"I haven't heard much of it!" Lin Qiuyan or pragmatic said, Wang Yang is not so concerned, although said his big brother? There is No. 1 person in the capital, but for the reason of being abroad in the past two years, he may only be known by his name but not by his name. What about the people who know that he is the king's family? Even less.

"What about big brother? Even at home, I don't know much about it, but you are my fiancee, so what about this? You can know, as for other aspects of people, it's better not to know, it will be very troublesome! "

Lin Qiuyan is also slightly a Leng, their contact with Wang Yang? Not many, but also a lot, rarely see him so serious to talk to himself, very serious, and then Lin Qiuyan also nodded. She was born in such a family. Now that she has been engaged to Wang Yang, it means that she is a member of the Wang family.

Since it is a member of the Wang family, then all the things need to be based on the Wang family. Originally, the Lin family has been in a high position compared with the Wang family. If you don't pay attention to it, the whole Lin family will lose points. But Lin Qiuyan for this aspect of things know, but not so interested.

But the Wangs brought themselves here today, should not only bring their own door so simple. Just as she was thinking, there was a sound of footsteps coming from outside. Then she saw a woman come in from outside. Before that, Lin Qiuyan had not paid attention to it. When she came to her, she was stunned.

Because what about the one standing in front of him? To their own feeling very familiar, but suddenly there are so some can not remember, so between a little bit of hesitation.

"Hello, sister-in-law." Looking at Wang Yang standing up, Lin Qiuyan on one side also followed.

"Hello, Wang Yang!" However, Tai Xi didn't mean to shake hands, but saluted. At least in his own country, this is common sense. But for Lin Qiuyan, he seemed a little confused. Then Wang Yang introduced him. Lin Qiuyan also covered his mouth subconsciously.

Looking at Wang Yang's eyes, Lin Qiuyan also hastily saluted, "Ding Yu Europa is not very convenient now, so I came back first, and I don't know what you are short of, so I prepared some by myself! This is your girlfriend What is Ding Yu's name? It's not very appropriate to use it here, but Taixi obviously has his own consideration.

Tai Xi is not too embarrassed now. How about Wang Yang? Although the relationship is ordinary, after all, he is Ding Yu's younger brother. He is also a member of his own family. Therefore, he is not too rigid. What about Lin Qiuyan sitting next to him? At the beginning, there was a little tension, and it took a long time to ease down.

Speaking of this, it seems that there has been no news for two years, right? Previously, I had really seen his TV series and movies, but now I sit in front of myself, even the children have already had it. This makes me feel a little surprised and even shocked.

At the same time? There are also some doubts. Why do you say so? What kind of family is the Wang family! If it is really Wang Yang's eldest brother, can the Wang family accept such a daughter-in-law? Even if she has already passed away, it seems that there are some things that are unlikely. But judging from Wang Yang's attitude, the Wang family seems to have accepted this "daughter-in-law". What is the matter?

Lin Qiuyan looks at Wang Yang and pays special attention to his eyes. He doesn't find any disdain or disdain from his eyes. Although it's not as respectful as imagined, it's at least the kind of recognition. This great discovery makes Lin Qiuyan feel that he has some confusion. What's the matter.

"There's nothing missing. I've come here with Qiuyan to get familiar with it. I hope you can give me more advice in the future." Wang Yang is to put their own posture is very positive, but it is not aimed at her face, but behind her standing his big brother.

But even so, Taixi didn't mean to hold on to anything, but maybe it was because he had been in contact with Ding Yu for a long time, so he learned some indifference from him, at least in treating the Wang family. What about this? It also made Wang Yang feel quite speechless.

When she came out from the quadrangle, Lin Qiuyan also took Wang Yang's arm, and they went back to the car together. After waiting for a stable ride, Lin Qiuyan looked at her fiance again. She was confused. What's the purpose of bringing herself to have a look today?

