If there is any affirmation, Wang Pu is really like having a good talk with his grandson. But for a long time, Ding Yu, the great grandson, has never given himself any chance. Whether he is himself or his wife, he avoids seeing him. Even the second couple, he is the same.

Anyway, the people in the Wang family want to see him. Now it's very difficult. Some things are held in the heart. It's really hard to bear. You should know that the problems involved between each other should not affect the family relationship. At least you think so. Moreover, things have already passed for nearly a year. It's just like this, OK?

Is it true what you did before? It's too much, but it's not only because of myself, but also because of other factors. I was misled by some people for success, so I made such a choice. What do Wang Pu think of these problems? Should tell Ding Yu well! You can't be stuck here all the time.

"What do you think of Ding Yu's talk?"

The old lady looked at her wife and held her mouth for a while. After a long time, she would also say reluctantly, "what kind of identity do you want to talk to him? I'm afraid we can't use the identity of the Wang family. He doesn't recognize the identity of the Wang family at all. If we find out this matter, it will be worse! You should be very clear about that

In fact, Wang Pu knows that Ding Yu doesn't recognize the identity of the Wang family. It seems that Ding Yu won't go to the Wang family again. However, in my opinion, this matter is too absolute. However, judging from the style of Ding Yu's grandson, there is a possibility in this respect!

"I think it's better to talk about it. If you don't talk at home, you can talk about it in the courtyard!"

"What are you talking about?" The old lady also followed closely and asked, "Lao Su went to the quadrangle because of the military. Otherwise, do you think Ding Yu will wait for the old guy in the courtyard? Impossible thing When the old lady said this, her tone was a little affirmative!

"Nothing! Just talk about home! Isn't it possible? "

The old lady snorted, "do you think he will believe it? Especially at this time, if we really face each other face to face, I think the possibility of embarrassment will be greater. If we don't talk about anything, we still have to deal with some problems and situations. Anyway, I'm not so optimistic about this matter! "

Wang Pu wants to get rid of the old lady, but the problem is that the old lady is not paranoid at all. She has already understood this matter from a long time ago. Now, what about Ding Yu at home? Even if there is not too much incense, at least there are some connections, it is difficult to cut off the so-called contact?

So this thing can't be too willful. What does the old man mean? In fact, she is very clear, but because she is too clear, the old lady feels that it is difficult to do something. After all, what about Ding Yu? It's different from other kids in the family.

Looking at the old man's appearance, the old lady also decided to add a fire to the matter. "If you want to go to the quadrangle, I think you need to consider one thing, that is, the situation of the second and the daughter-in-law. The second doesn't have to say, but what does it give me? Su Yuan seems to have known about it already! "

Yeah? Wang Pu's face is also a sudden change, "how do I not know? When did it happen? "

"I'm not very clear about the specific situation, but it should not be said by Ding Yu, the child, or by the family. How old she is, and also a grandmother, is just not mentioned. What's more, what's the relationship between her family and her feelings? At least the relationship is still on the surface, so she doesn't have much opinion

This speech is also thoroughly Wang Pu's thoughts are eliminated, if it is other things? I really have to think about it, but when it comes to my son and daughter-in-law, I really don't have any other ideas and opinions. It's true!

At the beginning, because of their own reasons, let their grandson have a problem! But what about your son and daughter-in-law? Did not mention the relevant problems and conditions, at least the kind of forbearance, after Ding Yu was found back? Two people also have no other opinions and ideas, even after they made that thing, still did not say what!

This situation is not once or twice. What should we do? It is necessary to have a limit. What kind of consequences will appear if you insist on your own way again? This really does not know, so after thinking for a while, Wang Pu also gave up decisively!

Can't but give up, daughter-in-law knew this matter, but did not choose to burst out, because of this matter? She hasn't touched her bottom line yet. Anyway, her son has come back. This is enough. It's true that her son's wealth has been cleared, but for Su Yuan, such a thing can be understood!

