Some words? It's really inconvenient for me to say, why? Because of the contradiction between Ding Yu and Wang Lao? There are some that can not be reconciled, and there are very direct conflicts of interest between them, more than 300 billion! The naked numbers are placed there. It's true that Ding Yu doesn't care about the money, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't care about it.

So what? Even if you want to say something, you really don't know what to say. What about this problem? Can only let Ding Yu and Wang Lao talk, but now this time, don't talk about it, even if it is to let two people sit together, it is a very difficult thing!

What is Ding Yu's opinion of Wang Lao? Also has extended to the entire Wang family, even to the Wang family are quite blind to go! So some things are unavoidable! Otherwise, it can only be a more bad thing! At least as far as I know, the current situation is like this.

Today's conversation with Ding Yu was also very good. Ding Yu also said some relevant information, so that he had a certain understanding and judgment on the overall situation. This is also the main purpose of his coming here. Don't think it is unimportant. On the contrary, these are the most important.

Moreover, during this process, Ding Yu did not mean to hide himself. He exchanged some things about the national economy. Originally, these problems and situations could be seen in the quadrangle, but the problem is that Ding Yu has given the quadrangle to the situation, and there is no such opportunity.

Of course, the national side will also collect information from relevant parties, but their positions and angles are different, so what they see is totally different! And what about Ding Yu? Basically, they are consortia and even chaebols. What they have revealed is really not to be underestimated.

"I heard you're going to meet Mr. Su again!" After everything had been talked about, the middle-aged man also said with Ding Yu, "I said you boy! Sometimes it can't be too realistic. It's all born by my parents, not from the cracks in the stone! " In the end, I still didn't hold back.

Ding Yu also gave a wry smile, "I thought you wouldn't mention it!" But that's it. I didn't say anything else, because one point is enough. Too much is said, but it's not beautiful!

After sending the middle-aged man away, Ding Yu also sat at home. What's the waiting time? It's not very long. Some people come to the house on their own initiative. Ding Yu really doesn't mean to go to the Su family. Why not go to the Su family? This is not only Ding Yu's resistance and refusal, but also involves other problems and situations.

What about Su he's nephew? It's really the first time I heard about it. The so-called first hearing refers to the time lost for so many years before being found out. I really didn't expect that the family would keep it secret for such a long time. How could I not know that my fourth son lost this matter? At the beginning, I also tried my best to work hard at home, but there was no result. The family had already given up.

But today? The father and the third son even told themselves that the child had been found for several years, but for other reasons, it had not been published. After hearing this, Su he felt a little shocked, and even felt a little chilly in the back of his head.

I was found back, but I didn't publish it. Even my eldest son didn't know the inside story. There was definitely something wrong with it, and it was quite a problem! Fortunately, I'm old at this age, so I don't feel so green and impatient. I just look at my father.

"Dad! What is the identity of my nephew? I haven't heard anything about it! "

Su bochen also moved his neck and tried to make himself more comfortable. "This child was found by your aunt. That old Qu guy was ill and hospitalized. She went to have a look and met him! I heard that she had a face-to-face encounter on the road in the past, and she never forgot those years! Always looking for it. "

Yeah? Su River is also surprised, in the hospital to see, this situation seems to be some not very wonderful! In the hospital, if it was a patient or a doctor, I heard his father continue to say, "he was there to help people. He seemed to be a famous medical expert in the United States, but later I learned that his identity was not simple!"

Su Quan, sitting next to him, nodded! If he is still in the army, there will be no problem hanging a Venus in the future, but what a pity! He has been retired. "

Then Su Quan also put Ding Yu in the army? I said it briefly, but what I said was vague because of some situations? Su Quan doesn't know that well. However, Su he is the master who does not rub sand in his eyes. He is the chief military officer. He has his own unique understanding of some of the situations.

