After noon, Ding Yu also came out to show a little, but also took advantage of the time to his uncle called, "uncle, do you have time in the evening?"

"I heard that Wang Yang is engaged, and I want to say congratulations, but I'm not in the capital anymore!" Then he remembered something. He was not in the capital city. Ding Yu could not have known it. But when he knew it, he still called him. It was obvious that there was something wrong.

And what about his return this time? I really don't know how many days I will stay! "Wait for me to call at night!" Ding Yu also hung up the phone, but at the same time, Jin's mobile phone rang. Jin said two words, and then he also looked at Ding Yu, "Sanchez's phone call, he now has so much trouble!"

Ding Yu casually took the phone over, "Sanchez, I heard that there is a big situation in your side!"

"When a man was sent to me, he was said to be alive, but his consciousness was completely unclear. He was not much different from the dead. He also died just now, and a lot of other substances were found in his stomach and blood! I can assure you it's not our hand. It's intended to shade us! "

Ding Yu also pondered for a period of time. "From the point of view of truth, this matter has come to an end. No matter what the nature of the matter is, you Boston consortium has suffered huge losses, and the cost I bear is not small. In such a situation, continue to find out this matter, some are not normal! "

What's the hidden meaning of Ding Yu? It's very clear. Is it because of the recent actions of your Boston consortium that such problems and situations have arisen? Otherwise, the matter has been dust laden, now why take it out, let people do not understand.

What about inside? There is another meaning. What's going on in Boston? It has nothing to do with me. As long as we can ensure the cooperation between us! This is the only way to show support for the Boston consortium right now. What else? Because the situation is not clear, so I'm sorry!

Thank you Ding Yu didn't take the opportunity to launch a disaster, which is already the biggest support for the Boston consortium. Now Sanchez is still a little confused. What is the meaning of this? We have already made our Boston consortium miserable. Now we continue to throw people out. What do you mean? Do you really want to get caught?

I don't deny that your power is very strong. Boston stepped into the pit earlier, so there were problems and situations. These are understandable, but we can't bully people like this, right? What we should pay has already been paid, and the price is also painful. In such a situation, should we further press?

And other times? What about the attitude towards this matter? It seems that it is not so simple to wait and see!

The Boston consortia was ruined earlier. It was because they were so superior that they were calculated by their opponents. In addition, the silence of these years may have some development, so it is very normal to attack them!

But what happened afterwards? The Boston consortium admitted and paid a very heavy price. This matter can also come to an end. But it did not think that it was stable. Within a few days, such a thing came out again.

No matter from the perspective of interests or from the perspective of morality, we can't continue to fight the Boston consortium. We need to let them continue to recuperate. How about things like this? On the one hand, it can't be done. On the other hand, the cost is too heavy, and no one is willing to face it.

But what do you mean now? Is it true that the bayonet has been put on the neck of the Boston consortium, and even blood can be seen. The Boston consortium can tolerate it, but what about other consortia? There is no way to continue to tolerate, there is no such thing, too unscrupulous, wanton act?

"Sir, hort called!"

Ding Yu is also sitting there, "tell him, I'll call him later. Since he's sitting in this position, he's not looking for the scenery! It's about doing things. " When he said this, Ding Yu's attitude was so serious. Jin also stood up on his shoulder for a moment, which meant that he was devoting power!

Since Huot is placed in that position, he will not be tied up. Now it depends on his performance. If his performance is good, it will certainly lay a firm foundation for the future. After all, he took over Sun Yingnan's position. If his performance is not good, then his own future will be really cast a shadow.

When hotter received the call from King, he also took a long breath. He didn't expect that his husband would give him such great power. How about his contact with him? It's not as much as I imagined, and even I didn't expect to get to this position so quickly.

But now that we have reached this position, we need to work hard and pay for it. Of course, we should also be worthy of this trust! Otherwise, why should you put yourself in this position?

"What happened to the boss?" Ding Yu has been waiting for the Lin family to be sent away, and Ding Yu has not continued to show up. Previously, it has been slow, but now the family has left and has not appeared. This seems to be too much! Su Yuan was not dissatisfied, but felt strange.In my own impression, the boss is still very sensible, but what happened today has not come out yet. The situation is so abnormal. I don't mean to care about things, but to care about my eldest son.

What about Ding Yu? It is also collecting information from all aspects, and then making their own judgment. Although it is already early in the morning in the United States, what about this time? No one has the meaning to rest, after all, things are a little noisy, no one dares to sleep.

Ding Yu is also unable to leave his position, because of a little delay, he doesn't know what other things will happen. Now what is Ding Yu's status as a child to the Wang family? I don't care very much, or I don't care about it at all. What about the old man? It is really let him remember for a lifetime, ah! When she thought of this place, the old lady also felt a headache. Who could have thought that the child was so "careful".

Of course, there is another problem that needs to be addressed. Ding Yu doesn't need the Wang family. In other words, the Wang family can't help Ding Yu at all. Ding Yu's career is not in China. What about the strength of the Wang family? Not at all.

Therefore, after the old man's incident, Ding Yu directly cut off the idea of this aspect and maintained the relationship on the surface. Hello, Hello, everyone, and then that's it. Don't mention anything again, because what about any more? It doesn't make any sense.

You can't say whether this is good or bad, and what is Ding Yu's influence on the Wang family? It's not small to say big or small. But the problem is that we dare not ignore it, because what is the result of neglect? It could be very serious.

What about the best results? Wang's family is back to the original condition. Walking on one leg is the best condition. As for the worst situation, there are some people who dare not imagine and dare not imagine it! There are some that are frightening.

After dinner, Ding Yu didn't have much explanation. He went back to his study again. Looking at Ding Yu who came in, Jin immediately reported the situation to him, "when you just came in, there was a second person! In terms of identity, it is still a ghost, and seems to be a member of the army special forces. "

Ding Yu also blew a breath, and then hummed and laughed, "this is really not want to give Boston any way to live!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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