But what about this understanding? It is also limited, if you really exceed this limit, what will happen, it is really difficult to say, do not underestimate the anger of a mother! What's more, it's not the first time for such a thing. What do you want?If you want to see him, you can't go there. But what about Ding Yu? It is also impossible to visit the door at all, relying on Wang Yang's preaching among them, the effect and effect of which are too limited! For Wang Pu, it is really a feeling that there are so many unbearable, it is true that this is the price, but the price is too heavy! At least for Wang Pu and the old lady, it's too much.

"But you haven't come back for quite a long time. In the past, you had to stay at home for at least half a year!" Looking at Ding Yu, the middle-aged man also said with some reproaches, "there is something wrong with you, but you can't be too self willed."

Ding Yu also said with a smile, "at that time, I was too young. My views and ideas on some things were still a little superficial. It was not enough to know them at all!" On the relevant issues, Ding Yu did not mean to hide anything, because after all, it was his own mistake and could not be shirked to others!

"A typical slicker!" The middle-aged man also shook his head, and then took a sip of coffee on the table, but he just tasted it. He really didn't love it. Obviously, he knew that Ding Yu did this? There are some intentional meanings! It's as if he deliberately confused the three uncle and the third uncle!

"There is a little bit, mainly because the stall was not too big, but I didn't mean to fortify too much. Who could have thought that I didn't get used to me, which made me nearly collapse! This lesson is really not a general bitter! It's worth a long time. "

The middle-aged man looked at Ding Yu and put down his coffee cup. Then Ding Yu changed a cup of tea. The middle-aged man nodded with satisfaction. It was a small joke between the two people. Ding Yu looked carefully, but in reality, his action was a little vulgar.

Let Ding Yu make coffee, this is no problem, but let Ding Yu make tea, there are so many pig noses with Scallion! It's not that stuff at all! After sitting down again, Ding Yu also took out a box of cigarettes and handed one to his third uncle. Then he took one and lit it!

"What about the Boston consortium? This involves the problems of several other consortia, not single! "

"It seems that all of them are covered with clouds and mountains." The domestic side has collected some information, but what about these news? Without any source, it seems to be some so-called hearsay, and there are all kinds of things to say. It's very mixed.

"The U.S. side has never been so satisfied with me, or has a view on the previous things!"

Yeah? The middle-aged man was also stunned, then looked at Ding Yu suspiciously, "so, your role in the subprime crisis should be very unusual! Otherwise, it's hard for me to imagine why they would do it to you because you suddenly came out? This reason is not very sufficient! "

Ding Yu laughed and didn't explain anything, because there was no need to explain. What's more, he had already brought out all the things on the surface. This seems to have been enough to explain!

"No wonder you were so happy before! It's not that there's no reason for that! " Middle aged people also smile. When I saw those materials in Siheyuan, they had doubts about this aspect, but it's a pity that there is no proof! Now, if so.

"And the Boston consortium? By some aspects of the bewitchment, want to test me, but did not want to be pit! At that time, I stood in the most advantageous position. As long as there was support behind me, although I and the other side could not collapse the Boston consortium, there was no problem in gnawing a few pieces of meat from him! "

Hearing Ding Yu say so, the middle-aged man also bit his teeth slightly, that is the Boston consortium! If the military could support Ding Yu at that time, what Ding Yu got from the Boston consortium would be beyond imagination! But what a pity!

"So? You're going to fall out with the military! "

"I couldn't say that. At that time, I personally rushed back, hoping that the military could fully support me. After all, under the circumstances at that time, I needed the support of certain forces, and what about this support? Still above the surface, but the attitude of the military let me feel too disappointed! Under the circumstances at that time, I had no way to hesitate, so I had to turn to cooperate with Boston again, at least in this way, we could avoid certain losses for each other! "

Ding Yu also told the truth! "If we didn't reach an agreement with the Boston Consortium at that time, what would happen to me? It's hard to say. It's not easy for the Boston consortium to get in the way. Even if we have reached an understanding with each other, the loss of the Boston consortium can be described as heavy!"

