What about EVA's performance? Ding Yu didn't really put it in his eyes, even had such a deliberate meaning in it. EVA really didn't think wrong. Ding Yu didn't mean to be serious at this time, but the question is how can EVA give Ding Yu? She still needs to sit there honestly, without any movement.

"Mr. Ding, I think we should talk to each other! Have a sincere talk

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his finger. The meaning was very simple, "say it! I'm listening

Although she hated her teeth itching, EVA really did not have any way. She wanted to take the initiative back, but the problem was in front of Ding Yu? Oneself also is really helpless, gives own feeling? Ding Yu is indifferent, but he can not be indifferent.

Whether the matter has been negotiated or not, this is not as important as it is imagined. It would be better if we had a deal! If not, he can make full use of this time to monitor Ding Yu, so that he has no space to move. For himself, it is also a success.

"Mr. Ding, you may have already felt something. At this time, I think it may be the best result for us to sit together and talk about it. You can get what you want. In the same way, I also strive to strive for what I can get. Everyone will get satisfactory results. Isn't it better?"

Ding Yu's posture did not change. She still looked at Eva quietly, "I get what I want. Do you strive for what you can get?" Some doubts! "In fact, I'm afraid I can't tell you what I want, but I'm interested in knowing what you can get! Anyway, if you have time, it's good to talk about it and listen to it. "

"Opportunity!" EVA said positively, "opportunities for cooperation, opportunities for the same future and money! For me, I can expand my approach and context, I will not give up such an opportunity

Ding Yu nodded slightly. Obviously, she appreciated EVA's frankness. "I know who you are. I'm sorry I didn't know much about you before." At this time, Ding Yu is so frank, which makes people feel that there are some incredible and incomprehensible. Is Ding Yu deliberately artificial?

"I think it's an honor to hear the so-called sorry from Mr. Ding. In fact, many people are paying attention to Mr. Ding, but it's a pity that we haven't found too many relationships to get close to you. However, from the chat between each other, we can feel that Mr. Ding is still very" enthusiastic "

The words seem to be very insipid, but why does it give people the feeling of gnashing teeth?

"Is it? You seem to be the first to say so. In fact, most of the people around me describe me with indifference or coldness. Only when you can see my "enthusiasm", I really feel quite honored It's just a fight. There's nothing else.

"Is Mr. Ding so confident?" In the face of Ding Yu's provocation, EVA can't say that she doesn't have any anger at all. At this time, she's just under pressure. Anyway, according to her own information, there's no movement on Ding Yu's side, which is the most bizarre place.

Jin is Ding Yu's personal safety supervisor, but the problem is that until now, there has been no movement. Besides, Ding Yu's security team has been on holiday before, and all of them have been demobilized. Now, instead of gathering people, they are letting these guys leave. It's too weird!

What kind of preparation does Ding Yu have? This is so curious, like a cat scratching in its own heart! But what about Ding Yu? He still behaves lightly and lightly. It seems that nothing has happened. This guy will never wait to die. He will not.

He must have some preparation, but where is the preparation? If there is no regulation of Jin Zhong Zhong, then where is Ding Yu's winner? But I sit here for half a day, and I don't get any practical things. The two sit here and make fun of each other, in fact, there is no practical significance.

"Mr. Ding, Kim is still in the apartment. There is no movement! I think he's enough to be a condition of negotiation! "

The threat is very strong! Ding Yu also smiles, "this is not only a threat, but also some provocative taste. I don't like this way of speaking. Maybe from another perspective, some people feel too good about themselves. Do you think so?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't understand what this meant!"

"In fact, it's very simple. If you talk about it, you can talk about it! If you don't have to talk about it, you can do it! " Seeing that EVA has such a puzzled look, Ding Yu also smiles, "you talk, you talk, you fight, the world seems to revolve around you, but you are really sure that the earth will not rotate if you leave you?"

