"Are they so honest?" Head pillow in Ding Yu's arm, Tai Xi half person is also lying in the arms, still feel so some do not believe! "You didn't hit them, did you?"

"Why hit them?" Ding Yu also laughed, "they have received considerable education. What about their consideration of some things? Also began to muddle, as long as they know the right thing or wrong thing, of course, in the process? Some special methods may be adopted, otherwise this understanding will not be too profound! "

Hearing Ding Yu's words, Tai Xi thought about it and bit it down. The bite was really heavy, and there were teeth marks. This is the best way to vent! Who let the previous time deliberately hide themselves, hurt their own fear, is really worried about what happened to the two children!

Ding Yu didn't have much feeling, just patted it with his hand. What about being a father and a mother? In fact, they are all the same. She is also more concerned about the two children. Otherwise, why did she come all the way here? It's not that there is no such reason!

"I'll be back tomorrow!" At this time, Taixi was hesitant!

"Why go back so early?" Ding Yu also had some doubts, and then he responded, "it's just that I'm going to stay here for two days, and what about the two of them? Life is more difficult, we need to let them improve their lives. It's good to accompany them for two days. It seems that we haven't had the whole family out for a long time. "

"Really?" Hearing this, Taixi's eyes lit up all of a sudden. He didn't want to leave immediately after he came. After all, the two children and Ding Yu oba were here, but he also knew to stay? There must be a lot of inconvenience, but I didn't expect that Ding Yu's Europa would be so friendly!

As a woman who grew up in South Korea, she is very clear about what kind of male chauvinism there is in Korea. Basically, men speak? What about being a woman? It can only be obedience. Even when Ding Yu and oba didn't say so, he had to think about it.

But what about Ding Yu's body? I feel a lot of respect. What about this respect? It's really not much to do with money and so on. I can't say what it is because of!

In fact, what about looking for people with better conditions than themselves? Not only there are, but also a lot of them. But what about Ding Yu's oba? Have always been respectful, sometimes I feel so strange, but good enough for myself, others? I don't think much about it.

It's OK to manage your own piece of land. Do you want to know the industry of South Korea? They are basically in their own hands, but Dingyu oba has never had any intention to ask questions, even the most basic financial and lawyer. Since it has been handed over to you, it is yours.

Two people frolic on the bed for a long time. Taixi is also a little tired. Unconsciously, he also sleeps in the past. During the day, he runs over in a hurry. Other things have basically been thrown away. Now he has no too much thought, and his tired feeling is also on his body at this time.

Ding Yu doesn't mean anything else. How about maintaining the relationship between two people? It's not just that there are many other things. In the morning, Ding Yu still gets up so early. Although he is reluctant to part with him, after all, he is in the gentle village. This kind of taste really makes people feel nostalgic.

But when you get up? Ding Yu is also very careful, afraid to wake up Taixi, but when he gets up? Also in the forehead of Tai Xi gently kiss, Tai Xi seems to have so some feelings, but it is just a small stir his nose, and there is not much reaction.

Not long after Ding Yu came out, the two little guys came out of the room. For them, they had formed a habit, so they behaved naturally. What's more, their father didn't have any delay. Previously, they made a small bet on this matter.

But obviously, Torre didn't let them down too much.

However, when Tai Xi woke up, he didn't see Ding Yu ouba. He also frowned. Then he thought of something. When he came out from the bedroom in his pajamas, looking at the three people exercising in the living room, he felt a little funny, but at the same time? There are also some exclamations.

The two little guys didn't become negative because of their arrival. They were still standing there exercising. Soon, Taixi washed and began to prepare breakfast for them. In fact, what about breakfast? There are basically all kinds of hotels. Just call room service, but what about Taixi? There are some special things to prepare.

When eating breakfast, Tai Xi also played back his nose. It tasted better than when he took a bath yesterday? A little bit strong, but this rich is really relatively speaking, that is to say, thanks to their nose is still sensitive, otherwise you really can't smell too much flavor."What is this made of? I have also used many fragrances, and I have never felt such a taste!"

