How about the family for so many years? It seems that really did not have such a complete, of course, Wang Li will not be absent, but she came a little bit late, work is more busy!

When I didn't come over, I also gave my big brother a good thanks. My mother has mentioned it to me. This time, the family arranged Wang Yang's affairs as a condition? Their own things can be independent, as long as not too out of line, there will be no problem! And how did this come from, Wang Li's heart is very clear.

Although the elder brother has never mentioned the situation with himself, Wang Li's heart is very clear. If the elder brother doesn't fight for himself, the family will not open one eye and close one eye for this matter. But now the elder brother mentioned this matter, then the family must have an account.

"Do you think I'm a good man?" Because it was not time for dinner, Ding Yu did not go to meet with everyone. Wang Li came at a good time. This sentence made Wang Li stunned, because she never thought that her elder brother would talk like this. Even for a moment, she didn't know what to say.

"Big brother, I don't understand what you mean

Wang Li's words are slightly more careful. Ding Yu also smiles slightly. On Ding Yu's face, there are really some rare things to see. "There is something wrong with what I said. In another way, what about Wang Yang? I don't mean to interfere, because from his point of view? He thinks it's acceptable! "


"I can influence Wang Yang, but this influence is very limited, the same? It can also affect you, but the impact is also limited. What's the meaning of saying this to you? It is to let you understand that there is no need to have any burden. I have my intention. In addition, this matter is beneficial to you, so I will follow the trend! "

Understand what his brother means, Wang Li also nodded with a smile, the elder brother did not say this too clearly, but how can his heart not understand? The elder brother didn't mean to take credit, and even said "evil words". However, he would not be angry because of this. His mind was in vain.

What about home? My own heart is my heart. Even when I should use myself, I will try my best. But the problem is how do I treat my elder brother? But will not appear the grandfather's condition, at the same time oneself also will not deny this, even if is the grandfather and the grandmother face-to-face, oneself will also be such an attitude.

"Anyway? Thank you, brother! "

"Whatever you want!" Ding Yu's tone was not as good as he thought, "anyway, I've already told you about this matter. Let's talk about other things. Wang Yang is married. I'm a brother, do my best or not? Anyway, he felt very satisfied there, taking advantage of my spare time! "

Wang Li also tilted her head to look at Ding Yu, "I want to change a car, drive my car, the general work is basically OK, but due to other reasons sometimes, it needs some face engineering! And this car needs to be put under the name of siheyuan. What's more, it would be better if big brother could sponsor some funds! "

"I'll order you a new A8 from Germany. If you need anything, you can just come here and get it. As for the sponsorship fund? Just go to the quadrangle account! "

Ding Yu didn't want to mention how much money he was going to give. Anyway, Wang Li looked at it as appropriate. I believe he would have a sense of propriety in this respect. Wang Li looked at her elder brother, and she also gave a slight smile. Then she spat out her tongue. However, when she stood up, Ding Yu also said with warning.

"There is no money left. You can earn it again. What about your family? I know the situation you investigated. Although you didn't ask too much about it, it was still understood. Understand what I mean

Hum! "Wang Yang told you! This guy is talkative

"For your own good!" Looking at Anjie standing outside, Ding Yu also took the lead in coming out. As he passed by, he also gave a few orders in a low voice, which was not entirely about Wang Li's business. "Wait a moment and go out with me to prepare some gifts. I'll go to see my martial uncle. I haven't seen you for a while!"

Anjie is also a Leng, his expression is so dull, in today's day, this time to see Mr. Liu, which is really suitable? But Anjie really did not have too much hesitation, because since it was ordered by his husband, he would do it by himself, and he would not find it on his head at home.

During the dinner, there were a little more people. Even yuan Chenglin and his wife came to join in the fun. After all, what about the people in the family who know Ding Yu now? It's not as much as you can imagine. Su Quan also wanted to come over, but something happened temporarily, so I can only apologize!

Although it's engagement, it can't be too shabby. The family has prepared some gifts for the couple, such as a painting and calligraphy by three old people. The meaning of this is totally different. After all, no one is as rich as Ding Yu.What about at least three old people about what Ding Yu took out? How much seems to be so sneering, this is not even included in Wang Changlin's hands, because there are so some too publicized, put there, although it looks very beautiful, but how to say? It has a big impact on values.

