"The situation of the Wangs is very passive. The Su family seems to take the initiative, but it seems that the situation is not as good as there." Wang Pu is also pressed down in the heart of the unhappy, not salty said.

"That's the truth After that, Su bochen's face was heavy, and he was somewhat unhappy. Then he took a look at Wang Pu and snorted. What's the reason for today's trouble? It's not because you were such an old man. You were so headstrong at the beginning, and other people were blowing wind. Otherwise, what would happen to the situation today?

Wang Pu didn't want to pay attention to Su bochen's meaning. It's true that he also knows how things happened once, but it doesn't mean that he has to say it. This is two times. Moreover, Su bochen is absolutely intentional. He mentions such a thing in front of his own face and makes himself lose his face.

"What about the current situation of the Wang family? It needs to be broken! "

Su bochen was slightly stunned. Then he looked at Wang Pu with disbelief. After a look up and down, he was also puzzled and said, "are you not mistaken? Do you think it is possible to break this situation at this time? Anyway, I'm not very optimistic about this matter! "

I am really not optimistic about this matter. At this time, I really can't think of any way to alleviate the contradiction in front of me. Moreover, my mother-in-law and my daughter have no intention to appear. Looking at Wang Puxin's swearing, Su bochen is really curious. What kind of idea is it?

What about this? I really can't catch up with Wang Pu. This guy has a lot of flowers in his stomach. I've got some interest. It's not a good thing for the Su family, but it's definitely not a bad thing.

"Wang Yang is very old. Some things can be solved."

A word is also thoroughly let Su bochen stupefied there, and then also moved his body, there are some far away meaning, but it is again up and down to look at Wang Pu, and then slightly ironic said, "I'm afraid that only you can think of such a note, you will definitely not be temporary, think for a long time?"

But Wang Pu completely ignored the irony, and even some of them didn't care, "what do you mean? Although Wang Yang said he was the grandson of the Wang family, he was your grandson at least. You also need to stand up. "

"I'm afraid you can come up with this idea. I'm sure I'll come out with you, my Lord!" Although I agree with this practice, what about this matter? Su bochen really felt a little uncomfortable, and even made himself feel a little speechless. As for how to use this way?

But they really have no way to deny, why? Wang Yang may not get married right now, but he is the eldest son of his family? Will Ding Yu not show up? This is impossible.

It's true that there is a taste of machiavellity. It's true that it's a bit excessive to say so, but Su bochen really didn't want to cover it up, but he didn't think that Wang Pu didn't care at all. As for what the process looked like, I'm afraid not many people would care.

"Now that you've said that I'm in charge, let's start to handle specific things." Wang Pu also immediately made the decision of the relevant parties, "he has already told Wang Yang about the relevant matters and conditions, let alone engagement. I think the Lin family's children are good, don't you think?"

Su bochen pondered for a while, "the specific situation is not so clear, but I heard that their family's wind evaluation is good. Their daughter seems to have just graduated from school for a short time. Is she teaching now?"

"Not bad!" But what about Wang Pu? It is also a smart heart, the old guy seems not to be so careless in the imagination! There is still some water in his stomach, and he has some doubts. If he said that he did not mention the idea, would he put forward the relevant ideas?

Lin's girl has just graduated and is now teaching. She also learned through investigation. But what about the old guy sitting opposite him? Even can say without any hesitation, that he is also quite concerned about this matter, at least for Wang Yang is quite attentive.

I didn't expect that the old guy was not idle! Who can be involved in the relationship with Ding Yu? Not many. The old lady is one, her daughter-in-law is one. What else? It's Wang Li and Wang Yang.

But what about his wife and daughter-in-law? I don't have the thought in this respect at all. As for the two children left? What about Wang Li? With her big brother? It's true that Wang Yang is always in touch with his big brother.

I didn't expect that Su bochen, an old man, had such a delicate mind that he was a little underestimated.

