Liu Gang did not go too far with Huayuan to entangle the issue of transparent affairs. There was no need for him. At the beginning, he didn't believe it. But after so long time, he gradually realized some problems and conditions.

It's not that we can't do it, but whether we are willing or not. If we support them, we can definitely do this. But what about the same? It also makes many people feel uncomfortable. Why? Because you can't find any benefit from it!

This is not reality, but reality. Many people are involved in it? The starting point is not simple, and once the accounts and other things are transparent, then we can not find any interests from them, so many people do not mean to be involved in it.

But for Ding Yu, this is not any problem at all. How about going to keep the essence? Basically, they are the cream.

Liu Gang did not say too detailed, but also to let Huayuan to taste, this can get the most real feeling! And what do you mean, sir? He seems to be more optimistic! So what about Liu Gang? Is also more a mind, this is a simple worldly sophistication just!

Today's Huayuan won't understand, but it won't take too long to understand!

Ding Yu simply cleaned up the things just like before, but he didn't go to the kitchen immediately. Instead, he took a look at the time, and then he also called Jin and said, "what's the situation now? Everyone is still as quiet as before? "

"In the United States, as always, there is no movement. It is obvious that this competition with Morgan and Rockefeller? Let everyone also feel the power of it, so now no one wants to make a move, even we have started to share the cake, but still no one chooses to stand out! "

"In this case, some people are restless." After saying that, Ding Yu also laughed, "let me guess, at this time, the United States will not have too much action, because they can't figure out what our cards are, so now they would rather look at it like this, but it doesn't mean that they can't use other ways!"

Kim also said, "I go through special channels? Learned some news, but also extra Investigation out of some special news! That's what happened to Samsung before! "

"And the dwarfs do something?"

"Well, I've found special people to investigate the previous events. What about these dwarfs now? Seems very interested! But what kind of situation will it be and what are the relevant issues? It's still in the process of verification, but whether it can be investigated clearly remains to be discussed! "

Ding Yu was also silent for a little time, and then simply said, "when did I talk to Samsung and port city? I didn't include Japan, because I really don't have much confidence. What about these guys? It's quite forbearance. At the same time? There are also some thorny problems! "

"It seems that there are some thorny problems in the present situation, because we can't understand what these dwarfs want to do? This problem is really a headache

Ding Yu snorted, "how much can you guess? What other means do these guys have? Maybe it's really close to it, but if we say forbearance? I'm afraid it's really unmatched by other people. The harder you beat him, the more respectful he will be. On the contrary, if you reciprocate with courtesy, he will show his teeth and claws. In a word, it is difficult to say that he needs to give two lashes well just like a well-trained animal. "

Gold is also Leng for a moment, "now this time there is no reason to start?" What do you mean, sir? It is already quite clear that the so-called "give two whips" is to tell yourself that there is no reason to start directly!

There is no reason to say, is to look at you unhappy, and then give you two slaps, how can you? Not satisfied? If you don't accept it, you have to bear it! But Kim soon came to his senses. "Sir, do you mean we're going to test the bottom line in the US? See what kind of reaction they're going to do? "

"It's said that the government is the dog owned by major consortia. What about this? It is representative to some extent, but it is not completely accurate. "

Ding Yu brewed for a while and said slowly, "what about this time? It's very embarrassing for the government, so it's understandable that they need to find this place back. "

"In this case, the families still feel dissatisfied, but it is not convenient for them to continue to show up, so they let the U.S. government departments come forward, and then the government departments also know that this matter is not easy to handle, so they use these dwarfs as gunshots, but the dwarfs are so obedient? Is America his father

Then Kim also laughed, which is really good. The United States is really the father of these dwarfs. Even so, it is not enough to describe that the United States is the ancestor of these dwarfs!

After two pineapples were thrown out of your backyard? These guys are just like grandsons. They can do whatever they want? Even dogs are not so obedient! What is the reason? These two big pineapples hurt them to the bone, so this fear has never been eliminated."Is America their father? It's important to say it's important, but is it not important? It's not as important as you think, but since they mean to be involved in this matter, don't make them too easy. It doesn't matter what means and methods! "

"We haven't found out which side is responsible for it yet."

"It won't be from the consortium. These guys are smarter than monkeys. What about us and them? There's not much communication. Are they treating me at this time? There is considerable vigilance, so in such a time is absolutely not going to start, because from the timing above, too abrupt! What's more, it's really not clear what their attitude is now! "

"The government? If so, it would be really interesting! "What about Japanese government agencies? It's different from other countries, but what about it? There is also a similar place, which is behind this? It's really controlled by consortia. The six consortia in the rumor are not really joking!

What about cracking down on a consortium? This thing is relatively simple, but if you want to completely destroy the consortium, there are some difficulties in this matter. It is not a simple thing!

Just a metaphor. In those days, the Boston consortium was taught by Morgan's room to his grandson! It can be described as a fiasco, but has Morgan been beaten to death? No, it's not that Morgan doesn't want to kill him directly, but he can't!

This is also applicable to Japanese consortia. After World War II, the United States saw some of the threats and ordered them to be disbanded. However, the effect was quite poor. Of course, there is another problem, that is, the public relations of these dwarfs are really good!

Of course, there is another layer of reason. The reason why the United States allows these dwarfs is to raise pigs to a certain extent! When you need it? Let blood, give yourself a supplement of nutrition, when you don't need it? Just let it go. What about the control? It's in your own hands!

Don't think that the United States is a good bird. How can it be squeezed like this? It can't be solved in a day or two. Does Japan know or does not know? Does this need to be asked? Of course they know the shackles on themselves, but the question is, what about the two big pineapples? Let them wake up completely!