"Elder brother is a strange existence, or a special existence, in the Wang family, and in the high-level? It is the same, even in many cases, it is not the royal family can interfere! In front of you? It's not just to get familiar with it, but there are other meanings in it. I'll tell you the inside story later. "

Eh? Lin Qiuyan's expression is a little strange, some do not believe in looking at Wang Yang, but Wang Yang is not too much attention, at least not too much response, is still staring at the front, hands are very casual on the steering wheel, "since you have come to Wang's house, some things? I need to be clear with you! ""Isn't big brother from the Wang family? I've heard of Ding Yu's name, but my impression is a little vague. It seems that the person who had a little conflict with Zhong Yun in the original time! The time seems to be a little long, and I don't seem to hear anything about it in the future! Anyway, it feels very vague. "

"What about big brother? I will tell you slowly in the future, but the eldest brother is not very much in China now, and his identity on the surface? It's a doctor. As for his relationship with the family? You can taste it slowly in the future

Speaking of this, Wang Yang also stopped abruptly. He has already disclosed certain news to Lin Qiuyan. It depends on how Lin Qiuyan will behave. Do you want to know how to become the daughter-in-law of the Wang family? It's not an easy thing! Do you want to take this position? Absolutely not easy.

Can Lin Qiuyan adapt to this problem? After all, she is still a little younger. This is also another purpose of bringing her to the courtyard. If something happens, will my elder brother help and burn incense earlier, which is better than temporary worship of Buddha.

But what about Lin Qiuyan now? I don't really understand it. Even if she doesn't see some of the things clearly, it really needs a little effort. Fortunately, Wang Yang doesn't go to the official career now, so there is still some room to slow down. If you really want to develop on the official career, Lin Qiuyan's identity is appropriate, but can her consciousness keep up with this question It's really hard to say.

At noon, Wang Yang also took Lin Qiuyan to have dinner with his sister Wang Li. But what about this meal? It's not as serious as before in the courtyard. Wang Li and Lin Qiuyan are very familiar. If Wang Yang was not present, the atmosphere might be more warm.

"Have you been to the courtyard?" While Wang Yang goes to the bathroom, Wang Li is also a decent book and tells Lin Qiuyan. Listening to Wang Li's tone, Lin Qiuyan also puts down her knife and fork and points her head slightly.

"Wang Yang took me to the past, but I feel that the mountains and clouds are shrouded in fog. There are so many things that I can't see clearly!" Lin Qiuyan or very honest to say, "see sister-in-law, it seems that the identity of some special!" When I speak, I also have some hesitation, because I don't know how to call it. Is there a problem?

Wang Li also pondered for a while, "Wang Yang can be called this way, but you don't want to. It may be better to call her taixioni. It's suitable for your identity, and you can also avoid the situation of disgust in the home!"

What about Wang Li's explanation? Lin Qiuyan listened, but the problem is that she feels that she can't understand. She feels disgusted at home. She feels that her identity seems to be inappropriate. But what about this? It seems that he is not free to judge, and look at Wang Yang's performance, his big brother is not generally respected.

"Big brother is a man who wanders away from Wang's house!" When she said this, Wang Li was not polite at all. "Big brother, he lost it when he was young, but he was found back earlier. What about this matter? You may know some rumors! "

"It seems that the elders in my family have mentioned this aspect, but it seems that it is too long!"

"What about big brother after he retired? He did not stay at home, but chose to develop abroad. At that time, he had not been found back. When he was found back, what was the influence of the Wang family? It's hard to make a big impact on him

What Lin Qiuyan can't help is that she is smart. The influence of the Wang family doesn't have much influence on this big brother. What kind of concept is this? Did you hear me wrong? The concept of what the Wangs are like is still very clear in my heart. The Wangs have no influence on this big brother. It's a joke.

"Where was the courtyard you went to? It was purchased by everyone before they returned to the king's house. Moreover, before going abroad in those years, the eldest brother had left his sister an estate, that is, the children of his adoptive father and adoptive mother. What about the property? Enough for his sister to live for a few years without too many problems! "

She felt that the corners of her mouth beat a little. Lin felt that her ability to bear was strong enough. But the problem was that after meeting such a situation, she still felt that she couldn't accept it. The previous Wang family had given her a lot of pressure, but now what about this big brother? It seems to be quite legendary!

This pressure is really a lot of pressure, because it is not the pressure of the Wang family, but it has a considerable relationship with the Wang family.

No matter Wang Yang or Wang Li, they do not seem to have a general respect for this big brother, but the question is what about the whole Wang family? But without his existence, even to their own feelings? What about Wang family to this big brother? At least, it seems that some of the words are not touched.

"Big brother has been abroad all the time?"