"In this case, he should be regarded as a special brigade directly under the military region!" Although it is only a simple case, Su he has made a certain judgment. If the subordinates of the group army are not so mysterious and special."It belongs to the special brigade directly under the military region, but it is trained as a special talent. The assessment basically seems to have been completed. If we go further, it may be directly under the general staff!" The words stopped, and did not go on, but Su River's mouth has opened, there is no meaning to close.

However, Su he also responded. When he looked at his third son, Su Quan shook his head. "That's it. All the military intelligence and his situation have been sealed up. The level of confidentiality is beyond imagination. Even some of the situations I just mentioned, many of them are conjectures."

"This should not be the main reason why his identity is hidden in the family." It is true that Ding Yu's identity in the military is more confidential, but what about that? How about finding the child at home and giving him an identity? There should not be too many problems!

Su bochen also gave Su Quan a color. Su Quan simply told Ding Yu about the situation in recent years. After that, Suhe didn't wake up for a long time. What he heard was just like the Arabian Night Dream. It was so unreal!

"Dad, it's nothing for me to see him. It's normal for my uncle to see his nephew. He's happy to see him now! But isn't it a bit too much for the Wangs? "

Su bochen also said, it is obvious that the boss's words are very appetizing. Although he thinks so, what about this? Really can't say so! Then he said aloud, "what about this? There are some problems and situations in other aspects, which are not as simple as you think. You don't have to worry about Wang's affairs. It's enough to talk about supporting him! "

"Why me, not the Su family?"

"I went to talk about this problem with Ding Yu, a bastard. Now he has suddenly suspended cooperation with the military, or the intelligence and governance Department of the military, which indicates that he has found partners and partners for cooperation. To a certain extent? He is not very relieved about the Su family, which stems from the fact that Lao Wang did too much at the beginning

Well, Su he has already understood what happened. At the beginning, Ding Yu still had a lot of feelings for the Wang family, but the problem is that he didn't expect the Wang family to sell him. For Ding Yu, the child, the psychological impact and injury were too much, and even for a long time did not respond to it.

So what about Ding Yu's support for the Su family? Is also in a kind of ambiguous attitude, has you su family also to be possible, does not have you su family also to be able to, no matter what big deal, anyway I can accept!

After figuring out what was going on, Su he's heart was full of confidence. He came to the courtyard. Looking at the layout inside and outside the courtyard, Su he also sighed with the attendants nearby. It was too late for him to come to the courtyard. It was obviously inappropriate for his father to come How about a portion? It is also decided that he is not suitable to come here at all, so the family can only be accompanied by the service personnel.

"Hello, uncle!" Ding Yu's performance is still respectful, and Su he is also carefully looking at Ding Yu, not to mention, with his brother-in-law? It is true that there are many similarities, can not be said from a mold card out, but a lot of things? Or think of the same place! Worthy of being the seed of the Wang family!

"Hello, Ding Yu!"

What about Ding Yu, who still hasn't changed his name? Su River how much also has so some views, but oneself equally clear, this matter? It's really not up to you to decide! This doesn't even have much to do with whether you like it or not!

After taking their seats, Suhe also took a look at the layout of the courtyard, but it was slightly novel. Although the hot summer has passed, what about here? It is still lush green, and the outside world is formed a sharp contrast, this point is to let Su River for his nephew? Some other ideas and ideas.

If the other children in the family dare to do this, they are not slapping them in the face, but kicking them is absolute. They really have a lot of things that they can't get used to. What about the environment and conditions that my nephew lives in? There are some that are not necessary.

But what? What about that? I really have no way to say it, because other people's money? I'm afraid it's impossible for other children in the family to mix up in this way, except for the pickling methods. What about your nephew? People have come to this point on their own.

So it's better to pick and choose between your nephew and your nephew! It is impossible to have any effect and effect at all, and even arouse people's disgust. However, I have noticed the expression on Ding Yu's face? There is no special pleasure in seeing yourself? It seems that it is not the passion in imagination!

