Wang Pu really has so many considerations do not understand, but the problem is to go to his grandson to ask, seemingly impossible things, give his own feelings? This should be a clarion call for him to enter the country!

But what about this signal? What about the explanation? It seems obvious, but is it not obvious? It seems that it's not obvious, but from the angle of that bastard, this seems to be a very good way and method! Because even if it is hit by a reef, it will not cause any kind of impact.

This guy is as smart as ever. What about that? It is impossible to say that he is very similar to himself, but at least there is Wang's blood in his gene. Even if he wants to deny it, I'm afraid he can't deny it!

"Where is he now?" Wang Pu also asked suddenly!

The old lady also gave a wry smile, "what about this matter? It's really hard to say. I'm afraid even he doesn't know where to go? After attending Ding Ding's wedding ceremony, he started the so-called "sightseeing". You don't know what he wants to do. It's really hard for people to understand. "

But after thinking for a while, the old lady also said, "I heard Su Yuan say that when he has time? Maybe I'll stay with the sophomore for a while, but what do you mean? Just take a look at the past, there won't be a long stay! But can you see the relationship between each other? Just so

The old lady didn't say this without any reason. What about Ding Yu's not going to the Wangs' door or eating their meals? But he said it himself. What about the second? It is not easy to have such a relationship now! But it is also quite embarrassing.

Wang Pu's mouth also has so many twitches, this matter? Really let oneself quite feel helpless! I also want to save it, but there is no chance to save it, because what about this bastard? I didn't give myself any chance!

So what about now? I can't get in at all now. It's like this time he's going into China. If Wang's family is involved, then the nature of the whole thing is different. At the same time? It will make his situation not so difficult, but the question is, even now? Wang family can only know some scraps through some other channels.

Do you know Ding Yu is the eldest grandson of Wang family?!

But what about Ding Yu? However, it can only be known through other channels. It is impossible to know the news from Ding Yu's body. Maybe in some small details, Ding Yu may not care, but as long as some key issues are involved, don't think about everything.

At the beginning of the time, Ding Yu's face above the things to clear, but what did you get? What about this? It's a cliche, but what about now? Still can't help but burst of pain!

"What is Wang Yang doing recently?" Wang Pu is also suddenly said, why do you think of Wang Yang? Or is it because Ding Yu is such a jerk that his family can be close to Ding Yu? I'm afraid he's the only one.

"He is already engaged, so don't start from him. Continue to start from them. I'm afraid that the couple will have a lot of dissatisfaction. What's more, Yangyang and Xiaobao are doing better at this time. Other people still have some distance from them."

For such a thing, Wang Pu also has no way to deny, what about the other children in the family? Either they are too young, or they can't be used well, and what about the people in the faction? More is in the official career development, want to take over such a thing? It's even more impossible!

"What's going on there, sophomore?" Since the son can't, what about the father? I don't mean to let the second to test Ding Yu. The value is not equal!

"Is everything all right! Where's old Sue? There are some opinions, because of the relationship between Ding Yu and the Su family? It seems that it's quite common. Earlier on, old Su complained a few words! "

What about his own family complaining? The direct reason is still in their own body!

At the same time, Ding Yu's two little guys are driving all the way, just driving, waiting for them to go all the way. What about the previous photos and notes? It's all sorted out!

She directly passed it on to Taixi. As a result, as soon as she saw the photos and notes, she called. It was obvious that this situation was quite different from what she expected! Even if you want to sharpen two children, do you need to be in such an environment, ah? There are so many of them, which are really outrageous.

Taixi didn't say too much. He asked for an address. Why? It's very simple. I have to see it with my own eyes. If it's really not appropriate, I'll take my two children back with me. I can't let them follow Ding Yu ouba!

Well, what about things like this? Really there is no way to refuse, if really refused, not conducive to the harmonious atmosphere in the family! Of course, Ding Yu didn't want to hide her meaning. Otherwise, two little guys would not be allowed to pass the photos and notes to the private space. What about this? You can do it yourself.After telling the specific location of Taixi, Ding Yu also put down the phone. Taixi insisted on coming, which was also a matter of no way. Originally, he was quite critical of taking his two children out. Now when he saw such a scene, he couldn't bear it! Ready to explode!

