On the contrary, when the other children came back, they brought back a lot of gifts to the two children. Even some of them were made by themselves. The two children were obviously confused about this and didn't quite understand why they sent so many gifts to them, but these gifts were a little bit rustic.

Later, Ding Yu broke the siege for the children, "do they send you two these gifts? Because they don't know how to express their thanks! So we can only take out their meager leisure time and make these small gifts for you. They may not be valuable, but they are a good expression of their heart and their sincerity

"Just for a few meals?"

"In the eyes of the two of you? These meals are not worth mentioning. Even your worst diet is countless times better than this. But what about them? This may be the best diet I've ever enjoyed in my life! What about the gap? It's here. "

"Take a look at what you usually do, and then reflect on what the children are doing these two days? I think what's in your heart? There should be some feelings! " What about Ding Yu? That's it!

And the two little guys seem to have quite a feeling, after all, these three days of life for them, is really quite taste! And Ding Yu? But I didn't pay much attention to them. At this time, Huayuan has already come back!

"It seems that there are some gains?" Ding Yu also means something.

Huayuan also grabbed his old enamel teapot, and directly poured a bar of boiled water into it, "opened a lot of horizons, but also realized that he was quite inadequate!" What about such a problem? Huayuan didn't have too many taboos. What about the journey back? Liu Gang also mentioned a lot to himself.

"Where is the headmaster? Think for yourself. I don't have much interest in it anyway. If you don't think it's hard, just keep doing it Ding Yu didn't mean to ask Huayuan to resign from the headmaster. Since he is willing to, he has been working on it! It's not a big deal anyway! Hard or not, you know.

"I'm not so nostalgic about the position of the headmaster. The main reason is that at this time, there are not many people who can take over such a position. Even if there are people from above who are willing to take over, what about the teachers here? There are not many people willing to take over. It may take a better environment before we can adapt to it. "

"Well, take your time to get used to it." Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to it, "what about all the things? Now this time should be on the right track! What about the specific things? You and Liu Gang two people negotiate to solve it! I'm sure you'll take care of it! "

When it comes to this? Ding Yu also pause for a while, "now I have free time, anyway, there are no other things, do not know if you have any other requirements? Can I solve it? It can be solved together with you! "

"Mr. Ding, I went to many places around and contacted some like-minded teachers. I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve the final goal by myself or Liu Gang's team. What's more, I don't quite understand what Mr. Ding is asking for? I feel confused! "

"I don't know if you are really stupid, or you are too brave. Few people will ask me such a thing!" Ding Yu also knocked on the table with his hand, "but tell you? It doesn't matter! What about me? I didn't expect much, but what about this time? It's a trial! "

"I don't understand!"

"What about my major industry? It's not at home anymore! " Ding Yu didn't hide much, "what was the original time? There are so many things in China, but later they were given to my sister because she owed her a lot. When I was a child, my family suffered a lot because of my affairs! "

Hua Yuan listened very seriously, and he had a certain judgment in his heart, "is Mr. Ding's industry very large in China?"

"At that time, China was not very big. What about the capital? There is a company, in a real estate company? There are some shares. What about the above? It's all like this. It seems that there has been some development in recent years, but I have never asked about the specific situation! After all, they have been handed in. "

"Mr. Ding's money is clean?"

"Interesting question! It's also a problem that makes me feel embarrassed. What about the so-called pornography, gambling and drugs? I really don't mean any contamination! I think your so-called money is clean, should be related to this? I think you can rest assured. "

Hua Yuan also nods. What about his own words? The coverage is really so big, but after listening to Ding Yu's explanation? Also nods, indicated quite approval! The words have already said this point above, already can, oneself still really don't have too much request and idea now.

