"Shall we, sir?"

Ding Yu shook his head. "Stevens is quite famous in this business. I've heard his name before. This guy is a top scavenger, but only for money!" After saying that, Ding Yu also looked at Jin, looking a little curious, "you don't want to compete with him, do you?"

Jin stood up on his shoulder, and Ding Yu patted his head. He knew exactly what Jin meant. This guy was so moved, "tomorrow! If he has this idea, I'd like to see it. Forget it, I'm afraid you two don't want to go outside to know about the situation! "

Ding Yu really doesn't mean to pay attention to Jin's trouble of going to Stevens. Both of them are top-notch players, and there seems to be nothing wrong with each other's competition. It's just like playing a game of life. Moreover, both of them are decent people, so they won't go too far.

When Kim heard about this, his eyes were bright, and then they narrowed together. For myself, it's really exciting to meet Stevens! What about people like that? There are so many people who can and can't be asked for. Since I have met with him and don't communicate with each other, I can't say it.

"Will Monsieur promise them?" Private affairs have been said, so let's talk about business affairs now. Although I don't know what two people talked about in the coffee shop, it doesn't hinder my judgment.

It's also very strange to see how many umbrellas can fall down in a big umbrella? People on the street are no exception.

For Ding Yu and Jin, what about this way? Can best protect the conversation between two people will not be eavesdropped by any side, absolute safety, this is the main purpose of holding the umbrella.

"What about these guys? Say it's a model! It's not accurate. There are a lot of support forces behind it, but similarly, many people are afraid to keep a wait-and-see attitude towards this matter. If we keep neutral or stand on either side of them, the final result will not be very good! "

Jin felt that his head was not enough, so he looked at Ding Yu pitifully. Ding Yu also leaned back at his neck. "First of all, he was neutral. It seemed that no one would offend him, but what about the actual situation? Is to offend everyone, at least in this matter, we can not remain neutral! In other words, our power is too weak and easy to be blamed after the event! To put it bluntly, it's bullying you. It's too weak. "

"Take us as the outlet?" Kim is biting his teeth too. What about this? It's true that there are some people who can't say well. Don't think about how kind and righteous these guys will be. They can't find a suitable reason, and they will certainly use this to threaten Sir in the future.

"If we remain neutral, we will be out of our wits in the future, that's for sure!" Ding Yu's words also seem to have some disdain, but disdain among them? Also revealed a deep helplessness, "so we have to stand in line, but no matter what aspect, the result? It won't be so good! "

"I don't understand!"

"On Boston's side! But the problem is that we are on this side. Boston will not abandon its own interests to preserve us, and they do not have this power. What about Morgan? Originally, the relationship was slightly tense. Even if we stood together, we would still be the scapegoat who was thrown out. This is certain!

Now there's another force. Do you think Boston and Morgan will let us go when we're on their side? We will still be scapegoats for things that are impossible! "

Jin's expression is slightly ferocious. No matter what aspect you stand on, the final result and the end will not be too good. Is NIMA's bullying too much? Then Jin also looks at Ding Yu, which means clearly that since there is no choice, then he will not make any choice. Isn't it OK?

Ding Yu also stretched out his hand and said, "why is it like this? In fact, the most important reason is that we do not have enough information, or we do not have enough power. This refers to the forces above the surface. We are still far behind! "

In other words, Kim is also very clear, "that is to say, these guys will bear a considerable loss this time, but the problem is that no one is willing to bear the loss, so they pass on the danger and put all the problems on our heads. This is a typical one who wants to cut our wool!"

"Now I want to think about it, but what about this? It's not that we have no way to live, because we are the parties. If we can't appease me now, even if they have negotiated this matter, the final result will be chicken feathers! " After that, Ding Yu also laughed.Then Ding Yu also received the mobile phone, but after thinking about it, he also put down the phone. What about this phone? I'd better wait until I get back! Now the situation is still so special, and it seems not so far away from their own quadrangle, as for the matter of blocking the door before? Ding Yu also sighed.

This will definitely cause considerable disturbance in China, but what about the actual situation? Just like Stevens said, it's just a misunderstanding. It's just that there's a mistake in the process.

What about some people in China now? It seems that we attach great importance to this issue, but in fact, what about it? There is no use for eggs. When he comes to the door, Ding Yu takes a deliberate look and even stands up his shoulder. While Anjie looks at Ding Yu, he also goes forward two steps, "the relevant departments have come!"

Ding Yu smiles, "you come to solve it! I don't have so much free time to get involved in this matter, but I can be tough in my attitude! " Having said that, Ding Yu also walked quickly to his study. Jin also followed him. However, as he passed by Anjie, he stopped for a moment.

"It might be better to make some noise! It doesn't matter! " Jin's voice is not small, but the problem is that Ding Yu doesn't pay any attention to it at all. However, it is obvious that he didn't show his agreement on this matter.

Anjie did not speak, but he has mastered the attitude of this matter. Is there any problem left? It depends on how you deal with it. For yourself, such a thing is not too difficult. As long as you set the direction, it's good. You just control the details.

Back in his study, Ding Yu was also the first to call Morgan. What about the previous phone call? I still have it! After the phone was connected, Ding Yu didn't have too much reserve, "John, say something!"

"Ding, it seems that something is not normal when you call me so early!"

"Something has happened to me, which makes me feel a little impatient. I'm afraid there's nothing good to eat for anyone. What do you mean, John?"

There was also a pause on the other side of the phone for a while. After a while, I heard John slowly saying, "Ding, can I understand that you are a participant in the whole thing? You know, this is not a fun thing, now everyone is very concerned about it! "

"I'd like to, but the problem is that I don't think I can swallow the whole day in one bite!" Ding Yu's words are quite impolite. What about it? How much is also revealed a little ambition, and after listening to John, first is a Leng, then also a smile, "that's strange, this matter does not seem to have much to do with you!"

