However, Ding Yu got up too early, or from another point of view, Hong Kong people work too late. Generally, they start after 9 o'clock, or even until 10 o'clock. This really makes Ding Yu feel extremely unaccustomed!

When it was more than 10 o'clock, Ding Yu doubted whether Hong Kong would have lunch and come back to work? After arriving at the place, Ding Yu also went straight to his destination. Looking at the so-called moment, everything was already full. Although it was said that the door was opened at 10 o'clock, in fact, he had already started work at eight or nine o'clock.

After all, the mouth and the office workers are completely two natures, so we can't look at it in a popular way.

Looking at the layout of the shop, Ding Yu also looked up and down for a period of time, but the owner's eyes have been tracking Ding Yu, feeling a little confused, because of the recent young? It's not quite like shopping, at least it gives you the feeling of being like this. Such people have seen too much, so they don't bother too much.

Ding Yu looked at it for a period of time, and then rushed in a girl from the outside. She looked like "Lao Dou!" Then he rubbed his fingers. When he saw this scene, Ding Yu seemed to remember something. In his own impression? It seems to be the same.

A young girl with a young face stood on tiptoe to look at her old beans. Then she also looked at Ding Yu, who was watching this side. She looked at her chewing gum for a while, and her eyes also showed some strange expressions, "pretty boy, go out for coffee?" The words were slightly provocative, even frivolous.

Ding Yu is smiling, can see the girl's eyes shining, but see Ding Yu raised the hand, ring above the ring, is also a cut, and then deliberately raised his hand, directly expressed his dissatisfaction and disdain, hard to see a pretty boy, although much older than himself, but very good at seeing.

I thought it would be such a result. If I showed myself the ring, I refused myself directly. Ding Yu indicated with his eyes, "do you still pamper you so much that you can still boil sugar water for you in the evening?"

The girl next to him hesitantly looked at Ding Yu. The shop owner also lifted the flower mirror on his face and looked at Ding Yu with his hand, "old monkey, I owe you a roast goose at the beginning. You have to ask me to eat your tianjiuji in the future! "After that, Ding Yu also took two steps forward. "What? It's all forgotten? "

"Are you?" The shop owner looked at Ding Yu, and his eyes showed some doubts, as if he had remembered something, but there were some who were not sure because of the changes in Ding Yu's appearance? A little bit big, plus so many years, my impression is really a little fuzzy.

Ding Yu looked at the air gun store for a while, and then pointed to the model not far away. Then he took up a piece of the model, and had an interview in his own hand. That is to say, he thought it over. Then he threw it back to Jin. "How do you feel? This should have been modified by him! It's a little different from other modifications. "

Jin tried with his hands and nodded after watching for a period of time. However, when he put it back, he did not throw the gun to Ding Yu. Instead, he respectfully placed the gun in the original position. Ding Yu threw the air gun to himself. There was no problem, but he threw the gun back. It was too difficult to understand the rules. "Not bad!"

"This old man's craftsmanship is quite good. I asked him for advice at the beginning, but I'm proud of it! In the future, I don't know why they still have to stick to this broken rule. I don't understand. "

"It's you The old man, who had been sitting there, also stood up suddenly. However, the girl beside him was startled. He said, "Lao Dou!" Obviously, he is also venting his dissatisfaction.

"Good guy, I haven't seen you for years. I'm really rich!" After that, he also came to Ding Yu with great enthusiasm, and even gave him a warm hug. You know, such a situation is really rare in Hong Kong, "you boy, at the beginning, you caused me a lot of trouble! A meal of nine wings can't mend the wound in my heart. It's too cheap for you

"Is it? Your wealth, let alone eat nine wings, even if it is more exaggerated, it seems to be no problem! " Ding Yu is also jokingly said, because he is really clear about this.

"Be careful Said, also nearly gave Ding Yu a blow, but was Ding Yu to directly hide in the past, "Lao Dou, you gave me to save!" The girl is not afraid of life at all. In front of Ding Yu, she is quite impolite, and runs straight to the bottom of her old bean.

Lao Hou also shook his head helplessly, "the loss goods in the house!"

