When Wendong was preparing, the time slowly came to noon. Ding Yu also held a cup of coffee in his hand, then took out his mobile phone and called Sanchez in Boston. What he didn't expect was that the phone was connected.

"Ding, it seems that your phone calls are not at the right time." When he spoke, Sanchez was also weak, but what about the tone of his voice? I can still feel some problems and conditions. I don't know if I can hear my suggestion, but I have tried my best.

"I didn't think you would answer the call? I didn't expect you to take it! "

Ding Yu's tone is not as polite as expected, but it is obvious that Sanchez on the other side of the phone is also silent. He really didn't expect that Ding Yu would choose to get to the point, or even go straight in, so that he didn't have much preparation and prevention for a moment, so he didn't know what to say.

"Sorry, I don't have any choice!" After a long time, Sanchez was also very helpless to say, what about this matter? I really do not have any choice, because I am too passive. If other forces exert pressure on me in this respect, it is just that Morgan and Rockefeller are still blowing the wind behind their backs.

The pressure is really too much. The important thing is that the Boston consortium is not alone. This is the most important point. I need to consider the issue from the perspective of the entire Boston consortium. It is true that the relationship between myself and Ding Yu is very good, but the nature of the matter is different, so I have no choice.

"I understand!" Ding Yu is also very clear about the situation, "in fact, you answer this phone? I have been very grateful! But don't be unprepared. You may need to know that during the whole process, I don't guarantee that there will be accidental injuries. Don't shift the so-called responsibility onto me! "

Er! Hearing Ding Yu's words like this, Sanchez is also suddenly stunned. What does Ding Yu say? Obviously, we have made preparations in all aspects. Other forces are really ready to fight with Ding Yu. Is this really the right time? Sanchez also murmured about this for a while. He really had some guys who looked down on the troublemakers behind him.

Of course, this also includes Morgan and Rockefeller. Since we have chosen to negotiate, we should do it in front of the negotiation table. What's the matter? What's more, can they really eat Dingyu? In my own opinion, this matter is really two said things.

Ding Yu is not without any card face, he is just never willing to expose his card face, this matter still needs to be clarified! Now someone is aiming at Ding Yu. Will there be such a situation that the mutton has not been eaten, but has become coquettish? It's not easy to say!

"I have made specific arrangements. It's cold at this time. I let them go on holiday. Even I have other things to leave for a while!" What about the last sentence? It can also be regarded as a reminder to Ding Yu. Although we have already discussed it, I'm afraid it will take some time before we can really reach the negotiation table.

"Whether our friendship will stand the test or not, I don't know, but I will try my best." When Ding Yu said this, he also said, "and if it is broken, rebuild it! I don't think it's a choice. Anyway, the foundation is still there, isn't it? "

Hiss! Sanchez also has some unbelievable appearance. He has been in contact with Ding Yu for a long time. What about Ding Yu? "Ding, I know that this matter may have some difficulties, but I have no words, but I hope the whole thing can be controlled within the scope of control."

"Who knows?" Ding Yu is also very disdainful to say, "if really angry, no one knows what kind of consequences will be, anyway, I will not bear this black pot." "Well, thank you in the end. I hope we can drink and taste cigars together."

Having said that, Ding Yu also put down the phone in his hand! And Sanchez over the phone? He also shook his head helplessly. When he put down the phone, he also looked at the middle-aged man sitting in front of him and raised his shoulder for a moment, "all of which you have seen, I have nothing to say! Hope for the final result? Everyone can accept it. "

Middle aged people are also wrinkling their brows. What about Ding Yu? All aspects of preparation have been made for a long time, and the plan has been completed. But now Ding Yu is not only feeling so simple, but also coping well, which makes him feel so embarrassed!

According to the exact information he got, Ding Yu never got any information about it. At least when Ding Yu landed in the United States, he didn't get any information. But the problem is that it was not the best time to make a move at that time, so things were delayed.

