In the afternoon before the holiday, Huayuan began to prepare for the relevant aspects. Why did some students take the holiday half a day earlier? Far away from home, even no parents to pick up, can only be their own and some teachers to send!

What about the main labor force in the family? They've basically gone out. What about the rest? Basically, they are old, weak, sick and disabled. Let them pick up the children, or forget it! If there is another good or bad word, I don't know what kind of situation it will be!

And what about the fruits and candy left over from the past? These children basically did not eat, all of them were put in their own pockets, plus the accumulation of these two days, it is really a lot! Bring it back to the old people and younger brothers and sisters at home. I'm afraid they have never eaten these things before!

When you leave? The children are very polite to say goodbye to headmaster Huayuan. This is common sense! But Ding Yu did not show up all the time, even in addition to the first time Ding Yu showed one side, in addition to this? Ding Yu did not want to show up any more. This also made these children "disappointed".

Be a man? You should know how to be grateful, but the question is, do you want to see this uncle? There are really some difficulties. This uncle seldom shows up, just like an invisible person! But as we all know, this uncle brought the improvement of food!

I have been waiting for the evening, all the teachers came back one after another. It is really a little tired, but all the children have arrived home safely. This is the best result, and there is not too much leisure. We are also scattered. However, when we leave, we also get a small gift.

What about the gift? It may not be the most valuable, but it is the most appropriate and practical, and what about the distribution of these things? It was not Ding Yu who presided over it, but Hua Yuan. Ding Yu still didn't choose to show up. The teachers are very grateful, but they can't find anyone to appreciate.

However, Zheng Tong has been waiting for Ding Yu. His home is not very far away from here, so there is nothing to wait for a while! But I still have some fear in my heart. After all, what are the conditions of my home? It's not so good to imagine! This is the most important thing.

"Mr. Ding, for me, the distance may not be very far, because I have been used to it, but what about the two children? Maybe some of them are not used to it! After all, there are a lot of stones in the mountain. If you are careless, you may sprain your own feet, and the child is too young! "

" can't the children of other families walk Ding Yu's performance is very cold, even some ruthless. In Zheng Tong's opinion, some of them are too much, and this requirement is really too strict.

What about the children here? Over the years? It's all like this. Everyone is used to it. What about the two little guys? They just got in touch with each other just now. Now, it's unrealistic to ask them to keep up with the children in the mountain!

But looking at Ding Yu's situation and looking at the situation of the two little guys, Zheng Tong also knows that it's useless to say more, but what about Ding Yu? Also nodded with Zheng Tong, "teacher Zheng, I have seen the way, you go ahead! I just take them two little guys to hang out, so there may be a little delay in time! "

Zheng Tong looked for a period of time, also know Ding Yu said so? It is intentional to let himself go first, so Zheng Tong also helped his back basket, and the first one went forward. What about this step? It's really fast!

What about the two little guys before? There are still some who are not convinced, but Wang Shan runs dead horse. The two little guys are in good health. But after walking for no more than 20 minutes, they have begun to look at their father, because there are so many people who can't walk!

Children's physical strength is not too much, plus such a mountain road? It doesn't interest them at all.

It's a mountain road, but actually it's smooth. Is this the way? A little bit far away! What about the two kids when they can't hold on? It is also the last to sit down, but Ding Yu is really to clean up the moisture pad, and did not let them directly sit down!

You want to have a rest. This is common sense. Ding Yu can bear it. Even the water is ready! But if you want to hold or carry on your back, it's impossible! Ding Yu is also really able to be ruthless under this heart, if placed on the general parents? I'm afraid no one can do it.

When I came to Zheng Tong's house, there were some late hours. Zheng Tong had gone for less than 20 minutes. What about the two little guys? More than an hour and a half, and what about the two little guys? Finally, I even have to drag my backpack on my body. I can't carry it any more.

How does Zheng Tong look at the two little guys? I really can't bear it. The sweat has already wet my hair. But the question is Ding Yu, who is a father? I didn't mean to help. What's more, after I came here? After resting for a period of time, I also wash my face by myself without the help of others."Dr. Ding, I really don't know what to say! This is absolutely not the normal way to educate children. Does it give me personal feelings? There are so many abuses! " When you talk? Zheng Tong also expressed his dissatisfaction, and this time? One side of the old lady, is also very sad looking at Ding Yu.

