"You are clever enough Su bochen also mentioned that, but that's it. This is only used to break the silence between each other. What happened in Hong Kong? For the family, there is no significance and influence.

"The things between you and the military make the family too passive!" The old lady also mentioned a sentence. It seems inappropriate to mention this matter at other times. But now it is different to mention this matter. The silence has been broken between each other.

Ding Yu is not as angry as he imagined, "the basis of cooperation is mutual trust!" After that, Ding Yu also looked at his grandfather, and then said, "help each other when I need it, but the problem is that when I need it, I don't get any help. Cooperation is never unilateral."

There were some complaints, and the faces of the three old people were so embarrassed!

The meaning of Ding Yu's saying this is very simple. He does not want to explain the whole thing. There is no need. He only needs to mention the essence of the whole thing. He cooperates with the military, but the question is what about the military? Without adequate support when needed, the cooperation between the two sides came to an end.

This is not a mistake, or a misunderstanding! It's not about being picky.

Of course. What about inside? It also involves other problems. Ding Yu knows that his mind is too big, so there will be such a situation and problems, and he does not want to deny the problems and conditions inside!

For Wang puchen, it is not a normal thing to cooperate with him? Need to have a certain foundation, if there is any situation and problem, first villain after gentleman, don't mean to be unprepared.

You need to consider the interests of the family, but similarly, I also need to consider my own interests. The interests of each other are different. When my grandfather forced him to make this choice, the interests of each other could not be confused. Ding Yu made a decision at that time.

Su bochen's feeling can be better. What about this grandson? There is no intention of depending on Wang and su. Of course, what about his own power? I don't need to. Although there are some feelings that can't be accepted, from a practical point of view? This kind of choice can also be said to be quite wise.

Then Su bochen also took a look at Wang Pu. What about his family? It's not as good as you can imagine. Why do you say your son-in-law? It is more potential, but do you want to support the whole Wang family? It seems that there are some difficulties, at least in terms of time, some are not appropriate.

And when did Ding Yu, the grandson, come out? It seems that some of them are not suitable. If he was raised at home, there is no problem, but the problem is that he is not raised at home. Therefore, even if the two sides stand together, there will be no contradiction now, and there will be contradiction in the future.

So it's better to cut across the board directly. Although there are some emotional disputes now, the long pain is not as good as the short pain, and it can solve all other problems and disadvantages.

Is it really that important to hear or not to hear? That's not the truth! The important Wang and Su families can take this opportunity to make great strides forward. This is the most fundamental thing! What about the old guy Wang Pu? I'll also recognize this problem.

It's not that I'm really cold and heartless, but the reality is like this. At the beginning, whether I went wrong or not, this problem is no longer necessary to argue, and the argument has no significance, because it is irretrievable! So you need to look forward now.

"Do you have a foundation for cooperation there?" Wang Pu also said a light.

What about this? It's a bit of a trial. We all know that Ding Yu's cooperation with the military has ended. However, there is also speculation in everyone's heart. The reason why the cooperation between Ding Yu and da da has ended is because the stalls are too large and open.

But which side will Ding Yu cooperate with in the future? It's really bothering everyone, because no one has any information about this aspect. It's not only that we can't find out such a simple matter, but even there is no information to find in this aspect. There are too many problems in it, which is worth exploring.

Ding Yu is also very clear, grandfather said so? Is to test themselves, whether there is a cooperative object! Therefore, Ding Yu also smiles, "the early negotiation was not bad, but it is still in the process of mutual understanding, whether it will lead to success, this question may be mentioned so early!"

What about this? Ding Yu didn't mean to hide anything, because that's the case. Since you want to know, I don't have much to avoid. But I won't tell my grandfather and grandfather what kind of department he will cooperate with. This is a secret.

Wang Pu and Su bochen said they wanted to know, but judging from Ding Yu's performance, it was impossible to share the secret with them, because there was no so-called basis for cooperation or lack of trust. What about Su bochen because of Wang Pu? It's also in this line.Whether they are willing or not, it doesn't matter who says it. Anyway, Ding Yu thinks so.