But the problem is that Ding Yu has called Sanchez, and the words on the phone directly point out the relevant matters. This has to attract his own attention and attention. Is Ding Yu ready or is he trying to drum up mystery?If Ding Yu has made preparations for the relevant parties, I'm afraid it will be troublesome. Why do you say that Ding Yu has seen the video data of the airport before, and even the relevant personnel involved in this operation have basically seen it. They have already got a good understanding of Ding Yu.

It will not be too simple to snipe at such a person. What's more, it's not in the wild, but in the urban area. The reactionary so-called large-scale attack itself is quite difficult. But without a large-scale attack, it is not an easy thing to solve Ding Yu!

In particular, Ding Yu, who has been prepared, will be quite difficult to deal with. This is certain!

But what if Ding Yu is making a mystery? He must have felt something, but what about Ding Yu now? The important thing is time. He needs to mobilize people and arrange all aspects. In such a situation, if he can give himself one minute and one second, he will have more hope. This possibility can not be ruled out.

Which aspect will it be? The so-called middle-aged people also look at Sanchez sitting opposite to him, and Sanchez? I don't know where to find a cigar and put it under his nose to smell it carefully. Middle aged people can also smell their own nose twice. It seems that the taste is really different.

But the problem is that Sanchez didn't have any meaning to pay attention to. He ordered it for himself, and then sat there and set up the sculpture. This situation also made middle-aged people feel a little annoyed, because he felt ignored, but he also knew that if Sanchez really showed too friendly, it would be strange!

But the taste of this cigar is really good. I can take a look at it. I really want to ask about it. But after thinking about it, it's better not to mention such shameful things. One is the relationship between them? It's not as good as I imagined. If I ask, I'm afraid I won't say it.

"Sanchez, how much authenticity do you think Ding Yu's words are?"

Sanchez also shook his glass and took a sip. "Anyone who underestimates Ding Yu will pay a price, and will pay a heavy price, so I never underestimate Ding Yu. Since he has said this, he must be prepared for this aspect, personal opinion!"

After saying that, Sanchez also has slit up his eyes, although the words are so said, but in his heart? There is really no confidence. Ding Yu just landed here in the United States. Did he really make preparations so soon? In my opinion, it is really impossible.

Because there was no one to inform him of the relevant information and intelligence, the blockade was quite strict, and he could not inform Ding Yu of any news. However, when he called, he was really surprised and surprised. He was acutely aware that this guy was really so amazing!

How did Ding Yu feel this problem? I really can't say it. Anyway, it's not his own news. What's more, he has already known that he won't do it to Ding Yu. Ding Yu still has a lot of time to prepare and see what the final result will be!

If there had been some uneasy sitting before, now Sanchez is very calm and does not need to worry about it. But what about the middle-aged man sitting opposite Sanchez? The face is not as good as you think. How can it be possible at this time except for the problem?

What is the problem? It was exposed before the attack, but now the arrow is in the air and has to be launched. Is this the time to start or is everything going according to the plan? In this regard, the middle-aged suddenly did not have any decision, and did not know how to deal with it.

Looking out of the middle-aged man, Sanchez is also smiling, the expression on his face seems to have some disdain, this guy takes himself too much as a thing! Don't look at who his opponent is, in such a case, rashly to start, then I'm afraid it's not a matter of stealing chicken and not eating rice!

Boston has suffered a great loss on this point. Of course, there are some expectations. Can Ding Yu struggle out? Sanchez really did not have any confidence in his heart. He vaguely knew that this time for Ding Yu, it could be said that he made great efforts.

Boston has no way to get involved, and it doesn't want to be involved in it. This is the result of its own pressure on some people. What about Morgan and Rockefeller? They seem to have reached an agreement on this point, that is to ignore the matter. If it is successful, it is better. If it is unsuccessful, it is better to give Ding Yu an account.

