At noon, there was no one at home. Ding Yu didn't have much to do. In the morning, he took a nap. When he woke up, he looked at Tai Xi, who was sitting beside him, "are you free? Why don't you go out for tea

Taixi also looked at Ding Yu ouba with disbelief. Ding Yu got up from the bed, which showed his abdominal strength. When he washed himself, Taixi had finished cleaning up. The two little guys were standing there in neat clothes. After all, there were too few opportunities for the whole family to play.

Ding Yu picked up the two little guys casually. For Ding Yu, there was really no problem. However, from the aspect of dressing up, it was really a parent-child dress. The son's dress was the same as his own, and the daughter's dress was the same as that of Taixi! Don't say, it is really quite a sense of joy!

How about a family of four? It seems that they didn't go out for a long time. When sitting in the car, the two little guys were a little excited and even quite dishonest. Ding Yu didn't care, just like catching a monkey, teasing the two children back and forth.

Anyway, for this kind of hilarity! There are also some people who enjoy it. What about what happened in the United States? Ding Yu is also temporarily put down, now this time or accompany Tai Xi and two children more important!

Although Taixi didn't show too much, he was still a little excited from his expression. In the past few days, he gave up his job and so on. Now for himself, this is the best reward. As for others? I really don't mean to put it in my heart.

The so-called material conditions for their own, is not so important, they do not care about the situation!

When getting off the bus, the four members of the family were also on the move. Although the weather was a little cold, no one wanted to pay attention to it. But because it was near noon, there might be a little more people, but what about Taixi? I really don't worry about being recognized. I don't have too many problems with my dress.

After wandering for a while, they bought two small things, and then a family of four also found a coffee shop, because the teahouse was not so suitable for the two kids. Ding Yu and Tai Xi found a quiet place, ordered two cups of coffee, and then ordered juice and cake for the two children.

In terms of children's education, Ding Yu's tutor is still very good. The bodyguard brought special seats for the two children. After all, they are still too young. What about the two kids? After greeting my parents, I began to deal with food wholeheartedly. For other things? No fake color.

Occasionally, Ding Yu and Tai Xi are needed to help, but on the whole, they are all done by themselves.

"It's not like your style, some are too leisurely! I feel a bit out of place! " Looking at the two children, then Taixi also put the firepower on Ding Yu's body.

Ding Yu also scratched his hands behind his ears, "is it so obvious?" After saying that, she also said with an apologetic smile, "these two days have been hard for you. I didn't want to make you so busy, but who ever thought that such a thing happened?" After that, Ding Yu seems to have remembered something.

Then he took out a small box from his pocket, but he was the two little guys who had been fighting for food? It seems that I'm interested in it. How about the first time Dad took out the box? Also put the attention on the box, and Ding Yu also pulled Tai Xi's hand over.

"I made it in Switzerland before. I don't know if you like it!"

Seeing the contents in the box, Tai hee bit his lips. Some of the gifts were too expensive. Because of Ding Yu's Europa, what about her in the fashion industry? Also small have certain vision, the hand inside this is the dating series just produced by Jijia.

Expensive or not, this may not be very important, but this heart really let oneself too moved! Especially when watching Ding Yu's Europa carefully bring his watch, his heart is so sweet and greasy that it can't be added! However, looking at her daughter's first time to hold his wrist to gnaw, Tai Xi's mood is a bit "complicated.".

Ding Yu didn't feel so much. His son seemed to be so honest. Obviously, while the girl was making mischief, he ate a lot of food, but he pretended to be innocent. It's interesting!

Having coffee at noon and simply eating something, Ding Yu didn't have much appetite at noon, and Taixi's food intake was not as large as expected. As for the two little guys? How much is negligible. The whole afternoon belongs to a family of four, there is really no other people to disturb.

However, before returning home, the two little guys were already exhausted and had already fallen asleep early. Ding Yu didn't take Tai Xi to go home immediately. He just sent the bodyguard and the attendants to send them back. He was really hungry. What's more, at night? I'm not going to eat in the courtyard.For Taixi, there are so many surprises in the evening. For the candlelight dinner, there is no one to disturb him and Europa. It only belongs to the romance of two people. Moreover, Europa also drinks some wine with him, which makes Taixi too surprised and surprised.

