"As Mr. Ding knows, what happened to me? There's a little bit of power in the hand, but we all have a bite to eat, but where can we live? I will let go, but still some people look at it is not very good, may be some place annoying! People's backers are too big, so I can only come down to work as a small worker! "

When you talk? Zhang Heng did not show too much, at least in terms of attitude, there was no angry performance, this point? It really makes Ding Yu feel good.

"Bury you?" Ding Yu is also feeling a little funny, after all, in the position above, now this time? Actually came down when carrying the machine, this difference is so big!

"Some of them! After all, it was in the hands of others. Now? If you can't go up or down, you can only bear it. But it's no big deal. At least a man can bear this tone and turn the wind and water in turn. Who knows what will happen in the future

Hearing Zhang Heng say so, Ding Yu also nodded, "it seems that there are still some resentments in my heart! Otherwise, you won't say such a thing! What do you think? "

"Seeing Mr. Ding, it is inevitable that some of them can't be restrained!" Zhang Heng also smiles, but what about this smile? How much also appears to have so some reluctant and bitter, relatively speaking? Ding Yu is not a member of the circle. What happened in those years? I've been together once! So I said two more sentences.

"Life! It's hard to grind Ding Yu sighed, and this time? Taixi also brought some drinks and fruits. She did not know where she had taken them. After placing them on the edge of the table, she also used to look for two children and did not mean to stay.

"Sometimes you go through some tribulations? It's not a bad thing, at least you can see a lot of things! In the past, I was busy, so my eyes were more or less covered. But now I'm in such a situation, I'm naturally seeing things differently! "

"Power, money, lust and faith, this is the original sin! It's not derogatory, of course, it's not commendatory. In my opinion, everything has two sides! Faith? This is too noble. What about rights? What about the fight at your level? It shouldn't be so miserable. What about the rest? It's just money and sex, these two kinds of things

Zhang Heng was a little bit distracted, and then he also looked at Ding Yu and nodded his head slowly, "if you really want to talk about it? It's really about money and sex. What about money? In the end, there are some difficulties in getting rid of other people's wealth. It can't be said that it's scholar's spirit. It's just that the blood is surging up for a while. "

"I'm a formal official. Have you figured out how to go in the future? If you want to leave, I don't think it will be difficult! The circle is not small, but big? Of course, if you don't leave, the nature of the matter will be another one. "

"I don't want to leave this circle!" Zhang Heng looks at Ding Yu with a little firmness. When does Ding Yu look at Zhang Heng? It seems to remember something, and then nodded. If you really want to leave the circle, you will not continue to carry the machine here at this time!

"How long can it last?" Ding Yu also suddenly asked a question, "don't you want to leave this circle? It seems that it's not such a thing to carry the machine like this. At the beginning, it was also a small leader. Even if it was punishment, it had already gone to so much meat, and it was quite a lesson! "

"I don't know how long I can endure. Maybe I will sink here, and maybe I can come back again!"

Ding Yu nodded. What about the crew at this time? Also came over, obviously also want to call Zhang Heng back, this has been how long, say two words also got, don't know oneself is what identity! And the face is sitting there.

But what about the crew? Before approaching, the security guard standing not far away stopped him. Didn't you see that Mr. Zhang was talking? Which onion and garlic are you? In fact, the most important thing is that the security is also quite envious. Didn't you see that the gentleman talked with that guy well? You want to disturb the interest of Mr!

Ding Yu obviously noticed that, because it was his own positive direction, Zhang Heng didn't notice, because he was facing his back, "is there some too inhumane? You're not afraid to make a comeback? " When talking, I also deliberately raise my chin!

Hearing Ding Yu say so, Zhang Heng also twisted his body, looked back, and then turned back with a bitter smile, "in those years, it was the same, there were so many complacent, always felt that he had so many small abilities, even if he left, he could still travel all over the world!"

