"Your uncle will be back in the evening and report tomorrow!"

Ding Yu blinked his eyes. What about the situation at home? I really don't know much. To be exact, I don't care much. Instead, Su bochen, sitting on one side, looked at his great grandson. After paying attention to his reaction, he felt helpless. Could you give me a little reaction?

What about his expression? It's not a fake. What do you think? I really don't know. Even if I asked him to say his uncle's name, he didn't even have the ability to open his mouth. From another point of view, what about the Su family? It's not really in the eyes, it doesn't mean to put it in the heart.

It's not that Ding Yu is so arrogant that he can ignore the Su family. What Ding Yu calls ignoring the Su family means that he has never regarded the Su family as a real supporter. What is the most important reason? It should still be out of the Wangs' house, out of the old wangtou guy's body.

If it wasn't for the move he made, what about the present situation? It is impossible for him to do such a thing without fear. It is very difficult for him to do the following things. Now even if he is on the pole to find the door, what about his great grandson? What about the attitude towards this matter? It's also ambiguous.

Ding Yu also thought for a while about the things raised by his grandfather, and then slowly said, "I may have to meet with the third uncle in the evening to discuss things."

What's the reason for that? There are some tentative meanings and some bargaining meanings. What about yourself? We should know that Sanchez has already chosen sanbo, and there will be no change. Previously, when Sanchez came to China, he also asked sanbo to help him! They didn't choose the Wang family or the Su family, although they could do the same.

Grandfather can't be unclear. Although he said that he introduced his uncle to himself, the question is what is the relationship between them? I really don't know that clearly, so what about the situation? I also need to ask, although that is my uncle, but this matter has nothing to do with family relationship.

What about the big grandson? Su bochen has some five tastes, a kind of unspeakable feeling. All of them are from the same family. As for such a stranger? But what about Lao Wang tou? The hand is also too cruel and spicy, all of a sudden, the great grandson was injured, and the injury is particularly heavy, this scar! Don't try to eliminate it.

"You're very straightforward Su bochen also said with a sigh, "but what about now? It's no good for you, and it's not a good thing for him. You can go to see him and come back to see your uncle. He has the time! "

Ding Yu thought for a while, and then nodded his head. However, he did not express much opposition. What about meeting his uncle? I don't mean to repel too much, that is, to see each other. It's not a big deal!

"And you? What's in your mind? " So, what did he say? He is also trying to test his grandson's bottom line. "I heard something. It seems that the cooperation between you and the military intelligence department is over. There seems to be something wrong with this matter. The so-called financial support doesn't matter, but the special immunity should not be trifled with."

Ding Yu held his chin in his hand. He didn't care much about it, and his spirit was not so high. He was not interested in what his grandfather said. He had been waiting for his grandfather to finish. Then he slowly said, "the money has been raised too much, so this gap can't be opened again. There were other things before The reason doesn't matter, but it's impossible now! As for special immunity? That's a cover

When he said this, Ding Yu was not so polite. Although he was not so straightforward, Su bochen had already understood. What about this right? Ding Yu is not ready to release, and has nothing to do with other aspects. The main reason is that Ding Yu does not want to continue to get involved in this quagmire.

"What about special immunity for you personally? It is just an identity and proof, but for the whole country, it represents different meanings. What about some things? You can't think from your personal point of view. You can't say that without the support of the state, you can't have the status you have today

Yeah? Ding Yu did not really mean to deny this. He said that his grandfather's words were not very pleasant to hear, and even loved to scold his mother. But when he said these words, he felt very useful! Although there are some reproach meaning, but can let oneself modestly accept! I can't say what it is because of!

"Grandfather wants to pinch this right in his hand. I don't think this is the most appropriate time!"

Su bochen's heart slightly moved, obviously his grandson? The so-called special honor is not very obvious. The reason why he took back this right is a kind of break, which does not mean that he has no feelings for the whole military, which can be felt from his words."This is not the most appropriate time, but it will be used in the end."

For this, Ding Yu also nodded, "yes!" It's just two simple words, but the meaning is quite different. "It's not only from the British side, but also from the United States. But in this, I have some questions, if you can answer them!"

"American?" Su bochen also narrowed his eyes. He didn't know when it happened and why he didn't hear about it. Even the third child didn't mention it to himself. It's true that there is discipline, but it should not be!

What I mean is that if the grandson really holds the special immunity of the United States in his hands, someone will certainly disclose it to him. At least before he and his grandson face to face talk about things, he should tell himself that he can ask for this right in the process of negotiation.

But there was no hint or news, so when he heard about this, he was so shocked and looked at his great grandson with some different eyes! "I really don't know about the situation. It seems that you are still hiding deeply! But I would like to hear from you

"In fact, I don't have any opinions and ideas. Just like what you said, for me, it's just a special identity, and it doesn't have much practical value. I hope that when there is something in the future, you can say hello to me in advance. Don't make it difficult for me to do it. I need space to move around! "

"Yes!" Su bochen also said very simply, "what else?"

"I don't think about other aspects completely, but I won't go too far!" Then Ding Yu also laughed at his grandfather, "but you also said, now is not the most appropriate time, some things are really too much, right?" Obviously, Ding Yu is not ready to talk.

What about Britain's special immunity? I can give it to my grandfather. What about the special immunity of the United States? We can talk about it, but what about this time? We can only talk about so many things, and if we go on further, there will be some impractical things.

Su bochen also nodded, not to mention, although the conversation time is not very long, but for himself, it is really a little bit difficult. After all, he is not young, and how old he is. Now it is really hard to talk about these issues with him!

But what's the good news? The result of this negotiation is still very good. I got what I want. Although it has not been completed yet, there will not be too many problems! But I really need to have a good rest. The courtyard is good here. It seems that I haven't had a meal with him. I'll have dinner here today.

