Ding Yu has no time to pay attention to what Hongmen thinks at this time. There is no need for him to do so! Hongmen wants to lean to his side, but the problem is that they seem to have some other ideas in their hearts.

What about this? There are advantages and disadvantages. It's really not easy to solve. However, there is a matter that needs to be solved. Morgan and Rockefeller's people have arrived at the same time. Obviously, they don't want to drag the matter down. They must quickly solve the problem, because the pressure in all aspects is really too great.

Fortunately, what about Ding Yu's request? Not too much, at least within the acceptable range! This may be one of the few good news, and Morgan and Rockefeller are now rethinking some issues.

Although Ding Yu is not a little ant, he couldn't be trampled on at the beginning. At least, it can suppress him very well. But why does it come to such an end? It's really hard to understand! In the process of the whole thing, Ding Yu is just making a fool of himself. In addition, Ding Yu really has no other big news.

The so-called joint vertical and horizontal and so on, Ding Yu really does not have too many movements, it seems that the whole process? It's just Morgan and Rockefeller. What's the result? Is thoroughly to play in their own, to now have no reaction, this time the loss is a little bit big!

The reason why he used the fastest speed to find Ding Yu was that other parties had already begun to express their dissatisfaction with the two consortia. It was peaceful, but now? You can say that the water has been thoroughly muddled up to such a point that everyone will be upset. This is a little bit inappropriate!

You want to tease Ding Yu, the ant, to play! Originally Ding Yu is from abroad. It's your own business how you want to play with it. Just know you can control it! But the problem is that you are not only affected by the fire, but also by other forces.

We are all people in a small circle. Although we say that you are the leader, how about doing things? It is necessary to pay attention to the rules. You are the first to break the rules. Then how can other people deal with them in the future? What about this? Must give everybody an account, otherwise, ha ha!

Although this word did not say, but the threat is very strong!

So Morgan and Rockefeller came to Boston for the first time. They had already talked with the Boston side represented by Sanchez earlier, and things went smoothly! Sanchez did not show too harsh, there is no need for this aspect.

This is not because of grace, but because Boston has gained enough benefits in the process. Sanchez has now established his position in the Boston consortium. What about the establishment of this position? Also let him have deep feeling! So now this time is also a little bit of demeanor.

After the Boston affair was over, Morgan and Rockefeller went to Ding Yu as soon as possible. No matter how much the price was, now it is not as much as I thought!

Morgan and Rockefeller's attendants are their own lineage. They are not as many as they think, but they really seem to be a little bit extraordinary. What about Ding Yu? Besides lawyers? There are not as many people as you think, namely Ding Yu and Jin.

What about the handover process? Ding Yu is also sitting at a small table with two middle-aged people. There are several glasses of water on the table. The situation not far away is slightly noisy. What about lawyers from both sides? Conscientious in the work!

"It seems that Mr. Ding doesn't care much about things."

Ding Yu looked at the representative of Morgan and nodded his head slightly. Then he said sincerely, "it's not that you don't care, but you don't know where to start! Let me make a decision, maybe not too many problems, but let me make a plan! Maybe tomorrow I'll be broke! "

What about Ding Yu's words? What about the two representatives of Morgan and Rockefeller? They also looked at each other implicitly. Although Ding Yu's words sound sincere, they are very clear in their hearts. The more sincere they are? The more false it is!

How long did Ding Yu rise! All the time? It's like a dog that can't bark! But this dog is really biting! And one strike is fatal! How about dealing with people like that? It's better to be careful, otherwise you will be black and blue.

Are you kidding me that if you make a plan, you will go bankrupt tomorrow? Even if you want to fool us foreign devils, you don't need such a means! Do you really think of us as idiots?

"It's too modest. I don't know if this is a unique virtue of Chinese people, but it's obviously not suitable for such a situation in the United States!" You don't need to be too direct, just show your attitude.