"Children grow up!" Ding Yu didn't feel embarrassed, but the girl standing next to him spat out her tongue. She didn't have too many impressions in her mind. However, looking at her father's appearance, she was also rushing to make tea. After all, there were not many people who could make her so happy.Ding Yu sat down on the chair next to him and looked at the cigarette handed over by Lao Hou, but he didn't mean to refuse. In fact, from his age, he should have called Hou Bo, but he thought it over! Laohou may be more kind, at least not too good.

"I knew you were not in the pool! I didn't expect that! "

Ding Yu also flicked the ashes. "I changed my career. After listening to my father's words, I went to be a doctor. My father also became a doctor, which can be regarded as inheriting his mantle. Previously, he studied at St. George's in England, and after graduation, he also studied in the United States. By the way, he made some life intentions! It's not bad! "

Hou Tong also put up his thumb, "what about here in Hong Kong City? Doctors and lawyers are very high-end professions! " This is true, because lawyers and doctors have a very high invisible status. What about the cultivation of children in many families? I'm also going to be a lawyer and a doctor.

When talking, the girl also came out with tea, but it was not as frivolous as before. When she looked at Ding Yu, she also called out a uncle. She was not a pretty boy at the previous time. Ding Yu laughed and then took out a red envelope from her body, "I don't know what you like! Buy yourself a car

Eh? The expression on the girl's face is completely stupid. Buy a car? This is not a joke to yourself! But have not waited for oneself old bean reaction to come over, already jumped up. However, Hou Tong looked at his daughter who ran away and shook his head, "that's very kind of you!" I didn't say any thanks. I don't need it.

It's not that you can't afford a car in your own home. It's mainly in Hong Kong? Can afford to buy a car, but not too many people can afford it. The cost is too high. Compared with Hong Kong, China's domestic situation is a paradise. Hong Kong has the disadvantage of less land and more people.

But without saying a word, I saw that the girl who was just bouncing back again. However, when she came back this time, she looked at her old bean with her red envelope in her hand. Then she looked at Ding Yu, and then she attached herself to her old bean.

If you can buy a car, you can't have too few red envelopes. What's your father? It's definitely my brother. I thought it was 180000 yuan. There's no problem buying a limousine. But who wanted to see the check, he counted it several times and found that there was an extra zero.

So I really dare not, I'm afraid this is not a problem of money, my father's business? It's an adult toy. This thing is wandering in the gray area. If you really take this money, it will make it very difficult for your father to do it. If there is anything really, it will pit your own beans.

Looking at his daughter's condition, Hou Tong is also quite comforted. Although he is crazy, he is still sensible. He knows that some things can be moved. What about some things? It can't be touched. But Ding Yu? Really do not need to have too much care, look at the wrist of the watch he knew, the red envelope was not in his eyes.

"Keep it!"

The girl looked at her father with a startled expression. After looking at her for a long time, she also touched her forehead with her hand. Looking at her, she was very dissatisfied. After staring at herself, she also spat out her tongue. Then she turned to look at Ding Yu and said, "thank you, uncle!"

Although she said she didn't show up, the girl also hid in the back position, and she was still a little worried. But after listening for a period of time, she found that they didn't talk about any messy things. If they really talked about it, I'm afraid they would not be in the store.

"How's business?" Ding Yu took a sip of the tea cup, whether it was in line with the taste, which was not so important. However, Hou Tong looked at Ding Yu with a smile, and raised the cup in his hand without any care.

"It's too difficult, even impossible, to bleach yourself if it's contaminated with it!" However, Hou Tong also laughed, "but what about the system of Hong Kong? There are so many different with the domestic, with popular and market words, is the rich world! I'm a little bit of a capitalist. "

"You still have no change in this concept. In those years, you transmitted such a view to me. Fortunately, your daughter is not very old. Otherwise, who knows if you, an old man, will do something outraged by heaven and man?"

"Cut!" Hou Tong is also very dissatisfied, Chong Dingyu pointed out, "this word is only you can say! But at that time, you were still very pure, at least very naive and simple. Now? Give me the feeling, a bit like a doggerel! It seems that it's really good to mix up. It's too thin skinned. There's no future. We still need to be thicker. "

"I've experienced a lot in my life. Before, I always felt that I knew the world very well, but later I found out that the world was divided into three categories: one is what you know, one is what you don't understand, and the other is what you don't know and what you don't know!" Ding Yu's words seem a little tongue twister.But for Hou Tong, after pondering for a while, it seems that it is really such a thing! "The feeling is very profound! It seems that when you robbed the so-called tianjiuji, there were really some who underestimated you too much! "

"Two things! If it wasn't for the special opportunity, I'm afraid I can't remember your old friend! " What Ding Yu said is really a matter. If it is not a special case, he may still be in the hospital of the county, living a lonely, monotonous and even mechanical life.