Ding Yu also put the gift in front of the old lady. "Hello, I'm Ding Yu. I came to the house abruptly. If it's inconvenient, please forgive me more!"

The old lady seemed to be so confused that she couldn't understand what Ding Yu was saying. Zheng Tong also laughed and said, "my mother is old and her ears are back, but fortunately, she is still in good health."

And at this time, Zheng Tong's wife also brought two bowls of water, the bowl washed very clean! The water is clear to the bottom! But obviously saw the stranger, has so some restraint feeling! What about character? How much appears to have so some introversion!

The two kids are very polite. What about this time? It's true that there are so many thirsty, and have already had a rest, so there is nothing to drink some water! However, if you go down this time, there will be no bowl of water!

Looking at the two little guys, the old lady couldn't help but think of the children in her family. Where are Zheng Tong and his wife over there? It's the same thing. It's obvious that the two little guys are very likable!

Look at the time has been so late, dinner is also ready, relatively speaking, because of the arrival of Ding Yu? It's a little bit rich, at least for the Zheng family. After seeing the dinner, Ding Yu felt a little sorry, because he knew the life of the Zheng family very well and knew the situation of the school.

And the two little guys look at the things in the bowl, the mouth is also subconsciously shrunk, but not too many people found, why? Because of this habit? In addition to Ding Yu, who is a father, I'm afraid no one else will care too much!

But the two little guys are really hungry, so even if it's not right, but now what about this time? Or to fill their own stomach, but the taste is really good, at least better than the imagination of too much!

However, the people of the Feng family are greatly relieved when they look at the situation of the two little guys. They want to know that the guests are coming. What about the house? It's true that there isn't much to be entertained. Besides, Lao Zheng has brought so many things back. It's said that they were given by Dr. Ding!

This is more than that! It seems that Mr. Ding wants to subsidize all the students. This is a big deal! So the Zheng family wants to show their enthusiasm, but there are so many things, not too much, they can only do it with heart, and the two little guys really give face, let Zheng family is also at ease a lot!

After eating, the two little guys are also wilting. There is no way. They were not relaxed in the daytime, but now they have such a scene. They are already exhausted. It is not easy to open their eyes now, let alone other conditions.

Ding Yu also cleaned up the place to let them two little guys sleep down, but when they were allowed to sleep, Ding Yu also noticed that the two little guys were in their pockets? There are other things, round, like coins! Ding Yu is also so curious to take in his own hands.

Looking through the moonlight, it turned out that they were two yuan Dadou, which were relatively new. They didn't see too much oxidation. They were definitely not the two little guys. How about being a father? There's never been anything like them two little guys!

And when you came? They just changed their clothes, that is to say, these two yuan Dadou? It should be given by the Zheng family. It's a more traditional way of saying that two children come to the door to press their waist.

What about Ding Yu? I really don't have much estimation. I'm not an expert in this field. So I described this thing for the first time, and then sent the message out! If you can't solve it by yourself, it doesn't mean that other people don't understand it!

In the morning, Ding Yu got up early, and at this time, Lao Zheng and his wife seemed to get up. When they saw Ding Yu up, they were obviously surprised. Was it because they didn't have a good rest last night that they got up so early, and the two children were the same.

Ding Yu didn't deliberately explain anything. He set up his index finger on the corner of his mouth, and then took two little guys to find a space. Then he also took exercise. Looking at the three people fighting with their legs there, the couple gave a breath. It was not because of the bad rest that they had misunderstood earlier.

But what about the couple? There are also some feelings, how old are the two little guys! So by their father to toss around, even if it is iron, this time is also tardy skin! What's more, two little guys? It's just a child!

After the exercise, Ding Yu also received the satellite phone, listening to tell? Ding Yu also went back to his room, took out yuan Datou and looked at it carefully. The time of telling was not very long, but Ding Yu had already recognized yuan Datou!Are the two kids so lucky? Ding Yu also took a look at the two little guys. As for the two little guys, when they looked at the two coins in their father's hand, they all spat out their tongues. Yesterday, they were so tired that they really forgot after they collected them.

