"I'll invite you to dinner at noon." It's obvious that Hou Tong is also interested. Ding Yu's visit here is obviously not a mess. If there are any, I'm afraid I have already said that. Although there is no contact between them, they have already said hello, so naturally there is no worry. Of course. How about having dinner yourself? There is another meaning.

Ding Yu also smiles, "I'll treat you to dinner tomorrow! Heaven nine wings! I won't forget this, but it's not suitable for lunch. I need to go back and make some preparations, and then visit my martial uncle. As I said just now, you are just a messenger. Don't be sentimental

To say this is really not to give face, but from another point of view, Ding Yu really did not mean to see the outside, if he saw the outside, he would not say so!

After that, Ding Yu waved his arm to the waiting for gold at the door. Then he saw a gift box handed over by Jin. Ding Yu also took it and put it on the table. "This is a gift prepared for you. Have a taste of it when you have time! It's not unique, but it's quite different! "

"Look down on me!" This is more of a joke, which makes it more certain that Ding Yu came to see his old friend. He didn't mean anything else. However, he took over Ding Yu's gift box, but he didn't mean to open it in person.

"If there are other things, I won't accompany you. Remember the dinner tomorrow! If you really want to go north in the future, remember to call me. If you can help me, don't say, but after all, you are more familiar with this old guy! " While speaking, Ding Yu has already got up.

However, before Ding Yu left, people came in at the door of the shop. They seemed to be guests and familiar guests. However, this attitude was a little bit perverse, and Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to it. However, when Hou Tong saw the visitor, his face changed slightly, but he still nodded at Ding Yu who left.

When Ding Yu caught Ding Yu's body, he didn't want to shake one of the two people. However, Ding Yu didn't want to shake either of them. However, Ding Yu didn't want to strike a balance between them.

Two people are also staggering to one side of the position, has not yet waited for Ding Yu to express, several people nearby are also looking at Ding Yu, even one of them's fist is also waving to Ding Yu, Ding Yu also slightly shakes his head, this shaking head is not dissatisfied, but to the door of the gold sign.

Looking at the fist waving to his chest, Ding Yu's lower body did not have any movement, so he stood there straight, and then his left body did slightly backward for a moment. When his fist was exhausted, he immediately exerted force from his waist to drive his body. He bumped gently, "little friend, don't be too excited!"

Ding Yu's words seem to be very easygoing, but his actions are not so. Although he just bumped lightly, for the young people who are boxing, the collision is undoubtedly a heavy blow, because his fist is full swing out. When he is hit by the other party, he hears a click, and then he covers his arm with ferocity, but there are some fears Looking at Ding Yu with fear.

"Good Kung Fu!"

When the young man who had been standing behind looked at Ding Yu, his eyes lit up, which was a slight bump. It gave the impression that the tiger hit this man's body with his fist, but was shocked by the strength, so his arm was dislocated. But he could see clearly that the man in front of him hit him when the tiger's strength was exhausted.

Strength control is too good, if the power is greater, it is not the problem of dislocation! And this eyesight is also quite home, because if you slow down a bit, maybe the tiger will hit the body with a fist.

Ding Yu looked at the young man who was talking and also laughed. Then he took a step forward and patted the young man who was waving his fist with his hand. "Don't be too irascible. It's not good for your health." The young people, who had not thought of speaking before, were not prepared to go out of the door.

"Not yet consulted?"

Oh? Ding Yu didn't expect to see his old friends today. He had to leave. He even got up such waves. Looking at Hou Tong, who shook his head in the distance, Ding Yu snorted, "old monkey, whose child is this! Don't even dare to say anything, you old man

Hou Tong also shook his head, "to the home of children! You're the same guy It's not like an introduction. It's more or less reproachful. You're a big bully. It shouldn't be! After that, he shook his head.

However, the young man who asked Ding Yu for advice also turned his head and said, "Hou Bo, I'm disturbing you!" However, Hou Tong didn't care much. Xiang Jia is one of the masters of the underground forces in Hong Kong, but he is not a vegetarian. He just changed his taste in recent years, so he didn't mix in.Hou Tong didn't pay much attention to this matter. After all, he knew something about Ding Yu's situation. Although Xiang's family seemed to have some influence on Hong Kong City, it also had to depend on the situation. At the beginning, Ding Yu came to perform the task. When he saw him, the whole person was stupid.

