Zhao Shuying inside the phone is really a little bit angry. She managed to find such an opportunity. Although Tai Xi has gone, she has already left. This makes Zhao Shuying feel dissatisfied. In her opinion? This is absolutely the reason for my son.

Taixi went in person and left in less than two days. Why did he leave? He must have been expelled by his own son. If it was not his own son, how could it be possible?

So now Zhao Shuying gave her son a meal, regardless of the details. Anyway, she gave this tone first. As for other things? should be regarded as a different matter!

Ding Yu is also following his mother's temper, anyway vent a meal is good, oneself just love a meal of scolding, it is not a big deal! I can also understand the mood of parents, after all, take the children out? The two old people must not be at ease, especially after such a thing!

Don't think that they don't surf the Internet. It's just two things to do with their age. The computer is very smooth. Of course, they sympathize with the experience of other children, but it doesn't mean that they want to see their grandchildren and grandchildren go through such a life. This is totally different!

After venting for a while, Zhao Shuying also took a good breath. "I don't care about other things, and I can't manage them at the same time. But this matter is not discussed. Do you understand what I mean by saying this, and do you have nothing to do? Do you have to run that far? I didn't feel so active before! What a quiet child! Why is it like this now? "

Listening to his mother's suspicious voice, Ding Yu also explained, "now is to take them out for a stroll. At least I have this time now, and I want to let them see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. Who knows if there is any time in the future? We should know that it is their best age, and the most impressive one is

What about my son? Also let Zhao Shuying heart can not help but move up, this word? It's really true! Now what about the son? Have this time, can see the motherland's great rivers and mountains, such things? It is really so rare!

What about the past? The two little guys often go out to play, but where do they go? Basically, it's all abroad! It's really not how to walk around the country! He and Lao Ding want to take two little guys with them, but the problem is that Lao Ding clings to his work.

What if he quit his job? For him, it seems to be a blow, just like himself. Let him leave his post now. It seems that there is nothing wrong with that, but what about the actual situation? What about your own heart? It's just that I can't bear it! I don't want to leave.

Now what about two people? They can't take these two little guys and leave their two children at home to look after them. But what about the actual situation? This place is too small. My son's conditions in England, America and other places are much better than those at home, so no matter what? It's not appropriate to stay at home.

But even if it was like this, Zhao Shuying didn't want to let go of her son's meaning. Just like a joke, did she make this call today? Besides seeing the pictures on the computer, what's the meaning? That is to express the dissatisfaction that the son took his grandson and granddaughter out.

Now vent some time, their mood is very good, mood improved, this talk is not as strong as before! Ding Yu is also a sigh of relief, and then also gave his son the phone, OK, now this time you two people on top of it! Troublemaker!

If it's not them, how could it be like this!

How about the girl next to her? He took out his backpack and inadvertently took out the silver coin. Fortunately, it was placed in the vacuum bag. Otherwise, it would be bad to bump!

But I don't know if it happened to be a vacuum bag with silver coins? It also fell under the table next to me. The little girl also picked up her chair and looked at the people at the side table, "grandfather, my things have fallen under your feet! Can I take it? "

Several people who were drinking tea nearby took a look, and the old man also made a noise, even deliberately touched a little girl's head. She felt very cute, and the little girl didn't mean to hide, because she was very clear. How about touching her head? Is a kind of love out of thin air.

Then the little girl picked up the vacuum bag, but the old man didn't pay attention to it before. After seeing the things inside the little girl's hands, she also said, "children, can you let me have a look?"

The little girl crooked her head and then stretched out her hands. However, the old man looked at the girl's behavior, and her eyes were slightly bright. Such a sensible little girl is really very rare. You should know that under normal circumstances, only one hand will be extended to give it to yourself, but the little girl in front of him even stretched out two hands.

This is quite polite behavior, but in modern society? Less and less! After seeing the little girl's action, the old man nodded happily, and then put out his hands and put the silver coins into his hands. Since the little girl showed respect for the old girl, he could not be too disrespectful!Respect is mutual, and you can't rely on the old to sell the old!

