But anyway? Ding Yu did not have too much performance and condition, because in Ding Yu's opinion, there was really no need to do so. Previously, he had shown himself very clearly! Wang's business has nothing to do with himself.

Wang Pu feels cold in his heart, but he is also aware that he will not get any results even if he is tough and tries again. At the beginning, the horse family's old guy forced Ding Yu to let him go. But it seemed that he had let him go. But what about the actual situation?

As far as I know, I have been completely mixed up in the capital. Not only the Ma family, but even the Song family, it seems that there is not much better. You can't say whether he has paid attention to this aspect of the matter, but from the point of view of the nature, it is absolutely cruel, and also absolutely patient.

From his own point of view, his temperament is absolutely suitable for taking over the Wang family. Interests are interests, and family ties are family feelings. They are very separated. What about this? It's too much to be better than sophomore. Although the sophomore has been trained for so many years, he still has some problems to deal with. At least I think so. Although he is the most promising son.

But it is obvious that the Wangs can't offer a price. At least for Ding Yu, the great grandson, the Wangs may not have been put in the eye! What happens next? He needs to put more energy on Wang Yang's body, which may be the best way to save.

Because Wang Yang is the son of the second son, and more importantly, because he is Ding Yu's younger brother, what about Ding Yu's attention on him? There are still some, which is a good thing for the Wangs.

After so many temptations, although I don't want to admit it or even want to admit it, the reality is in front of me and there will be no change. So it is better to be pragmatic. At least relative to Ding Yu's grandson, Wang Yang is more obedient.

But obedience is obedience, but what about achievements? I am afraid there is no way to compare, this is what Wang Pu feels really distressed about! Although the Wang family said it would rise, but what about this rise? The foundation is still too poor, and Ding Yu this child? He is a member of the Wang family, but he will never be named Wang. What will be mentioned later? It's Ding Yu, not Wang's child! Oh!

Since it has been like this, do not continue to stay in the room here, early rest! After all, this age is also old, and what does it look like? The second and daughter-in-law seem to have something to say, so don't disturb the father and son. It's not easy to have such an opportunity.

Waiting for his parents to leave, Wang Changlin looked at his son and sat down again. Then he said with a little sigh, "what happened in those years? It's over, and I can't carry on with my past ideas. " Speaking of this, Wang Changlin also stopped for a while.

"What about the contradiction? It's not a big deal, it's just that there are some differences between each other's ideas, and they don't involve any relationship with others! " When Wang Changlin said this, what was the taste in his heart? It can also be said that it is a mixture of five tastes. The so-called concepts are different. In fact, this is a fundamental contradiction that can not be reconciled.

The different ideas between each other lead to the fact that some of them can't do the same thing while reserving differences, and to a certain extent? Father and son are actually the same kind of people, but each other? They don't mean to admit each other. Now I can only comfort my son. It's true that he did nothing wrong.

Ding Yu also blinked his eyes. Does his father mean to be soft? Ding Yu also sighed, and then said coldly, "this matter has nothing to do with the Wangs. It's not good to know too much. It involves Boston consortium, Morgan consortium and even other consortia!"

Dad has been like this, he can not afford to give this face, Wang Changlin is also stunned for a moment, his own situation in this? I really don't mean to know, but what about this? It represents an attitude. His eldest son mentioned this matter? Even if there is an explanation.

But when he was about to get up, Wang Changlin seemed to suddenly think of something, and then also put his eyes on his son's body, "will it be as dangerous as before?" After all, what about the assassination of my son? I've heard it a little bit, regardless of where I got the news, but at least I got it.

Ding Yu's reaction was a little slow this time. "The specific situation is not very clear, but I don't think there will be too many problems. In the previous time, the noise was too loud, and even now there is no way to calm down. If it is other things, the Boston consortium has already carried the black pot before, even if it is turning it over, there will not be too many problems However, the situation is too special. Many people are not sure about it if we find it out! "

"Why?" Wang Changlin also inquired curiously.