EVA's heart could not help but twitch, but Ding Yu's words did not finish, "some things are controllable, but does not mean that all things are controllable. If you want to fight, if you want to talk, you can talk about it. So cheap things! The world is not one person's, some things? Still need to consider clearlyIs Ding Yu's words a threat? In EVA's opinion, it is definitely a threat, but the question is, what attitude do you need to understand in response to this threat? From the conversation between each other can feel that this guy is not crazy, but his calm really makes him feel a little scared!

Now there are still talks, because everything has not been put into practice. If something happens when it comes to time, will Ding Yu stop? It's impossible! EVA did not know what to say for a while, because she was really scared by Ding Yu! Although what he said was very common.

"Sorry, I'll go to the bathroom!"

Ding Yu nods. In fact, she knows the reason why Lily left. When she enters her room, all the listening equipment will fail. This is certain. So she needs to go out and contact her. Ding Yu doesn't have many opinions and ideas about this. What about peace? I don't have any idea now.

After waiting for less than 10 minutes, EVA came back again. Ding Yu poured himself a cup of coffee, but it was only limited to Ding Yu. EVA's front was empty, which made EVA quite sneer at, because Ding Yu was not a gentleman at this point.

"Mr. Ding, everything will be under control. In fact, no one will give anything to anyone, isn't it?"

Ding Yu tasted the taste of coffee and shook his head slightly. "I'm afraid you won't believe what you said. It's certain. In fact, in the final analysis? Everything is due to interests! But there are still risks behind the interests! From your point of view, would you choose the end of the scale? "

"I think Mr. Ding is making a mystery!"

"Is it?" Ding Yu shook his head. "In fact, what I said is the fact. I am too confident. This is not a good thing! What about everything? It is controllable, but as time goes on, it will be found that everything is actually uncontrollable. Of course, all this may need to be judged later! It's really too early to mention it now. "

Obviously, Ding Yu did not want to continue to talk with EVA, because from the beginning to the end? All of them are talking actively, and EVA can only support passively. Whether it is intentional or not is not important. The important negotiation between each other has no result. This is enough.

"It seems that I'm not enjoying myself very much." EVA's face changed, because for herself, time has not yet come. If she leaves at this time, it will definitely be a blow to her. But Ding Yu is smiling and doesn't pay much attention to it. It doesn't make sense whether EVA leaves or stays.

He just ended the negotiation and had nothing to do with others. Then Ding Yu opened the book on the desk, took out the bookmark, and looked at it carefully. EVA sat there unnaturally and stood up after thinking about it. However, when she stood up, she paid attention to Ding Yu.

But Ding Yu did not have any reaction, whether she was to pour coffee, or to find a book for herself, Ding Yu did not pay any attention to it, whatever you do, as long as it does not affect yourself! And during the whole period? No one came to Ding Yu's office to disturb him. Everything seemed very quiet.

But the calm before the storm, the atmosphere is too depressed, the previous time may be better, EVA at least can read a book for a while, but this time does not last very long, very soon EVA felt a little irritable, because Ding Yu, sitting opposite to him, is too quiet, in other words, the dull atmosphere gives him pressure It's too big.

It's all now. Why hasn't he made any action yet? He wants to continue to explore, but what about Ding Yu's attitude? He is totally dismissive, even if he has some doubts. Even if he is naked and stands in front of Ding Yu, he will not look up at himself.

Look at the time on the watch. It's almost four o'clock, that is to say, the last time? Not much more! Even at this time, Ding Yu may not be able to make any more arrangements!

"Mr. Ding, in terms of time, it's too late. Is there really no chance?" EVA still made the last effort, although when she said this, it made people feel a little empty and tasteless, while Ding Yu was smiling and his mouth was cocked up.

Seeing EVA leave his office, Ding Yu also shakes his head. It seems that these guys are really not afraid of big things! Since they don't mean to be afraid, do they need to worry?

What's more, I came down from the battlefield. For myself, there are only two kinds of people: enemies and comrades in arms. Either they stand on their own side and become their comrades in arms or their enemies. There are no men, women or even children to say so. It is not that their humanity has been eroded, but determined by the rules of the battlefield.

