"Sir, it seems that someone is following us!" Jin found out the situation at the first time, but Ding Yu didn't care about it. He looked back and said, "it's just a little gangster. It seems that Xiang Jia knows I'm here!"

"Never heard of it!"

"One of the masters of the underground forces, but he is more intelligent. Before the return? They began to move closer to the mainland. Although it is said that there is a mixture of good and bad people under the hands, but because of their own power and this is caused by special historical reasons, if we really start to work, we will bring unnecessary losses to the port city side! "

Kim blinked his eyes, then said meaningfully, "that is to say, it's not that you don't want to solve it, it's just a more moderate way to solve it. I can understand it like this."

Ding Yu also smiles, "things may be a little slow in terms of time, but it is acceptable for all aspects. Maybe this is the best way and method. It's just that there are some tests and patience, that's all! What's more, if we go on fighting, there will be another group. Who knows what kind of disposition those guys are like. "

"If there is black, there will be white. Such a thing itself is a process of rotation. There will always be places where the sunshine of the law cannot reach." It seems that there are so many Jin's words, but there are also some feelings. You should know that you and your husband seem to have participated in relevant activities.

Two people walking on the street, what about the people behind? Really don't care very much, but the people who follow? Seeing the situation of two people, I also feel that I can't feel my head, because obviously they have found them, but there is no indication that they have not paid attention to them.

The two men went to the front of a building and looked at it carefully. Then they walked inside. The people inside saw Ding Yu. It seemed that they also looked at Ding Yu. Although they were not bright in clothes, they seemed to have some unusual features. It seems that people who choose to come here at this time seem to be confused.

Jin took the lead to find the place, but it seems that it is not generally lively. Although there are not many people, but the voice is not small. However, when the people inside see the two people coming in, their expressions are slightly confused.

Ding Yu also stood there and took a look at the situation inside the house. However, Ding Yu did not really mean to stand at the door, but walked forward two steps. Then he asked, "do you know that's Mr. Yang? Come to see you

"Old man Yang, someone is looking for it!"

There was a yell inside, and the voice was full of air. Maybe others didn't recognize anything, but Ding Yu's ears moved slightly. Then he saw an old man in a pair of Chinese style placards coming out from inside, carrying a pair of steaming plaster in his hand. When he saw Ding Yu, he was also stunned.

However, he didn't have time in his hand. He put the plaster on a young man's body. However, the plaster seemed to be a little hot. The young people lying there also had some unbearable feelings. However, their hands and feet were pressed down, so they could only cry out to relieve their pain and psychological function. Ding Yu is also standing in the position of looking at, no words, has been waiting for the old man to finish, "are you?"

"Zhenwu, Ding Yu, meet Mr. Yang!" Bow and bow to the end!

Oh? Mr. Yang standing there was stunned for a moment. Relatively speaking, Ding Yu's visit was not formal. However, he had not heard of Zhenwu for many years. Moreover, he had come to Hong Kong for so many years. If he had not come here today, he would have forgotten his identity.

But soon Yang Ming also reached out, because Ding Yu didn't get up, but when he put his hands on Ding Yu's arm, his whole body was shocked, because he didn't lift Ding Yu up all of a sudden, and even the young man's body didn't even shake in front of him.

Yang Ming also put down his hand and took a deep breath. His feet were shoulder level, hitting Ding Yu's two arms, and then slowly lifted Ding Yu up with both hands. Although he helped Ding Yu up, Yang Ming didn't feel very well. His face was ruddy and even white.

But Yang Ming did it through this support? It's a good perception that Ding Yu is definitely a Zhenwu disciple, even one of his own. He is young, but his kung fu is profound to a certain extent. He seems to have helped him up, but he is very clear about what happened.

"Good!" Yang Ming also sighed. As soon as he joined hands, he knew that the young man in front of him had developed Kung Fu, which was absolutely not simple. Even on the mountain at the beginning, I'm afraid there were few people who could practice such Kung Fu, especially in modern society.

When I was young in Hong Kong, I worked as a martial arts teacher and a stand in during the day, and I also taught martial arts at night. Now that I am older, I can only be a doctor of wrestling during the day, and I also teach martial arts at night. However, more people practice martial arts for the purpose of strengthening their physical fitness. Few of them can bear hardships and develop the so-called "internal martial arts".And the young man in front of him is absolutely superb in martial arts. He is also a bit uncertain.

