When Wang Yang came back, he went to buy some things specially, which were liked by his grandfather and grandmother! Anyway? It's all a little bit of care, but what I didn't think of was that not only my grandfather and grandmother were there, but also my aunt and uncle. What would not happen? Because I can't see anything else on the face of the elders.

Looking at the things in Wang Yang's hand, the old lady also took it, and even complained about it. There was no lack of such a stuttering at home. But Wang Yang was able to think about buying these things back, which showed that he had a heart.

Wang Pu also pointed to a bit, the action is more casual, let Wang Yang sit down in his side position. After handing things over to his grandmother, Wang Yang also sat on one side of the table. Since it's all like this, he doesn't have anything to say. Let's see what's going on! I really mean to wait and see.

"Well, you're not too young. It's time to settle things with the Lin girls." Wang Pu also did not have any hesitation, direct to the point, such a thing has what to delay?

Wang Yang also blinked his eyes, this matter seems to have been settled before, as for now this time so seriously with himself to mention this matter? So Wang Yang felt confused and looked at his grandfather. Was there any other change in this matter?

Wang Pu's face does not have much expression at all, slightly show so some insipid, good at ordinary times? This is also the case. Some of them are not strange. So Wang Yang wants to find the so-called answer from his grandfather's face, which is not very realistic.

"At home? I'm more or less anxious about this matter. I mentioned something to your father and mother earlier. If it's appropriate, I'll give it to you first. What do you mean? "

There is no idea. Wang Yang doesn't have many opinions and ideas. For himself, the girl of the Lin family is good. He has contacted with her a little, and it's OK. After all, what about your marriage? There is not much to be independent, and what about the Lin girls? To a certain extent, it is also in line with their own ideas, so I agreed.

Now the grandfather said so, Wang Yang also nodded, "I have no opinion, not bad!"

"Since you think it's good, make a decision on this matter today! When I gave you two things a year ago, I understood the thoughts of your grandmother and me. I didn't have to invite too many people, just the family members? Just sit down for a moment

Yeah? Wang Yang immediately moved in his heart. He seemed to suddenly understand something, but he didn't want to look at his grandfather's meaning. Instead, he looked down and thought for a period of time. Should he say this thing himself?

After thinking about it, Wang Yang thinks it's better to put it forward by himself. Does the rest of the family mention it? It seems that there are some things that are not appropriate, especially my grandparents. As for the aunts and uncles over there, they do not seem to have much say in this matter.

But now that they are all here, they can explain the problem very well. This hint is too obvious. If you pretend that you don't understand, the end will be very miserable, which I have expected.

So Wang Yang quickly made a decision, "since it's a family member, I'll inform my elder brother about it!"

Understand Wang Yang so said, Wang Pu is also silent for a period of time, and then, um, there seems to be some unhappy, but Wang Hui took a look at her husband, her father! Have been this age, but also deliberately in there, they have so many doubts, what kind of momentum ah!

But what about this? I really dare not to say, think about it! But I want to have a look with my husband, but I didn't think about it. My husband didn't look at it.

What about these things at home? They are also seen in the eyes, it is really not their own can be involved in it. However, since the matter has been decided, it should be his turn to appear, "Dad, this is Wang Yang's life event at least! I can't just set two tables at home. I'll go and fix a place. "

"If you don't invite people from other fields, just the people in your family. What's more, engagement is not marriage."

But the old lady has come back at this time. After hearing her daughter say so, she seems to think of something, "why don't you borrow Xiaoyu's Siheyuan! That place is very big, and the environment is also good. If it is other places, if people really come, is it a reception? Or not? "

It's very good to pay attention to it, but Wang Hui is so worried. Will her big nephew give this face? There are so many problems in this issue. Then he also looked at his father, but his father did not show any sign.

