After meeting his third uncle and uncle, Ding Yu closed the door. The meaning is very simple. He won't see other people again. What about this trip to Jingcheng? What about things above the surface? This is basically the end of the day, not to mention this time back? Also not for this aspect matter, mainly is own brother marries!

What about this attitude? It was soon known to all. What about Ding Yu's performance? We are still a little disappointed, because it is not the result that we expected. You Ding Yu has already come back. At least we should make some noise! How can there be no waves at all? Does that sound like a word?

And this has been more than half a year, always so quietly disappeared, is not there so some bad?

But what did Ding Yu do? It really makes people can't find too many problems. This guy is obviously different from other dandies. What about this guy? It is also slightly mysterious, at least some people can't understand, so we have some taboos to him, even the most basic exploration.

This time, Ding Yu didn't say that there was no big news. It was like a problem with the military. Although it was not made public, everyone knew what had happened. But no one wanted to take the initiative to bring this matter to the surface. It was too serious to bear the cost and consequences of military anger.

The military can be said to be very angry about this matter, but they are also clear about this matter? It seems to have a considerable relationship with Ding Yu, but what about the actual situation? It's not Ding Yu's cause. Injustice has its head and debt has its owner. What's the source of this matter? Or in other people's bodies, Ding Yu does not occupy the main responsibility.

At the beginning, Ding Yu came back to talk about cooperation with the military intelligence and management department, but some people succeeded in turning things upside down. No one expected that Ding Yu made such a decision by backhand. For some people, it was really a draw from the bottom! Now the effect may not be so obvious, but wait for a period of time, the effect will slowly reveal.

Ding Yu didn't choose to compete on the surface, because what about such a contest? Can only let oneself bear huge loss, so oneself adopted another way and means, is not play yin? I don't know how to use it, but I don't want to do it. Since you have made a choice, then I can't make them too lonely. Otherwise, I'm sorry for everyone's expectation! Ding Yu is quite responsible.

When he got up in the morning, Ding Yu was the same as usual. Then he drove to Jincheng. Not many people came back to the capital. Even those brothers in the north also drove directly to the capital. There were some detours around the capital.

When Ding Yu came, some people had already arrived. When they saw Ding Yu, everyone was very happy. They haven't seen each other for a long time. At ordinary times, we always have contact with each other. But the problem is that Ding Yu is not able to get in touch with some of them. The main reason is that he has been abroad for a long time, which is a bit of a problem.

But even if it is like this, Ding Yu can basically arrive at any red and white wedding events. What's more, as long as you make a phone call, although you can't say that you can be on call, you will be basically arranged properly. It's all fated friendship, so everyone is happy to associate with Ding Yu.

What about inside? It can't be said that it has nothing to do with Ding Yu's identity. At the beginning, we all looked at the old ghost's affairs and the situation. However, curiosity returned to curiosity, but there was no meaning to ask. After all, everyone took Ding Yu as a brother, and there was no other meaning or idea.

Because of the identity, we can not often get together, so catch up with such an opportunity? It's not easy, but what about weddings? The people did not sit in the hall, but in the private room, except for these old brothers? The little girl is also on the list, representing his father.

They didn't tease the little girl about the new marriage, but they pointed the target directly to Ding Yu. Although Ding Yu said that all the children had already been born, the problem is that the position has not yet got married. This is a little bit unreasonable! I owe you an explanation!

But what about the gathering of Ding Yu and these people? Or to attract the attention of the relevant departments, but this time? The situation is different. Previously, it was full of fully armed personnel in two buses. What about this time? It's just an ordinary car. There are three staff in it. The difference is a little bit big.

But even so, they didn't hide the eyes of all the people present, but they didn't care so much. They were all family members, and no one would go to drum up those things. As for why there was surveillance, I'm afraid it was aimed at Ding Yu. Although everyone didn't say so, it was still very clear in their hearts.

After everything in the banquet hall is busy, mingzai also brings his new wife to the private room. When he looks at the crowd, he clasps his fist and apologizes for the delay. After all, although he is a brother of life and death, there are some things that should not be done.After all, it is enough to watch mingzai live a happy life. Then mingzai also sat down, but when he sat down, he also explained to his wife. What happened? It still needs to be said.