But it's no big deal. Then Wang Pu took the cup on the table, took a look at it, and then took a sip. It tasted good. Su bochen also looked at Wang Pu's style. He also picked up the cup and took a small sip. After a sip, the taste was really good.When two people drink tea together, it means that the matter has been settled.

"Wang puchen didn't think of Wang Puyang when he was staring at me. He didn't think of this old man coming back to see me! In the past, he was a little underestimated! He used a lot of Kung Fu behind his back! Hum

The old lady was stunned for a moment. Then she scratched her cheek with her hand and stroked her gray hair. "Put the target on Wang Yang's body, and then pull out Ding Yu, the child?" Now this time to find their own in laws, and then mentioned the matter of Wang Yang, how can the old lady's delicate mind not understand?

"What do you say?" What about the idea of a virtuous wife? I really dare not ignore it.

I didn't discuss this issue with my family before. What kind of bad results did you have? Now we have seen it. So what happened this time? I also had a discussion with someone. Although I think it's good, I still hope to hear what my wife says.

"It's a way, but will Ding Yu, the child, show up? If the situation is too small, it will not be of much use. If it is said that the situation is too big, it will cause fluctuations in all aspects, especially at this time when it is a little tense! "

Wang Pu nodded, "Wang Yang is not young, even if he is not married, he should give things down!"

Eh? As soon as her eyes brightened, the old lady looked at her old man and nodded after thinking about it for a while. "This idea is very good. If it is engagement, it is not very big, but it is very meaningful and representative. But will the second and daughter-in-law have any other opinions and ideas?"

Hearing his wife say so, Wang Pu has already understood that his wife agrees with this idea, and the only feeling that he has so many worries? It's the problem with the sophomore and Su Yuan! In fact, what about Xiao er? However, there will be no other opinions and ideas, mainly about Su Yuan, which is also very important.

"We are in charge of Wang Yang's affairs. As for Wang Li's side? It depends on her own will. What if she has a satisfied object? We don't force it, don't you think? "

The old lady nodded, "let me talk about Su Yuan's affairs! Did old Sue agree? " Seeing the old man nodding, the old lady closed her eyes and thought for a while, "how can we tell Ding Yu, the child, to let Su Yuan say it? Or let Wang Yang say it? I think that if Su Yuan is asked to speak, the effect may be better! "

"I also think it's better for the second and his daughter-in-law to talk about it!" Wang Pu also said that it was not good for him or his wife to talk about this matter, but what about Xiao ER and Su Yuan? It is a problem of another nature! I don't even worry about other problems and situations.

"OK, I'll call right away and let Wang Yang come back for dinner in the evening." The old lady is also very popular. Although she is not satisfied with the old man's dispute with his grandson, what is the matter now? It's a matter of the whole Wang family. I can't be without propriety.

Absolutely can't be small enough to lose big, but although the words finished, but the old lady still some doubt looking at her wife, "Ding Yu is coming, we are sitting together? It can give a signal to the outside world, but after meeting Ding Yu, the child? How do you say that? "

"What can I say?" Wang Pu is also a rare smile, such a smile in the past half a year, but did not see, it can be seen that Wang Pu's mood is quite good, "not too much to say, some things? Let's do this for the time being! Now I'm in a hurry. Some gains are not worth the loss! "

"Hum!" The old lady also made a slightly ironic voice with her nose, but what about this voice? It really doesn't mean to ridicule, but to understand the old man's mind. In this way, the grandson can do it.

Wang Pu also took a breath, looked around, and then slowly said, "is the grandson found? It has been some years. I feel that there are some problems in this. What about one aspect? His identity is quite special, but there is really little information about him in these years, no matter which aspect is the same! "

"What do you mean? You want to arrange people! " The old lady's brow, which had been loosened, was frowned again.