"I'll leave tomorrow with both of them!" Looking at Hua Yuan who wanted to talk, Ding Yu waved his hand, "if you don't go, their mother will really come to the door. It's not easy to hide from her earlier. Before we leave? In a word, you don't work for me, you work for these children, so when you have other ideas, think about these children more, and I won't give you too much chance to make mistakes! "This warning is not particularly severe, but it has a lot of weight. Hua Yuan nodded forcefully, "I firmly believe that I can reflect on myself, and I don't need other people to raise my opinion." When he said this, he also looked at Ding Yu provocatively.

"Then I wish the work a success Ding Yu also stood up, "the last night, go out to meet these children! We can never fail to live up to their wishes

What about Ding Yu and the two little guys? Together to visit the children, and even deliberately took pictures as a souvenir, of course, there are farewell, because tomorrow's time? They are about to leave. The children are disappointed with this, but they still express their blessing and worry.

But Ding Yu really didn't say anything.

The next morning, after the exercise, Ding Yu drove away. When the children got up, they still had breakfast. What's more, what about breakfast? Compared with the previous time, there was no difference, but unfortunately, the uncle and the two children were gone.

Until then? Only then did they know that the original student aid program had been launched, that is to say, they no longer need to worry about their own food and drink, or even need to worry about their school and other books and other funds. Now, what are the only worries? Is whether their results will be good enough!

However, when the two little guys were sitting in the car, they looked back from time to time. Obviously, they still have some nostalgia and remembrance here. Especially during the three-day working time, they realized a lot of things, which may be forgotten quickly or will be kept in their hearts forever. Who knows?

What about the sadness of the two little guys? It didn't stay for a long time, and soon it dissipated. But then the phone rings. Previously, the phone had no signal and became a complete device. But now there is a signal, the phone rings like an alarm.

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying have already mentioned their hearts to their voices. In the past few days, no matter how they called, they couldn't get through. How could they not be in a hurry! Obviously, his eldest son, with his grandson and granddaughter, did not know that he had gone to the wild forest in that valley. Otherwise, how could there be no signal?

Instead, she called Taixi, and Taixi also said something, but she didn't really understand it. Instead, she talked to Ding Yu on the phone, knowing that the two children were suffering, but how about it? Really not very clear!

Now that the phone is connected, both of them feel that they can't help it. If their son is in front of them, maybe this big bus palm will be directly pasted on his face, and there is no news for such a long time. What is the trouble?

Ding Yu didn't mean to look at the two little guys. However, the two little guys talked to their grandparents for a little longer. They basically talked about the interesting things of the two days, including their work in the past two days, which also made Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying deeply distressed.

How old is this child! Let two little guys go to work in the field, even if the stepfather does not seem to do so! Two people directly denounced it. What about the two little guys? I'm glad to see this happen.

However, the two little guys are very smart, and do not mean to blame and complain. On the contrary, they said that in this work, they realized a lot of things, which is very beneficial to their growth! After the two little guys finished, Ding Yu also picked up his mother's phone.

"Mom, I'm driving! It's not so convenient to answer the phone! "

"Don't talk about it. What do we say? It's nothing for you to take your children out to see and see. But when two children are so young, you let them do this and that. What do you think in your heart? If you don't like two children, you send them back to me. I'll keep them with your father! Not you

Mother said so, Ding Yu still can't know how to deal with it? What about now? Mom is in the top of the gas head, do not go to the top of the front, there is no significance!

"Mom, it's my fault these two days. I'll call you every moment in the future. It's the head office." After that, Ding Yu also sighed, "Mom, you didn't see it! There are so many children in the school. I have provided a meal for all of them. What's the cost? It's not as good as their one-day expenses, two meals a day in the afternoon and evening, and they are all rice steamed soybeans. It's too sad to watch. "

Yeah? Zhao Shuying is also directly distracted by Ding Yu's words. The two little guys spend a day more. What about this? Both Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are more clear, but for two people? There is really no burden.

They don't feel too much burden for them. What about Ding Yu, the eldest son? There is not too much burden! What about the house? I really don't want this money!