In the evening, Ding Yu is responsible for the reception. Mingzai has other things. What about Ding Yu? His home is closer to the capital, and whether there are other things, so he took the responsibility. What's more, he was the leader of this small group, so the people didn't have any other opinions.

In the evening, we don't need to be so serious as at noon. We have a rest in the hotel reserved by Ding Yu in the afternoon. We are full of spirit. In the evening, we don't mean to drink white. We just make a few cases of beer.

However, it makes the hotel feel a little surprised, because of the local people? Drinking beer is not a lot. It's mainly white wine. Even the waiters are still strange. Is it wrong?

While eating, we chatted about our recent situation. If there is anything we can help, we will never refuse. We are not outsiders, but what are our living conditions? It's also good. After all, after so many years of training in the army, relying on the so-called professional skills, there are not too many problems in life.

Of course, there is also a very important premise, that is, there are not too many physiological and psychological problems. If it is really like the old ghost and Ding Yu, they have not been able to recover, as if this time, there are still some people who have not come over? It's very illustrative.

Although it was a little late, mingzai and his wife also rushed over and sat together for a long time. In the morning of the next day, the people didn't stop too much. However, mingzai prepared some things for everyone. Although it was not worth money, they also came here. They couldn't go back empty handed?

Ding Yu didn't stay too much. Although he said that he tried his best to stay here, Ding Yu also had other things to deal with. When Ding Yu arrived at the capital, he didn't even stop and didn't mean to go back to the quadrangle, so he went to the airport directly.

Is there someone who is interested in Ding Yu and wants to talk with him? Ding Yu will not care too much about such things. I know very well that when I come back to attend the wedding ceremony, since it is over, there is no need to stay in China.

But the speed of Ding Yu's leaving really surprised Wang Pu and the old lady. Were they in such a hurry? Even after coming back from Jincheng, he didn't stay for a long time, didn't say any greetings, and left immediately.

And this time back? Wang Pu didn't say hello to the Wang family or meet anyone in the Wang family. Wang Pu really wanted to talk to her grandson, but she was blocked by the old lady. From the various conditions of Ding Yu's return, he really has no love for the Wangs.

You know, it's been nearly a year, and I've been back several times. However, no matter what problems and conditions arise, there is no basic phone call or greeting. Even if there is something unavoidable, it is just to ask the housekeeper of the courtyard, an Jie, to say hello, while Ding Yu never shows up.

And this time? Su bochen also did not want to stimulate Wang Pu's meaning, he has already let the boss and Ding Yu meet, each other's situation? It can be regarded as some understanding. The rest depends on the contact between each other. There should be no too many problems and situations. What about the Wang family? I have heard about it.

This great grandson! It is still the same as before. It is not easy for him to say anything about it, especially at this time. It is too deep! It will really affect the relationship between each other, because in my opinion, the reason why this child looks like this is because there is estrangement in the heart, or some are too fragile.

You should know that he has always been away from the Wang family. What about his previous contact with the Wang family? It also belongs to the nature of caution, because for him? It is also difficult to understand what kind of attitude the Wangs are for him, but with the gradual contact, the situation has changed.

Without his consent, he rashly made the so-called decision for him, which made Ding Yu's sensitive nerves jump at once. This is probably the main reason for the bad relationship between Ding Yu and Wang's family. It is only a contact that has already done such a thing. If he enters the Wang family, he will What does it look like?

So what about the foot that Ding Yu had already stepped into? It is also the first time to shrink back, the move can not afford to provoke, is it difficult for me to hide? If I don't have any contact with your Wang family, it's over! And what about it? Su Ding Yu wants to get in touch with her grandson.

But what's the good news? Ding Yu did not show too bad, but also did not show very eager, can only be said to maintain the relationship on the surface, OK! That's it! Satisfied or not satisfied, I am like this, after all, this matter is not my first to make out!Don't use such a rogue logic as a slap in the face of me. Although Ding Yu didn't say it, he had already made it clear. I have recognized this matter. At the same time, I will never give you another chance. Your Wang family is great, and it has nothing to do with me. I did not point to you and gave me a mouthful of rice.

