When Ding Yu came back, Taixi had not gone to sleep, but the two little guys had already rested, "sweating?" Although the face can not see too much of the situation, but the clothes have been a little dirty, "go to take a bath!"

"No one rubs his back!" Ding Yu was also ridiculed. Taixi also peeped out, and then hit Ding Yu with a fist in front of his chest. However, the time of two people's mischief was not very long. After all, there were other things to deal with tomorrow, but in the bathroom, the two people still talked about a long time.

This kind of time is not really much, and during this period of time, Taixi is also relatively hard, two people have a relatively private space, can communicate well with each other, how about this kind of communication? It doesn't even need much speech, but it works well.

In the morning, Ding Yu got up early, and so did Taixi. Last night, he had a good rest, not only because Ding Yu and oba were at his side. After getting up and cleaning, Taixi began to busy breakfast, and there was not much room for him to reach out. However, this attitude needs to be taken. After all, the elderly and the elders are there, and they need to give oba a long face Shame enough.

"When did he come back last night?" The old man had less sleep. Even after Ding Yu got up, the three old people almost got up, and then asked the service staff about some information.

"At more than nine o'clock, I went to the residence of Taoist priest Liu. There was no other movement." It's true that he didn't go to other places. As for what happened in Liu's home, it has not been investigated clearly for the time being. Since there is no investigation, then don't talk much.

"What about Hong Kong? He deliberately went to Hong Kong by the way. This is not normal! " Su bochen also mentioned that his son had mentioned it to himself, but that is to say, he didn't say too much about it. Did he have a specific inside story? I don't know much about it.

"When I was on a mission, I passed by Hong Kong City, so I had many old friends. I went to visit him, and then I went to see his uncle, and I visited the Li family. In this process, there are some conflicts with Xiangjia. Xiangjia people want to know the truth, but they are well educated. " The staff members below are also very cautious.

"Educated?" Wang Pu also moved his body for a while, "this bastard either doesn't start, if once he does, he will die. What's the matter with education?"

"Xiang Shi has been living in the hospital since he left as a junior. I heard that he has some gastrointestinal problems, but I'm not sure how it happened. I'm afraid it's hard to recover from the situation for a moment and a half!"

The attendants also truthfully reported the information they got. The fact is the same. Xiang Shi is really living in the hospital. Anyway, he needs a long period of recuperation. He has two consecutive meals of binge drinking and overeating. His kung fu has not been practiced well. For his age, this situation is really not a common suffering.

But the problem is that they can't afford to eat at all. They can only suffer from it. But what about this situation? But it can't be regarded as a bad thing. The good and bad depend on each other. At least, some doubts about him have been eliminated. The doctor's report has already been in hand, and it has been carefully analyzed by someone else. It is not a fake.

But what about Ding Yu? It's really not the general ruthlessness, there have been people pleading, unexpectedly still such a result, is not to inquire about the details? It's not a big deal, but what about Xiang 10? Because of the taboo, Ding Yu gave the whole half dead and half of his life was gone.

But it is also consistent with his consistent character, from the above to understand it? Ding Yu should not know that Xiang Shi is his own person, and what about his own side? Xiang Shi really didn't know much. Originally, he built a bridge through him. There was no other situation or problem.

And if Ding Yu really knows that Xiang Shi is his own person, I'm afraid it's not a matter of staying in the hospital for a few days.

What about the problems between Ding Yu and himself? It has been exposed at a very early time. When he was in the United States, this guy slaughtered some people from the outside. That means is a bit scary when I think of it!

Even the whole outside? It is also very clean. Although the whole thing has stopped after the incident, it seems that there are some doubts in all aspects. I can still withstand it now. But if there are any problems and conditions, it will be really troublesome.

Did you offend Ding Yu at the beginning? It's really not a very wise choice! This guy is like a mad dog! The people of the Wang family are not of this kind! Didn't he inherit this gene from the Wang family? In other words, one side of the soil and water to support the other side of the people, is not the family grew up, so this character is not the same?