Anyway, this is the plan. As for risk control? How did Morgan and Rockefeller think about this problem? Sanchez has some feelings. It's true that they didn't say so, but could they not know? This is Boston. What's going on here is just breaking Boston's "garden". Anyway, there is no emphasis in their home.Ding Yu, sitting in his office, didn't really show any tension, but soon there was a knock at the door. Looking at Dr. Taylor at the door, Ding Yu also raised his eyebrows, "Mr. Ding, a gentleman said that he made an appointment with you, but I didn't get a notice!"

Ding Yu slightly nodded his head. He didn't have any appointment. But now he comes to the door personally. This thing is really quite interesting, "I know, let him come over! Thank you Ding Yu didn't have much interest in Dr. Taylor, who left in a storm, but who came in from outside? Let Ding Yu frown.

What about the people who came in? He closed the door, and then took off his sunglasses and put them on Ding Yu's table. But I don't know what happened. Maybe the hand slipped. When the hand was put back, the sleeve suddenly touched the glasses leg, and directly took the glasses away again.

Even fell on the ground, Ding Yu also slightly shrunk his mouth, knocked on the table with his hand, "Hello, Mr. Ding!" The visitor also sorted out his emotions, but his eyes showed a little anger. Obviously, he felt dissatisfied with Ding Yu's neglect.

What about your looks? He is quite confident, but the problem is that when he looks at Ding Yu's eyes, he is very bright and clean. When he looks at himself, there is no so-called appreciation, let alone any so-called desire. This really makes him feel that Ding Yu is a freak, just like a stone man.

But I am very clear, this guy is not a straight man, although he is not married, but has a fixed lover, let's say so! And two kids, but what about the others? It's never true that he has some prejudice towards Westerners and is only interested in oriental people.

"EVA Elizabeth!" It's a very simple name, but he didn't say his surname. Ding Yu didn't show much interest in it. He nodded his head slightly. His expression and movement were the same as those before. The girl sitting in front of Ding Yu also bit his back teeth slightly.

"I think Mr. Ding has already felt the situation in front of him. I can make things easier!"

Looking at the girl sitting in front of him, Ding Yu also holds his chin with his right hand, looks at the book on the desk, places the bookmark, and then closes the book, and then says without salt and salt, "Oh, is it? Anyway, I don't have anything else. Tell me! I seem to be interested in it

From the expression on Ding Yu's face? Can't see any change, this makes EVA feel very bad, now this time Ding Yu should be anxious, even if his psychological quality is good, but also should be busy, he needs to contact with all aspects, don't he know, once out of the hospital, facing him will be a barrage of bullets?

"You don't seem to be interested at all. It gives me a personal feeling that you are just idle and boring, so you want to listen to me. In fact, you have already made a decision in your heart."

Ding Yu's eyelids don't have any meaning to lift at all. What about the idle left hand? She also knocked on the table once and again. EVA was very clear that this was not sending any password at all. It was totally unconscious. Or at this time, Ding Yu was completely emptying himself, this bastard.

What happened when you were here? Although not full of self-confidence, but I still have some preparation for this, but did not want to just meet with Ding Yu, he gave a blow to the head, the sunglasses on the ground? It seems that he is not careful, but give his own feeling, Ding Yu absolutely hands on feet.

But the problem is that I don't have any evidence to prove this. I can't bend down to pick up my sunglasses. At least I can't do this in front of my own face. But the problem is that the sunglasses fall on the ground. Anyway, I'm the one who lost face in front of Ding Yu.

"In fact, there is no decision, and I don't know what to make now. Of course, if you can persuade me, you may make other decisions. Who knows what the next chocolate tastes like, but since you are willing to try it yourself, you can do it yourself!"

Disgusting enough, EVA also frowned on her brow. She really didn't expect Ding Yu to be so eloquent. In her own impression, he was a very boring person, at least the situation of the investigation was like this, but now? In front of his own face, he even had the flavor of some teasing, which made him so intolerable.

"Mr. Ding, I'm talking to you seriously about something!" EVA felt that she couldn't control her anger, because Ding Yu made herself feel embarrassed, even quite embarrassed. How could NIMA accept that her own identity, appearance, and so on, failed in front of Ding Yu, and was ridiculed by him!

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