In my most difficult time, the Wangs didn't give me any help, so I didn't owe you anything. On the contrary, the Wangs didn't think much of my personal thoughts and opinions when dealing with some of my problems. This is a disrespect for individuals.

What about things like this? Su bochen saw it too clearly, but it was precisely because he saw it too clearly that he did not know what to say. Because this matter is absolutely not a mistake, or that it can be passed by talking with each other. It is not the case at all.

What about love and hate? There is no reason to speak about it. What's more, when it comes to interests, there is no way to make it clear. How about this matter so far? It's a dead knot! It is not to say that it is really impossible to resolve, but even if the solution is solved and the mirror is reunited, can the relationship between each other return to the past? Unlikely things.

Want to resolve this? There are two indispensable people, one is Ding Yu's grandmother, the other is Ding Yu's mother, but now what about these two? There are so many small barriers in my heart. First of all, what did he do to Lao Wang? I'm very dissatisfied, so I'm not willing to take the lead in the affairs of my grandson.

And her own daughter? It seems that she already knows the relevant things and situation. What about her now? Just pretending not to know, there is a sentence how to say, you will never wake up a person pretending to sleep, now your own daughter! Everything is stuffy in my heart, I just don't say it.

What about the two people who have the ability to resolve this conflict? Now they don't mean to show up. No matter how hard other people try, they can't fart. Even if they are the old guy, the same is true. Will Ding Yu, the grandson, give himself this face? Unlikely things.

Although he is young, but what about this experience? It's really much richer than ordinary people. That old fellow of the Wang family! I've been fighting geese all my life. This time, it's a problem! What can I do now if I know regret? It can't be saved! It's not that you want to save what can be saved.

Say it's benefit! Involved in the family, said it is family! Interest is involved. Since you have given up the so-called kinship when you made the interest choice, it is not so easy to think about it now. Anyway, Su bochen is not very optimistic about it. This is also the main reason why he did not go to Laowang for trouble during this period of time.

However, Su bochen didn't mean to go to Wang Pu, but Wang Pu went to find Su bochen, and even blocked Su bochen in his home directly. This really has the flavor of ignoring! From another point of view, Wang Pu is really worried now!

What about this time? It seems to be the two kings of the Soviet Union, but what about the actual situation? Wang's family can't even count as a filler. This makes Wang Pu feel a little anxious. What if it's something else? Even so, but in such things, the Wang family was placed in such a position, the situation is not very good.

"I knew you, an old man, can't sit still!" Looking at Wang Pu who blocked the door, Su bochen was not very kind.

Wang Pu also snorted, but did not make a sound. Then he heard Su bochen continue to say, "Ding Yu, the child, has already gone back in the morning. The time is too abrupt. It is meaningless for us two old guys to discuss this matter here. We can't help it!"

Yeah! I can't hold it! Ding Yu's foundation is not in China, so even if you want to suppress him, you don't know where to start, let alone the things on the surface? All of them have been cleared up. We all know this. Now even if we can find a reason, there are some things that can't be found.

Of course. Now why not? It's not to press down on Ding Yu, but to win him over. But Ding Yu didn't give him any chance. Anyway, what's my focus? I'm not in China anymore. When I'm in a mood, I'll come back for a visit. When I'm not in the mood, who knows who you are?

"So he won't come back in the second half of this year." When talking, Wang Pu's tone is so low.

"From what I know, he talked to the eldest son of his family, but the talk was not very good. There were some formality between them, but it was understandable. However, I don't know what he talked to the third, but I want to ask you about the specific situation."

Wang Pu also snorted. Obviously, he was dissatisfied with Su bochen's words. He knew about it. Ding Yu, the great grandson, did not choose himself or his own father, but chose the third. This incident made him feel very surprised and even slapped in the face!But there is nothing to say, at least from their own point of view is like this! Now Su bochen once again poked things out, he can be happy just strange! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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