But what about Ding Yu? It really sounded the meaning of the words, so it was also a smile, "I was naughty since I was a child, but what about my father's education? More enlightened, even if there is any big situation, my father is also on my shoulders, the responsibility is still very important! "What and what? It's just that the bull's head is not the horse's mouth. Originally, he wanted to have a good "communication" with Ding Yu. At least from the contact with Ding Yu, we can see something. But the problem is that after contacting with Ding Yu, nothing is found, and the whole topic has even been misled.

But since they are all sitting here, we can't be silent, right! What other topics need to be found, but can we talk about them? It seems that they didn't talk about going together. What about Ding Yu? There is a little bit of senseless feeling, completely unable to grasp this guy's head inside, what is thinking of something.

But really, if Ding Yu is described as an asshole, it doesn't seem like this. What about the whole process? Ding Yu is polite, without any arrogant performance, very decent, but the problem is that the representatives of Morgan and Rockefeller feel so uncomfortable, and they don't know what the reason is! I can't say it.

The gathering time was a whole morning. At noon, Ding Yu left temporarily because of other things in the hospital. Meanwhile, the representatives of Morgan and Rockefeller also pulled their neckties. The whole morning was quite oppressive! At the same time, it's quite a long time.

Ding Yu is a guy who doesn't keep his hands. In the process of talking, they set numerous traps and traps. But what about Ding Yu? All of them have been resolved. Not to mention, it also makes Morgan and Rockefeller a little irritable. You know, they are old foxes who have gone through many vicissitudes. But in front of this guy, they can't get too much money.

"It seems that more contacts are needed in the future."

"Forget it! After I saw his face, there were some uncontrollable things in my heart. I really wanted to smash his face. Although I knew that if I did this, then the person who was smashed and flattened must be me, but I can't help but think in this way! " After saying that, he also took a look on purpose.

The two representatives laughed, but what about their hearts? All of them have their own ideas. The words are like this, but what about the actual situation? Both sides hope to win over Ding Yu. This guy has now stabilized his own heel and continues to make mischief. There is no benefit for both sides. This is certain.

Originally, because this guy was a little ant, he could step on it any way he wanted, but suddenly he found out that this guy was not a so-called little ant at all. Everyone was the same creature, of the same level, but Ding Yu might be a little younger. That's the difference.

Under such circumstances, it is quite necessary to win over Ding Yu, stand together with Ding Yu, or reach a united front with Ding Yu! It seems that everyone had some ideas and suggestions on this aspect before. After the talks are over, it seems that they are starting to take them out to try water.

It is true that Godfather or godmother is just a form, but the significance of the representative is extraordinary, the relationship is a little bit closer, and then slowly began to merge with each other.

What about Ding Yu? May not have too many ideas, but Ding Yu now has two children, but can from their body to think of a way! Looking at the time seems to be so long, but for the major consortia, that is, 20 years, this is still affordable!

Don't care about the length of the moment, it doesn't make any sense!

What about the original time? Ding Yu has always been a little ant, but the problem is that Ding Yu and the major consortia have already had equal power. At this time, he can't look at the problem with the old methods and eyes! And the way he was treated? It also needs to be distinguished from the past and keep pace with the times.

On the way back, Ding Yu is also thinking about some problems. Ding Yu went back with the security guard. Morgan and Rockefeller showed great joy without any hesitation or delay. What are the conditions to deal with? It's really hard for them to be able to take out so many things.

If Ding Yu takes out these things, I'm afraid it won't be a problem of breaking bones and muscles. For Morgan and Rockefeller, Ding Yu is just biting off a big piece of meat. There are no other problems and situations!

But also, for Morgan and Rockefeller, what about Ding Yu? It seems to be a piece of meat, but the meat is a little bit too big! Ding Yu still has a very clear understanding of himself. He never thought that he could be equal with Morgan and Rockefeller at this time.

Why is it like this? Ding Yu is very clear that some of the two families want to kill themselves. Since the armed violence can not be solved, then change another way. There is always one for you!

When he returned to the hospital, Ding Yu went to see Professor Hopkins the first time, and the two had not seen each other for a period of time. Today, Ding Yu was called to come because of the special operation. Previously, the whole operation team had completed a high-intensity operation, but he did not expect another patient.