After Zhang Yu stepped into the sea, he felt that he was not afraid of his own situation until he stepped into the society!"What happened when I entered the society from the military camp? At that time, it was similar to your idea. I always felt that I had the ability to travel around the world without too many problems. But what happened later? I've got a very profound understanding! "

Because he had a little bit of the same feeling, Ding Yu also said two more sentences, "who did you offend! It's a bit too much to use such a method

"In many ways! There are leaders, but also rich children! It's not easy to get a breath alive. It's like this for the time being. What if there's any trouble for Mr. Ding in the future? I'll be bold again

Although I can hear some hidden meaning from the words, such a thing is too offensive to others. If others have a good intention, they will make other things come out at that time!

Ding Yu also began to laugh, "brother of a powerful family? How proud What about the smile? How much seems so wanton! "What about you? At that time, there were still some eyesight, at least in the matter between me and Taixi? Well done. What about the two of us? There are not many people who know it from the outside world, and no voice has been heard. It's obvious that your mouth is relatively strict, good! "

"Mr. Ding, there were still some people who were not very sensible at that time!"

"What about me? I don't want to mess with these things! Let me tell you something about yourself! Although this guy said that he had improved a lot recently, what happened on the scene? He comes out more often, and what about such things? I'm also more interested! "

After a look at the table, there was no paper money on it. Then Ding Yu took out his mobile phone, but after thinking about it, he said with a smile, "forget it, I'd better make a phone call myself! If you call this guy, this guy doesn't see you! This guy is young, but he is proud! Ordinary people really can't hold him down! "

The phone didn't take long to get through, "Hello, Hello!"

"Xiaobao? I'm Ding Yu! " It can be heard from Ding Yu's voice that he is in a good mood. Xiaobao on the other side of the phone was stunned when he received the call. Although he said that he had seen the elder brother several times, but how about the opportunity to speak? It's not very much.

Speaking of it? This elder brother is such a temperament, even Wang Yang? His brother, the elder brother's temperament is also very cold, but the good thing is that the relationship between each other is quite good. At that time, I didn't know which tendon was broken wrong. Anyway, the pie fell on his head.

Although the luxury of life away from their own, and their life has completely changed, but give their own feelings? Is it really too different, even looking back, are you still yourself? Even Xiaobao felt that he couldn't believe how he got here.

"Hello, big brother." What about the words? He was very respectful, because to a certain extent, he was reborn completely because of his elder brother. Although he had never mentioned anything about relevant aspects, he was very clear about this, and he always remembered it in his heart.

Then Xiaobao also responded, "big brother, calling so early, is there something wrong? Say it The tone is also quite firm, even a little excited.

For no reason, big brother will never call himself, since he called himself, it must be something. And it won't be too big. Why? Because if the situation is too big, I can't support it. After all, there is a big gap between my ability and my elder brother, which I never want to deny.

Don't be kidding. Even if you and Wang Yang are together, it's not enough for big brother to crush them with one finger. What's the matter with Wang Yang? It's just a family thing. It doesn't arouse his interest!

"When I came out today, I met my old friends. It seems that I have offended anyone in Beijing! I'm not so clear about the details. What about the good director who is now carrying machines for others in the crew? It's also a bitter tear to say it out. "

Yeah? Xiaobao was stunned, and then he also laughed. Such a thing is just right for him! You know, I haven't been out for a long time, and what happened this time? It seems that the elder brother gave it to himself, and even worse, the sky fell down, and the elder brother was still standing in front of him!

I'll take care of it! What about some guys? It's true that some of them are not very decent! What about the circle of 49 cities? At that time, there was no such thing as "four six nine", but later some people came up with something picky, so it was discredited by the whole circle! "

"Yes! I'll have him call you then After saying that, Ding Yu seems to remember something, "by the way, Wang Yang has been engaged. Maybe he will get married this year."However, before Ding Yu's words were finished, Xiaobao over there begged for mercy, "brother, brother, please forgive me! Speaking of this matter, my head is about to grow up! "

"I don't care about your business. This time I'm in trouble. I can't let you go for nothing."