What about other things? Wang Pu may not have too much self blame. He is so selfish, but he is more in the public interest. But only in the issue of trust, he has so many failed to live up to his grandson. He did not expect such a situation.

Like now, what about the conversation? Without any feelings, let alone the so-called family affection, all that is mentioned is interest. You should know that Ding Yu can have a long family and grandchildren! Wang family's blood, but now we are talking about the naked interests. For Wang Pu, the irony is too strong.

"The military is different from other departments!" Su bochen also made a tentative remark, while Ding Yu was smiling, "what's the specific situation? Now we are still exploring and understanding each other. I believe there will be a good result. After all, we are all Chinese, and this goal is still the same! "

What about words? It's all pits! You should know that your grandfather and grandfather have experienced too much, so they have rich experience in this aspect. Maybe you can find out the clues from Ding Yu's words.

Having been trained in this area is one thing, but how to use it is another! On the one hand, you want to catch the fish with bait, on the other hand? It's a fish that wants to eat the bait but doesn't want to take the bait. It's a process of fighting each other. There's no right or wrong.

In fact, the meeting itself is a transaction. How about sitting here? Just don't want to make this atmosphere appear too cold, the effect is really achieved, although everyone's heart inside the five flavors of miscellaneous, but then what? As for what happened in the process, will anyone care?

The old lady looked at her grandson and nodded her head slightly. To be exact, she didn't want to be like this. Although she said that the results were really satisfactory to the Wang and Su families, it was from the perspective of interests to look at the issue. If we looked at the issue from the Perspective of family relationship, this negotiation was a failure.

Ding Yu is not a pig. He is willing to be slaughtered. He protects himself very well. He just pretends to be a pig. What about the person who stabbed him? I'm afraid it has been remembered for a long time. He didn't do it because the time was not right. That's all.

To be more rational, what about the problems between the Wang family and Ding Yu? Is Wang Pu too conceited, and Ding Yu this child? It's too clever. There is no room for relaxation between the two people. Since both of them have raised the knife, it means that it will be sooner or later for each other to fight against each other.

What about Ding Yu's training Wang Yang now? How much also has this aspect meaning, you pass knife, I mix sand, which way is better to use? The old lady is also sad. Relatively speaking, the old man is a hard knife. He pays attention to the white in and red out, with a clean knife.

What about grandson? It's a soft knife. It's really killing without blood! It makes you miserable, but you have to bear it! This is the most painful! I really have so many can't see.

But does the old man have a choice? There is no such thing as abolishing Ding Yu's great grandson. The reason why there is no trouble in the family is that it can be suppressed. After all, the grandson is not raised in the family. But if Wang Yang is abolished, the foundation of the whole Wang family will be shaken!

What about the original time? I really didn't see the layout, but it was too late to recognize the situation. No one expected that Ding Yu had completed the overturning inadvertently. Ding Yu didn't want to subvert the Wang family, but what about the same? The Wang family has no threat to Ding Yu.

What about the Wang family now? We must rely on Wang Yang's leg to be more stable. If there are any problems and conditions in this leg, we can't imagine the consequences. Other people dare not and will not do so. But for Ding Yu, if we want to do this, who can resist it?

Now the Wang family can't afford to offend Ding Yu. Wang Pu is also really aware of this problem, so he has a little bit of sadness. He doesn't know whether the things he did were right or wrong, but he knows one thing very well, that is, he successfully released the devil in Ding Yu's grandson's heart.

From his hand to the Wang family, we can see that it seems to be calm and even give people a feeling? They are bullied by others, but in fact, the cruelty and viciousness behind it are unexpected to all of us. After watching it, they even feel a little chilly.

At least now Wang Pu has such a feeling, Wang family has no choice, Ding Yu does not start, not that he can not do it, but there is not too much significance and value, I am afraid this is the most important reason!

In other words, Ding Yu's actions can only make him bear a bad reputation and splash dirty water on his body. For Ding Yu, there is no need for him. It is just that the waiting time may be a little longer, but what about the so-called long time? It's just a relative statement.Now Wang Pu and the old lady are supporting each other in front of them. How can the Wang family give Ding Yu? If the old man and the old lady really have such a day, can the Wang family still hold Ding Yu? It's impossible, but it's also a very unrealistic thing!