"It seems that the relationship is very big. Some people have already come to me. I can't carry it any more, so I need to find a way out in other aspects." Speaking of this, Ding Yu also gave a grim smile, "either give a way to live, or you can only hold everyone together to die!"

Ding Yu's words don't seem to be joking. The person on the other end of the phone also took a deep breath. He didn't expect that Ding Yu would say so. Ding Yu will not mention this matter for nothing. Since he mentioned this matter with himself, it shows that it is impossible to bypass him in this matter Yes.

"Ding, I need to think about the time!"

"I think it's not so important to think about it or not to consider it. Everyone knows how it happened. Since you Morgan made such a scene, it's impossible that there will be no bleeding. My relationship with Boston is fair, so there's something to talk about."

"Can you make that decision? It's not quite your style! "

Ding Yu also couldn't help laughing. "At the beginning, I was really too lazy to get involved in this aspect. It's true that this matter is related to me, but it's hard to please! So I went back to China at the first time, but I didn't think that even though it was like this, I still didn't hide away, and someone came to me! "

"That's not the reason!"

After hearing this, Ding Yu snorted with disdain, "John, I have already said it. Originally, this matter has nothing to do with me, but someone wants to pull me into the water and even use me to fill the hole. Then I won't let others feel better. Will Boston agree? It doesn't matter, do you think?"

"I need time!"

Ding Yu did not answer, and then immediately hung up the phone, and immediately called Sanchez. The content of the phone was similar to John's, "Sanchez, I want to know if you would like to sit down and talk? This matter is intuitionistic and important. Do you agree or disagree

"Ding, this is going to be a big deal! I don't have too much control right now! After all, Boston has the final say. " What about foxes at this time? Obviously don't want to get dirty.

"No way! If I don't stand up, it is likely that I will be the last person to fill the pit. Since some people make me unhappy, then I won't let others too happy. Therefore, you need to have a clear statement, whether to agree or not, my conditions have been opened up! "What about Sanchez? I didn't expect Ding Yu to react so fast, but what about this? Boston seems to have no choice, why, to say so, the power is too damaged. What about the previous drop in the pit? Let Boston fill in too many lives.

"Appetite may be big!" After a moment of hesitation, Sanchez also opened up his own conditions.

"It's not about me!" Dingyu's attitude is quite clear, "find someone else can, but don't find my head on it. Otherwise, I will not let anyone too much better, and in my opinion, as long as there is talk can be! This is the best way and method! Now I need a word of assurance from you! "

Sanchez on the phone didn't immediately give Ding any guarantee, but asked, "Ding, if someone in Boston doesn't agree, what would it be like?"

Sanchez did not mention himself, but asked about the whole Boston aspect. After all, he was just a representative of Boston, not he said a word. Boston side would agree. It is not so. The Boston consortium is composed of several families, not a single family. It is still to be clear.

"Then I will join Morgan and other forces. Since we have already carried this black pot, it is no big deal to carry it again!"

Sanchez heard, also felt that there were so many cold in the heart, he even couldn't help beating a shiver, this matter is not joking! Dingyu, a guy who has so many contacts and understanding, usually has few words, and is not willing to take things on his body.

But now that he has mentioned this, he is quite interested. And what about his situation? It's also about making him need to work hard, and it's something that Boston knows.

If Dingyu doesn't do this, it will never be very good to wait for his results. At that time, Dingyu will be thrown out as a scapegoat in all aspects. At least, there are several pieces of meat on the guy. Even if he can't fill everyone's appetite, it will at least ease everyone.

But I didn't think that even the thing had been revealed so-called Miao. Ding Yu had already noticed that this guy was not a young boy, even more shrewd than his old man, but he was just reluctant to express it!

For Boston, if Dingyu doesn't mention such a thing, Boston will not actively mention what, after all, Morgan and the other side are too powerful, what about Boston now? There is not much choice, sacrifice oneself, or sacrifice others. Do you need to ask?

But now Ding Yu mentioned this matter, Boston can not do it. After all, Boston still owes Dingyu a lot of human feelings. What was the time? Ding Yu can say that he has put Boston on the horse, otherwise, the loss on Boston will be even greater.

"How long do I have time to discuss the matter?"

"I've talked to John Morgan, I haven't given him too much time to think about it, but I don't think it's more than six hours. What about other forces? I can't manage it, but we have reached an agreement in six hours and leave two or three hours to discuss! "

"I'm afraid there's no way to rest today!" After that, Sanchez also put down his phone, and Dingyu looked at Kim at this time. "It seems that God really has so many to take care of you! I think it's necessary to get Stevens some so-called little trouble! He can't get away! "

Gold's eyes are also suddenly bright, as if he already understood what, then also turned out of the study, Dingyu is shaking his head, sometimes gold is really a little bit of violence, but this seems to be not a bad thing, now the problem? It's exactly what Stevens is going to do with it.

I will never give him any chance to get him close to the courtyard, at least before breakfast tomorrow? He is not relying on the possibility, for gold, this is also a small challenge, depends on how he will be completed!

I believe that there will be a call soon. Boston and Morgan will not delay for too long. On this issue, neither of them has too many choices. If there is no agreement between them, there is nothing to do with Dingyu and Boston, but for Morgan, it is not a terrible disaster or a lot.

What about it? It is no mistake to say that the forces behind Stevens are so small that they put their goals on the Morgan consortium. Anyway, they have not much good feelings about Morgan.

But the problem is that they want to use themselves and throw themselves into the pit. This is so intolerable. So they are also the first to take the lead. They have joined Boston and Morgan. What about the three parties? Just internal solution!What about this time? You want to do something, but the problem is we won't take you to play!

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