"Come on, come in!" What about Ding Yu? It's also the thing in Jin's hand, and then he takes it and follows Yang Ming into the room. The stove not far away is still steaming, and the smell is slightly strong. What about the layout of the room? It's a bit messy, but it's very clean.

"Mr. Yang, I come from a long way to disturb your purity." After saying that, he also presented a gift with both hands. This was a courtesy, which could not be abandoned. Moreover, Ding Yu didn't mean to let Jin in. He also stood outside at this time.

Yang Ming also sat in the middle of the chair and looked up and down at Ding Yu. He was a Taoist. This is true. But the question is, after he came to Hong Kong, what happened? Basically, I haven't revealed my identity, but I have some contact with Zhenwu in recent years, but what about this contact? It's also quite hidden.

Because of other reasons! I also feel that I have no face to go back, so things have always been horizontal here.

Ding Yu called himself "Shibo". His master should have been one of his old brothers. But who was it? He didn't really know, "your master?"

"My master has already passed away from the world. I ran into uncle Liu and raised him in Beijing! Later, I got in touch with the mountain! From then on, I learned the news of Mr. Yang, who once mentioned that if you have time, come to see him! "

Ding Yu's words just finished, Yang Ming also patted the table, the whole person is also up, "Liu Magang is still alive?" Then he felt his own impulse and gave Ding Yu a bitter smile. "I'm excited. There are not many old brothers in these years. Although I say that I'm at the Taoist gate and see life and death, it's easy there?"

"Mr. Yang is a man of his nature!" After that, he also called out to Jin outside. Then he saw Jin take a notebook computer and debug it. Then he also withdrew. But Yang Ming looked at Jin with his eyes and even frowned. Although the smell on his body was a little light, it was still a little strong for him.

Ding Yu also took out his mobile phone. He didn't have a few minutes to talk. The video over the computer also showed a figure. Ding Yu also let himself out of his position. He invited Yang Ming and Yang Shibo to clean up. "Master, I'll go out for convenience. Please forgive me!"

When he saw the figure on the video, Yang Ming felt his tears could not be controlled. He even had no time to say hello to Ding Yu. His hand also touched the screen.

When Ding Yu came to the outside, the people in the room seemed to disappear all of a sudden. It was so clean that people felt incredible. Ding Yu also looked at Jin, and Jin stood up his shoulder for a moment. Ding Yu immediately understood it, and then Ding Yu also sat on one side.

The waiting time was not long, and then he saw someone coming in from outside. Ding Yu looked at the visitors? But also did not have the meaning to rise, so sat there, because oneself how many already guessed the arrival person is actually who!

However, when the visitor saw Ding Yu, he was obviously stunned. He was not in the living room any more than he expected. However, when he looked at the young man sitting there, his eyebrows also jumped. It's too young to sit there.

"Mr. Yang can be here!"

Ding Yu didn't answer, but did you see him clasping his fist? He also paid attention to his eyes. After looking at him for a period of time, he also stood up and held his fist falsely

There was not much deference in the words. He immediately made an invitation gesture, and then took the first seat. Standing up, he just looked at the face of his teacher, not his face. All the time, he saw that when Ding Yu sat down, the middle-aged talent who came in sat down in the opposite position of Ding Yu.

"Xiang shiye's news is very smart." Ding Yu is also straight to the point, and there is not much need to go home? Both black and white are contaminated. What about this time? There is no other meaning, Xiang home may have some misunderstanding, as for the previous things there, he really did not put it in mind.

"Laugh! It's a name in the world. It's just love. " What if it's something above the surface? I really don't have to be afraid, but what about the situation in the dark? I don't have the courage and confidence. I have a word to say. The older the lake is, the less daring he is. "I don't know how to understand it. I've bumped into my husband! It's still Mr. magnanimous! "

"I'm very kind to Uncle ten." Address changed, but in front of ten uncle added a word to, is still showing the relationship between each other is not as close as imagined.

But just as Ding Yu was talking, Jin next to him also took the phone and came over with his hand over the phone. He looked at Xiang Shi, who was not far away from him. Then he said in a low voice, "Li Sheng's phone seems to have found your landline!" I can say it in English, but I can hear it from Xiang Shi not far away."Hello, grandfather Li!" Ding Yu also stood up, but the room was so big that his voice was not low, but for a warrior like Xiang Shi, he could be quite clear.

