"Dad Do you see the voice of Ding Lin? It's respectful! It can be said that, at least in the face of Wang Changlin, Ding Yu will not be as rigid as Wang Yang.

I don't know if it is because the contact time is not long, maybe it is because of this aspect!

When Ding Yu was in Wang Changlin, he didn't feel serious or unfamiliar. As for the so-called intimacy, it didn't seem too much! It's just a father by blood. In the treatment of Ding Lin, this situation is completely reversed. Is this the so-called "living without raising relatives"?

Wang Changlin looked at his eldest son, but also noticed the elder daughter-in-law and the two children standing beside him. He nodded his head slightly and stopped slightly. He made a color with Ding Yu. Then he went into the room to greet his parents and father-in-law. Did you see the situation in the room? The heart is also a loose.

What about the atmosphere in the room? Although not warm, but also no cold feeling, the situation is still good! At least on the surface, it looks like this. As for the essence, it's a different matter! Anyway, no one will take this matter to the surface.

What happened after I came? Even more will not mention the relevant matter! After all, he is in the middle of the position, if really said, the most embarrassing person may be himself! What about yourself? It's better to leave a little face for yourself!

What about this time? Lin Qiuyan also felt that this elder brother's position and position in the home was really extraordinary. She and Wang Yang had no place to sit here, while Ding Yu did not care at all. What about the rest of the family? It seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

It doesn't mean that Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan are not allowed to sit down. The room is still very spacious. Even if they come again, they will not feel any crowded. However, the problem is that Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan are really afraid. After all, the three old people sitting there are too much pressure.

This is the difference between identity and position. What about this big brother? It is really recognized by the family. What about the recognition? At least it is the recognition of the power above, so that we can have the qualification to sit down! This is how Lin Qiuyan understood it.

What about Su Yuan and Tai Xi? At this time, they didn't mean to stay in the room. They were busy, but two little guys didn't mean to be timid at all. They were carrying a small windmill in their hands and jumping around the room. It was also a lively atmosphere. At least they were there, so it would not be too embarrassing.

Under the old lady's words, Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan sat down timidly in the starting position, but half of their buttocks were sitting there, and their waists were also very straight. On this point, Ding Yu's performance was somewhat lazy, even did not care.

The little girl around her stretched out her hand and directly grasped it in her arms. There was no so-called rules. The little girl giggled and laughed, but her voice was not very loud, but it seemed a little crisp. What about the old lady's arms? Also holding a little guy, but this little guy is very quiet.

The whole room seems to be very happy, but what about each other's hearts? They all have their own concerns, but now? Now more attention is paid to Wang Yang and Lin Qiuyan. Wang Yang is a little better, at least a man. But Lin Qiuyan, at this time, seems like a quail who is frightened.

Fortunately, Wang Yang is around, otherwise I'm afraid I don't know how to come from.

But what about this time? It's not as long as I imagined. All the people in the family should have come. What should I say? I have already said that, anyway, the old man has seen it! In addition, the three old people are a little older. With a long time, it is inevitable that their energy will be a little bit poor, so they are also arranged to have a rest.

Siheyuan is also quite large, the room is more spare, so there is no sense of crowding, and look at this meaning? In the evening, I didn't mean to let the three old people leave. Although the distance was relatively close, the back and forth tossing was not so much a thing! So just stay here.

What about this? It's Ding Yu who speaks. After all, he is the master here. Although the relationship with grandfather? A little bit embarrassed, but it doesn't mean that Ding Yu really can't be a human being. This is two times of things, but it needs to be treated separately. At least it can't be unreasonable!

After sending the three old people to rest, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan also came to their room. Wang Changlin also changed his casual clothes. After all, he had come to the home, so there was no need for too much formality. "Xiaoyu has talked with the old man and them?" After changing clothes, Wang Changlin looked at his wife who poured tea and asked in a low voice.