"I asked for it from a senior brother. If you like, when you go back to Siheyuan, there are some stocks there. Originally, I would like to wait for your birthday to give you some surprise. The things of the two little guys are not suitable for you, because you are already adults, and the two little guys are relatively young, so this kind of thing is somewhat different!"

"Me too?" For such things, Taixi also has some surprises!

"Well!" Ding Yu has such a "disapproval" look. In other words, what about Ding Yu at this time? There was some intention of pretending to be forced, but then Ding Yu also laughed, "elder martial brother, that guy is so stingy. I saved his grandson's life, and later added some conditions to change the formula."

"Never heard of it." Taixi didn't really hear about it.

"A senior brother in North America, Dongfang Jing, what about their family? Generally, it is low-key, but it has been passed on for quite some time, so it is naturally much thicker than our family background! " On this issue, Ding Yu didn't mean to belittle himself. Other people really stretched out their hands more than their own. It took a long time to get pregnant, which was what he lacked.

"Ah! It's very valuable! " Because the position of their own station is a little different, so I know a little bit about things, just like South Korea. What about Samsung Lee family? It is a huge family. To know that such a family is not only built by Li Jianxi alone, but also through the efforts of two or three generations!

What about what Ding Yu oba said? I'm afraid this family is no longer two or three generations!

"It's something special. What about the value? For the family, there will not be too much burden! " While talking, Ding Yu seemed to be hearing something, "by the way, I bought a piece of ambergris, a big one!" After saying that, he also blinked his eyes to Tai Xi.

Taixi was also stunned. He knew exactly what ambergris was for. But looking at Ding Yu's expression, if it wasn't a little far away, he might have really slapped him, and he didn't have much to do with it. What's more, the children are still there?

And at this time, the two little guys also deliberately covered their eyes, but the big opening of the fingers is how a thing! Taixi is also a little shy, and Ding Yu is laughing, a breakfast, but also let the family have so much fun.

After breakfast, some of the two little guys couldn't sit still. At this time, the servants from below also sent the plan. Ding Yu took a look at it and handed it to Taixi. There were more than one plan to see if they liked it. If they liked it, they would choose the same.

After all, it's a family. To take care of everyone's feelings, Taixi took a look and asked Ding Yu's attitude. Then everyone chose to play around! One is that they are closer to each other? It is also considered to go to too far place, it is not very convenient place after all! At least not right now.

If Ding Yu stayed with two children, it doesn't matter. Now she is around for home. But when Tai Xi is here, her identity is not suitable!

But a family of four came to the park very early. What's the time now? It's appropriate. The seagulls haven't left completely, at least not yet. It's just time to practice for them. The two little guys also bought a lot of raw materials for feeding seagulls!

The two little guys are very excited about this, so is Taixi. And Ding Yu? At this time, the main job is to fight. When people come, people are not as many as they think, but they can already see a lot of seagulls. The things in the hands of the two little guys quickly attract a lot of red billed seagulls.

But what about these gulls? Some were afraid and some were excited, but with the help of Tai Xi and Ding Yu, they soon stabilized their emotions. The one who played was a lot of fun. However, many people recorded the happy scene.

However, while everyone was having fun, there was also a slightly noisy sound not far away. Ding Yu looked back and looked at it. Was it not far away? Ding Yu shakes his head. Some people who don't want to take a picture are shaking their heads. Some of them don't know what they are doing!

Soon, Tai hee also noticed this scene. Subconsciously, he pulled his hat, but then he thought of something. With a slight smile, he was in China, and his body protection? It is also good, sunshade hat, black frame eyes, this with their usual image has a considerable difference.

But what about each other? There is a distance to get together, and there is not too much anxiety between each other, so that's it. However, when Ding Yu turned around, he seemed to see something. Then he took a careful look at the man who was holding the equipment not far away. He also blinked his own eyes, which was a little familiar!Thinking Ding Yu also called the service staff, whispered two words, the service staff nodded, stared at the people not far away carefully, and then left!

Zhang Heng also rubbed his shoulder, what about the drama team? Actually, there are not too many, but now, why do you arrange it for yourself? I really don't have too much to say. I can't say that tiger is deceived by dogs. Now it is such a situation, and there is no way for me to do so!

