"Younger brother Ding!" Zhou he took the lead in expressing his opinions before he had enough to eat and drink. "Younger martial brother Ding, Hongmen hopes to reach a certain consensus with younger martial brother Ding! We are sincere. "

At this time, Ding Yu also put down his chopsticks, and then wiped his mouth with a napkin. What about the relevant issues? Still under consideration! Hongmen is a considerable force, which I really don't deny. But I need to think about the problem that Hongmen has come to, because the trouble brought by it will never be less.

"What does younger martial brother Ding want?" Hearing Zhou he say so, Dongfang Jing's eyes are also narrowed for a while, but that's it. There is no other words. Now it's really not suitable for him to stand out.

"What do I want?" Ding Yu also asked himself with a smile, "two senior brothers, in fact, I don't lack anything, whether it's money or power, this is not what I want." In the face of Zhou he and Zhou's words, Ding Yu did not show any retreat, or even some arrogant feeling.

Zhou he is obviously not prepared in this respect. How much is it that Ding Yu is bluffing him? Just think about it? What about Ding Yu's money? Obviously, there are not too many pursuits. This guy's wealth is beyond imagination, but what about power? It seems that Hongmen does not have much competitiveness.

To be exact, although Hongmen has been abroad for so many years, it is relatively rich, but relatively speaking, it belongs to the power at the bottom. What about the power at the top? There are few and few, very pitiful. At this point, there is no comparison with Ding Yu.

Ding Yu's rise time is very short. It seems that he doesn't have much inside information. However, the problem is that he does not lack the power of high-level officials, both at home and abroad. Moreover, he does not lack financial support, so what is his way? Nature is unimpeded.

What about Hongmen? Why does the so-called "the good and the bad are intermingled", which is not pleasant to say, or is it because at the beginning, there was no financial support? All the people choose to take risks. There is no way to do this. What about this? It has no comparability with Ding Yu.

And now? Hongmen has developed, but the problem is that its foundation is not so clean. After all, there are too many things mixed in. Therefore, Ding Yu has some consideration, which is inevitable.

For Ding Yu, what about Hongmen's money? He doesn't need it. Even if Hongmen is connected, Ding Yu may need to solve some related problems and situations for them. Ding Yu is not very worried about this. What is Ding Yu most interested in? It is the power of Hongmen, that is, the power of the bottom.

Ding Yu is here in the United States. What about the high-rise buildings? Ding Yu really didn't worry too much. He could even describe his friends all over the world. But what about the bottom? Ding Yu's strength is really deficient to a certain extent.

Don't underestimate these forces. When he was in Boston, why did Ding Yu make such a big fuss at night and rely on himself? It's not the forces at the top, it's all the forces at the bottom. But this time, these forces cultivated by ourselves have been basically wiped out.

But the question is, what about these forces in Hongmen? It's different from Lily's part! Ding Yu is still aware of this, but he did not want to swallow the meaning of Hongmen, there is no need for this aspect, he only need to pave a part of his own channels!

But how will Hongmen deal with this? I believe Hongmen will not have any feelings about this. In fact, everyone has their own needs. But how can we negotiate this matter? It depends on their own means and methods!

"Mr. Ding, since I have said this, I have something to say. Hongmen is very interested in blue chip stocks this time. Over the years, Hongmen has accumulated a lot of things, but the things that can be taken seriously are not as many as those of them. We need to leave some thoughts for future generations."

Ding Yu knocked on the table with his hand, then took a look at Dongfang Jing. He neither agreed nor objected, "what else?"

"The details of Hongmen are behind us, but the circle is too small!"

This also makes Ding Yu lower his head and meditate for a period of time, and then he looks at Dongfang Jing again. Dongfang Jing looks at Ding Yu and is puzzled why Ding Yu has to look at himself. He feels so confused!

Seeing that elder martial brother Dongfang Jing didn't understand his meaning, Ding Yu also coughed slightly, "can elder martial brother Zhou make decisions?"

In a word, Dongfang Jing understood immediately. He knew why Ding Yu wanted to look at himself! This is really that I have some misunderstandings! Ding Yu needs to know the identity of Zhou He, an old brother. If his identity is appropriate, then they can talk about each other!