After I came, all the talks had ended, and no one in the family mentioned anything about it. So I had to ask my wife. After all, she was here at that time."Well!" Su Yuan also replied, "I'm not very clear about the specific situation. I took a look outside and felt that there was no situation, so I left. If I stayed there, I'm afraid my father and mother would feel so embarrassed!" What Su Yuan said was the truth.

Wang Changlin also understood with a wry smile, "ah, dad is afraid that this matter is also a little annoyed, who did not expect to be like this, but Xiaoyu this time to be able to rush back, it is quite not easy, in this matter, we should give some understanding!"

"Well, I don't know how long I'll stay at home." What about other things? Su Yuan didn't really care, but his eldest son didn't stay in China this year? But something happened to his adoptive mother, and he ran back at the first time. The problem was not big, but the treatment really didn't say.

This makes Su Yuan still have some small jealousy, that is his eldest son! Even his own mother did not enjoy the treatment, his adoptive mother not only enjoyed it, but also indulged in it, how much of this feeling there are so some unbearable! It's too much.

What about jealousy? Wang Changlin knew that he had comforted and persuaded him several times, but the effect was not so good. What is the reason? Wang Changlin is very clear, not that she is really jealous in her heart, but because she is dissatisfied with the Wang family.

It's just this dissatisfaction? She couldn't say it through proper channels, so she adopted this way. As for why you are dissatisfied, you don't have to mention it! Or because the Wang family is slightly biased in dealing with their eldest son.

Things look like the past, but what about the scars in my heart? It's really not something that can be eliminated in a moment and a half. What about this problem? Wang Changlin is not too good to mention what, after all, is his father! He is also very embarrassed, but look at today's wife's face and condition, seems to be OK.

"Before you came here, Xiao Yu's child gave it to him. Wang Yang and Qiu Yan have already seen other things, but what about these things? Look at this meaning, let's show something! "

Wang Changlin also took two certificates to look at, a house and a car, it seems very simple, but out of the understanding of the capital house, he is very clear what the value of this represents!

Indeed, where is Wang Yang now? It seems to earn a lot, but the problem is that he can't be too high-profile, otherwise the children in the family will be dissatisfied. This balance is really difficult to control, but if he makes his own move, the situation will be different!

Standing in the position of at least three old people, they really have no way to mention anything, but similarly, Wang Changlin's heart is also very clear, how to do this? It is not on the surface, but on the heart.

What about the situation at home? In fact, it is not too many problems to provide Wang Yang with a house and a car. In the past, it was a headache, but now there will be no pressure. But what about the house and car with Ding Yu, the child? There may be a gap, but as long as you have a house and a car, you can explain something.

But now Ding Yu took out the house and followed the car. It's a little expensive! How about putting them in the future? How should other children deal with the situation of engagement and marriage? This is really a problem! My eldest son! What's good for you to say? It's a little droopy.

Of course, there is another meaning in this matter. I don't care whether you handle it in private or put it on the surface. Anyway, I've done my best to be a big brother.

So after Wang Changlin had seen something, he also looked at his wife and raised his head. How about Su Yuan? With her husband is also how many years of husband and wife, so many years of wind and rain came over, how can you not understand your husband's mind?

"Forget it, let's give it to Yangyang and Qiuyan! You don't have to let other people know! " After saying that, she also looked at her husband with complaint, "the boss has prepared a lot of things, but a lot of them are handled by Taixi. He may know about it!"

"Ah! I see what you mean How can Wang Changlin not understand the big and small things at home? It's basically run by Ding Yu, the eldest son. But what about the following? They are all run by Taixi. To a certain extent, we need to give Taixi an identity. This is the real purpose.

Married or not? This is not important, but if you nod your head, even if you are married in the future, you should call out your wife. For the Wang family, what about such a thing? It's true that there are so many lives!

Wang Changlin did not dare to make a decision on such a matter easily. Who knows what his eldest son thinks? If he gave this identity today, it is not difficult to guarantee that he will marry a wife back tomorrow, which is a big joke!"Things are so difficult to do!" Su Yuan also knew the situation and understood the difficulties, but it seemed that it was not so appropriate to put the matter on hold here. He mentioned it himself! I also hope that my husband can prepare and deal with this aspect. This is the best policy!