"What? Come to the door of the house without saying a word? " What about the voice on the phone? It's full of complaints. Obviously, what about Ding Yu's behavior? There are also some dissatisfaction. Even if you don't visit Hong Kong, you should at least make a phone call! Do you need a pair of chopsticks?

"Excuse me, grandfather Li. How about this time? I don't dare to visit Mr. Li because I'm busy with my business Ding Yu, who is on the other side of the phone, is more polite. How about talking to the Li family? It's business contacts. Is it emotional? It's quite average.

It's mainly because some affairs of the Wang family are involved. The most important thing is my grandfather. What about this matter? There is really no way to avoid it, but what about coming to Hong Kong? He fell down at the door of the house and did not enter, there are some really do not make sense, so Ding Yu is also in a hurry to apologize.

"You boy! Smart with what like, is your master's elder is an elder, I am not an elder, there, I let the elder to pick you up! It's a shame. "

"Grandfather Li, you have to be more responsible!" Ding Yu also said with a smile, "I'll visit grandfather Li tomorrow evening, and then grandfather Li won't turn away."

"You Li Sheng on the other side of the phone also laughed. Ding Yu didn't inform himself when he came to Hong Kong. Obviously, he didn't want to make too much publicity. Moreover, he had already said that he came to visit his master. If he forced him to invite him, he would be a bit impolite. "It's inconvenient to travel. I asked someone to find a car!"

"Thank you, Grandpa Li!" After that, he also hung up the phone, and then Ding Yu spoke to Jin in a low voice. Then Ding Yu sat down again in his original position, and the expression on his face returned to normal. However, Xiang Shi, who was sitting opposite to Ding Yu, could not sit still.

Because it's a mobile phone call, the voice is not very clear, but there is no problem with his ears. The speaker is absolutely the king of Hong Kong, because his accent is so special. Xiangjia has some forces, but in front of the Li family, this force is like a mantis in the car.

The so-called king without crown is not so simple as joking. Xiang's reputation seems to be very loud, but mainly because he is engaged in the entertainment industry, so it is widely spread. But what about his own power and details? There is no comparison with the Li family.

But what about the young man in front of him? Not only did he talk to Li Sheng, but he even refused. I'm afraid no one in the whole city can do it. But what about the young people in front of him? In front of their own face refused, and still so relaxed.

This guy's relationship is not as simple as it is revealed. I'm afraid what I see is only one aspect. At first, I thought he might be a member of the underground forces. But now, he is still a guest of the Li family, so Xiang Shi can't help but swallow a mouthful of water. It seems that he's too bold to come here.

"Uncle Xiang, you seem a little nervous!" Ding Yu also said it without salt or salt. Looking at some of them, Ding Yu raised his eyebrows with his finger. "I'm no longer working in government departments, so anything here has nothing to do with me. Now I'm a doctor and do some business by the way."

I see. They have already made clear the purpose. What about Xiang Jia? Is it right to see the last two, but now? It's not really in the eye. You may have face in Hong Kong City, but it doesn't mean that you are here in Ding Yu. It is the same.

"Mr. Yang is an old man. When his brothers were injured, he often came here, so his relationship became familiar over time." Since we can't start from other places, we should find a close relationship with each other. Mr. Yang is definitely the best target.

This is also the case. We should know that there are a lot of doctors in Hong Kong. However, there are not many doctors like Mr. Yang. Why? There are people behind the cover, of course, this also needs to be explained, master Yang's medical level is quite good.

It may be hot outside, but as long as they come here, everyone will put down their swords, guns and sticks. They come here to see a doctor, not fight, fight. Go outside.

"If you don't have capital, it's easy to lose money by doing some small business in entertainment! Make a little fuss and eat in a bowl of rice

If in front of others, I would never say so, but what about this one in front of me? If you can get in touch with the Li family, will your business be seen in the eyes of others? If you don't make trouble for others, you won't find trouble for yourself.

"I've heard something about Shibo. What about those years in Hong Kong? It is also thanks to everyone's care, so that the elderly can have a relatively stable life, and they will not pay too much attention to other things as long as they are happy! ""That is!" Xiang Shi was also very careful to say, "I don't know what Mr. Ding has to tell me. Other things may not help me, but I still have no problem running errands."

I have to be careful! Originally, it meant a dragon crossing the river. But now, this dragon has wings. It can make friends with each other. Maybe it can follow the wind and make waves at any time.

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