"Bottom line, what about other things for the big families and consortia at this time? It may not care as much as you think, but preciseness conflicts with each other, especially in the war. Morgan played with fire before, but now there are some who are burning with fire! " Ding Yu's answer is very concise."This is the time to start a war? Is this a bit of a joke? "

"How to understand it!" Ding Yu didn't mean to explain too much, "in other people's eyes, war may be a very strange word, but for the major consortia, this is a part of their lives, even the vast majority of wars on earth? There are shadows of major consortia behind them! War means profit. "

"And you?"

When his father suddenly mentioned this, Ding Yu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, "I haven't entered this field yet. It's not a simple thing to snatch food from the mouth of a tiger. It's easy to cause repercussions. What about the war? I don't have a lot of good feelings. It's not a field I'm particularly familiar with! "

After that, Ding Yu also looked at his watch, "Dad, mom, you should have a rest early! It's getting late! " Then Ding Yu also stood up, because the time is a little bit longer, he needs to go back to his position to sit down!

However, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan looked at their son who had left, and looked at each other's eyes. What did they hear? For them, it's a complete fantasy, but when the son mentions it, it seems that there is no such thing as the concept of each other? It seems that some of them are too big.

When I didn't know, I wanted to know what happened, but after I knew it, what could happen? In addition to staring at each other, is there any good way, two eyes a black, even can not make an idea, so the couple two people look at each other, in addition to bitter smile, really do not know what to do.

Ding Yu didn't leave. He went back to his study, and went back to his bedroom. He told Taixi something about it. Taixi was very meek and gave Ding Yu a new coffee. This time, he saw the big scene. It was a real big scene. Compared with here, the difference between South Korea and here is really too big.

How to say that? South Korea still has some that are too small, but what about China? It's too big. To make a simple comparison, when I come to Siheyuan these days, I don't have any heavy food. However, the taste is quite different from that of South Korea. It doesn't matter whether it's a habit or not, but it's really enjoyable.

You can't be picky about eating, so other places can't be picky!

Ding Yu stayed in the study all the time in the evening. When the three old people got up in the morning, they also communicated with each other. The boy didn't mean to sleep all night. The situation seems to be beyond imagination. What about Wang Changlin? I've already told them about it.

The reaction is similar to Wang Changlin's expectation. What happens after knowing the matter? On the contrary, the three old people fell into silence, because this was not the same as what they had dealt with in the past, or even had no experience of it. In such a situation, if you rashly reach out, who can guarantee?

"If there's nothing wrong, I'll go back in the morning, and I don't know what's going on at home?" What about Su bochen? I don't mean to stay here at all. What's the meaning? I have already communicated it to my great grandson. As for the consequences, I don't know. Anyway, the seeds have been planted.

The old lady did not take a good look at Su bochen. The eldest son of the Su family has already contacted his grandson. Although the situation is not so good, it is still connected after all. What about the Wang family? If you cut out the second one, you will be able to say two words in front of the old couple. That's all!

Although the idea is different, we can't give up the blood relationship between each other, can't we?

In fact, in this? The old lady is the one who can see clearly. Previously, she had no contact with Ding Yu, the child. Especially after the old man's incident, the relationship between Ding Yu and his family has become extremely bad. What about the differences in ideas between them? It's caused a lot of trouble.

But now? Everything has been discussed clearly. What about the problems on the surface? In fact, it has been solved. Now the old lady wants to contact Ding Yu, the grandson? On the contrary, there is not too much pressure, because there is no interest relationship between each other. Since there is no interest connection, then talking about family relationship is no big deal, right?

So although the old lady didn't have a good face for Su bochen, she didn't say anything. Because she was in a good mood now, she naturally did not have the general knowledge of Su bochen. Wang Changlin got up early in the morning, so she had to rush back in the morning.

I was ready to book the air ticket, but Anjie told me not to use it. There is a private plane at home. Just take a trip. It's not a troublesome thing! Wang Changlin thought and didn't refuse. Although he didn't want to make too much publicity, he didn't want to refuse his son's kindness. Anjie couldn't make a decision on such a matter.

