Since the matter has been set down, it is better to follow the trend. It is not a big deal! But what about Ding Yu? Instead, she made a phone call to Taixi and told her something about it. Why did you call Taixi! To a certain extent, it is also a kind of recognition and proof of her identity.

From another point of view, it can be said that Wang Pu's face is so embarrassing. Why say so? From the perspective of Wang Pu and the old lady, they always hope that the eldest grandson can find a suitable person to marry. It is true that he and Taixi already have children, but Taixi is not suitable to be a wife.

But now? There is no way to mention such a thing. Originally, Ding Yu gave back three faces. Now? To be able to leave a face is quite not easy! So don't embarrass yourself. From this point of view, Ding Yu seems to be a little bit bad!

When Tai Xi put down the phone, it seems that there are some helpless, but in the heart is really so some small sweet feeling, although said in the character above? For Ba Yu, it's really cool for him! I am very satisfied.

If Wang Yang wants to get engaged, he really needs to be prepared. This is not a kind of saying that he is too polite. After all, it also involves Ding Yu's face. Then Taixi also gave instructions to the people below. What about these things? I'm not very good at it, but I'll give it to the people below, let me have a look at it, and then let Ding Yu ouba examine it. There is no problem.

However, Kim Tae hee also looked at the time, and then personally called the old lady, "Hello, grandma, I'm Taixi! I learned about Wang Yang's engagement not long ago. Congratulations to grandma

Yeah? Hearing what Jin Taixi said, the old lady couldn't help but was stunned. But then the old lady seemed to understand something. Ding Yu must have told the child about this, but she called herself? Politeness and deference are available, but I still feel that there are some problems.

"Well!" The old lady didn't mean to put on airs, but the situation was a little sudden. The old lady still needs to see the situation.

"Grandma, Europa and I have prepared some things. I don't know whether it is appropriate. My mother said something earlier, and we don't know whether our rules are appropriate."

In a word, the old lady immediately understood that her daughter-in-law should have contacted her grandson. When she thought of this, what was the old lady's heart? It is also a sigh, obviously for this time things? In her daughter-in-law's heart there are opinions, even quite large opinions.

But what about this? The old lady is really not good to say anything, because she is also very clear, because the grandson thing? What about Wang's daughter-in-law? I haven't expressed any opinions on the matter all the time. What about all the things? It's all hidden in my heart.

"I know. When will I come to the capital, but I haven't seen two children for a long time!" Now that she has known what it is, the old lady's mind is turning and talking? It's also a lot of euphemism.

After Kim Tae hee called the old lady, he called Su Yuan again. Su Yuan was surprised that Kim Tae hee was able to call. He even had some surprises. What about the spirit of the whole person? It is also a sudden to get up, but let Wang Changlin on one side have so many "scared"!

As for the reasons for some small worries, they are very simple. What about the unmarried daughter-in-law? What other things will come out? I'm not afraid of 10000, just in case! Really, if there is any change, then how to say this thing! So what about Wang Changlin sitting on one side? In my heart, there are also some difficulties in sitting and standing.

However, Bai is really worried. There is no such problem at all. After all, Wang Yang is the younger brother, and Ding Yu is the elder brother. So what about the matter? Siheyuan will bear the responsibility, but I don't know what specific process there is. Call? That is to say, to ask about this aspect.

Although the relationship with Wang's family is general, and even a little bad, Ding Yu's relationship with Wang Yang is still very good. Although he doesn't mean to take over everything, what about these things? Basically, quadrangles will bear the cost. What about the so-called expenses? For the courtyard, there is no so-called burden.

What about these things? There is no much relationship with Ding Yu. Ding Yu really doesn't have much thought to pay attention to relevant matters. Basically, Taixi makes decisions alone. But Taixi's heart is very clear. Even if Ding Yu's oba knows, he won't say anything.

And what about Ding Yu? I really didn't say anything. It was just some cost. Whether it was simple or luxurious, it was not a problem for Ding Yu. Let's see Wang Yang's own love!