But Wang Changlin really did not know how to deal with it. Why did he say so? Because the Wangs didn't have the means to restrict the child, or from the beginning, the Wangs went wrong! So, to a point like this, I can't make any action now. Otherwise, how can the three old people get along with themselves?

After a period of rest, the three old people also sat in the middle of the courtyard. Although the weather is very cold at this time, what about the courtyard? There is no feeling in this respect, it is still warm like summer, from another point of view, there are some really too luxurious!

Because Ding Yu doesn't live at home very much. Under such circumstances, there are still such arrangements in the house, which are treated by the three old people! It's a kind of performance of losing one's family. But what about Ding Yu? Let's forget it! Don't listen to me! I can't say anything.

What about the two little guys? They didn't show up at this time. It's time for them to study. Maybe it's not a long time for them to study, but this has also formed a habit. Nannies and tutors are in charge of this. Other people really don't mean to interfere. Even Ding Yu can't disturb them.

For this, the three old people feel very satisfied, and even went to take a deliberate look. For the three old people, what is the foundation of the family? It is the cultivation of talents. What about this problem? Wang Changlin, their generation is still very good, but another generation? It seems that there are many problems.

But now what about the three old people? It is really powerless, because they have passed that age, there is no energy in this respect!

What about the education of two small schools? The three old people are also looking at each other, and they can't see any results yet. But what about the process? There are so many small shocks! It's not easy to have such a sense at such a young age!

Looked at two eyes, the three old people also feel that there are so some shaking head, why? What about this kind of education? It's really different from the traditional way of education! And what about the teaching stuff? Not the most traditional, let their hearts? I feel that it's a little complicated, even a mixture of five flavors.

"There are not too many problems in the way of education, but what about this form? I'm afraid it's hard to spread. Although it's said that we can lay a good foundation, there are many hidden problems in it, which have not been revealed yet! "

Wang Pu is also straight to the point. Su bochen also snorted, "if you have laid a good foundation, what will happen to the follow-up? This question? I'm afraid we can't help worrying about it, but I think there's something else about this bastard! "

The old lady sitting on one side also laughed, "this deep meaning is not hard to understand. What about the people who know it now? They are very curious about Ding Yu. Although they don't expect to have Ding Yu at home, it's not a problem to imitate them. Aren't Wang Yang and Xiao Bao the best examples? "

Yeah? Wang Pu and Su bochen also looked at each other. What about this? They really know, but the question is how does Ding Yu know? He's doing this now? Is it a warning? But what about Wang Yang and Xiao Bao? It seems that the effect is really good.

"I don't feel there is any problem in it!" Su bochen also said in doubt.

But Wang Pu slightly Leng God for a period of time, then also slowly said, "I think the above probably understand, Wang Yang and Xiaobao two people? Although from the time point of view, the experience is not very long, but what about the cost of their two children? It's really not something that ordinary people can afford! "

"This bastard did it on purpose Su bochen immediately understood that although he was a little older, his temper didn't change much, but now what about clapping the table? I really don't have too much strength. I can't hear any sound at all.

"There are some deliberate meanings!" Wang Pu is also smiling. He has understood more or less. I'm afraid that Su bochen and the old lady also understand. Don't pay attention to him now or in the future.

I can't get this asshole now. What about the future? What about Wang Pu and Su bochen? There are some people who don't know how to get along with themselves, and even they don't think that it is so far away, and Ding Yu is not only thinking about it, but also has been put into practice for a long time.

What's more, this is just above the surface, or is this just what Ding Yu let you see, but not what you see? What kind of situation will it be? At this point, Ding Yu is different from the traditional family, even with the tradition? There's a sense of being out of place.But you said he was against the tradition! It's really not such a thing, but you said he didn't violate the tradition, and it's not like this. The situation is really not clear in one sentence or two words.

While talking, the two little guys were jumping out of the room, making a lot of noise around the three old people, and then they ran away.

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