If Zhou he is just a front runner, or he is just a messenger, some things? There is no need to mention it! When thinking of this, Dongfang Jing also wryly smiles. What's wrong with him tonight and how can he be so unabashed? Some shouldn't be!"Elder martial brother Zhou is sitting on the right hand side!"

Ding Yu blinked his eyes and nodded his head slightly, "what about the so-called blue chip code? Although many people are interested in it, there is no problem in preparing a copy for Hongmen! As for the so-called too small a circle, I have no way to make a decision, and from my point of view, Hongmen has gone too far in this matter! "

"What do you say?" Zhou he did not expect that Ding Yu would give him such a reply. Ding Yu didn't tangle with the so-called blue chip code, which made him feel good, because Ding Yu didn't really care about money, but Ding Yu expressed his opposition to the fact that the circle was too small.

What do you mean? What about the influence of Hongmen? What does Ding Yu know or don't know, in the end, is to have some understanding. Under such circumstances, Ding Yu flatly refused the request of Hongmen. What's the meaning of this? Ding Yu is going to block the way of Hongmen's development. Now it is the bottleneck of Hongmen.

However, Zhou he didn't get angry because he was very clear that Ding Yu would not explain at all. He hoped to see what kind of explanation Ding Yu would make!

"I have discussed this matter with many aspects. We will not talk much about domestic affairs. What about participation in political affairs? Not everyone can do it! I don't know much about it, but I still know something about it! "

Ding Yu doesn't mean too much. It's not just a negotiation. It's really simple. So I need to show some sincerity at this time! What about sincerity? There may be some people can't accept, but in the end, it's still good intention.

"There are other situations in domestic affairs!" Zhou he was also reluctant to say a word.

"What about the domestic side? In fact, it has reached the extreme, but from another point of view, it is also a major feature of Hongmen. After all, other forces can not do this. What about in foreign countries? Hongmen wants to rise. What about this? For many people, it's a taboo, and it's not easy to stand firm! "

Ding Yu also pointed out that you already have such forces in Hongmen. If there are such forces abroad, what do you think of others? How can it be worse for others?

"Can't it be changed?" Zhou he's brow has been able to see the deep gully!

Ding Yu said nothing with a smile, the benefits can not be given too much at one time, let alone Zhou he? Those who are just sitting on the right hand side may have certain power, but it is not enough to say that they have decisive power. What's more, they have already made some suggestions. If they understand or do not understand, they can see their own understanding.

Seeing that Ding Yu didn't mean to speak, Zhou he's expression showed a little bit of displeasure. Why did he just say half of it? It's too unpleasant! However, Dongfang Jing understood, so she also raised the wine cup in her hand. Ding Yu also responded by raising the water cup in her hand.

What about leaving? Dongfang Jing also took away the last three cigars in the box. There was no surplus. As for the eyes of the attendants looking at themselves, Dongfang Jing completely ignored it. Even if he was staring at himself, what could he do? I don't care at all, because this is not the first time.

On the way back, Zhou he looked at his old friend without a good face, "what do you mean by Oriental? No more old faces? It doesn't matter if you eat or drink. You can take it with you when you leave! I can't afford to lose that man

For Zhou he's words, Dongfang Jing didn't mean to put it in his heart at all, "come on! You are envious that I took the cigar, but you did not! But don't think about it. Lao Bai has ordered two. If you don't leave it to him this time, there's really no way to explain it! "

Zhou he was also quite dissatisfied with a look, "what do you mean by Ding Yu?"

"What should have been said has already been said. What about something? It's not very convenient to say it! " Dongfang Jing understood the meaning, so he didn't have any implication. "Speaking of it, what about the people in the door? There are still some people who are too stingy. Who is Ding Yu? Besides being older, where can we catch up with them? "

As for Dongfang Jing's words, Zhou he could not help but blush. But because of drinking at night, it was not so obvious. What happened inside the door? Although I speak with weight, I don't mean that I am the only one. This still needs to be explained.

Dongfang Jing also occupies a considerable weight in Hongmen, so it is natural to know the problems and conditions. Therefore, it is ironic to say that. What about Zhou he? There really can't be any refutation.

How about meeting Ding Yu in the evening? Ding Yu did not put forward any so-called posture. For Ding Yu, it is good to have cooperation. If he can not cooperate, he will not become the so-called enemy. There is no need. No matter what we say, we are all from the same ancestor.