But there is no way to mention Ding Yu. Why? Because Ding Yu doesn't care! These things are not even worth mentioning for Ding Yu, and Wang Yang is his younger brother, so he can't write a word for Wang Yang! That would make other people laugh.

So Ding Yu used the most direct way to express that how other people look at themselves is not so important as imagined, and he does not mean to put it in his heart! Difficult not to achieve because others care, you need to be timid? In that case, will it still be yourself?

When other people in the family saw what Ding Yu prepared, they also felt that they were smacking their tongue. Don't exaggerate! The bracelet over there? It's almost as thick as a wrist, and it's not one. There are two plates in all kinds of fancy.

Later, the old lady also felt that she was not so good-looking. She asked Anjie to find some red cloth and directly covered everything. In the old lady's words, although it was engagement, it was better not to provoke dust and dust!

As a matter of fact, Anjie also knows how to deal with it, and then he finds the red silk cloth to cover everything, and then uses the Golden Dragon and Phoenix clip to block the surrounding area! I can see that the old lady also has some convulsions in the corners of her mouth, but after thinking about it, she still doesn't do it. This is definitely not the meaning of Anjie.

Of course, Lin Qiuyan also noticed this situation. Previously, some of her eyes were dazzled by these things. Even in the whole afternoon, she was dizzy. Fortunately, when she was about to eat, she also slowed down, but she kept her head down, because it was too much to give her own feeling.

Wang Yang doesn't have this feeling, but how experienced the three old people are! They have experienced too much life. Lin Qiuyan is relatively a child. What about the situation in the afternoon? They are also seen in the eyes, into the middle of confusion, this is a very natural thing!

What about the society now? A little bit impetuous. What about these young people who have grown up? There is a big difference in the details, but after an afternoon, the little girl can wake up. This can't be said to be unique, but it is also quite rare.

So what about the three old people about this girl? It's also quite satisfactory. It's true that Ding Yu's method is too direct, even to the three old people's eyes, it's really vulgar, but it can't be denied that the effect is very easy to use, simple and fast!

But what about this way? For the three old people, some of them couldn't accept it. This is also the reason why the old lady let Anjie seal it after Lin Qiuyan passed the customs. What about the family members? I'm afraid there is not much you can understand. Since you can't understand, don't read it.

It's not good to know too much. From another point of view? I can't afford to lose this man!

The dinner was not as rich as expected, but it was very tasty. To say the least, Ding Yu did not show any special performance. However, out of the understanding of Ding Yu, the family members knew that Ding Yu was not the same as before.

In the past, Ding Yu used to have dinner, but this evening, it was just a bowl of rice. What he ate was so poor! At least for Ding Yu, this is true, but if you say that he is unhappy, it seems that it is not so.

After dinner, Wang Yang sent Lin Qiuyan back home and stayed here at night. It was really a bit of a shame to stay here at night. Ding Yu also went out with Anjie and left the quadrangle with Anjie. When the old lady knew the news, Ding Yu and Anjie had been away for a long time.

At this time, it's really not special that he didn't stay at home. However, Ding Yu didn't hide any signs of himself. Soon, the old lady also knew where her grandson was going and went to see one of his teachers. The grandson went to Hong Kong and seemed to have visited a master.

Is there anything else in this! But everything is too secretive. What about Taoist Liu? I have also inquired about certain information, and there is nothing particularly strange about it. As for the situation in Hong Kong, I still don't know, but I don't know why the old lady's heart is so tangled.

"Uncle!" Looking at uncle Liu who opened the door, Ding Yu saluted respectfully, and then presented the gift in Anjie's hand. Taoist priest Liu nodded as he looked at Ding Yu. What about his nephew? I have talked with my elder martial brother. It's not easy to abide by the Etiquette under such circumstances!

From another point of view, his master passed on the things of daomen to him. Someone took the mantle from his old brother, which really made people feel very happy, "come on, come in!" Liu Daochang also let Ding Yu and an Jie enter the courtyard. This courtyard is not as big as Ding Yu's, but the space is not small.However, Ding Yu came in with a slight movement of his ears. It seemed that he heard some movement. Taoist priest Liu looked at Ding Yu and also laughed. "It's your nephew. He took a rest here for a few days. He didn't sleep so well in other places. It's better here!"