What about the people who were with my grandfather? It's said that the old man ate here at noon today. He also deliberately explained the food of his grandfather? It's really a little bit special. You need meat. You can't be too thin. At the same time, you can't be too fat. Besides, you need to sip a few dollars of wine every meal.

He doesn't eat or drink much, but he needs to have every meal. It's really special. The servants in the family also prepare very quickly and quickly set up the table. However, Ding Yu doesn't eat a lot. He just accompanies his grandfather to eat. That's all. But what about his meal? It seems to be really good.

Even more than some young people can eat some, at least this appetite does not have too many problems, although it seems that there are so some staggering, but according to Ding Yu's observation, there is no big situation!

It's strange to say that all the old people in the family seem to live a long life and have their own unique health preservation methods. I can't tell why. Anyway, they all live very well and many people feel envious. After all, what about the old people who came from that time? It's not as much as you think.

After dinner, the old man took a rest for a while, and then Anjie sent him back. Ding Yu didn't mean to show up. At this point, Ding Yu showed some ruthlessness and even some irrationality, but the problem is that no one really criticizes anything.

However, the old lady looked at Wang Pu, who was struggling to sit still, and said in a stuffy voice, "don't think about it. This matter should be negotiated. Although I don't know what the final result will be, it shows that he is still satisfied with the situation by allowing him to stay for dinner! Otherwise, with old Su's temper, he would have lifted the table and left

Wang Pu's mouth is also so some twitch, he is really not the result and answer he wants to hear, for himself? This is really a great irony, but the same, I really have some helplessness about it. What can I say now?

But what about the breath in your heart? It's really hard for me! After thinking about it, Wang Pu also made a phone call with Su bochen. He wanted to know what kind of situation it was. If they really talked about it, they needed to know what the result was!When receiving Wang Pu's phone call, Su bochen also laughed, "I arranged for the boss to meet in the evening. The third in the family has met with him. What about the others? He doesn't know that well. He hasn't talked about other issues, but I've got the special immunity of the British side in my hand, and I heard that he is going to meet the third one in the evening! "

"What else?"

"What else?" Su bochen thought about it for a while, but he did not reply. Instead, he said mildly, "I have talked about some situations, but I can't bring them out yet. Anyway, there are difficulties between each other and we can understand each other! This is what it looks like! As for the follow-up? It may take some time to get to know each other! "

Obviously, some other issues and situations have been discussed, but what about these matters? At present, there is no way to make it public, and the special immunity of the British side has been put in his hand by subochen, which has been basically settled. Of course, this is also a kind of reward and trial.

"It's a bit stingy to arrange for the boss to meet." When saying this, I don't know why it always gives people the feeling that there are so many sour!

Su bochen didn't have much feeling. He just laughed, "I'd like to offer higher conditions, but the problem is that the little guy is a little bit passive and depressed. What's more, this time he came back mainly for the marriage of his old comrades in arms. Now it's not easy to talk about the relevant issues."

This saying also has some targeted meaning, but listen to understand or do not understand the words, anyway, they have said, the Wang family did not cherish the original time, so let themselves pick up the leak, this matter can not blame themselves! What's more, you were suspected of eating alone at the beginning! I didn't say anything

as for now? The Su family didn't mean they didn't want the Wangs to get involved, but this thing? It's a matter of belonging to the military. At least, I'm dealing with the problem from the perspective of the military. And what about this thing? I also said hello to the Wangs, so don't blame my head in the future.

To be more precise, it is not up to me alone to decide not to play with your Wangs this time, but a result decided by all aspects. Of course, there are also variables among them. What is the only variable? It is also on Ding Yu's body. If you can convince your grandson that everything is easy, otherwise, forget it!

Persuading Ding Ding Yu, it's better to think about this matter. If it is really manipulated, it will be difficult to ascend to heaven! What kind of character is Ding Yu? Can we not know it in our hearts? And what are the main reasons for this situation? Is it not because of the choice Wang Pu made at the beginning?

Therefore, it is impossible for the Wang family to persuade Ding Yu, and there are some wishful thinking! Su bochen didn't mean to be a king Pu, but the fact is that it is. But what's the good news? How much more than a shield has been placed there, after all, this time? It's about the military!

Do you have too many relations with the military, so if you don't get involved, there's no shame. As for the future? It depends on the situation! Who knows what Ding Yu thinks in his heart? Maybe there will be a chance!

"I don't believe you didn't fan the wind and light the ghost fire! This is not your style! "

Hehe... Su bochen also laughed, but after laughing, he also sighed, "don't say, what happened when I went? I really thought about it! I feel a little suffocating. If Ding Yu is a little bit of a child in this respect, I can still add fuel to the fire! But it's a pity. "

"He has no interest!"

"I haven't seen the interest in this aspect at all, and I'm too indifferent. What's the reason? I can guess some, but I don't think this is the main reason. He should still be waiting

Wang Pu can guess some of the so-called reasons. It's true that Su bochen didn't make it clear, but he still knew something about it. On the one hand, it must be because of himself. At the beginning, he leaked out his details under the unknown celebration, leading to a series of situations! On the other hand? Because it's not needed now.

At the beginning, I let out some details of him. From the surface, it may be nothing, but in the dark? Even now, this effect has not been eliminated.

As for the military, why doesn't the army need support? Yes, it's icing on the cake, isn't it? Is also irrelevant big itch, is such a condition!!

Even the Su family is now actively on the pole, is such a result, Wang family? If you can't bring out anything, you don't have to think about it in such a situation. What did the Su family get when they took out so many things? The so-called special immunity seems to be given to the Su family, but in fact? It's for the country, it has nothing to do with the Su family!

This boy! Still really is as always "merciless"! I can see it myself.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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