For this reason, Taixi also deliberately went to the United States, and then returned to the quadrangle in China with two children. Although it is said that there is still some time before the engagement day, Taixi still comes back as soon as possible. After all, what about this matter? It was held in the courtyard. I need a long face.But come back is back, but Tai Xi really did not have what too big movement, what is the matter? Basically, they all told Anjie to come forward, but they meant that they didn't go out of the gate, but they didn't step in. The old lady deliberately came here.

One is to look at the two children. What about the other? It's also to see how the preparation of siheyuan has been! The two little guys are still as lively as ever, but what about Taixi? It is also helping the old lady, not to leave the appearance, the end is clever, this is very along with the old lady's mind.

In fact, there is no other preparation for siheyuan. Isn't it an engagement ceremony? Don't make a big fuss, let alone the so-called engagement ceremony? It's just superficial. What about the reality? Or hope Ding Yu can come back, and then we all sit together, at least give the outside world a better impression.

In fact, this is the most important one. What about the others? All can only be said to be trivial, but from the current situation, the bedding is still very good, at least this did not pass the granddaughter-in-law? Still very understand, there is no incident, there is no any trouble.

Of course, this may have something to do with the fact that she does not know the inside story, or she may know something about it. But judging from her performance, what seems to be the problem? Not very concerned. But if you think about it, why does she care?

What about his granddaughter-in-law? Have your own industry, own business, even in South Korea now? It is true that he has his grandson behind his back. However, in South Korea, one acre of land has already been able to influence the wind and rain. Under such circumstances, how can it be involved in domestic affairs.

That is to say, from the beginning to the end? My grandson doesn't mean anything to the Wangs. How about your Wangs? It has nothing to do with me. I don't want to pay attention to it, and I don't want to pay attention to it. That's it! The old lady was able to see it thoroughly, because these performances were so obvious.

In his spare time, Wang Yang also brought his fiancee in his name to the courtyard. Of course, he also knew that his sister-in-law had also come. However, it seemed that he had come at such a bad time. Kim Tae hee was not in the courtyard. It seemed that there was something to deal with!

"Wang Yang, where is this?" What about Lin Qiuyan's situation in Beijing? I don't know much about it, because I'm not so interested in it as I imagined. Naturally, I don't mean to be involved in it. However, because of the family relationship, I know that starting a set of siheyuan in such a place can't be done by everyone.

"Where the engagement ceremony is held!" After that, she also took Lin Qiuyan into the courtyard. When she came in, she found that there were two different worlds outside and inside. Wang Yang also took off his coat, and the attendants who followed him took the things away.

Just when Lin Qiuyan hesitated, the two little guys didn't know where they got the rattle. They ran one after another, followed by two dogs. Their fur was golden, but they didn't grow up. They still had some naive manners, but they were a good contrast to the two little guys.

The two little guys looked at the two people standing in front of them, all staring at their big eyes, but it was obvious that there was no smell of fear, "uncle, good!" Greetings, and then also turned to run, but Wang Yang was directly to hold, even if you want to run, there is no chance, after all, it is too small.


The two little guys also looked at it in a daze, and then they also called out Auntie with their small mouth, and then they also called the two golden hairs behind them, and they staggered away. What about the whole process? Unexpectedly, no one came out to look at the child, which made Lin Qiuyan feel a little silly.

The two little guys are very lively, but in the courtyard, there are not too many people watching, or even binding. This is so unimaginable. Who's such a big child, not like a baby, is really afraid of pain in his hands and afraid of melting in his mouth. What about the two little guys? Even in the case of no one to pay attention to the jump that called a happy ah!

Wang Yang immediately found a seat to do it. It was cold outside, but what about the courtyard? It is warm as spring, although there is no scene of flowers in full bloom, but all things strive for spring, which makes people feel very comfortable. After sitting down, I don't know why. Anyway, this mood is not generally good.

After a while, someone brought coffee and small plates of cakes, which made Lin feel so incredible. This is not only a petty bourgeoisie sentiment, but also a typical fancy mocha. What about Wang Yang? It is a cup of blue mountain, pure blue mountain.

After tasting it, Wang Yang also nodded, "big brother, the coffee inside is more delicious! But this guy is so stingy. It's really difficult to get something out of his hand! "

"Two rare smile!" That is to say, just after Wang Yang's words were finished, Anjie also walked in slowly from the outside. After coming in, he also slightly bowed himself, "Hello, Miss Lin, Hello! Welcome to the courtyard"Where's your sister-in-law?"