In the morning, Ding Yu didn't eat as much as he thought. Although he couldn't see too much fatigue from his face, he didn't have a rest for such a long time. Can his body bear it? Other people could not say this, but the old lady didn't care too much about it."Xiaoyu! What about the size of the matter? You can't help at home, but you need to pay attention to your body. You can't just carry it by yourself The old lady's words are very natural.

Ding Yu is also Leng for a moment, and then slightly nodded his head, "I know, grandma!" But Wang Pu is very suspicious of looking at his wife, how did she suddenly change her temperament today? Let oneself still really have so some do not understand the feeling! Usually, it's not like this.

In the past, I tried many times, but what was the result of each time? They all broke up with each other, and each time it seemed that they took the initiative, but how did the style change suddenly today? The old lady was so interested that she took the initiative to talk to her grandson.

And what about grandson's attitude? It's also different from the previous time. Although it's not pleasant with the old lady, it has changed a lot compared with the past. What is the matter? How to make people have a feeling that they can't understand? So Wang Pu also feels strange. What about Su bochen? I also took a look.

However, he did not say anything. Lao Wang's head had already got into the ox horn and couldn't get out. In fact, this is a very normal situation. Lao Wang's head can't get out of it. Unfortunately, his wife has passed away very early. What about his family? There is really no suitable person!

But it's no big deal! The question is when can Lao Wang understand the situation? He only understood one aspect, but some aspects? Still did not see too clearly, this old guy sobered up for a lifetime, but when he got old, he even had such a situation. It's interesting.

However, Su bochen really did not want to point out the meaning. I believe the old lady will mention it to him. After his son-in-law left for a short time, Su bochen also went back. However, he was very happy when he left. Compared with the Wang family, the Su family seems to have a lot of sympathy points, which makes him have some unexpected.

Or is it really about money? There is really no relationship. It's just that there are too many differences in ideas between them. Lao Wang hasn't awakened, or is unwilling to admit, so there is no way. What about Ding Yu's character? It is also stubborn enough to make people have some unexpected.

But what about one thing? I can see clearly that this boy is absolutely cruel and is a character. However, he hides too much, which makes him feel that he can't see clearly. However, anyway, he has already explained something about the Su family. At least two or three generations don't have to worry too much.

However, when Wang Pu came out from the courtyard, he was also a little puzzled and looked at his wife, "what's the matter? Like eating magpie poop, so happy

"Can you not be so disgusting The old lady also scolded a word, originally very happy matter, how came to him, changed the flavor? "What about Xiao Yu? There is no need to discuss the good or the bad, but the relationship between them has been eased a lot! "

"A lot of relief?" After listening to Wang Pu is also a Leng, this is somewhat different from what he expected!

"You! It's always the party concerned, and you can't stand outside the circle and have a look at the relevant situation! " The old lady also said with a sigh, "what's the matter with Xiaoyu? It has nothing to do with money. You two have different ideas, so we can't talk about each other. This is common sense, but after all, there is blood relationship between you

Wang Pu's body is not from a Zheng, after a long time, is also suddenly patted his head, and then is also biting his teeth, there are so some teeth cutting appearance, how did he not think of it? And this is the situation? Why can't you follow a layer of window paper?

Then Wang Pu also looked at his wife. Since he had already figured out why he didn't tell himself, but after one look, Wang Pu understood how things happened. It must be his own reason, and there was no connection with other aspects. When he thought of this, Wang Pu also laughed.

All the time? What about Ding Yu's grandson? I feel extremely depressed in my heart, but now I want to come, I really don't want to understand. Now I finally know how this is going on. I thought so much before!

But at the same time? There are also some sorrows. The reason why the great grandson has such a relationship with his family is entirely due to his own reasons. For a long time? He did not dare to reveal his relationship with his family. I thought it was ridiculous. I didn't know what to say now.

But from another point of view, now it is possible to reveal his relationship with other people in the family, but how to introduce it? What's more, what would Ding Yu think of the children at home? These problems are not so simple as headache!

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