When I put down the machine, I felt suddenly dark in front of him. Then Zhang Heng also smiled bitterly. Obviously, some people didn't want to let themselves too idle. Zhang Heng also didn't have too much words about it. The official level was killing people at a higher level!

But just when I stood up, I found that this person in front of me was not his immediate boss, but a stranger. "Hello! Is this director Zhang, please

Ah? Zhang Heng was stunned, and then he smiled bitterly. "Is it any longer Zhang office, I am Zhang Heng, are you?" But someone next to hear, but also laughed, "Yo, our director Zhang Da met acquaintances!" Beside also burst out laughing, Zhang Heng face has so many red, then also changed some white!

But the service staff standing next to nodded, "director Zhang, our Mr. is just here, and I have a chance to meet you! I wonder if director Zhang has time? "

Well? Your own acquaintance? But what about this one in front of you? I really don't understand. It is the acquaintance. Although the people nearby say there are so many booze, but looking at the young people standing there? Also are looking at, is it from where the sun monkey, come here to make trouble?

Zhang Heng looked at the machine, and then let a person who still have a relationship help him watch the machine, and then he was also in the position behind the young man. Now he has so many worries!

Dingyu looked at the two people who came by in the distance, and also greeted his hand. Zhang Heng was a daze first. What about his eyes? Some strong, so I really did not see too clearly, until you go to the front of the body, you can see that the person sitting there is Ding Yu, and then Zhang Heng's head is also a flash of light.

"It's really you! How thin is it! "

"Mr. Ding and Ding!" Ding Yu also pointed to the position beside him, "sit down! I haven't seen you for a few years. It didn't seem like this at that time! How can I still carry the machine myself now? "

"Let Mr. Ding laugh. It's not very good to mix up!" Zhang Heng is also smiling at Dingyu, but there is no way to be a yes!

When talking, the little girl also ran over, looking at the people sitting there also Leng, "call Uncle Zhang!"

"Good Uncle Zhang!"

The little girl also cried sweetly, saw his father waving, also ran away with the things on the table. Zhang Heng obviously had so many things that were not very suitable, but her eyes were quickly placed on the three people who were not far away. It was a big two small.

"What's wrong? I remember when I was still a director, and now I am running here to carry the machine? " Dingyu seems to have some banter flavor, but because each other's position is not the same, so for Zhang Heng, it is really not able to be counted.

"Let Mr. Ding laugh and make some mistakes! Fortunately, in the past, the relationship was still good, so I was not expelled from public office. I left the business and didn't know what to eat on? I just understand these things, but I have been calling the God of plague in the past two years. Anyone who has been contaminated has some disdain! "

Dingyu also laughed up, and at this time Taixi also came back, saw the people sitting there, slightly bow, Zhang Heng clearly recognized, and then also stood up, Dingyu also pressed his own hand, "are old friends, there is no such politeness! Sit down! "

Taixi came to greet me. This is the basic etiquette. Did not think of this or acquaintances, at least in his mind? There is a little impression! After greeting, I left. Since it was a guest, I couldn't let two people sit here so plainly. Then I would be able to show that I had some levels that were not enough.

"I have not yet congratulated Mr. Ding and his wife, both children and family happiness!"

Dingyu also smiled, "what about the two of us? There are not many people who know. You are one of the witnesses. What about the two of us? I don't like high-profile, so things have never been announced. By the way, how long has it been, how can it be endless? "

"For two years, the one who was on the stage at the beginning was still on the stage. What about me? It's a little man, and it's a mistake that was made at the beginning! " Zhang Heng's mentality is very good, at least not avoiding his own problems.

"If it is convenient to hear, it is not easy to meet here!"

Dingyu didn't expect to meet Zhang Heng here for many years. At that time, he could say he had helped himself. Although he said it was only a small help, he really helped. What about such a thing? Dingyu is really remember, so-called human feelings? It needs to be led.What's more, what about his words? It is also more in line with their own mind, can admit their own mistakes, and there is no nagging in front of themselves. At least, I still agree with it. Anyway, there is nothing. Just listen to this story, or at least clean up!

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