The whole person seems to have just been fished out of the blood pool, full of blood. Although there is no smell from his body now, it can be said that he came out of the sea of blood at the beginning. Killing people is like killing chickens. He has some power to his home, but that is to scare people with a knife.

Compared with the one in front of me, forget it! If people really make trouble, it will definitely be a great event. This is also the main reason why you don't pay attention to the child at home. Don't make trouble for yourself. Your name may be easy to use, but it also depends on the situation and the people.

Ding Yu also walked out of the shop immediately, and the gold standing at the door looked at the people inside. His eyes were a little flighty. But Hou Tong, who was sitting there, said hello to him, and the young man at home was the same. I don't know why, it's just that his body is cold and his head is cold.

Looking at Ding Yu who left, Hou Tong also looked at the young man who covered his arms. He touched two of them, then lifted his arms and gently dragged them. With a loud voice, he wiped his hands. Hou Tong also said hello to the young people at home, and the two men also went not far away.

"You can't do it, and you can't do it to your family. Although I have a little face in front of him, I'm extremely limited. To put it worse, killing you is like killing a chicken. Don't let your white haired man send a black haired man!"

"Hobo, it's not that exaggerated." Obviously, some young people don't believe it. Hobo is no longer mixed up now, so he is a little timid.

"No? You! Too young, go back and ask you Lao Dou. He may not know this person, but he definitely knows what happened When speaking, he also waved his hand. After returning from Hong Kong, why did Xiang Jia be so honest? Is there no reason at all?

I don't deny that there were so many chickens to show the monkeys at the beginning, but they really scared the monkeys. If they were not honest, they might be even. What's wrong with them? Killing you is just a matter of minutes, just thinking or not.

The young people of Xiang's family are obviously not quite convinced, but looking at Hou Bo's appearance, it seems that they are not telling lies. Immediately also took out his mobile phone, did not think his father heard the matter, let himself immediately stay there, no action.

After waiting for less than an hour, several bodyguards came in, and then saw their father also appeared in the store. His actions were a little hasty and his expression was also a little nervous. After coming in, they also looked around and said hello to Hou Tong. Then they took their son up and down for fear of what was wrong.

After reading it, he also slapped him. However, Hou Tong over there took out his kung fu tea. After the lesson was over, he also stretched out his hand. "The children are not sensible. It's no big deal! Education will do. "

"It's because he doesn't know what to do." What happened then? Although I am not involved in it, I know something about it. After all, my identity is so special. I have never seen the invincible army of China. I have made a lot of contacts with big circle, but that is just one time.

What really touched me was the incident of that year. I didn't know much about it afterwards, but I still heard the grapevine. After all, I had some relationship with Southeast Asia. How can I describe it? What about killing? It seems not so appropriate, but what is the actual situation? It should be about the same.

"This time is it?" Although his son said he didn't offend others, what about his behavior? What a mess. What about the people in Hong Kong? How much do you know about Xiangjia's situation, so you will take care of it, but it doesn't mean that everyone will give Xiangjia this face. This is what I worry about.

"There are not so many messy things. It seems that I came to visit an elder. It's been so many years since I saw you. Drop in and have a look at this old man Hou Tong is not modest at all. What about the things he manages from home? Not quite the same as myself, but the problem is that I have already washed my hands.

"I'll treat you in the evening. I'll make amends."

"I didn't invite you. What a treat you are! People came to see the elders. I didn't know who they were. Obviously, they didn't want to get involved in any relationship. They had tea Listen to the thin monkey said so, to the home of this is not easy to say what, posture has done, think there will be no other things.

But what about his own son? At this time, I was squatting on one side of the horse. I really thought it would be great if I had some Kung Fu. I've heard about his friends and friends. I didn't know that there was nothing wrong with him, but someone was ready to bully others. I didn't expect to encounter a hard stubble.I don't have too many abilities. How can I do it? If I make trouble for myself, it's OK to take Xiang home. What's your underground force? It seems to have some say, but the question is what kind of society is it now? There's not much market for the old one.

