He Shaolian tried to open his eyes, let his consciousness a little more sober. Although he said that he had been hit by his back car, he didn't have too many problems and conditions. He didn't have too many problems in his head and heart. He paid attention to the protection of this aspect. As for things like breaking a few bones, it's very common for him.

The warrior dare to say that he has never hurt his muscles and bones. In his own impression? There really isn't much.

Previously, he was in a coma because it was too painful. In addition, he was in a trance. But now when he wakes up, there will be no other problems. After he wakes up, he Shaolian also takes a look at the environment and room layout here? There seems to be no difference with the operating room of the hospital, but the details can still be seen.

"Where am I?" At this time, he Shaolian is also weak.

The doctor took a look at he Shaolian, and then came to have a check. Then he said calmly, "on the operating table, your injury needs to be dealt with well. Fortunately, there is no big problem in the head, and there are not too many problems in the main organs. As for other problems, they are not as serious as they are supposed to be. Just raise them for a period of time."

The answer is not the question, but the meaning is very clear, here is still very safe, do not need to have other concerns, but also do not ask other questions and conditions, you can not answer, at the same time will not answer! That's it.

But he Shaolian is also very clear, now this time dare to save their own people, but also can save their own people? It won't be as many as you can imagine. In other words, there are a lot of people who want to die, but there are only a few people who want to live. What about the object that you can suspect now? There's only one person.

As for why I want to live, this reason is actually very simple. I had been determined to die before, but I didn't want to encounter such a scene. I was still a soft legged shrimp, and there was no egg use at all. When I thought of this, he Shaolian felt so ashamed.

When he went to Ding Yu's courtyard to block the door, he thought about all the things and felt that there was nothing to worry about. But when Ding Yu really stood in front of him, he was really in a trance for a moment, and he didn't know what was the reason. Anyway, subconsciously, he reacted.

When he came back, Jin also told Ding Yu about the situation. He Shaolian was awake. Speaking of him, he was quite intelligent. Admittedly, he did not mention any problems, but he seemed to feel something.

"He's been through life and death once!" Ding Yu is also a little sigh said, such a feeling? It's really not a simple and easy thing. After finishing, Ding Yu also pointed to himself and Jin, "we all experienced such scenes. At that time, what were you thinking about?"

When asked, Jin was obviously stunned. He didn't really think about the problem, so he didn't know how to deal with it! "I can't remember. I feel different every time!"

Ding Yu also smile, smile more or less so some sad feeling, "I had a lot of experience, I remember the most clearly is that time seems to be suddenly slowed down the same, the experience of life is like a photo, frame by frame in front of themselves, I do not know what kind of feeling it was at that time! ”

Jin was silent for half a while. "I also had such an experience. In fact, it was an instant, but I don't know why. All the things, whether they are deep memories or not, are all in front of you. However, the beautiful things don't seem to last so long, and then they fall into the darkness!"

"The aftertaste looks like a long time, but beautiful things are really fleeting, and then come? Is the darkness of the sky, as for whether can wake up? This will depend on your own will, or whether your luck is really good

Two people looked at each other, and then Ding Yu also said, "although he Shaolian said that he had experienced the test of life and death, for me, it is still not so pure, but what about this guy? It can be used, but it can't be used widely! Personal opinion. "

What is the fate of he Shaolian? In fact, no matter whether the matter is over or not, he Shaolian does not have much to rely on. In addition to Ding Yu, no one else will choose to trust him. This is certain.

The forces behind him, the teachers and so on, will feel that he Shaolian betrayed. But I'm afraid he Shaolian himself can't tell clearly what happened, and no one will listen to him now! Whether or not this problem should be blamed on Ding Yu's head is not so easy to say.

"It's not clear whether it will cause any situation to us now, but the impact has already come out, and I think this matter? There will certainly be follow-up development! Our trial is effective! And the effect is obvious! Some people can't stand it now! "Ding Yu at this time is also a slight smile, "do you think I eat in the evening, there are other reasons?" After hearing this, Jin was stunned immediately, and then the whole person couldn't help but shiver. What about Ding Yu? It is to stop their own pace, look around the environment, and then find a coffee shop.