Ding Yu also smiles, but doesn't say anything. When passing by the yard, Ding Yu stops to watch for a while, and then looks at his uncle. Liu Daochang smiles and says nothing. Ding Yu enters the room and everything is ready.

After a while, he also saw a man with a big waist coming in from the outside, "shishuzu!"

Uncle Ding Yu, this is Mr. Dingyu

"Yes, uncle!" The man who came in didn't underestimate Ding Yu because of his age, because we can see from his uncle's attitude that this martial uncle is not ordinary. He is even on the same level with his own? Looking at the martial uncle sitting there, I feel that my heartbeat is so uncontrollable.

Ding Yu looked at his uncle and laughed, but he didn't mean to ask, "there are too many people at home in the evening. It's not very convenient, but I haven't had enough food yet."

"It's just that the city rail has to eat a snack at night." Taoist priest Liu was not polite, and then he also put up a plate of bowls, which seemed to be a little greasy. The city railway looked at the things on the table, then looked at his uncle, and then looked at the uncle sitting there.

Under the table, Liu Daochang also stepped on his feet and picked up his chopsticks. Zhou Chengtie was stunned and then gritted his teeth. Liu Daochang ate very slowly, and Ding Yu's speed was not so fast. However, the problem was that the things in front of him went down very quickly, and Zhou Chengtie felt that his scalp was numb.

For a long time, I feel that I have gone too far. Ten Jin and eight Jin may be a little exaggerated, but I really don't mean to put three Jin and five Jin beef on my mind. It's not even wine. But what about this martial uncle? He ate more than himself, and there was no change in his body.

And his stomach is about to get up! At the end of the day, there was also some meaning that he couldn't eat. Then Ding Yu wiped the corners of his mouth. He ate a lot of food, but what about the wine? Ding Yu was not touched at all. Zhou Chengtie felt a little embarrassed, because in front of this martial uncle, he was a bit humiliated.

"How is elder martial brother Yang?"

Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, "after a night's teaching, master Yang has devoted himself to it." What about Ding Yu's response? It seems that there are some ordinary things, but Liu Daochang is a long breath.

"At that time, elder martial brother Yang was forced to return to the secular life, and his heart was filled with anger. Few people got the true story! At last, we have not failed to live up to the master and the whole school. Fortunately After saying that, Liu Daochang also felt that some of them couldn't hold on, and his tears immediately stained his clothes. He could see that Zhou Chengtie was also at a loss.

Ding Yu helped his martial uncle to have a rest, and left the things behind to her aunt. Ding Yu did not ask too much. He looked back at the Zhoucheng railway standing over there. Ding Yu also looked up and down, "did you practice late at night?"

Ever since then, Zhou Chengtie has never found a chance to speak. Now the martial uncle asks actively, and Zhou Chengtie also says, "my master says that my understanding is not very good and I need to work hard. In addition, I don't have other skills and hobbies, that is, I like to practice martial arts."

"It's good to sweat!" Ding Yu also said something without salt and salt. Zhou Chengtie was a bit stunned. However, since this martial uncle said it, Zhou Chengtie also ended up. It didn't take long for Ding Yu to sit by and watch. What about Anjie? It's not far away.

I don't have much interest in practicing martial arts, and I don't know much about it. But when I look at the situation of the man in front of me, I feel very curious. After a short time, I feel very hot all over, just like I just came out of the bathhouse.

After watching for a while, Ding Yu also stood up and personally ended up. When Zhou Chengtie in the field saw Ding Yu, he was stunned. Ding Yu didn't have much hesitation. He started to fight with Zhou Chengtie, but he didn't have any other actions.

"Slow down, a little slower, too much is more than enough!" Ding Yu's words are not much, but in terms of understanding, it is really different from Zhou Chengtie. Previously, we didn't see Zhou Chengtie practicing martial arts here, but there were not too many people instructing him. What about uncle Liu? Although he also stayed on the mountain, his learning is not so good. The truth can be said, but the practice is much worse.

Ding Yu also accompanied Zhou Chengtie step by step. Since he was able to appear here, his martial uncle still valued it, so Ding Yu didn't mean to be stingy with time. About an hour or so! Ding Yu also wiped his forehead sweat, and then handed the towel to Anjie.

"It's very late, sir. Mrs. Kim and her children are still at home."Ding Yu is also a Leng, and then nodded, but Zhou Chengtie over there looked at Ding Yu and bowed to the end, "thank you for your advice!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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