"What about you? This is just a gift, but what about Lao Zheng's family? This may be the only treasure Obviously, what about these two coins? Ding Yu also has a considerable understanding, perhaps in the eyes of the Zheng family? These are just two coins, but in Ding Yu's eyes? This is not only friendship so simple, but also represents a considerable value! Is it true that this value? The Zheng family didn't realize it.

What about love? I got it myself, but what about the value? If I say I don't know what to do, I will let my heart be covered with dust, and at the same time, I will have an immeasurable impact on the two little guys! Then Ding Yu also explained to the two little guys carefully, "you two say, what should dad do?"

"Dad, we don't think it's appropriate to return things like this! After all, this represents the thoughts of the Zheng family, but it seems that there is something wrong with such a valuable gift if we don't have any indication! "

The two little guys want to express themselves clearly, but what about their thinking and expression ability? There are still so many bad! So it can only be said that! Is it Ding Yu watching the performance of the two little guys? Also slightly nodded a head.

"All right." Ding Yu said with a smile, "previously, when your grandfather Zheng and grandma Zheng went up the mountain, we didn't have the concept of having breakfast, but because you are here, we deliberately cook some porridge for you. They are all ready! Have you eaten? You should get familiar with the work and lifestyle here

The two little guys have a few bared teeth, but what about eating? Ding Yu is also with the old lady. Although the old lady can help herself, she seems to be more or less hobbled. She is too old. Even though she talks about the living conditions? Maybe a little bit bad, but fortunately, the ecological environment is not bad!

After breakfast, the old lady didn't let Ding Yu and the two little guys clean up their things. Instead, Ding Yu took the two little guys up the mountain and soon found Lao Zheng and his wife who were working. Ding Yu didn't have any dislike and quickly helped to start weeding.

The two little guys watched for a while, and then they were there to help, but how long did they stick to it? It's not very long!

Soon the two kids ran to the damp proof mat under the tree and sat down. But looking at the children in the field nearby, it was the children in the previous school. They did not choose to rest. They were still working with their elders. Hard or not, they were facing the Loess and facing the sky!

The two little guys sat for a short time, and then the chatting ones ran back, because in their gaze, all of them didn't mean to rest, they were working hard, whether they were old people or children. The two little guys had been sitting there all the time, and they really felt a little uncomfortable!

This should not have much to do with being thin skinned, but the education printed in their minds? Let them realize that it is not proper to do so! So even if they are tired, they have to bite their teeth and stick to it. Don't you see that other children are the same?

It was about ten o'clock when the old Zheng and his wife also cleaned up their farm tools. The two little guys looked at the watch on their wrists and said, "Dad, do you want to go back and cook?" Their faces are like kittens! It's stained with a lot of soil, and what about the face? I can't tell whether it's sweat or tears. I can't see it clearly.

"Cooking? It's not the most important thing. I get up early in the morning, the sun hasn't completely risen, and the weather is cooler, so what about work? There is not too much heavy feeling, and now the sky is in the sky. I didn't have breakfast and worked all morning, so it's necessary to have a rest! Take advantage of the break, go and make lunch

The two little guys are basically covered with soil, but it can't be said that they have not worked. At least in the British manor, they also planted some flowers and plants with shovels. They were all brought by Taixi, but what happened at that time? It's basically fun, and now? It's pure labor.

After going back, the two little guys simply washed and rinsed for a while, and then they poured out there. What about the time in the morning? All of them are holding on, but now I come back, I really can't hold on to it! Never thought life would be like this! I wonder how the children survived?

If we let them go on like this, how about giving them the feeling of this kind of life? If it is true, there is no hope!

But after Ding Yu came back, he cleaned up the two little guys. In his spare time, he looked at Lao Zheng, who was smoking. He also asked, "the two children were a little tired yesterday, so they didn't pay so much attention. In the morning, I saw two coins in their pocket!"Zheng Tong slightly showed a dark face, but also suddenly a smile, "children come, can't let them go back empty handed! What about emotion and reason? There are so many disagreements. What about the family? There's nothing else. Just leave a thought for two kids. You don't mind? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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