Ordered two cups of coffee, but there was no other person in front of him. Jin didn't appear in the coffee shop at this time. What about Ding Yu? It is very natural to stir the coffee slowly with the stirring spoon, without any hesitation and pause.

After waiting for no more than two minutes, there was a sound of footsteps in his ear. Then a middle-aged man in a wool coat also stood at Ding Yu's side. "Hello, Mr. Ding. I'd like to disturb you. Please forgive me!" Ding Yu also made an invitation gesture. Obviously, he didn't feel too abrupt for the visitors.

"You've been in such a big circle just to see me?" Ding Yu said softly.

"Mr. Ding, it's very difficult for you to see him. You didn't intend to use this way, because it may cause a lot of misunderstanding, and even lead to the situation of accidental injury, but time is not waiting for us! There's so much time for that. What's more, the situation in China is so special now! "

Ding Yu took a sip of the coffee. The taste was not right. But Ding Yu didn't mean to be picky. What about the person sitting opposite Ding Yu? Also tasted a mouthful, subconsciously is shriveled one's own mouth, immediately also is to Ding Yu smile, "sorry, I have some impoliteness!"

"I've heard of some of your rumors. It seems that people call you Stevens, if my memory is correct! I want to address you like this, should there be no problem? "

"Ha ha, Mr. Ding is so polite. In fact, it may be more suitable for me to be a broker or hyena. I only serve for money. This is my purpose. Mr. Ding is actually a very good partner for cooperation, but it is a pity that there has been no suitable opportunity for cooperation. What a pity!"

Ding Yu knocked on his desk with his hand. After thinking for a while, he put his hand on the table and kneaded his temple for a period of time. Although the process was very short, his head turned too fast during this period of time, which made him feel that he consumed so much.

Stevens of course also noticed Ding Yu's small move. He did not do it because of Ding Yu. He was deliberately delaying time. If he wanted to delay something intentionally, he would not wait for himself in the cafe before, but adopt other methods.

After all, it is not difficult for him to find himself here! There was no such thing before, so now it is even more impossible to do so. This is certain. Since it is not a delay, there is only one possibility. Ding Yu is analyzing the pros and cons of this matter.

After half a day's work, Ding Yu also raised his head. "I've been thinking for a long time, and my head is dizzy."

"What I care more is whether Mr. Ding has made a good balance in this respect?"

"The United States is now in a mess. It will not involve one or two consortia, and even let you do it in person. I am not only suspicious, but also worried about it!"

Stevens also turned his eyes. "Mr. Ding has doubts. This is understandable. No matter who is in such a situation, I'm afraid it is not easy to make a decision. But Mr. Ding gives me a personal feeling, as if it is not just a simple doubt, is it?"

"Very clever words!" Ding Yu also said with a smile, "your purpose is probably clear to me. It is not so much that you are here to talk about conditions, but you are here to talk about peace. Let's just say that!"

"In fact, whether it's Morgan or Boston, we can solve it by ourselves. After all, after all, after all, we all know the bottom line. But the problem is, Mr. Ding, you suddenly come out. You are too lively to be sure of."

Ding Yu said with a smile, "thank you very much. I smell a little sour from it. What do you mean?"

"Mr. Ding may not be the most intelligent person, but he is definitely one of the best conversationalists. I didn't even make myself clear. To be exact, I was negotiating with you, and I felt a little hesitation in my heart, because I couldn't tell how much my conversation had exposed."

"In fact, we are very clear that there will be small frictions, even to a certain extent, but the war can not be fought, that is to say, no matter how fierce the situation is, what is the final result? Or will we all sit together? " After that, Ding Yu also looked at Stevens, who was sitting opposite him. "The problem is, although my relationship with Morgan is average, it seems that my relationship with Boston is not bad."

"The so-called good, because there is a certain interest relationship between each other, that's all!" Stevens also said rudely, "the world is big, but it is also very small. Is it behind this? We all know how it happened. I think Mr. Ding, you know the same thing, don't you? ""It seems that, this time, it is a new rule making! Or a new rule of elimination! " Dingyu also shook his head with a smile. "Even if so, it seems that it is not necessary to carry out such bloody!"