In the past, as long as you can play, but now? It's just the worst. What's more, the death of that guy in Tsim Sha Tsui? How much is also let Xiang home have so many passive, although said that his death is only a passive reason, but now big and small, black and white are staring at Xiang home!

In such a critical point above, to the home really if provoked this, then really is dead do not know how to die, horizontal fear Leng, Leng? What about the Lord? It's just the kind that doesn't want to die, and this is also the main reason for rushing to the home.

Fortunately, the skinny monkey is here. Otherwise, I'm afraid he will get into big trouble this time. However, I didn't expect the skinny monkey to have such a face in front of him. He said that he came to visit the elder, but what was the actual situation? How did it happen? Who knows? No one dares to make any guarantee.

"Brother Hou!" It used to be called lean monkey, but now? But even the elder brother said such words, of course, call the skinny monkey? It's not contemptuous, it's also a kind of honorific title. After all, this name can't be called by everyone. Although he said that he had left the lake and ignored the affairs in the river and lake, he was after all a senior in the world, and this face needs to be given.

Hou Tong took a look at the expression on his face? There are some changes slightly, "this one is not here for business. What if this one is reasonable? Everything is easy to say. If you say that this one is unreasonable, what will happen? On the other hand, it is quite different from that in those years. Don't make trouble for yourself

Thank you very much

"Don't thank me!" Hou Tong also waved his hand, "there is a man around him, a foreigner, but it seems that he came out of the sea of corpses and blood. He can't suppress the bloody air on his body." After that, he also looked at the bodyguards at the door and snorted, obviously looking down on these so-called fancy.

"I see!" This one even started to call in his car just now. As for his son? Earlier, I slapped him in front of the skinny monkey. This is not to say that I really want to teach my son. On the one hand, to a certain extent, I also want to thank others for saving his son.

If you really do it, your son is a free gift. You need to take care of him at home for a few days. What's more, you should tell your subordinates not to make trouble during this period of time. If something happens, it's not just the implementation of family law!

What happened before? It has already made the whole port city full of panic. Now the master of the home has spoken again, which has brought about a serious impact. However, everyone thought it was the follow-up of the previous events, but they did not think that it was due to Ding Yu's unilateral reasons.

"All investigated?"

"Basically, the investigation is clear! I arrived here yesterday. The private plane was still parked at the airport, and then I went to the peninsula by helicopter. Last night, it seemed that someone saw them go to the bar to inquire about the situation. I went to ask Guan Zai and found two of them. One of them was the Marquis, and the other one? It's a martial arts teacher! "

"Martial arts teacher?"

"Mr. Yang!"

Seeing the situation of the subordinates, the one to the home is also a little stunned. What about himself and the old man Yang? It seems to have a long history. He practiced martial arts by himself. When he was on the set, what about this martial arts master? It seems that I have had some communication with myself, and the communication is OK. The technique is good and the mouth is very strict. Many brothers' injuries are seen there.

"How could it be him?"

"I don't know! However, according to the data from the official investigation, it is this old man Yang. It's really not clear what the relationship is. Why don't you go and say hello to Mr. Yang? "

"Are you funny?" The person sitting in the middle also looked at him with dissatisfaction, "I haven't visited Mr. Yang for a period of time, and I don't know how his body is. It happens that my waist is a little sore during this period. I'm going to prepare some gifts. We'll also go to see the elder!" What about that? It's reasonable.

At least from their own side, it seems that there is no feeling inside the heart, there is no improper, can we meet? Is the best, at least mixed face familiar, as for the future will meet? This is another matter. What about this one? Really is to let oneself feel in the heart so some gall trembles.

What's more, he doubted the identity of this person. At the beginning, when he transferred to Hong Kong, he used his official identity, which made him feel a little taboo.

But from the return to now, has been so many years, his performance is still good! I think I'm like this. And now the public order above the society is better than before, too much, there should be no reason to fight against themselves! After the return, they didn't do anything, and now they shouldn't do it, unless they made a big taboo.It's just that one of the hall leaders below is dead. This should not be a problem? However, on second thought, the influence seems to be so bad! Will it be because of this aspect, deliberately warning yourself?

There is a sentence how to say, do not worry about, not afraid of ghosts calling, but now someone knocked on the door, I really feel that there is no bottom in my heart.

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