Ding Yu drove for almost a day, and then came to Chuncheng. When did he come? The climate is just good, neither cold nor hot, for children, it is more appropriate! But they really need to add two clothes. After all, what about the climate here? It's quite different from Yangcheng.

"Dad, where are we going?"

What about the view outside? Let the two little guys have a little bit of self-care, but even if it is like this, they are still in high spirits. They don't seem to be very comfortable because they are sitting in the car. According to the normal situation, it doesn't take a day to catch up with them. However, the problem is that the two kids stop and go, and it's already dark when they come here.

"Your mother should have arrived already!" Then Ding Yu also made a phone call. After knowing the location, Ding Yu also drove to go. It was already a little late, and Taixi was also a little impatient to wait. He walked around the room because Ding Yu's oba and the children didn't come.

When hearing the sound of the door, Tai Xi suddenly turned back and looked at the two little guys who were jumping in from the outside. Taixi also felt that he could not bear it any more. He directly held the two children in his arms, but the two little guys didn't have any feelings. What about Ding Yu? He touched his nose.

For a long time, Tai Xi didn't feel too much when he saw the two little guys. He also scolded those who had no conscience. He was so worried, but what about the two of them? I don't feel at all! How can I feel.

Looking at Ding Yu's oba standing there, Taixi also felt a little embarrassed. He pinched up his small fist and pounded hard at his chest! Looking at their own jokes, this is really some should not be!

Ding Yu pointed to his own body, and then pointed to two little guys. It was dusty all the way, and his body was already dirty! You really need a good wash! What about the time before Tai hee? I really didn't care much. Now I look back and see that the two little guys are really dirty.

But this time? Taixi decided to do it by himself and have a good inspection!

When you take a shower? Find two little guys seem to grow a little bit, their own feelings will never be wrong! Even Taixi took a ruler and a scale to measure. It was really long, but what about the appearance? I didn't really see it, but the two little guys were so tanned. It was definitely Ding Yu's fault.

Besides tanning? I can smell some light smell from the two little guys. The smell is very cool. But when I smell it carefully, I feel that there is something special. I can't tell what the smell is, but I feel very comfortable. I don't think there is such a smell on their bodies.

is sure that this is not the smell of perfume. The two little ones are very young, and rarely have such cosmetics. What are the items they use? It is also to put an end to this aspect. What is the smell of the two little guys now?

But the little girl seemed to be tickled by her mother. She giggled, and then she said aloud, "the special medicine that dad gave us is special, only a little bit each time! It's like getting up early in the morning to exercise! "

make complaints about it. Taxi also seems to have some insight. Ding Yu Obama had mentioned this to himself before, but the smell on the two children was really very pleasant, and it was also his own life. So long they suffered a lot, so what happened to them? It's hard to let go.

After taking a bath, the two little guys were blown dry, but the two little guys were very sensible and lovely. Thank you, they also put on clothes by themselves. They didn't need any help at all. After changing their new clothes, the whole person seemed to be refreshed. It was obvious that Taixi was also mercilessly fragrant on their faces.

"Eat out?" Ding Yu also changed his clothes. As a big man, he didn't need so much trouble. Taixi didn't have too much work. He was mainly worried about whether the two little guys could bear it. If not, it was good to eat in the hotel. What about here? Spring city is the most old luxury hotel!

The two kids are in high spirits. What about these two days? He was full of spirit and didn't look depressed at all. Even after his father mentioned this, he carried his small backpack on his shoulder for the first time. What about the contents of the bag? It's almost the same. Gloves, masks, paper towels, of course, essential mobile phones and digital cameras. What's the weight? It's really not very heavy. The two little guys will check every time they go out! Looking at Tai Xi, I also feel that there are some dazzles. When did the two little guys become so conscious?When he thought of this place, Taixi also took a deep look at Ding Yu's oba standing on one side. He didn't have much preparation. He was wearing casual clothes and wearing a jacket outside! Since they are all slightly excited, they can't be too disappointed, can they? Anyway, I don't feel too tired.