Stevens looked at Dingyu, and his expression was a little bit surprised. He was very sure that he didn't show any details. His mouth was also very firm. But the problem was that dingyugang had just said that he didn't know what to say for a while, and he completely stopped himself.

And it is that Ding Yu is too sure to say this, even to make himself feel that there are so many things that are not true. What about this? For oneself is only a kind of guess, even did not get very accurate news, and the Ding Yu in front of, is actually from where the news? Stevens is very suspicious of this.

"Mr. Ding, are you sure you're not kidding me?"

"Ha ha! It seems Mr Stevens has doubts about it! " Dingyu said that there were so many floating, "in fact, this conclusion is just I have come out, or because Mr Stevens you come to me, I came out of the answer, now want to come, still have some late!"

"Mr. Ding, do you know? I seldom have such feelings, but I don't know why, sitting in front of you now, I have a creepy feeling, sure this time of benefit will make me feel satisfied, but this process for me, will never be very happy! "

Dingyu also paused for a while. "I have been thinking about, which aspect actually has such courage, dare to do with such a giant thing as Morgan, there are many clues, but there is no object to be sure. Now it is finally understood that what dare to start with Morgan is not a force, but the whole rule!"

When Ding Yu said this, Stevens also had a whole face and completely changed another situation. "In fact, everyone is one of the people in a circle. Since people in a circle, they need to abide by the rules of the whole circle, and if they violate the rules, they will be punished!"

"Can it be understood as playing with fire and burning yourself?"

"In fact, everyone plays with fire, but needs self-control. Since self-control is not able to control, I am sorry. How to deal with things within the rules and scope of the game can be done, but if you are detached, it will not be a good thing!"

What about this kind of scene? Dingyu's heart is scorn, said the crown is magnificent, but in fact, how is it really a matter, everyone is very clear in the heart, Morgan consortium this behavior and situation? It caused a lot of anger, and what about myself and the Boston consortium? It's just a guide.

With their own and Boston consortium, these guys seem to press Morgan with rules on top of the surface, but Ding Yu also feels a bit of headache about what is hidden behind this. Because at this time, any decision can be made in the future.

"How long do I have time to make this decision?" After that, Ding Yu paused for a while, then lifted up his hand and interrupted Stevens, who wanted to speak, "in other words, I am neutral, and stand on the side of the crowd, what kind of difference will be!"

This also let Stevens into silence, looking at Stevens, Dingyu blinked, and then nodded, "I understand!" This sentence is to make Stevens look big, because he seems to have already felt something, this for himself, is not a good thing.

Ding Yu also smiled at Stevens, and then stood up, "tomorrow will give you a reply, please forgive me!" After that, Ding Yu left the cafe, and Stevens watched Ding Yu leave, and he was also laughing bitterly. When he didn't see Ding Yu, it was said that this guy had so many difficulties to deal with.

But after he and Ding Yu have contacted each other, they know that this guy is not a difficult word to describe. It is too difficult. In his conversation with him, it seems that they are very equal to each other, but what about it? I have been the object of pressure, but it is not obvious.

And there is also that I have been exposed to him. There is not much to defend. The fact is that, I have put on my coat again. Stevens is also returning to his home. It is not a luxury hotel. It is not very safe. What I live in is renting.

Because I am a broker, what about our own security? It is also very important to know that there are many brokers who have been in habit for many years, but those who can live for such a long time and can live such a nourishing life are not so many as imagined, even unique.

After returning to his home, the security also showed himself a little bit. There was no problem. Stevens also took out his satellite phone. After the phone was connected, he said eagerly, "I am Stevens. I talked to him just now. This guy is really difficult! I'm not an opponent! "There was also a burst of laughter from the phone, "it seems that it's not easy for Stevens to say such a thing! If you have nothing to do with it, I'll have time to listen to it! "

Then Stevens also told the details of the whole thing, saying that he was also a little thirsty. "Give me personal feeling, he seems to have known what happened. Now what I don't understand is what position this guy will stand on, which makes me feel like I don't know how to deal with it!"

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