What about Lin Qiuyan's question? Wang Li also gave a smile, even in front of Lin Qiuyan. Obviously, for Lin Qiuyan, can you ask this question like this? I feel very satisfied, because she has already understood the hidden meaning that she passed on to her! It's a very good situation."What about the center of gravity? Basically, they are all in foreign countries, but what about domestic ones? Occasionally, I will come back. Last year, I worked as a doctor in the hospital here in Beijing for half a year! " After saying that, looking at Wang Yang who came back again, he also transferred the topic to Wang Yang, "is the study of elder brother coming to an end?"

"I don't know exactly. I still seem to be following the doctor named Hopkins. I didn't have much time before." The reason why Wang Yang chose such a special time to go to the bathroom is very clear. He asked his second sister to talk to Lin Qiuyan about his elder brother's condition.

You should know that you have met your grandfather and grandmother with Lin Qiuyan. If you don't go to see your parents, you will go to the courtyard. This weight is really extraordinary! However, since I went to the courtyard, I should go to my parents' side. It is true that parents will come back in two days, but this process still needs to go.

Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan went to visit Wang Changlin and Su Yuan. The whole process was very smooth. Su Yuan also knew about Lin Qiuyan. What about this daughter-in-law? I don't have any opinions and ideas. I'm knowledgeable and reasonable. I have a good temperament. What's more, I can see this figure? It seems to be a good type.

What about your own vision? It's not old-fashioned, but comparative. After all, what about Ding Yu? He has both children. What's more, there's a problem here. What about the surname of the eldest son? My mother has no hope. What about the two children? Also follow Ding Yu surname Ding, it seems that the household registration has been on.

It seems that it is not from the United States, but from China. I heard my mother-in-law mention it. But what is the specific situation? I didn't ask too much about it. The name has been decided. It's impossible to change it again. Although it is said that it is the blood of the Wang family, it is not denied by others. What should you do?

So what about this problem? It is also pressed on Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan. What about the two of them? The hope is a little bit big! Although it seems that there are four generations in the same family, the eldest son and the old man seem to have some difficulties, and even have affected the harmony of the whole family.

Su Yuan came back with him. During the whole trip, Su Yuan also expelled his son. It is meaningless for him to stay. He needs to contact Lin Qiuyan alone. Although he knows something about it, what about his understanding? It's just the surface. I need further contact.

Can you be a good daughter-in-law of the Wang family? It's a test. What's your hope now? It can only be put on Lin Qiuyan's body. What about her eldest son? At the beginning, there were expectations.

Although they have already had children, the problem is that the two of them have never been married. What's Taixi's attitude? It is also relatively clear, since it is not worthy, then don't give yourself what so-called trouble, and from the beginning to the end? Taixi this child also did not ask for anything!

But I didn't think that the old man fell out with Ding Yu. Originally, he didn't have much binding force on Ding Yu. After such a thing happened, he was helpless to Ding Yu? It is also placed down, and from the above situation, it is basically impossible.

After arriving in the capital city, Su Yuan went to see his father-in-law and his mother-in-law first. After all, it was related to Wang Yang's engagement. Although the old man and the old lady would not participate too much, Su Yuan was a daughter-in-law. After saying hello to the old man and the old lady, Su Yuan went to see his father again, and then arrived at the quadrangle.

But what about the courtyard? There is really not much she needs to worry about. All of them have been prepared by Taixi, and Anjie is also helping. It is not as complicated as imagined. The problem is whether she is satisfied or not.

What about Su Yuan's engagement? In fact, it's not as concerned as you think. It's already said that engagement this time is actually to ease the relationship between the Wang family and the eldest son. Even if the relationship between them is really strained to the point that they can't get along with each other, they still need to give a good impression to the outside world.

So what about Su Yuan's arrangement? After a simple look, he was also satisfied with Taixi. Then he pulled his grandson and granddaughter to his own position. I really like it! It was not often to meet, which made Su Yuan rather resentful, but he also had no way out.

The next day, Wang Pu and the old lady, together with Su bochen, also came to have a look. What about the process? It seems to be to see how the preparations are going? But what about the impression? These three came to the courtyard together, the meaning is not the same!

Do you want to know the relationship between Wang Pu and Ding Yu? We are also debating, but what about the two parties? There is no attitude to show, now holding Wang Yang's engagement ceremony in the courtyard seems to explain the problem!

But what about the Wangs? It doesn't mean to let outsiders participate, let alone? It's a small engagement ceremony. If it's a marriage, there's no way to refuse everyone. But the engagement ceremony doesn't need to be extravagant and wasteful. It's just the people in the family. Get together, have a meal and understand! No one can say anything.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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