"To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for your prompt, I would have forgotten your old friend. I have lived here for a long time, and the style is a little fast. Although it seems that I have made a lot of money, I really don't have many friends. I really don't like this city very much. I've thought about it. I'll go north to find a city in another two years."

"How could you have such an idea?" Ding Yu also looked at Hou Tong curiously. "Although the girl film at home is a little crazy, but the study is still good. I have made almost all these years. I have no motivation to continue to struggle. This city is a little too depressed!"

"And you were running here back then?" Ding Yu is also direct on the top of a sentence.

"It was then, and now it is, of two natures, OK?" The two chatted with each other at home. It seemed that there was no estrangement between them. "By the way, they have already worn rings? When did you get married? "

Ding Yu looked at the ring on his hand. He even took it down without any scruples. Then he pointed to his face a little arrogantly, "you know, sometimes it's too handsome, and it's troublesome! But this is not a cover up. The children have already had a pair of twins, but she never meant to marry me

"Modern enough, fashionable enough!" Hou Tong is very open-minded about such things. Such things are really common in Hong Kong. In a highly modern city, such a situation is actually very common. At the beginning, he was not used to such a situation. He always felt that there was a big conflict with the tradition.

But every day to see and see such a situation, I have already felt accustomed to it, although said to be contrary to the tradition, but how about that? If only two people like it! So what about hou Tong? Actually, there is no meaning to care.

"I want to get married. What about my family? I'm satisfied with her, but the problem is that there are too many external factors to consider! " After that, Ding Yu also shook his head, and Hou Tong was stunned for a moment. Then he realized that he had thought a lot before, but he didn't think that Ding Yu's words had not been finished yet, "what about you? Or alone? "

"Don't provoke me!" Hou Tong also leaned back on his body to make himself more comfortable. "At that time, I always felt that your sister-in-law followed me and did not enjoy happiness. Later, my daughter was left alone. I didn't want to affect her growth. I was really hungry and thirsty, that is to say, to solve the physiological problems."

This is quite straightforward. Ding Yu also looked up and down at Hou Tong, especially in his waist and abdomen. Hou Tong also saw the evil intention in Ding Yu's eyes, and also beat his chest. "What are you looking at, pretty boy? If you don't accept it, we will have a competition. I'm afraid you will have psychological shadow all your life!"

"Just you?" On other issues, I may admit defeat, but on this issue, I'm afraid that no man will admit defeat. However, the girl at the back of the room is also a boo after hearing this. Her father is an old man, but what about the young uncle? It seems that it is not a good thing, although it is very handsome.

Then there was no further eavesdropping in the back, because there was no need for that. What's more, what about two big men talking? How many so some deviate from the track, also don't know whether the man is like this, said, salty wet.

"Did you come to see me this time?" As if he heard something, Hou Tong also looked back, and then his voice was very low. When he spoke, he looked at Ding Yu with sharp eyes.

"Tell me the truth?" Ding Yu also noticed Hou Tong's eyes, looked at his condition, and also laughed, "look at you? It can't be said that it's just a whim. When Kim played with a toy, it reminds me of you. How about I come to Hong Kong? Another reason, I want to see a martial uncle! You? By the way! Don't be too sentimental

After saying that, he also looked up and down at Hou Tong. He was more or less disdainful. However, when he looked at Ding Yu's eyes, his eyes were staring. Then he looked at his left and right. He wanted to find out something and fell directly on his face.

"I don't need my help!" Although Ding Yu said so, Hou Tong was still worried.

Ding Yu shook his head with a smile, "I have nothing to do here. What's more, even if there is something, what's the use of looking for you? If I have this idea, would it be more convenient to find Li Sheng?"

"Bullshit! Who do you know, Li Sheng? " Hou Tong is also a joke. In Hong Kong, there are many so-called tycoons with the surname Li. But what about the people who can be called Li Sheng? There is really only one person. Although we have many complaints, this one is the one who really does it, so we have a lot of respect.Ding Yu also stood on his shoulder for a moment, and did not explain anything. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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