"No! Big brother, if you say so, I'm really embarrassed

"Well, when you have time? Go to the courtyard. Recently, the courtyard has collected some drugs. I asked them to mix some drugs. For you and Wang Yang, the effect should still be good, and what about your body? There will also be some advantages. I played too much in those years, and there are so many virtual things! "

Ah? As soon as the elder brother said this, Xiaobao also laughed. Ding Yu didn't finish saying, "before, there was not much time. What about western medicine? We are all from the East. There are still some Chinese medicines that are more suitable. Although the effect is slow, it does not do much harm to people! "

"I see. Thank you, brother!"

Having said that, Ding Yu was the first to hang up the phone, and then looked at Zhang Heng. "If you have time, give Xiaobao a call. He is familiar with the capital. At that time, he was also considered as the devil of the world. What about 49 cities? Basically will sell him a face! Just go to him

"Mr. Ding, you've been bothered. I really can't repay you!"

"A drink and a peck are fate. I hope you can accept the lesson of this event. Although you are no longer in high spirits, you should also be old and strong. What's more, it's not too old to look at it!"

"Mr. Ding, you can tell me what you want!" Zhang Heng is obviously more understanding of human relations, but what about Ding Yu? After a while, "what about me? I'm not so clear about things here. At least I don't know much about this business. Thai hee still has its own industry in South Korea. If you need help, just give me more help! "

"Mr. Ding! ..。”

"Well, don't be so sensational. What a man! Come back to Beijing and have tea together What does Ding Yu say? Is already serving tea to send people, and Zhang Heng did not do too much stay, he had countless times to think, can he turn over?

But did not expect the opportunity to come so suddenly, or even so unexpected.

I even thought, what would happen after turning over? But today after contacting Ding Yu, I found that my style seems to be too low!

After he came back, although he was ridiculed by the public, Zhang Heng did not have the previous worries and worries. He was still carrying the machine. What about some things? Now that you have chosen to do it, don't leave any so-called regret, and stand in this position again, this feeling? It's really different!

Ding Yu accompanied Tai Xi and the two little guys. After Zhang Heng left, he did it again. "It seems that I have some impression, but I remember it is not so deep!"

"When you came to China to make a film, I went to visit my class and met someone who was in charge of reception at that time. He was a very lively person who only offended people, so he has been sent here. At that time, he knew about the two of us, but the secret was very strict! "

"So it's really a little bit of an impression!"

What happened with Ding Yu and oba? There are not many people who know it. Even now, the people who know are not as many as they think, even in many circles? I don't know my own situation, I know I have changed my career, but I'm still in this circle, but I can't tell you what happened.

I changed my job, and I even pinched the neck of many people in the industry. So naturally, there won't be any gossiping about myself in South Korea, but what about China? Some people know about it, but there is never any news revealed. What about this? There is another saying, but this one's mouth is very strict!

"So coincidentally?"

"We came from a long way. We didn't have a lot of planning at first, and there was a schedule for the morning. But you arranged it. In such a situation, you can't find their description except by coincidence." Ding Yu also raised his shoulder.

Then he pulled Tai hee up. Both of them sat here and left the two little guys there. It seemed that there was something wrong with them! Can't make two little guys too lonely, can't they?

What about the two little guys before? There are so many lonely, but their father and mother to join in, this joy is more! Taixi didn't really mean to join them at the beginning, because in my opinion, they are so old. It's too much to play with children.

But I didn't think about it. Ding Yu's oba didn't think about it at all. It can be described as "mischievous". Anyway, what about each other? It is also true that there is no estrangement, the two little guys are really happy!Taixi has never felt so happy. What about this happiness? Words can't describe it!

Because I didn't really feel it in the past. How about playing with children? The more I feel like this, how about being with two little guys in the past? Is also very happy, but this kind of happiness and now this kind of happiness is not the same!

It's no wonder that the two little guys don't have any distress, even in high spirits. It's such a situation when they are with their father. Who are they? I'm afraid they won't give up easily. In the process? There may be some problems and situations, such as experiencing labor, etc., but what about that?

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