The old man also put the coin under the sun, because he was sitting under the sun umbrella, so he didn't see it very clearly. The main reason was that he was old. Then the old man took out his reading glasses and carefully looked at both sides of the coin for a period of time. The people around the old man's desk looked at the old man with some suspicion.

The old man repeatedly looked at the silver coin and nodded for a long time, "good thing! It's really a good thing

What about little girls at this time? He also tilted his head and nodded in an affectation. Looking at the little girl, the old man also laughed, "little friend, this is not something you can take out for fun. You just hold it in your hand, but there are some problems!"

This is for the little girl, but to a certain extent? It's also about Ding Yu, who turned around and looked at the old man. He nodded slightly, which was a greeting. Looking at the old man who had handed the coin to the little girl, he also laughed.

"Little friend, it's disrespectful of you to give such things to children!"

Ding Yu blinked his eyes, just smile, but did not say anything, and this time the little girl? He also ran back, and immediately showed off with his own coin. However, the boy on the other side also reached out his own coin and snorted as if no one had it.

But the old man looked at the coins in the hands of the two children and gasped for breath. Was he lucky to see such a coin? Don't say it's really itchy in my heart, but I didn't think about the girls and boys here. Everyone has one in their hands. This is really killing me!

"Little friend!" At this time, the old man felt that he couldn't stand it. He turned the direction of his chair directly and sat at Ding Yu's table. The two little guys looked at the old man dully. The old man's reaction seemed to be too much!

Ding Yu looked at the old man, and then he also looked at the direction of his gaze. With a smile, "Hello, old man!"

The old man also did not have a second word, pointed to the silver coins in the hands of the two little guys, "there are really not many yuan Dadou who are so well preserved in the world! There are a lot of them in my house, but not many can be compared with these two! I don't know if you can give up your love and give it to the children. What a pity

"Is the old gentleman interested in this?" Ding Yu put down the document in his hand and put it upside down on the table. Then he took a cup for the old man and poured a glass of water with his own hands. Ding Yu didn't drink tea, it was just water. His personal habit problem, you are really not good, there are too many picky!

You should know that this has changed a lot. Originally, I just drank coffee, but now I have a certain understanding, so I try to drink less coffee. But what about the process of changing coffee to tea? Not in a day or two!

"Do you have any research on this The old man looked at Ding Yu suspiciously, and then noticed the string of hands on Ding Yu's hands. What about the whole body? Also such a string of strings may be slightly different!

"There's not a lot of research. An elder gave them two little guys for waist pressing." The old man didn't really understand what it means, what is the waist pressure? But then it was a Leng. After thinking about it, the old man couldn't help but want to scold her. Which loser was he using such things to press his waist? Is it too extravagant?

Looking at the old man's changed face, Ding Yu also felt a little funny, "what about home? There is really no such thing, but what about this one? It was given to them by the elders, which is quite commemorative! "

In fact, it is quite clear that the old people like this thing, but they can't make people difficult! In other words, Ding Yu is really about money? Not too much feeling, even if it is again rich how can?

"What a pity!" The old man also shakes his head and sighs, such things are really can be met but not sought, what is the value of things? It's not so important for yourself. What's important is that the appearance is so good. It's really rare in the world!

Just as the old man sighed, a middle-aged man at the table next to him also stood up, "Mr. ou, you are still so reluctant to part with silver coins! The house is full! "

Then the middle-aged man also looked at Ding Yu, said hello, Chen you, do a little business Although it is said that, but when looking at Ding Yu? How much seems to have so some disdain appearance, of course, this is only the eyes inside the show it.

Ding Yu is a smart man. After taking a look, he doesn't reveal anything else, "Hello!" But that is to say, two little guys? Seeing Chen you, Qi Qi stood up and said hello to uncle. Then he sat back to his position again.

What about this action? But let Chen you have some dumb, because of the reaction of the two little guys? Not in their own expectations, two children are really too polite, absolutely no parents in the scene teaching, even no one is urging them to do something, it is a natural reaction!What about your son? They are already in their teens, but what about this? Is really not comparable to the two children, at least in terms of etiquette, is really not comparable, his own son even if he is forced to do so, but other people's children? Do not need to do this respect compulsion and hint!