In the evening, everyone had a meal together. Wang Yang looked at the time and then took out his mobile phone. He could contact his elder brother, but whether he could contact him or not is really hard to say. However, since all the people in the family are at home, he can make a phone call. It's always good to try, isn't it?It took a while to get through the phone. Ding Yu got up for a while, and even finished his exercise. What about Wang Yang's call? However, there was not much hesitation, and the answer was very direct. "Hello

Hearing his elder brother's voice, Wang Yang was also obviously stunned for a moment, but then Mei Yu stirred up two times, "big brother, it's me, are you up?" It's a greeting! "I wanted to look for you before, but I didn't think about it. After you came back, you didn't have any stay, so it was delayed."

"Say something!" Ding Yu doesn't really mean to be polite. Even though Wang Yang is his own brother, what about Ding Yu's performance? A little bit cold, but what's the good news? People are used to his style.

"I'm going to be engaged, just these days!"

Ah? Ding Yu also had some accidents. What about this? He really didn't think of it. After being surprised, Ding Yu also said, "Congratulations! When? "

"The specific situation has not been determined, but what about the family? I'm ready to tell you about it when you come back, but I didn't think big brother. You don't have the time. " Wang Yang is also slightly helpless to say, "the home is not prepared to wantonly operate, two families come forward, may want to use your courtyard!"

"I see!" Having said that, Ding Yu also hung up the phone. When he put the phone down, Ding Yu also laughed. It doesn't matter who came up with the idea, but it really has a little meaning! There are so many difficulties, do you want to give this face?

Then Wang Yang made a phone call to Anjie. When he received the call, he was surprised. Wang Yang called himself so late, especially about the matter he said? What's more, I feel at a loss. What do you think of holding an engagement ceremony in a courtyard?

What about this? It's really not up to you to decide, just like a joke!

However, before Anjie calls Ding Yu, Ding Yu's call also comes, "sir!"

"Did Wang Yang call you?" After saying that, Ding Yu also laughed, "I just know the news. Since it's his engagement ceremony, I don't have to be too embarrassed! I know about this. You are ready to make a date and let me know! "

For whether to participate in this matter, Ding Yu really does not have too much to deal with and prepare, then it depends on the situation! To be sure, Wang Yang is engaged, which is a good thing, but his grandfather in his name is also involved in it. For Ding Yu, it is nothing to be happy about.

Why are the Wangs in such a hurry to handle this matter? What are the reasons? How much can Ding Yu figure out the relationship between him and the military when he went back earlier? It has been made clear that, since there is no way to cooperate, we should not break up earlier.

Because they have already found other partners, and in the process? Where is the Wang family? It's not very good. He was originally a chess player. This time, he was really a chess player. Moreover, he couldn't help himself. For the master, there are so many unacceptable pieces!

But Ding Yu is very clear. What about Wang Yang's engagement this time? There will not be any easing of contradictions between each other, which is certain. Just what? We will not mention the relevant matters, that is, Wang Yang's engagement. The family members do a little bit, but what impression does it give to the outside world? There is a saying.

Want to understand the matter, Ding Yu also can't buy a smile, his grandfather! It's really no big deal even if it's in the bones. What about Ding Yu? I didn't call my father or mother. What happened? Just like this!

What about things at home? Wang Changlin and Su Yuan didn't object much. What about the Lin girls? They have also examined it, and there is no problem. The important thing is that Wang Yang has a little interest in this girl. Since both sides are interested in it, let's set this thing down.

What's more, the old man has already said that Wang Yang's affair has been involved in the family, but what about Wang Li's? The family is not involved, which is also a disguised concession, "I heard that I called the boss. It seems that I want to use the quadrangle to do it, do you know?"

Wang Changlin was asked for a few seconds. "I know about Wang Yang's decision, and I know about calling the boss, but I haven't heard of borrowing it from the courtyard! Who said that? " For this matter, I really feel so shocked.

"Yang Yang mentioned it when he called me earlier!" When Su Yuan said this, he was also a little salty.

Looking at his wife's appearance, Wang Changlin also said with a smile, "what about the boss? We both want to take care of it, but what do we say? There are so many unintentional and powerless, not to mention the boss? He is also more sensible, so don't get involved too much! "What about the eldest son? Wang Changlin is very clear, is his wife and a heart disease, originally? Even if not back to the king's home, but at least with the Wang family there are so some hot, but now? Not only is the heat gone, even the basic relationship has so many difficult to maintain.

