Just when Ding Yu was full of emotion, the phone on the desk also rang, and there was no caller ID. however, it was not ordinary to be able to call Ding Yu's satellite mobile phone, because not many people knew his phone number.

"Ding, we are in trouble! It's quite a problem. "

Listening to Sanchez's voice, Ding Yu also said with a nonchalant smile, "first of all, I will come back? It's because I have to make a settlement with my family, and then attend my brother's engagement ceremony. What's more? I don't think my personal influence has reached the point of no attachment, so? You know that! "

Sanchez also said, in fact, would you like to call Ding Yu? In this case, Ding Yu had already indicated his attitude and stayed out of it. However, the Boston consortium did not expect that things would come one after another.

At this time, we must unite all forces that can be united, and Ding Yu is a force that must be fought for. Because Boston believes, what about this? The possibility of Ding Yu's participation is not as great as imagined, and tends to be nothing.

"I contacted Morgan earlier, and their attitude was somewhat ambiguous."

Where is Ding Yu sitting down? He also put his free hand on the table, "so they are very angry about this matter." Why do you say that? Earlier, they had sunk the Boston consortium. There is nothing wrong with such a thing. You can't do much to bully you.

But the problem is that Morgan can't beat Boston to death, and can't do it twice, because this is going to be another consortium? Close together, and then to a certain extent resist the Morgan side. To put it more bluntly, we all come out to make a living. Can't you let others live?

This is also the main reason for Morgan's ambiguous attitude, because they are absolutely not good at expressing their opinions at this time, because it is definitely a blow to Morgan's reputation. Although we all know that he did things, there is no explicit evidence. There are two things above and under the surface.

But now two people are thrown out in succession? What about Morgan? I also feel that there are some thorny problems. The previous things were carried out perfectly and successfully suppressed the Boston consortium. However, the problem is that now I didn't expect that things would go through such twists and turns, which made Morgan's side have so much trouble to prevent.

They are also investigating the matter. What about playing with the Boston consortium? It is their means, so there is no trouble in the investigation, but the time is too short, and it has fallen into a certain pause, so there is no way to explain for the time being.

But silence? It seems that it is not Morgan's style, so I can only say a little ambiguous!

At this time, a car came to the gate of the courtyard. Two people came down from the car. When they came to the gate of the courtyard, they stopped to have a look and then called the door. Anjie, who knew the situation, also blinked. What's the situation?

I am very sure that the courtyard has no connection with Morgan. But then, what did Anjie think of, and when Ding Yu was in the room? We have also received the news from the Morgan group. How about taking the lead? It's to apologize to yourself. What about the people under your hand? It's too bold. This is Morgan's fault, and there is no intention to deny it. What about Ding Yu? There is no intention of investigating.

What about Morgan? How much have you heard that, but before? It's just contact at the meeting, which can't be regarded as deep friendship. What's the purpose of calling? It should be tentative. "Does Mr. Ding have time? I want to have coffee together? "

In the face of the invitation, Ding Yu thought about it for a while. What about his goodwill? I don't mean to refuse. In fact, the meaning of drinking coffee is fake. There is no need for both parties. The main thing is to see what kind of opinions and opinions Ding Yu has on this matter. This is the most important thing.

"Excuse me!" Ding Yu's meaning is also very clear, he did not want to participate in the meaning, at least for the time being, there is no meaning to be involved in this time, there is no benefit for him, but the same, this is before his own interests are disturbed.

What about Morgan? What is needed is Ding Yu's attitude. In fact, the Morgan side also knows that this is only a superficial article, which has not much practical significance. What will be the final result? Not only Ding Yu, but even Morgan is also uncertain.

Now? It's just to get acquainted with each other. After all, this matter has something to do with Ding Yu. At the beginning, he was also one of the main parties. Now we have to take the lead in fighting for his attitude. Ding Yu's willingness to drink coffee does not mean that he has already stood with Morgan, which is not the case.It's just that under temporary circumstances, no one can figure out what kind of situation is behind it, so what about everyone? They have also maintained a wait-and-see attitude. Do you really think Ding Yu has no opinions and ideas on Morgan? Impossible thing, at the beginning, for Ding Yu, Morgan was the main force.

Everyone should be sensible now. If it is really necessary, no one will be soft hearted. Just like Morgan's sweeping Boston, the Boston consortium has been greatly impacted, and even its foundation has been shaken. At this time, who can guarantee that Boston will not bite back?

I'm afraid it's hard to describe the hatred between each other. Now the opportunity is in front of us. Whether we should do it or not, and when we will choose to do it. At this time, Morgan is facing not only the Boston consortium, but also other forces behind it!

There is Ding Yu this guy, up to now, we still have so many do not understand, this guy is how a thing? You know, in the previous time, but he was given a pit, but the pit on the pit, this guy has no reaction at all!

But it is also because there are not too many reactions, so now Morgan also has some worries. The dog that bites doesn't bark, and he is not afraid of Ding Yu's reaction. What's afraid is that Ding Yu has no reaction. This is the most fucker!

What about the result of this trial? It's not the best, but at least it's within the scope of satisfaction. What about Ding Yu at this time? There are no other actions and reactions. From another aspect, Ding Yu is not one of the participants. There is no proof in this respect.

At the same time? Ding Yu has no reason to do so, but it seems that it is impossible for Ding Yu to be suppressed by Morgan's reputation. Morgan needs to deal with this wave of things, otherwise it will be more than a piece of meat on his body.

Anyway, Morgan has made preparations for this aspect, because it is better to be prepared than not to be prepared!

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