What's more, breaking up with the Wang family, to a certain extent, is just breaking with the old man, not breaking with other people. This matter still needs to be made clear. Although there are some clear meanings of gratitude and resentment, the personality is so strong. What about the family? It's really hard to say anything.

I'm afraid that the sophomore has never had any meaning in words. He must have understood the problems and the situation. What's his so-called position now? On the one hand, it is the father, on the other hand, the son. What aspect should he help? Helping any aspect is a painful choice for a sophomore, rather than nothing.

Or to be more straightforward, at this time, the second grader did not choose to help Ding Yu. He was already biased towards Wang Pu. After all, the Wang family owes to the grandson, and Wang Changlin feels guilty about the eldest son. However, because of his father, he can only suppress his feelings.

"So you're very sure about whom you're going to cooperate with."

What about this problem? Ding Yu really didn't mean to answer, "previously, my heart was too big, so it's inevitable that there will be a situation. If you suffer from a setback, you will gain wisdom. This can't be regarded as a bad thing. At least you know the lesson!"

Ding Yu still did not answer the question correctly. What about the negotiation anyway? It has already been solved. I have disclosed it to the Wangs themselves. Don't mess with me. I'll give the Wangs the face. Hello, I'm good. Hello, everyone. That's the case. I didn't refuse to negotiate, but again, what about my interests for the Wangs? I don't have much interest, so I don't get involved in the affairs of Wang family.

From the beginning to the end, Ding Yu didn't regard the Wang family as a thing. Now it is just more obvious to express it! To accept or not to accept is such a result! Su bochen knocked his head with his finger. He really had a headache!

Although judging from the results of the negotiation, it is satisfactory, but is Ding Yu's attitude towards this child? It is really quite problematic, at least from their own point of view, it is like this, but at this time, let yourself say something is good? I really have nothing to say.

What about this problem? I was really dragged down by Wang Pu, the old guy, so that he later won over? It didn't play any role and effect at all! But what's the good news? Ding Yu didn't mean to point the sign to the Su family, but it was really to let himself take a breath.

When you go back? I also need to talk to the eldest and the third in the family. To a certain extent? Or don't provoke this bastard, at least this tone in his heart now? It's not over yet. It doesn't have much good results when he gets angry. It's just certain!

It's not fear, but there's no need, anyway? They are all children in the family. What about this problem? In fact, it has nothing to do with interests. Wang Pu, an old guy, has nothing to do with it? I'm afraid his heart will be even more remorseful if his eyes are dim and he makes such a result.

In fact, when his son was talking to the three old people, Su Yuan also paid attention to the situation inside, but what about the situation? It's good. There's not much tension. What about speaking? Although it was not pleasant, it seemed that there was no so-called noise. When he saw this place, Su Yuan also gave a big sigh of relief.

There was no quarrel at the time before, so it would not happen later. As for the content of the talks between them, Su Yuan was not as concerned as he thought.

Then Su Yuan also called Wang Yang. It seems that her husband just got off the plane. What about the situation at home? It is relatively stable. Let him tell you that there is no need to worry about it.

Wang Changlin, who got off the plane, also took a look at his son and future daughter-in-law. When he came out of the plane, Wang Yang also whispered to his father, "my mother called just now. It seems that there is nothing wrong with me. I didn't say anything about it, but there was no accident!"

Wang Changlin also looked at his son and shook his head slightly. He was still too young! No accident, in fact, is the worst situation. If it is really noisy, it may be better. If we can sit there and talk about problems calmly, the situation is bigger!

Thinking of this, Wang Changlin also sighed. From your own point of view? I hope the eldest son can make a lot of noise, even if it is hard to get rid of. It seems that it can not be finished, but it is very good to clean up. What about the calm situation? What's hiding underneath? Who can see clearly?

In other words, the relationship between his eldest son and his family seems to be mutual reconciliation, because they are sitting together, but in fact, the division is more clear.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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