Even after eating, Europa danced with himself for a period of time in the private room. It was not a fast dance, but a slow one. What's more, in the beginning? From time to time, he will jump wrong. Obviously, he has no experience at this point.

However, later, he also threw his shoes on top of the shoes, barefooted on the shoes of Europa, and they were in the middle of the private room, slowly jumping. When he came back in the evening, he was so dizzy that he didn't know exactly how he was lying on the bed.

And Ding Yu? After Tai Xi had a rest, he went to the study on purpose. Looking at the gold who wanted to stand up, he pressed his hand, and then he put the coffee on the table, "or is there no situation?"

If there is any situation, Ding Yu should get the information at this time, but Ding Yu and Taixi seem to be too quiet in the afternoon, without any interruption. It is obvious that this period of time is a little fierce.

Jin took a sip of his coffee, and the taste was a little different. It was very special. After the aftertaste, he nodded and said, "there is still no situation in the United States, but from the understanding of the situation, it seems that two people have died in Morgan, one is the Deputy Manager of the bank, the other is? It's like a contact person! It feels a bit messy. "

"Manager of the bank, what do you mean?"

"From my personal point of view, are these two people dead? It should have something to do with the people who ambushed us. One is responsible for finding people and the other is responsible for giving money. What about such things? Can't borrow the hand, easy to grasp other aspects of the handle, now they suddenly died, it seems that the wind did not stop! But now I don't know where the wind blows? "

"You mean it wasn't Morgan's own hand?" Ding Yu hums and smiles.

"From what we know here, it is so!" Kim was very positive, "and if Morgan wants to do it, they don't have to wait until this time. However, what they did on this matter is too lax, and there are too many clues left. Maybe they didn't expect to turn this matter over again!"

"What's going on in Boston?" Ding Yu also felt confused about this matter. "You know, this matter is closely related to them, they can be said to be the first to be suspected. I don't think they can sit still now, and I suddenly have a feeling that something may happen to them in Boston!"

"Something happened to Boston?" Jin also looked at Ding Yu and thought for a while, "since you dare to attack Morgan, then it's no big deal for Boston. Is it possible to continue to extend downward and also to us? This assumption is tenable! "

"What about our assumptions? It is not very tenable, because we have only three clients, you and sun Yingnan. But the problem is that all three of us are not in the United States now. The important thing is that we do not have the capital to start with Morgan. Everyone knows this and everyone knows it! "

"That is to say, we can't be the protagonist under any conditions!"

"That's why I haven't returned to the United States now, but Morgan, Boston, and even the hidden forces behind me have not used me as a shield, because even if we plan an action against Morgan and Boston and even succeed, what we get and pay will not be unfavorable at all! This account is easy to calculate! "

"The forces that dare to attack Morgan will not be as many as imagined!" When he said this, Kim was very positive.

But Ding Yu was laughing, smiling helplessly, "do you know? The smaller the scope of doubt and the fewer the objects, the more difficult the conclusion will be. Without definite evidence, no one dares to open his mouth easily, because the consequences will be very serious. It is not possible for a few people to die to solve the problem! "

"Like Boston?" Kim's remark is slightly ironic.

Ding Yu nodded, "on the surface, the Boston consortium doesn't seem to have much loss, but in fact, it does! This time, they are carrying a black pot. Some of the people directly above have died, and there are too many wronged souls. Even Sanchez's son, daughter-in-law and his grandson, who had just been born for a short time, were thrown into it! With all this, Boston has been spared. This is just a black sheep! Although he has many direct ties, he is close after all. "

"That is to say, no matter what? Morgan will pay a considerable price! "

"It's really hard to say, although everyone knows what happened this time? It's Boston who's in trouble. Morgan's behind the scenes, but it's all over. If this matter can be pressed down, then the Morgan side can escape and see how they deal with it! "Kim is a little puzzled, "press it? What exactly is it? "

"On both sides, to reach a settlement with Boston, Morgan needs to bite its teeth no matter what kind of conditions Boston may offer. Next, of course, there is another situation, which is to destroy Boston!"