Wang Pu shook his head, "forget it! I just have some doubts about why there has been no news for many years. This is really quite abnormal, especially in modern society, which makes people feel that there are so many incomprehensible things! "

"I also have some feelings about the matter you mentioned. I always think that he has connections with all aspects, but what about this connection? It's very suspicious to say whether it's deep or not, but as far as I know, his side seems to be very clean, which is unimaginable! "

Wang Pu is also holding his chin, not to mention Ding Yu Qing chin posture? It's very imaginative with the old man! I'm afraid that there are some genetic reasons for this, so people can't say that the road is not clear!"I'm afraid not many people know exactly what his structure is like, at least the people around him now? It's not as many people as you can imagine. I mean, the exposed people are not as many as they imagined. One is Jin and the other is sun Yingnan. These are two very important people! "

"These two people can't find out any details at all. They don't even know where they came from! Sun Yingnan, who first followed Ding Yu, appeared in Britain. It seems that he was introduced by the British side. But what is the specific identity? There has been no clear statement. What is on the surface is not taken seriously! "

Wang Pu also knocked his head with his hand. What about this? It's really not a common trouble. If you want to know your grandson, you have to ask the other side about it? You have to hear about it, but what about your grandson? It's too low-key, and there's even some hidden flavor.

I don't want to let people know too much. In addition, it's like this, so I want to know something about it? It's really more difficult. Even now, Wang Pu doesn't know anything else except for the vast majority of Ding Yu's senior high school students, some of them after joining the army, and even a small part of things after going abroad.

You should know that you are his grandfather, and you can't find any clues about your identity and position. From this, you can see how cautious and careful your grandson is! He even has some doubts. What is the reason why he is so careful and cautious?

Anyway, Wang Pu has so many can't understand, the previous time with this son of a bitch, originally he was still have capital, but did not think, this time things? Let all the advantages of all have disappeared, and even let himself very hurt, is also from when to start, I think the grandson has so much different eyes.

When I want to come, what about the sophomore? Although the future is very broad, but how to say? It's like that when you get to the top, but what about the whole Wang family? It's not like that when you get to the top, you don't have the details at home, but Ding Yu, the grandson, is actually the best choice.

But now the question is, what about your previous approach? Seriously touched his scale, that is to say, before each other began to talk, the relationship between each other had already disintegrated, which also made the whole Wang family in a very awkward position.

It is precisely because of this appearance that Wang Pu needs to sit with Ding Yu now, at least to let the outside world see some conditions and scenes, which is very important. At this time, it is impossible to pay attention to this grandson. I already know this, but the Wang family and he can't be separated.

Wang's family and Ding Yu can't stand together. It's a doomed situation. Because of his previous recklessness, it led to such a situation. What about regret? Needless to say, but even if they can't stand together, Wang Pu doesn't want the Wang family to stand opposite to Ding Yu.

Now that the matter has been decided, it begins to be dealt with separately. The old lady calls her son and daughter-in-law, while Wang Pu calls Wang Yang in person. Wang Yang, who receives the call, is also a bit confused. She always calls his grandfather and grandmother, and never has his grandfather call him, so it is possible for grandma 。

So when he received the phone call, Wang Yang also felt quite uncomfortable. After his grandfather said that he would go home for dinner in the evening, he hung up the phone. Wang Yang also felt that he could not feel his head. How do you mean? Is to let oneself go back to accompany to eat a meal just, as for so serious call over?

However, when he put down the phone, Wang Yang seemed to think of something. It must be something happened at home, and it should also have a certain relationship with himself. Otherwise, grandfather would never call, but what is the matter? Wang Yang is really unknown now.

But Wang Yang is also very clear, regardless of what kind of things, he does not have any right to resist. The reason why my grandfather called in person just told himself that this matter is very serious, at least in his mind, so what about himself? Also need to think about it!

But anyway? In the evening, I will go back and even buy some gifts that my grandfather likes.

On this issue, is it the same old situation, or is it a platitude, my big brother? I can't, but I can't afford the pressure from home. Because what about big brother? Since childhood, this family has not grown up, so we have different understanding of the problems.

What about yourself? I grew up in such an environment, so I can't be a big brother, and I can't be a big brother.

However, when talking about it, Wang Yang seems to have lost his mind. Why does he feel that his grandfather made this call to himself? To a certain extent, it seems to have something to do with his elder brother?

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