Then Ding Yu also spread out his hands, but it was very white, he had forgotten how long it was not contaminated with any blood, he really did not want to have such problems and conditions, even when the airport was attacked, he did not do too much response, but obviously, his concession was regarded as weak by them.He opened his own cabinet and looked at the things inside. Ding Yu also pressed a button, and then took out a piece of equipment from it. It was not a weapon, but a bullet proof vest. You should know that you are a man, not a God. On this issue, you should use flesh and blood to block bullets, which is what a fool would do.

Bulletproof vests are very light. What about ordinary bulletproof vests? There are obvious differences. Ding Yu wears the bulletproof vest on the outermost side. What about the whole person? It doesn't look bloated, but think about it? Ding Yu also changed a suit of clothes. Now when he comes to the hospital, he is wearing a straight suit, but this is really not conducive to the war.

After all, the reality is not the same as in the movie. The binding nature of the suit itself restricts the tactical action. To know that you are going out to play for your life, you may be faced with a barrage of bullets from going out to the hospital, so you must be prepared in all aspects! Don't make fun of your life.

Looking at the time on the watch, Ding Yu also started to move his body in his office. The range of activity was not as large as expected. During this period, someone passed by Ding Yu's office. When he saw Ding Yu moving his body, he made two jokes.

However, when he left Ding Yu's room, he had already passed all the information out. Ding Yu moved his body in the office. In a building two blocks apart, many people gathered together and the whole floor was empty. Obviously, in order to target Ding Yu, the preparations were quite complete.

The room seems to be a little messy, but all the monitoring lines nearby have been connected, and all the personnel are in place. "Ding Yu is preparing for activities in the office, which indicates that he has to prepare for action. This is somewhat inconsistent with our predicted situation. How about the outside situation?"

"Kim didn't make any moves, nor did the known security guards. They seemed to turn a deaf ear to the whole thing!" The answer person with big black frame glasses, how much appears to have so some arrogance and out of place, but the answer is very fast, it is obvious that the technology industry has expertise.

"This is not normal. Scan the block! I don't want any other surprises. "

"Head, this situation seems to be somewhat unrealistic. Now it is the rush hour of work. Although we have already conducted the diversion, the situation is still slightly worse. I need a long time, and this investigation? It can only start from the periphery, and then start to extend! "

"Start to do it!" The people standing there are very serious, and those wearing glasses just stand up their shoulders for a while, and then they also start to tell the people below to start to do things and obey the orders. As for when they can do it well, they can't control it. Anyway, they have tried their best.

"And his correspondence?"

"There is no response. Obviously, it has been cut off. There should be other ways to contact, but we don't know what it is now, so it's impossible to access it!" The person who answered the question was actually a woman. She was wearing a little more skilful clothes. "We have prepared other means, but we need support!"


As he spoke, his voice also rang. Ding Yu had begun to pack up his things and was ready to leave the hospital. Most of the people in the room also put their eyes on the screen, but what about the eyes of some people? It is also placed on the standing man. Now, with an order, everyone should start to prepare for action.

However, when Ding Yu went downstairs, it was not the elevator, but the stairs. This is really quite surprising, because how to say? Taking the stairs is really a good mobile phone meeting, but the problem is that the monitoring personnel were arranged in the hospital earlier, but the hands-on personnel were not arranged.

Another point is that Ding Yu takes the stairs. Does it mean that there are any other problems and situations? It's not impossible. If you know that they can install monitoring personnel here in the hospital, Ding Yu can do the same. What's more, this is the hospital. To a certain extent, it is Ding Yu's home court.

However, taking the stairs, which is time-consuming and labor-consuming, is not the best choice for Ding Yu. At such a time, doing so must have a very special significance, which is certain. There is really a feeling that the game is one move short. Although some people have followed up, it seems that the effect is not very great.

Ding Yu walked slowly and leisurely along the stairs. There was really no special situation. However, the same thing happened to those who followed? There are also some feelings of fear, even those who are behind have some doubts. Now is the right time. Is it possible to start?

Someone has already reacted to the situation. Ding Yu is alone now, and has gone? It's still stairs. There's very little monitoring here. In addition, there are more hands here. If you start here, it's safe and more secret. It's really a good opportunity!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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