"Is it impossible to destroy Boston?"

"I'm talking about direction!" Ding Yu emphasized once again, "why was Boston so miserable before?"

"They want to start a war?" Jin did not hesitate for a long time, and then suddenly realized, "under the circumstances at that time, if we could not find the so-called clues, we could only carry the black pot on their own heads. Although the purpose was to target you, we belonged to the passive side of the war and did not take the active responsibility!"

"But we are the passive side, and from the beginning to the end? We do not have any action of war. To say that does not mean to do it. This is two times. What about this issue? Boston's got a lot to say! So they chose to use self sacrifice to settle everything quickly

After that, Ding Yu also took a sip of his coffee cup, and then went on to say, "although Boston carries this black pot by heart, it does not mean that there is no opinion and idea in this heart. This is impossible. And now the opportunity is in front of them. May they ignore it?"

"In the final analysis, it's because of interests!"

"Ha ha, that's a good word. In the final analysis? Because of the interests, it depends on how Morgan wants to untie the shackles on the rope. However, the current situation is really quite unfavorable for them. Boston can't have no action, and the forces hiding behind will not stop their pace! "

After a simple communication with Jin, Ding Yu also went back to have a rest. There would not be too many things in the evening. This is certain. Even in the past two days, there will not be too many things. But this is only the final calm in front of the storm. The calm is slightly suppressed, which makes people feel breathless.

Don't look at Ding Yu now seems very calm, but he has already felt that his hands have caught him and is throwing himself into the whirlpool. If he enters the whirlpool, what kind of situation will it be? There is really no one to guarantee this problem.

Planning is just planning. In the process? There will certainly be changes, and no one can make it clear what kind of changes it will cause. In an idealistic way, it is up to luck to let God make this choice.

When she woke up in the morning, Taixi also woke up, but Ding Yu pointed to her forehead and pressed her on the bed. Now that her grandfather and grandmother have left, it's too early not to get up at this time, and they haven't had a good rest these two days.

Before the exercise, Ding Yu also went to the study. Jin came a little early. When he saw Ding Yu, he also said hello. It was similar to the expected situation. There was no situation. Obviously, at this time, everyone was suffocating. No one knew what would happen next.

After the exercise, Ding Yu also brought breakfast to the room. Taixi hasn't got up yet, but it looks like the aroma of food? Also let Tai Xi's nose a little to stir up, soon also opened his own misty eyes, but the first sight is not food, but a bunch of flowers.

Tai Xi is also biting his lips, very happy to smile, Ding Yu is also touched on the top of the head of Tai Xi, "these two days seems to be a little thin!" In a simple sentence, but the feeling brought to Taixi is beyond compare. He even looked back and touched his eyes, and then hammered two times in Ding Yu's chest with his hand.

Breakfast is very warm, but for the two little guys, it seems that there are some differences. Their breakfast is a little lonely. As for the two of them, looking at the parents who came by, they are also blinking their big eyes. They don't understand why their parents come so late?

Ding Yu is thick skinned and doesn't give any explanation. He sits there with a big stab. Taixi takes a look at Ding Yu's oba and explains it to his two children in a low voice. Ding Yu's appetite is open, and soon the things on the table disappear at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Looking at the father's condition, the two little guys also wanted to try, but they were not rivals at all. Instead, Tai Xi sat at one side of the table at ease, wiping the corners of his mouth for the two little guys from time to time. The age of the two children! Some of them are too small, and sometimes they can't take care of themselves.

"Aren't you busy these two days?" After breakfast, looking at Ding Yu's Europa, who is a little limited, Taixi also felt a little puzzled. Was he pretending to look the other day?

Ding Yu shook his head and then explained, "the so-called not busy is only relative. If there is nothing really going on, after Wang Yang's engagement is over, I may go back to the United States now, but now I can only stay here motionless. I'm afraid we need to cultivate all aspects of spirit in these two days, and the two bear children will be handed over to you!"Hearing Ding Yu oba say so, Tai Xi is also very discontented and stares back, what bear child! Don't you like your children? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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