"What's your name, little friend?"

"Ding, Ding Yu!" What about Ding Yu's answer? Not humble or overbearing, the voice is slightly low, of course, when talking? Ding Yu also took care to fold up the documents in his hand, and after verification, they were all put into the folder. Obviously, it was a little busy.

"Mr. Ding's work seems to be a little busy! Life? Sometimes you should enjoy a moment of ease and peace! "

Ding Yu's eyebrows fluttered for a while, as if he could hear another meaning in the words! Then he laughed and looked at the silver coins in the hands of the two little guys. "I'm still young. Now is the best time to fight. If I miss such an opportunity, I don't know if I can catch it in the future."

Chen you really did not expect to be Ding Yu to give the top back, the so-called money for me, is not a worthy thing, at least I have not put it in the eye, let alone I now? Still young, there is capital to fight, so what about me? No fear!

How about two? It seems that there is no mention of silver coins, but what about each other? It's all about coins! Obviously, what about this middle-aged man? He is not so interested in silver coins. He just wants to please the old man beside him, so he wants to test Ding Yu, but the result is not good!

"Mr. Ding does business?" Chen you took a look, "what about under my hand? There are also two companies that hope to cooperate with Mr. Ding if they have the right opportunity! "

"I am a doctor!" Ding Yu also laughed, "thank you very much, Mr. Chen." What about Ding Yu at this time? It really seems that there are some oil and salt not into, regardless of you how? What if you have two companies? I don't pay any attention to it. What can you do to me?

"Oh, so it's really a coincidence. I don't know which hospital Mr. Ding works in. What about my subordinates? There are also two pharmaceutical enterprises that basically cooperate with hospitals across the country! " Say say, this relation is not nearby?

Ding Yu is also a little smile, "I have no specific work now, just a start!" I already understand the meaning of this one! But it's interesting to think about it!

"It's OK. Xiaoding is so young and promising, it's definitely not an ordinary position to set off!"

Ding Yu also said, "that's all. There's no meaning to continue talking. What about Chen you's face? There are also some embarrassment, why? I have said so much, but what about the one in front of me? I don't mean to relax at all. Why? Is that really not to give this face?

But the old man looked at the silver coins in the hands of the two children, sighed for a while, and then shook his head to Chen you, "Xiaoding, I don't know who gave these two children two silver coins to hold their waist down? Is there anything else at home? What about me, an old man? More interested in this! Want to ask for one! "

"Sir, how much do you think these two silver coins are worth?"

In this way, the expression on Chen you's face is a little bit unhappy. Even if you want to pay a high price, is it not so particular when you say it at this time? However, just as he was about to make a sound, Ding Yu took a slight glance and then turned around.

"It's hard for me to estimate the value of silver coins now, because the value of silver coins is different in different occasions! If from the end of the value, value this number! At least that's what I care about! "

Looking at the old man's three fingers, Ding Yu also nodded slightly, "I'll show you at home. Although the style is few, it doesn't mean that there is no such thing. If I have a chance, I can help you to have a look, but what's the chance? Please forgive me, old man

"Mr. Ding, I'll pay half a million!" What about the price at this time? Chen you also considered it. In his opinion? What about the price of 30 million pieces? Is more suitable! Because three fingers were stretched out, and I spent half a million? This price is not low!

Ding Yu said with a smile, "old man, what do you think?"

"Xiao Chen!" The old man also slightly shakes his head, "Xiaoding, it is Xiao Chen who is so bold!"

Ding Yu also smiles, "I can see that the old man really loves him, but what about these two? For the two little guys, it is of great significance, so there is no way to part with each other. Please forgive me, sir! "

Who is Ding Yu! He doesn't like to talk, which doesn't mean that Ding Yu won't say these words. But Chen you's expression is a little surprised. Some don't believe in looking at the silver coins in the hands of the two little guys. They let the two little guys take such things and feel that they are not joking with themselves?www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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