Although it is only the first time to meet, Zhou he's sense of Ding Yu is quite good!"Forget it! Who is Ding Yu? Can he not know the situation inside the door? He said it more clearly. Because he understood too much, he felt that there were some thorny problems now. Otherwise, why do you think he would be so hesitant? "

After lighting a cigar, I don't know where to take out a wine cup. Dongfang Jing has tasted it carefully. Although she has tried it many times, the taste is really different! The aftertaste is endless!

Zhou he also fell into a burst of meditation, "why is it like this?"

A stream of smoke curled up, and Dongfang Jing also gave a slight smile, "what about this point? I think we should learn from Ding Yu, a little younger martial brother, before we have absolute power? Never show your tusks. We've already exposed them. We don't have much shock! "

Zhou he's hand can't help but tight, this word is really too lethal!

Before there is no absolute power? Don't show your fangs. In a more popular way? The dog that bites doesn't bark! Ding Yu has such an idea? Can it be true? Then Zhou he also looked at his old friend.

Dongfang Jing nodded in response, "I have had several contacts with Ding Yu, but he has never avoided this aspect. Our elder martial brother can still talk about it. Lao Bai is much worse on this point. Although he wants to get in touch with Ding Yu many times, it seems that Ding Yu treats him? Some are not very cold, can only say general! "

"Laobai is such a cheeky guy sometimes

"That's not the reason!" Dongfang Jing also laughed. "It's mainly because he behaves too much. This is the reason why Ding Yu is not happy. We all see that Ding Yu has risen in a short time. But from my personal point of view, if it was not for the accident, he would not have appeared in silence for several decades!"

"Can he bear it?"

"I can bear it! It's like he's working in the hospital right now! What about someone else? I'm afraid that he has already given up his job, but Ding Yu has not done so. Let alone whether he has the capital, he is aiming at his identity. What do you think is not suitable for him to do? "

"It's not only that I feel so strange about this, but even many people seem to be confused about it!" Zhou he was also confused and said, "if you put it on ordinary people, even if it is decentralization, I'm afraid it can't be done to this extent! Is he so relieved of the people below? "

"It's really not clear. Although I have a good relationship with him, it doesn't seem to be as good as that." Dongfang Jing said very directly, "this is the secret of the core. Do you think you will share it? I'm not a fool for something that is impossible at all After saying that, also is a white eye.

Zhou he also did not give Oriental Jing what so-called good face, this is not deliberately buried in the same?

Dongfang Jing doesn't know about such a thing, and it's not a strange thing. After all, they didn't meet for a long time. The relationship between Ding Yu and him should not have reached a certain stage. However, he really has some small envy, because at least Ding Yu can delegate power to the people below, regardless of why, he can do it.

Can you do this even if you put it on your own body? Think about it!

It's impossible! Don't say it's yourself. Even if it's Hongmen, who can do it? Relatively speaking, Dongfang Jing is also a relatively outstanding person! But the problem is that he can't do it. Although he didn't say that everything must be done in person, it seems that he didn't get there.

Forget it, don't think about it for the time being! Think it doesn't make any sense!

Hongmen wants to get close to Ding Yu. What about this? It's not as easy as you can imagine. Does this want to get close to Ding Yu with other forces? It's really a matter of two natures! I need to talk with some people in Hongmen!

But what about inside? There are also other questions. What will the people in the door think about it? After thinking about it for a while, Zhou he also felt his head hurt a little. He took a look at Dongfang Jing next to him. He didn't pay any attention at this time. He smoked cigars and drank wine! What a wonderful life!

"East! You look like this, but there are so many not in the state Looking at the East, Zhou he is also a little discontented. Of course, how about doing this? There are also some intentional elements in it, "you can be regarded as the elder of Hongmen! Is it for these two cigars? "

"Forget it! I won't get involved in this matter! " Dongfang Jing also said calmly, "let me introduce each other. There's no problem with this. What's the identity? Just a little bit embarrassed! Really, if I was involved in it, your brother didn't say that, but what do the others think? "

"Dongfang, this is not the time to care about personal gratitude and resentment. You should understand it!" Zhou he is also painstakingly comforting, saying that he is very clear about Dongfang Jing's concerns, but now, how can we consider these?"Old man, all know people. I've already had a lot of gossips when I'm the introducer this time!" Dongfang Jing is also very helpless to say, "under such circumstances, if I have any action, what effect will be caused, you know!"

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