This time, the engagement of the youngest son needs to be done to outsiders to some extent. His eldest son and the king's family have not too much contradiction. What about what kind of things do you do? Although there are so many helplessness, but what can I say? Besides, my father is so old!

So now I can only comfort my wife. In fact, I know that my wife is in her heart? Quite unhappy, after all, what about the grandson? There are some biases. Now? Although it is Wang Yang's business, it also wants to recover the relationship with his grandson, although it is only a superficial relationship.

But my big son! How to put it? Wang Changlin also does not know how to judge, related to the ability of the question? It is needless to say that the cause he created really makes everyone have so much attention, but the same, this stubborn bar! It is also incomparable to ordinary people.

"Can the boss come back? If I come back, I will not be alone. I haven't seen two little guys for a long time. I heard that I was ill before! "

Well? What about what his wife said about it? Wang Changlin really felt that there were some difficulties, but the question is his eldest son and his relationship? It seems that it is not very close, this also makes myself jealous of the eldest son's adoptive father and mother, their relationship seems to be a bit too good!

Without ordinary greetings, there are some trivial things in the family. The boss will personally experience it. There are grandchildren and granddaughters. They and his mother have not seen each other twice in a year. Even when they think about children, they need to call the son. But what about his foster father and foster mother? There are no concerns and problems in this area at all.

The gap is too big, I feel the serious imbalance in my heart, but the problem is the king's problem? It is also a serious restriction on yourself, let oneself and son have no way to peace talk about, the original time? I still stayed in my house for a night, but now? Even the door is not on.

"I asked Wang Yang to make a call and tell him a call!"

"Forget it, let me make this call!" Looking at the husband's appearance, Su Yuan has some resentment and so many heartache, but what can be done? What about saying this? There are so some comfort meaning, let Wang Yang make this call, is how a matter? I'm afraid he's in a dilemma, too!

Look at the time, it seems that there is a very suitable, when answering the phone, Dingyu is in his office, looking at the call display? Also the eyelid pick, only this, not too much attention.

After all the things in his office have been handled, Ding Yu just gave his parents a phone call. His side is in the office. Just now, some things need to be dealt with. What is the tone of speech? Very flat, it seems that there is not much emotion, but for Su Yuan, hearing son's voice is good.

"Yang Yang is engaged. What about your father and I? I haven't seen the child for a while, especially your father. I think about the children. I heard that I was sick before and I don't know how! "

"I know!" Since mother said this, Dingyu also did not have too much intention to refuse, if there is no other situation? I will take the child back then, but that is it, otherwise, how do you want to do it?

Listening to his son's indifferent tone, Su Yuan sighed, "you haven't come back in this year. What about your situation with your father and me? It's also a lot of worry! I don't know what you are like, there is not much news from you at home, and I don't know how to ask! "

This said, the voice is so some wrong, Dingyu? Also silence a little time, then slowly said, "everything is very good, there is nothing to worry about, attention is!"

And Wang Changlin sitting beside? Listen to the elder son's words, the heart is also a sigh, if said not because of the old man's things? Even if the older son character is no longer cold, will not speak like this, but after the old man's things? The relationship between the eldest son and the king's family! Don't say it's restored, and even mitigation can't be done.

I also have some headache, after his eldest son comes back, after meeting with the old man, what kind of situation will it be, when? Is he comforting his father or his eldest son?

Standing in Wang Changlin's angle? I really don't know what to say! What about feeling like that? It will be very difficult to deal with, but it has to be faced.

Because the matter of Yang Yang has been settled, and what's more, behind this matter? There are other extended meanings. This is what the royal family needs at this time. There is no way to resist it! I am afraid of what will happen, but it's really time? Who knows what will happen!When she was distracted, Ding Yu had already hung up the phone, which seemed to have some busy meaning. When Su Yuan put down the phone, she was also a little disappointed. Even if Wang Changlin took her shoulder, her situation did not seem to be much better.

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