Some things can be done, but what about some things? Let's forget it! The ancestors of the United States will never have any good fruit to eat, so they would rather be sheared, anyway, for them, it is not a big deal! As long as you don't kill yourself, everything else can bear!

Now that the U.S. government has hinted, what about the dwarfs? Naturally, there is a need for action, but what about this thing? The big chaebols may not agree, because what about the potential that Ding Yu shows? Let them also feel a little shock!

What's more, Ding Yu has built up Asian forces. What is the relationship between the Li family of Samsung and that of Xiangjiang? It can be said that it is very good, but it is not necessarily the iron triangle, but the problem is that the structure is relatively stable from the current point of view.

What's more, the relationship behind Ding Yu is complex and cannot be underestimated. So what about the plutocrats in Japan? From another point of view, they don't want to conflict with Ding Yuqi, because they are facing too much uncertainty!

Ding Yu did not choose Japan as one of the architectures. What about this? It should be that there are many problems. The Japanese side really needs to reflect on whether to be friends or enemies with Ding Yu.

If you are a friend, what kind of friend will it be? What's the view of the United States? If it is the enemy, then what kind of enemy is it that stands on the opposite side of Ding Yu? Or is it just acting like this?

"Sir, we're only dealing with the government, but in this case, it's easy to get caught!" What about things like this? Kim also has his own worries!

"I'm afraid that's the bad trick that the American government departments have come up with. If we don't take action, they'll always be chattering around us. But once we do, they will stand up as guardians and gossip, which will make you feel impatient!"

"I see!" Kim really understood. What about the so-called gossip? That is to say, if you don't get hold of it, no matter what extent, no one will say anything! Even if they are caught, what can they do? At most, it's just grinding for a period of time, which can't play any role.

Now that he knows how to deal with things, Kim also feels that he has a backbone! Immediately put down the phone.

And Ding Yu also called sun Yingnan. At this time, sun Yingnan did not rest. What about Ding Yu's call? It's also a little bit expectant, but what about Ding Yu calling her? It's not about work. What about now? There won't be too many problems disturbing sun Yingnan.So Ding Yu didn't have to ask about the work, but simply contacted each other's feelings, including calling lily? It's all the same. What about them? If there are not too many problems and conditions in my work, but what else? A little bit monotonous and boring.

What is the main reason for this problem? It is Ding Yu. At least Ding Yu is responsible for this! How about a phone call? It can't solve too many problems, but it's better than nothing, and it can make two people have some comfort!

When he put down the phone, Ding Yu also shook his head. Why did he feel like he wanted to be a prostitute and set up a memorial archway? Although there are some unpleasant words, what are the facts in front of you? It's like that.

When he came out of the room, Ding Yu found that two little guys were sitting in the classroom. They seemed to be listening attentively. But what about the actual situation? But it is already a slip. Looking at the contents on the blackboard, Ding Yu is also smiling. What about these two little guys? It's really not difficult!

Tutor's education and teacher's education this direction is different, the content is also different!

After thinking about it, Ding Yu also called out the two little guys to let them continue to stay in it? This is a kind of torture, and what about other children? It's also an influence! Better let them come and do things! At least give them a certain degree of education.

"It seems that some of you don't listen very seriously!"

"Dad, we have already said that we will at a very early time. We feel that the children are a little stupid. Now it's time to learn these things!" The two little guys also said in defense, because that's what happened.

"That's because the two of you have different education conditions. Dad and mom can hire you the best teachers, even call you by hand, but what about them? Because of the lack of conditions, it can only be passive to accept, even sometimes even passive acceptance conditions are not! You should learn to understand and appreciate it, rather than look at it with sarcasm or disdain. If it is not because of different conditions, you will not be comparable to them. "

Two little guys are skeptical about such things, because where's dad? It's really rare to cheat them, but say they can't catch up with these children? It's true that there are so many do not believe!

"What about holidays? To go to Mr. Zheng's home to feel the life, you can also take the opportunity to compare with the children in the neighborhood! Don't blame me for not reminding you that you should not be hit by it, because it will leave a deep impression in your mind

Two little guys are very suspicious of looking at their father, but now this time, two little guys do not have too many ways, why? I just answered the phone? Mother did not stand on their side, let their coquettish? It didn't work at all, so what about the two little guys at this time? Hit hard.

What about Dad saying that? It shows that he is ready for this aspect, which is not good news for the two little guys! But the problem is that dad has already said that, they can only be tough on their own scalp, as for when is the head, who knows?

Two little guys are now fully appointed! His father seems to be silent, but in fact what? It's a big devil, and the one with sharp two horns on his head, but because of his appearance? The cover up is so good that people may even think it is an angel.

Because suffer from it deeply, so have deep feeling! However, it can be seen from this that the ability of the two little guys to steer the wind is quite good. At least they know that they should recognize the defeat at this time, rather than blindly resist, because their father is like a mountain standing there, completely unable to turn over.

While his father didn't pay attention, the two little guys also ran out of here, and directly found Mr. Zheng who was correcting his homework there. "Grandfather Zheng, my father said to go to your home to experience life during the holiday! Is that true? "

Looking at two lovely little guys standing in front of themselves, Zheng Tong is also nodding, what about this matter? As mentioned earlier, it is just to experience life. What about Ding Yu and his two children at school these two days? They are also looking in the eye, there is no problem.

"What? You don't like it? " Zheng Tong is also puzzled to ask.

"Grandfather Zheng, who knows what kind of way Dad will come up with? We both have some worries What about this? It also makes other people in the office laugh. These two little guys are just like little adults! I'm young, but I really have a lot of heart.

There are many children in the school, and there are many sensible people, but there are not too many children who are as smart as their two little guys. What about the children born of different lives? It is not the same, I am afraid this is the only way to say it! Otherwise, I really don't know how to evaluate it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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