"Mrs. Kim has other things to deal with!" Anjie also said, "Sir, I don't know what style the second young and Miss Lin like, so I asked someone to come and have a look."

"Where's grandfather and father?"

"Mrs. Kim has been sent there. She's already ready." Lin Qiuyan was also stunned for a moment. She heard the difference. Earlier, she thought that the so-called Mr? It's my future father-in-law, but it's obviously not. And listen to this? It's like Wang Yang's big brother!

Then Anjie also called for a female servant to come over. After all, it involves women's problems and conditions. These are not things Wang Yang can start with! However, when Wang Yang was tailoring his clothes, he seemed to think of something. "When will my elder brother come back, I haven't got much news all along!"

"I am not very clear about the specific situation!" Anjie didn't hide too much, "you know, what about Mr. two? I don't have the right to ask about it, but it's a very happy thing for the second young to get engaged. I haven't prepared too many things, and I don't know what else Er Shao likes! "

"Come on, don't shoot the horse. I don't know how the elder brother liked you at the beginning. I'm also surprised. When you were a guy, you just stayed in Beijing Office for a few years. How did you know that your pearl was covered with dust? I really can't think of it!"

What about the expression on Anjie's face? There are also some who can't laugh or cry, "Er Shao, I'm just a little housekeeper. If it's not for Mr. Zhang, I don't know where to wash dishes."

Although not too clear, but the meaning is also quite clear, this corner or do not dig, I do not have too much interest and interest, what's more, at the beginning of the time is mostly saved from the sea of suffering, if I flatter and leave, I'm afraid I can't forgive myself.

"Well, I get it. I'm just making a little fuss." Wang Yang didn't mean to force him. Although he said it was a little ironic, "however, one sentence, I'm very optimistic about you. I hoped you could go to my place to be my deputy, but it's impossible to think about it!"

"I'm flattered."

"It's not really a compliment, but it's impossible for you. But help me find two people in this area. Now I understand it! Today's society! What's most important, talent! " After finishing, Wang Yang also sighed, this is absolutely his deepest feeling.

Although I have made great achievements with the support of my eldest brother, in my opinion, I should be able to make greater achievements. The main reason is that I lack the help in this aspect. Anjie is a few talents. Although he can't fight for the front, he is definitely qualified to be a supervisor.

But what about things like this? It's just for me to think about it. It's impossible for him to come and help himself. Although he is just a housekeeper of the courtyard, his future is really limitless. Now in the courtyard? To a certain extent, it is just a kind of silence.

If there is a chance in the future, I believe that my elder brother will never treat Anjie badly, or he is preparing for the future. Such people want to earn money, but the problem is that they don't have much capital, or their pool is a little small.

Don't look at yourself now toss is quite big, but all of it? Are still in the process of start-up, what's more? That is to say, I'm struggling in China. Do you want to get rid of this cage? It's really not a simple thing, at least I need to accumulate for too long.

But when I saw Anjie, I also felt that I should cultivate some useful people for myself. Some of them were completely their own. They were different from those who were handed over to themselves at home or their so-called helpers. What about them? It can only be used, but in terms of trust, it is too poor.

In fact, you know what you want to pay attention to? There are also some less likely, more direct purposes of their own? I want to test the meaning of big brother, or try to find some ways from him to see if he has any other attention, but I don't know what the result will be.

The waiting time is not very long. Lin Qiuyan comes back again to see what she looks like? It seems that there are still some not quite adapted, but to see their boyfriend sitting there, is also a slight complaint of a look.

"What's the matter?" Wang Yang also seems to be very indifferent to say, Lin Qiuyan looked at here, and then carefully said, "here is what place! What I have just measured for me are not only domestic ones, but also those from other countries. It seems that they are very top-notch ones! "

"My big brother's house!"

Ah? Lin Qiuyan looks at her boyfriend and knows that he has a sister, but what about his brother? After thinking for a while, I vaguely seem to have some impression, but the problem is that the impression is not deep at all, but the posture of this quadrangle seems to be very unusual! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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