"Sir, this is really a test for me! I don't have any preparation. "

After Jin returned to God, he also looked at Dingyu with a rather grudge. Obviously, this thing gave him a considerable temptation. It seems that there are so many difficulties to get rid of it. At least from now on, it is.

"Why do you say that?" Dingyu also said that light?

"I know what materials I am, let me do some things and arrangements on the action. There is no problem. But let me deal with some of the business matters. This is another field for me personally. Although I have some experience in this field, I don't think I am competent for such a position!"

But it is clear that Kim didn't say, "if Mr. Wang doesn't need me, I'll find another place!"

Dingyu also hum a voice, but what about the expression on his face? There is no complaint, "if you are not willing to be competent, then I can only think of your salary and bonus!" This is disguised to find some benefits for gold. For Dingyu, this is a considerable problem. Pay and get should be proportional to each other. For this, Dingyu is really never stingy.

"Thank you, sir!"

"Don't worry about thank you. You may be more busy in your future work!" Dingyu also stood up, and Jin did not hesitate to pack up the documents and tableware. Then Dingyu never let himself pass the simple face this time. What about it? I'm afraid that there are other aspects involved, sun yingmen has also revealed some of the oral style to himself! But what about these? It is not enough for foreign people to mention it. There is no need for this! I am clear in my heart!

After coming out from Charlie's family, Lily didn't stop much, and soon she got on a private plane. Sun Yingnan deliberately sent it to pick up Lily.

What about Lily's identity? It is not so well known to the outside world, but who knows Ding Yu? We all know that Lily occupies a very important position in Dingyu's mind. When Dingyu rose in England, Lily put into practice quite a lot of effort, and what about the feelings between them? It's quite a struggle.

When he came to Boston, sun Yingnan also personally welcomed Lily and gave Lily considerable respect! After all, Lily recommended to Dingyu. What about the contract of life and death at the beginning? She handed it to Ding Yu.

"It seems that your retreat this time is just for better progress!"

Sitting on the car, two people also whispered, sun yingmen also smile, face above the flow of light! "I thought it might take years, but I didn't expect to come so fast!" After finishing, also deliberately looked at lily, the corner of the mouth showed a different smile.

"I am a grass chicken now, compared with you!" Lily really doesn't mean to be eye-catching. She is very clear. If she is to do it, she can't do this step. Sun Yingnan has too much potential to tap, but what about herself? There are still too few things that you can do.

"You said this, I seem to be a chicken, I have two hairs on my body or intentionally inserted, but not to attract butterflies!" After that, sun also shook his head, and lily over there also sipped her mouth and smiled.

The relationship between the two people is still quite normal, and there is no difference in position!

To get lily to get rid of the wind and dust, even if he is looking for Dingyu, there is no effort. Sun Yingnan's time is not as abundant as he thought. But at such a time, it is not ordinary to be able to take out his time to accompany lily.

When Dingyu knew Lily was coming? Also deliberately out of his time to Lily to make a phone call, a long time has not met, the relationship between each other seems to have to be not too to narrate, there is no need!

What about the phone? There is not too much meat and hemp, but still can feel Dingyu's concern for Lily, after all, in the process of her rise, Lily played a very important role! Dingyu is also a quite nostalgic person!

When he put down the phone, sun yingmen also smiled. Of course, he would not let go of the chance of fun. What about Lily? Is the blame to see sun yingmen, this time to fun themselves, is there so some too inappropriate!

During the course of eating, there is no dog blood thing happening, just like joking! What is sun Yingman's identity? That is Dingyu's heart, and still in the heart of the heart. Now Ding Yu swept Morgan and Rockefeller, so no one would like to joke about his own life.

And can sit with sun yingmen, let her need to accompany the characters, or not underestimate good!

So throughout the process, there is no temptation, and there is no other thing! What about Ding Yu at this time? How many have so some awe, because Ding Yu is really done!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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