each other. Some things? Is also doomed, ah! Wang Pu also sat there and sighed.

For his grandfather's visit, Ding Yu didn't feel happy or unhappy. When he came, he came. He didn't feel surprised or sad, so it was just for a while! However, Su bochen looked at his grandson and sighed. From his expression and movement, we can see that he was hurt by Lao Wang's head.

So what about yourself? How much is also followed by the melon fall, ah!

"Is it too heartless and dry to talk about things directly?"

After coming up, what about sobolen? There is not too much reserve, but also straight to the point. What about Ding Yu? He also held his mouth for a while, but that's all. He didn't show any other performance. So he felt a thump in his heart.

"What do you mean, grandfather?" Looking at the grandfather's expression, Ding Yu is also not salty said, now this time to contact grandfather? They occupy a very active position, at least not a passive one!

"I see what you mean, but I'm a little curious. How did you get this done under everyone's noses? It's not just my curiosity! Even many people are very curious about this, we also feel that there are some inexplicable! Don't say you don't know about it, cheat the ghost? "

Ding Yu is can't buy no smile, "grandfather's meaning is not too believe, I think so said should be ok?"

He also laughed, "you! It's really not a general slick! In fact, more people tend to believe that, because you will not make uncertain choices, especially at this time, we want to know which aspect will make such a bold choice! "

" so sure! " Ding Yu didn't express too much, just such a sentence. Anyway, Su bochen didn't get too much from this speech. Obviously, Ding Yu didn't want to reveal the meaning of this matter. Whether he admitted or denied it, it was already like this.

It's not my fault to learn the news from other aspects, but it's impossible to get relevant information from me. Anyway, Ding Yu's attitude is like this. Whether you want to or not, you can't change it! And even in the face of his grandfather, Ding Yu did not show any weakness, still so insipid!

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