When eating breakfast, Ding Yu's appetite seems to have recovered all of a sudden. However, no one in the family really asked about this matter. Even if Ding Yu went out last night, no one mentioned it, as if no one knew about it!After breakfast, they also took a break for a while, but then everyone began to be busy. In fact, Su Yuan felt that there was something wrong here and something wrong there. Anyway, he always felt that something was wrong. From another perspective? They care about their little son.

But Ding Yu really didn't have so much time to deal with these complicated things. Jin sent some documents to Ding Yu. The two people spent a little longer in the room. No one knew what they were trying to do, but there was no one to disturb them.

However, Jin is also quite strange. He is Ding Yu's most trusted assistant. However, he has never stayed in the courtyard since he came to Beijing. This is really strange. I can't say what the reason is. But unlike other people, Jin is not subject to too many restrictions when he comes here.

This is also the envy of others, such a right is not everyone has. Naturally, the three old people also knew this situation. Even they saw the figure of Jin, but when they saw it, Jin bowed down slightly to show his respect and respect. Then he and Ding Yu entered the study together.

Then the whole study was blocked. It was a real shield. There were even security guards standing outside. The security guards were armed. Jin brought them here. They agreed or disagreed. People were standing outside. Originally, there was no such situation. But after he broke up with the military intelligence department, things changed.

Now we go there with fully armed personnel. What about such a thing? The above also needs to consider certain impact. The intelligence and governance Department of the United States has received the news, and Ding Yu almost told him there. If it is not for his quick reaction, this is also for his security and pay great attention to his safety protection.

What about weapons? What's more, his weapons and conditions are reported, that is to say, the official knows them. These weapons and conditions are for the sake of safety. After all, if something happens to Ding Yu in China, he can't afford it!

It's like a Boston consortium! It is said that their losses are very large, not only on the surface, but also on the foundation of their own home. This is just because the previous Ding Yu attack was related to them.

Of course. What about that? There are so many farfetches. To put it more bluntly, Ding Yu now has this power. This is the most important thing. He deserves such an opening from the state!

Throughout the morning, Ding Yu was in the study to deal with official business, there is no intention to come out, what about home? It's really not good to disturb too much. What's more, even if you want to disturb, you can't break through the guard's level. If you don't come out from inside, people outside don't want to go in. It's totally impossible.

"Not yet out?" The old lady also seems to be in such a hurry. How can things happen? How could it be so delayed? You know, Lin's parents are coming, but what about the grandson? There is still no intention to show up now! Anjie is also on the side of the position, he did not expect such a situation.

The old lady thought for a while, but she didn't force her to ask for anything. After all, the grandson didn't know the importance. There must have been something important delayed. But what was the matter? She didn't come out at this time. The old lady didn't wait for too long. There were still people waiting there!

When he came back, Wang Pu also took a look, and the old lady also explained in a low voice, "originally, it was said that we had a meal together at noon, so Xiaoyu didn't expect to come so fast!" The old lady did not mention what her grandson was doing because she was not so clear about it.

When Lin Qiuyan came with her parents, she also showed a little bit of formality. Especially on such an occasion today, what about Lin Qiuyan's parents? It seems that I already know the relevant information, but what about the introduction? It seems that he did not see Ding Yu. The people of the Lin family were a little suspicious, but they didn't say anything.

On such an occasion, if you can't speak out, there must be something wrong with it. When he hesitates, Ding Yu comes out in a hurry. Seeing Lin Qiuyan's parents, he is also guilty. He has other things delayed before!

As for what was delayed, Ding Yu did not say, but it depends on the situation? Ding Yu seems to really have nothing to pinch. If it is intentional, it is definitely not the current situation and situation!

The Lin family also doesn't have any meaning to blame. Just like a joke, the three old people show up, which is quite a face for the Lin family. What about Ding Yu's appearance? It doesn't necessarily have a representative meaning, but the meaning of the extension is so different, but the old lady looks at her grandson and has some doubts in her heart.