When the family goes out? It's not that easy, and what about here? It's not South Korea, so I don't need to care too much. I dressed up a little, and then I put on a pair of plain glasses with black frame. How many people hide their looks and are not familiar with them? I really don't see much.

What about these two years? How busy with the company's affairs, although it will appear, but the exposure? It's not as big as it used to be, so the noise caused by it is not as big as we imagined. What about this? Taixi is also more confident! Simple to clean up, with two little guys together out.

"The climate here is really good!" Tai hee also sighed that there was no serious pollution. What about the environment in South Korea? Some of them are invisible, but some of them are too small in South Korea!

"What about Spring City? Agriculture is the main industry, so the pollution in other aspects may not be as much as imagined. What about the flowers here? It's also famous all over the world, and of course, the tea here! What about food and cigarettes? It's also quite outstanding. There are so many kinds of forest that it's really hard to say for a moment and a half. "

Looking at Tai Xi and looking at himself, Ding Yu also sneered, "OK, I admit that I just read some information. What about here? It's really my first time here! That's all right

Tae hee is both angry and funny, but from another aspect, we can see that he really does not have any so-called male chauvinism. As a Korean? I really know what kind of situation Korean men are like, and compared with it, Ding Yu ouba can really be described as perfect.

Of course, what about two kids? should be regarded as a different matter! It's just that the two little guys seem more lively than before, which makes me a little bit unexpected, because in my own mind, the two little guys should be called Ku Lian genius, but the problem is that there is no response in this respect, and even there is no sign, which makes me disappointed.

The two little guys don't have the concept of this aspect at all, and in their eyes, they seem to have lived happily and happily. How can this make them feel? He came all the way, originally thought that the two little guys would still be the same as the previous time when they called, acting coquettish with themselves, but where did you think it would be like this?

Where's the place to eat? It had been ordered earlier. The food on it was rich and varied, which was in line with the situation in the past. Taixi didn't eat too much food and asked for two glasses of juice for the two kids. However, Ding Yu ouba still didn't mean to drink. Besides being at home during the spring Festival, he seemed to have never seen him drinking outside.

What about this? There are some differences with Korean men, even with the ordinary public is also quite different.

This has nothing to do with pressure, even with sentiment. It's not that you can't drink, or you don't want to. That's all! Even Dingyu oba drinks less wine in a year than he drinks in a week! It's not that I am a drunkard, but that I drink too little.

The meal was very warm. There was a family of four, and there was no one else. There were a lot of food materials on the table. The two kids also enjoyed eating. However, Taixi also noticed that there were some differences between the extravagance and waste in the past. In just a few days, they even corrected this problem. How can they do it?

What kind of magic did he use?

After dinner, Ding Yu and Tai Xi did not immediately go to the hotel. They were also strolling around the street with their children. But what about Ding Yu? I really didn't mean to hold them. They didn't have to be like when they were the same.

Anyway, Taixi felt that the time had not been seen in the past few days. The two little guys had really changed so much that they were almost unable to recognize them. What happened? Do you want to try it yourself?

There are really some small expectations for this, but what about this thing? In other words, I think about it in my mind. Why? What about the current situation? Although the two little guys follow out, but in a short time to get such a change, not easy!

If you say that you follow your body, there are only disadvantages and no benefits. This is certain!

For the sake of two children, but also can not live up to Ding Yu oba's mind, so what about himself? It can only be one time. After coming, there is not much communication between each other, but it is obvious that there are some things? It's all in silence! Everyone's heart is very clear, exactly is how a thing.However, when he went back in the evening, Tai Xi stirred up a little, and then shut Ding Yu out of the door. Then he went to sleep with the two little guys. Who let him suffer the two little guys? This is the punishment!

Of course. What about the punishment? "When Ding Xitai came back to bed, they didn't want to go back to bed for a while! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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