"I don't know much about it, but the cooperation between them seems to be very close. Even the situation on Lao maozi's side is in the charge of the Boston consortium. The relationship has reached such a level?""Some of the enemies hiding in the dark are too frightening, so naturally we need to be careful!" Ding Yu also pondered for a while, and then slowly said, "the same is true for Boston. Although there is military power behind him, his pace was too big at that time, so he pulled the eggs. The assassination of Kennedy made them not come back to their senses for many years, and this time they were trapped again. I'm afraid they still need to hibernate for quite a long time !”

"Find such a partner and fight against the forces behind it together! Is it really good? "

"If there is no way out, my relationship with Bruno can only be regarded as fair. Up to now, it's just a private relationship. The cooperation between us is not as much as imagined. I have some contact with the Chinese, but the contact between them is still limited."

"Why not use Asian consortia? I believe it has such influence!" This is not a joke. Although Ding Yu's influence in Asia has never been revealed, he is still very clear in his heart that both the Li family in Hong Kong City and the Lee family in South Korea can make waves.

"Too weak!" Ding Yu is so outspoken, "we are still rising so late. Compared with those old-fashioned consortia, we are still in the process of growing up. In my opinion, it is a kind of damage and even has the meaning of killing chickens and eggs!"

"It's a little loud!" The middle-aged man also snorted, but he also knew that Ding Yu said it was true! It is true that there are so many weak and weak. Although the Li family in Hong Kong City and the Lee family in South Korea seem to be very large, but the time of their rise is too short, and there is not much inside information. What about the two masters? I don't seem to be young. What about the people below? It's a little bit worse.

This is probably another reason why Ding Yu didn't do it! Therefore, he did not use his influence in Asia, but secretly accumulated. When his own strength was almost accumulated, he could rely on himself to resist. At that time, he needed the outside world, but he would not be as passive as he is now.

"What about the cooperation with Boston? It's a pleasure! But frankly speaking, it's mutual utilization. Although Boston has been punished by the other side this time, it seems that they have gained a lot of benefits. But what about the actual situation? The damage to reputation is also quite serious. I'm afraid it will take a long time for silence. "

"I never felt it!" There is a little bit of a joke about this.

Ding Yu nodded, "capitalist? Everyone is the same. In fact, no matter what you do, you will always be looked at differently. After all, some things touch the bottom line, so it is always ridiculed and there is nothing that can not be accepted! " Ding Yu is very open to this problem!

"It's a little grumpy. I can hear it!" What about Ding Yu's complaint? It's also understandable. After all, it was the most win-win opportunity. Unfortunately, it was delayed. So Ding Yucai backhanded to Boston to cooperate. If we could grasp it at that time, it would not be the result now.

But neither of them wanted to talk about this issue in depth. After all, they were not from the military. What's more, what about the military? It seems that opinions are not very unified, even now? The same is true of them. Although both of them have some relations with the military, they are not military people now.

Therefore, when it comes to this issue, no one wants to go deep into it, because whose decision can't make too many decisions. Even when Ding Yu cooperates with the military, the middle-aged people are equally uninterested. The reason why Ding Yu didn't say that was because there was no time, which was certain.

What about the relationship between yourself and Ding Yu? It seems to be very subtle, but what about each other's heart? They are very clear about each other's positioning, without a very deep foundation, but they really put each other's position in a very special way. On this issue, it is really quite different from the Wang family.

"So it's definitely not coming back this year?" Middle aged people also know that Ding Yu mentioned the Boston consortium to himself. Now everything seems to have nothing to do with Ding Yu, but it needs Ding Yu to be there all the time. I'm afraid that's why Ding Yu didn't come back.

But what about the relevant things? Ding Yu doesn't mean to explain to others at all. Other people think as they like. Anyway, Ding Yu has no opinion on this. Even though he is Wang Lao and Su Lao, Ding Yu doesn't have much meaning to explain! Think of here, the middle-aged people are also some sigh!

"Not so much free time!" When he said this, Ding Yu's attitude seemed to be a little cold. Obviously, he meant to block the words behind him. Although he said that he gave his grandfather a different idea, it didn't mean that he didn't mind at all. Two things happened!

Looking at Ding Yu's appearance, the middle-aged man also sighed, "I still hope you can think about it well. What's the matter? What is right and wrong can't be seen alone! " But what about this? That is to say, there is no further deepening.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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