The patient's identity seems to be special, but what about the rest of the team? It seems that we really don't have this assurance. It's not that there is no experience, but there is no physical strength. However, there can be no delay in this operation, so it can only be called for.The reason why Ding Yu is summoned here is that Ding Yu's hands are quite stable, and this guy is extremely energetic. Of course, there are other reasons, such as his proper identity and so on! These also prompted Hopkins to call back Ding Yu.

Of course, before surgery? Hopkins also mentioned some problems and conditions, which need to be explained. There will be other problems and situations in the province! Although said is own student, but oneself also cannot pit him! What's more, the relationship between each other is more than that!

Ding Yu has been busy until more than nine o'clock in the evening. Of course, he is in the operating room? Basically, I can't feel the change of time. There's no shadow lamp on it. I can't see anything else! What about Ding Yu's assistant? When I came out, my legs were already shaking, mainly because the operation was too complicated and high-end.

When Ding Yu came out, he also pulled up his mask and hat. Although his assistant kept wiping his sweat, he still couldn't hold on. Although he said that the operating room had air conditioning, it couldn't solve many problems.

It's not because of physical strength, it's mainly the mental cost. This is the most important thing. If a surgeon stands for two days, he will never have any problems. However, it is not so easy to let people stand and concentrate on dealing with problems. The consumption of energy and energy is absolutely beyond imagination.

After coming out, Ding Yu also gave himself a simple supplement. Because it was his own operation, Ding Yu would not leave for the time being. After waiting for almost two hours, there was no big problem. Ding Yu stretched himself a lot, not to mention, for himself, it was a kind of relaxation.

In the whole process of surgery, I seem very relaxed, no other thoughts.

In these two days, I spent a little bit more energy and energy, and my head was really messy. I didn't really find much peace. But what about today's operation? But let oneself very good relax the spirit, whole-heartedly into it, although said the time is some long, but for oneself, very good relief.

Although it was a little late in terms of time, and the apartment seemed to be a little closer to him, Ding Yu did not go back to his apartment, but stayed in the hospital for a whole night without rest. It was not a big problem for Ding Yu!

In the morning, Ding Yu was still in high spirits, while Jin delivered the food to Ding Yu's lounge as soon as possible. When Ding Yu ate, he also briefly reported on the negotiation.

"Sir, everything is going smoothly. Yesterday, everyone didn't have a rest and insisted on finishing all these things!" Kim said it naturally.

What about some of the problems and problems? They all need to report. After all, the service object is Ding Yu. As for the lawyers, why do they have to deal with these things all day long? They are for money service, it is so simple! Not to mention a day and a night, even if it is a few more times, they will also adhere to it.

The amount of money involved is really too large, and even some lawyers may not encounter such problems and situations in their lifetime. In addition, the lawyer fees given by Ding Yu are also very high. Naturally, everyone is very attentive!

Ding Yu has also read some documents and handled them fairly well. There are not too many problems for him to make such a decision. However, if he is involved in them, he will definitely have a very big head. Relatively speaking, he has so many congenital deficiencies. What about his cognition of this aspect? Basically, they learned from the day after tomorrow.

And what about these studies? Although said to get certain verification, but will have what kind of effect, even Ding Yu himself did not have too much assurance! Ding Yu never overestimated his meaning!

I am very clear about my own positioning, let me do some decisions, no problems, but let me still be able to control the details, it is impossible! My main energy has not been put on this at all! Therefore, it's better to "abdicate" and give full play to everyone's initiative in charge.

After Jin's report was finished, Ding Yu also looked at Jin. Seeing Jin, he felt a little "creepy". What does it mean? There seems to be nothing wrong with yourself, and there seems to be no other problem with the clothes on your body!

Ding Yu looked for a while, but also slightly nodded his head, "this stall has opened a little, what do you mean?" Looking at Jin's confused appearance, Ding Yu also explained and said, "to put it another way, there are still many positions. Do you have any interest in this aspect?"

Jin was so absent-minded that he fell into a burst of meditation. Ding Yu did not pay much attention to it, and soon ate up all the food that Jin brought. In the process, Ding Yu didn't mean to disturb Jin. Now he still needs time to think about it!

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