But Ding Yu really did not have any other expression, and even the expression on his face did not change. What about lunch? There were a little more people. Ding Yu and they didn't sit together any more. But at noon, Ding Yu inherited the habit of the past and didn't eat too much food.What about the Lin family? I didn't expect that the Wangs would give such rich betrothal gifts. This is just an engagement. There should be no need to exaggerate. However, the Lin family is very clear that the reason why the Wangs can take out these things has nothing to do with the Wangs. In fact, most of the East and West are given by Ding Yu.

What about the Lin family? It is not involved in this matter, but its own power is still a lot worse, but to form a kinship with the Wang family, for the Lin family, it seems to be a little overjoyed. Who could have thought that Wang Yang actually took a fancy to the Lin girls? it is beyond logic and above reason!

Even the Lin family is now feeling very dreamy. Wang Yang is not the best in the new generation, but he is quite a representative person. It is impossible to be in charge of the Wang family in the future, but he occupies a very important position in the Wang family, which is certain.

What's more, the Lin family also took this opportunity to get on the big ship of the Wang family. This is the most important thing.

However, the Lin family is not so clear now. Why did the three old people come forward this time? The relationship with Wang Yang is not as big as expected. What's more, the three old people hope that this time Wang Yang's engagement can have a good talk with Ding Yu, or give a signal to the outside world.

What about the signal now? It was really passed out. What was the effect? This is not so clear, but it is not as important as imagined. Ding Yu is back. This seems to have been able to explain the problem. After all, no one can understand the inside story.

At lunch, Ding Yu didn't drink wine, even the most basic contamination. There are some things that are not suitable for the occasion, but there are not too many people paying attention to it. What about Taixi, who is sitting next to Ding Yu? I noticed it, but I didn't pay attention to it because of my understanding of Ding Yu's oba.

After lunch, Ding Yu also took the opportunity to sign with Tai Xi, and then went back to the study. At this time, the old lady noticed the situation. Obviously, something happened to her grandson, which was very important. Otherwise, it would not disappear at this time.

What about Ding Yu? There are really some situations. The personnel who attacked him at the airport were found. When the news was passed to Ding Yu, Ding Yu also felt some problems!

Because to a certain extent, this matter has been put to a full stop, but now? I was mentioned again. I didn't have many problems, but what about Boston? What is their situation?

In the whole process of the incident, the Boston consortium was seriously damaged. It can be said that the Boston consortium was severely beaten and killed. Under the condition that everything is stable, what about the party involved in the incident? It was taken out again, and everyone felt that there were some serious situations.

Ding Yu really didn't expect that this matter would be mentioned again. Now the only thing that is not clear is that it is aimed at himself? Or the Boston consortium.

If it is aimed at yourself, what is the situation? There seems to be no problem and situation in this period of time? If it is aimed at the Boston consortium, in the process, the Boston consortium has suffered considerable damage, and has paid a huge price for it. Under such circumstances, continue to target the Boston consortium? What do other consortia think?

So now suddenly thrown out of the Raiders, people really have so many can not understand, more importantly, this guy up to now, is still a living man, this completely has so many can not be imagined! What is the problem?

Another point is, what about the news that Ding Yu got? It's not from the Boston consortium. It seems that some aspects can be passed to Ding Yu's ears. It's really weird. It's obvious that what's going on in front of you by deliberately passing on the news to yourself? Everything seems a little confused.

"Still no news from Boston?"

Jin then turned the computer inside his hand. "They passed some messages. Obviously, they also have some meanings that they can't prevent. I'm afraid their situation is similar to ours, because we don't know where the information was found! But there is one thing that needs to be paid attention to! "

"Say it clearly!"

"The identity of this man is a ghost!" Then king also explained the meaning of the ghost, "but this man's real identity belongs to the army special forces, that is to say, this person is their own person in the Boston consortium, which we have never known for a long time."

Ding Yu also rubbed his temple. "This matter has come to an end. Boston participated in it, but it seems that it is not important to imagine it! Because they have already borne the price. Under such circumstances, it seems that it doesn't make much sense to expose the identity of a guy's army special forces on purpose! "

"There should be follow-up, but Boston doesn't have to think about sleeping today!" Kim also blinked his own eyes, things may have further development, but do not know how to go on."They must be in a hot day now!" Dingyu also smiled, "but is this matter we are affected with? Or else? "

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