In the past, they might be haggling over money, but now, whether it's Ding Yu or Zhao Shuying? I don't feel much about it! What about Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding? Do not need to worry about this matter, so for Ding Yu and Zhao Shuying, as long as it is a happy life, everything is good!After seeing her mother's attention diverted? Ding Yu also said something about charity. To a certain extent, he also needs to let the two little guys have a certain understanding. He can't be cruel for the rich!

What about such a "grand truth"? Zhao Shuying really did not have too much refutation, her own son? What I said is not reasonable at all. To a certain extent? It is really necessary for the two little guys to establish certain values and world outlook at this time.

I am also a teacher. When I teach children, I need to let them be young? We should set up a correct outlook on life, values and world outlook. We should not always ask other children's children and ignore their own children? It's really not right.

Anyway, what about Zhao Shuying at this time? Also has been successfully brought to the ditch by his son!

Put down the phone, Ding Yu is also a long breath, really feel a little tired ah! Finally, I managed to cope with my parents. Fortunately, in the previous time? Taixi is still more "reasonable". If he really comes here, he doesn't know how to deal with it.

However, this is not over. Not long ago, Su Yuan also called and asked about the relevant situation. This time, Ding Yu didn't let the two little guys answer the phone. Who knows what will happen if they answer the phone? Forget it!

I also reported a safe, there is nothing too much to let his mother rest assured that is!

It's not that you don't want the old people in the family to worry about it, but something like this? Worry also can't play too much role, oneself is a father, don't you hope the child is better? We are all concerned, but? There are some different ways of caring.

"You just hang out with your kids and you don't want to work?"

"Other people deal with things on the job side, but what about the hospital side? Because there were too many surgeries in the past, there were a lot of academic things left behind. Now is the best time to supplement. It's just time to adjust. There won't be too many problems! " Ding Yu's answer can be said that the water is not enough.

Of course, what about Ding Yu's answer? There is another problem, because I know very well that this is not only the concern of the father and mother, but also the old man and the old lady, and even other people.

After all, just now we have a fight with Morgan and Rockefeller, but now Ding Yu is suddenly giving up. In such a situation, we also have some worries about whether there will be any other problems.

But the problem is that Ding Yu can't be contacted, because what about the people in China who can contact Ding Yu? It's not as many as you can imagine, even if you can contact Ding Yu and have a positive communication with Ding Yu? Even less and less!

Su Yuan understood his son's words! What about now? I don't need to worry too much about my own affairs? I'll take care of it myself!

"What about you? Your father and I won't get involved in too much, but when will you come over when you look around so much? Your father and I haven't seen two children for a while

What about Ding Yu? Also pause for a period of time, and then slowly said, "go and see! If I had time, I would have lived for two days, and I can't tell you now! " In this regard, Ding Yu really did not have any affirmation, after all, the plan did not change quickly, and he did not know what kind of situation he would encounter.

But after Wang Pu and the old lady knew the news? Not too many words, but fell into a burst of thinking, "now this time do not sit in town, but around the mountains and rivers, this is to have a certain grasp of victory, or deliberately singing empty city plan?" About this thing? Wang Pu is also feeling that there are some uncertain!

The old lady shook her head. "I don't think he'll sing any so-called empty city plan at this time, this child! What do you do? They are quite independent and prudent. Now they are not staying in the United States, but returning to China, which shows that he is quite sure. "

Wang Pu took a look at his wife and said, "I remember you mentioned to me that he is going to enter China!"

The old lady also nodded, "I got some news yesterday. It seems that some charity things were involved. How about the total amount? Now it's not as big as you think. What's the starting point? There are not too many problems and situations, some of which are not sure! "

Wang Pu is also a burst of meditation, choose this way to enter the country? Can't say bad, but it doesn't seem to be good. After all, what about such a thing? Even if there is a certain noise, there will not be too much effect, at least in Wang Pu's eyes, and where to choose? There seems to be some problems.

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