However, after thinking about the old three's description, Su he thinks it's normal again. What about himself this time? The reason why I let myself in is not because of my identity, but mainly because of my father's face. This is the most important thing. Otherwise, what about my uncle?"I'm transferred to work in the Department. I may work for a year and a half!" Su he also simply said his own situation. After that, he also looked at Ding Yu carefully, "I don't pay much attention to the things at home."

Ding Yu also chewed the meaning of his uncle's words. He should tell himself that although the old man ordered him to come down, what kind of situation was it? It still needs a process, and it's not because of Ding Yu's identity that how does he behave? I won't do this!

After thinking for a while, Ding Yu also nodded, "when I was a year ago, I would not be in China. Maybe I would come back for two days occasionally. The time may not be very convenient."

Since uncle Ding has already expressed his attitude, Ding Yu has also said something about himself and his ideas. At the same time, he has also expressed his attitude. What about the situation of the Su family? I won't refuse, but I won't go to the pole specially. What about your so-called observation? I don't have any objection.

"Not bad!" Su he also said a light, he is really feel this nephew is good, sitting is very calm, not because of their own things? What about the so-called "support"? I don't agree, but I don't mean against it! At least there is no so-called disappointment and loss.

"Uncle praised it!" There is not too much contact between each other, so there is not too much emotion to talk about, and there is no such a saying that there are still some strangers, Ding Yu? How many have so some introverted character, and Su he? It's almost the same type, so when two people sit together, there are not so many topics.

"Not praise! When you were young, I still held it every day. I didn't think about it. In a twinkling of an eye, it has been so many years since I was young as you! It's very brave! " After saying that, Su he also looked at Ding Yu, "I heard that you didn't mean to change your name!"

Ding Yu also laughed, and did not mean to take the words. He did not even pay much attention to his uncle, which also made Su he feel a little angry. However, he also knew that the nephew's temper seemed to be a little big, especially in this matter, it seemed that there was a knot in his heart that could not be solved.

I just said a word, but I didn't think that it would be such a result, even to his face, so Su he didn't want to say it, but after thinking about it, Su he said, "I dare not do anything else, but your mother has been hurt because of you!"

"I see!" Ding Yu's words are very insipid, and even give people the feeling that they don't have too many feelings. You can't say what kind of meaning he expressed. Anyway, people can't understand it! But this does not seem to be a strange thing!

Although Ding Yu has never changed his name, it seems that he has a fair relationship with his mother. As for the two children Wang Li and Wang Yang get along well, I really don't know what the inside information is, because there is not too much useful information for him at home.

To know, even now, he has not completely clear, his nephew is what kind of person, but the choice of his father? I have no way to refuse, so I have come to have a look, and there are not too many problems and situations. Although there may be some coldness in this conversation, the effect is OK for Suhe.

However, since the matter has been finished, Su River does not mean to stay too much. What about Ding Yu? It is not that there is no excuse, but there is no need. But Ding Yuhe changed his mobile phone number with his uncle, a special number!

And what about Ding Yu? He also personally delivered it to the door. Looking at his uncle, Ding Yu was waiting there. He didn't go back immediately. After the car left, Ding Yu returned to the courtyard again. It was Suhe who was sitting in the car. When he left, he looked back.

What about the nephew's performance? Generally speaking, it's good. What's the result? Perhaps not the most satisfied, but for each other, it is still acceptable! No one will think that through a conversation, you can not reserve anything. It is true that there is blood relationship between each other, and it does not play a very important role.

What about the so-called blood relationship? It's just a bridge between each other, at least let each other? We can communicate with each other, at least at this time. What will happen in the future? This problem is really not easy to say! No one will jump to this conclusion.

For Su bochen, he had already predicted such a result. What about his eldest son? It's a little different from the old three! They are different from each other, so what about dealing with Ding Yu's problem? The way and the way are also different, it doesn't matter what is good or bad. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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