Ding Yu immediately got up and didn't mean to stay. What about the two little guys? Also is to clean up their own things, do not need other people to help, orderly! What about the performance of the two little guys? It is also to let the people watching, feel a little different, the general family is not able to educate such children.

After finishing cleaning up, the two little guys bowed and saluted. They were very polite. They took two steps back and then turned to leave. It was really impeccable! It's a blessing to have such a child!

"Mr. Zhou? It's just a coin! Worth millions? "

The old man looked at the distant Ding Yu and the two little guys, and also laughed, "Xiao Chen! You? Sometimes, it's too much of a fuss. To put it in a better way? They are more intelligent, so they don't have a common understanding with you! "

Chen you some puzzled looked at the old man, the old man is also smiling, "see the watch he is wearing, and the bracelet he is wearing? That's not a human thing Said is also a look at Chen you body above the dress, "buy your whole body 180 times may be a little too much, but absolutely not exaggerated!"

"Me?" Chen you is also deliberately with a finger on their own, in their own view, this absolutely impossible thing! His whole body is exactly what kind of value, he is very clear, what value is a hundred and eighty times, I feel so dizzy! Mr. Zhou is joking with himself?

"Believe it or not!" The old man also smiles, "I have other things, please accompany me!" The old man stood up with a smile and said hello to the people at the next table, and then he left!

Chen you! His personality is too impulsive. One or two of them can be seen from the scene of his work. Fortunately, he wants to use the force to suppress others? People don't want to see him in the same way. If they really do it, if they don't understand a finger, they can only be directly pressed to death!

Chen you looks at the big family and the big business, but what? What about others? Rich but not leak, expensive but not obvious, unless you are an old man like yourself, otherwise who knows what they are wearing? You can't see it at all, because what about the world? It's never been handed down.

Don't talk about ordinary people, even if it is a high-ranking officials may see less! So Chen you can't see it? This is common sense, but in the treatment of Ding Yu's some things, also let oneself see Chen you? How many still have some problems and conditions, so their own departure? It's also to get rid of the previous thing!

How about this time? Not so elated, after this thing? He also has an excuse, believe that Chen you clever words, will not come to the door, as for Ding Yu? Other people are not rich then expensive, I believe Chen you will not be so stupid!

Looking at the person he invited to leave, Chen you's face is really a little embarrassed. What about Zhou Lao's words? Also let oneself feel to have so some bad! Because how do you feel about yourself? It's like a condom!

They will not be deliberately united to cheat themselves! But then Chen you also gave himself a mouth, if that young man is still possible, then Zhou always absolutely has no such possibility! After all, what about his character? It will be seen by all of you, and you will not damage your reputation because you are alone.

In retrospect, I didn't feel that there was anything wrong with things, but I felt that there were some strange things!

You know, to a certain extent? There is a golden rice bowl on top of the two children. Is this too exaggerated! A small coin is worth millions of dollars, which is really a little exaggerated, at least for myself!

If there is any kind of antique calligraphy and painting, then you can understand it. What about your own home? There are also a lot of collections. After all, the antiques of prosperous times and gold of troubled times are not only simple to cultivate sentiment, but also can maintain and appreciate value.

When you really need it, it is better than real gold and silver!

But I can understand why a simple yuan Dadou is worth so much money? These guys aren't crazy, are they?

After returning to his position, Chen you hesitated for a moment, and then called the assistant next to him, "go and find out what the young man just came from! Be careful! Don't come up with anything else! "

The reason why Chen you deliberately ordered a sentence is very simple. Zhou Laoxian said before that people can buy one hundred and eighty pieces of their predecessor with a watch and bracelet. There is no problem with such a person. Such a person is definitely rich or expensive. What if it's rich? Maybe it's no big deal, but if it's really too expensive, it's better to shrink your head.

"Dad, did we show up just now?"

Walking beside the two little guys, Ding Yu also said, "when did our baby learn this word?" Ding Yu also felt a little funny about this, and then explained, "if you really explain it, it has little to do with you. What about the old man? A little too much! "Two little guys feel a little confused? They all looked at their father.

Then Ding Yu also explained, "where are your coins? Not everyone knows that. There are quite a lot of yuan Dadou who have been handed down in the world. If it is not an expert in this field, no one can distinguish them clearly. What's more, in the opinion of many people? Your silver coin? It's so well preserved, and it's preserved in such a way that it gives people the impression that it's a reprint version! "

Ding Yu's explanation is still easy to understand, and the two little guys also quickly understand. It's hard for people in the industry to distinguish the true from the false, from the false, and from the true. And the old man? Maybe it's like it, or it's for other reasons, so I've got to the bottom of it!

What about Ding Yu? It's no big deal, but Ding Yu didn't say anything. He said he was looking for one for him, but what about this? Can it be regarded as kind and the same? It can also be regarded as a kind of warning. What about many times? We are all made by heart!

What if we put it in the past? Ding Yu may have been angry for a long time. Even if he didn't break his arms and legs, he wouldn't have too many good fruits to eat. But now? Ding Yu's heart is quite peaceful, there is no expression of anger, of course, this is also with the two children around, also has a considerable relationship.

"Mr. Ding!" Ding Yu and his two children walked a few steps away, and they were caught up. Looking at the old man who caught up with him, Ding Yu also took a look, "Hello, old man!" Ding Yu is just smiling, and he doesn't pay much attention to it. The old man comes here at this time, which means a lot.

"Excuse me, Mr. Ding!" Zhou Zhi also picked up the fist in his hand and said, "how offended I was just now!" Zhou Zhi is also very sincere, Ding Yu also smile, did not stop their own pace, the two little guys are not too much taboo, in the next position of each other fighting.

"What? There's something else, sir Ding Yu said without salt or salt.

Zhou Zhi looked at Ding Yu and nodded slightly, "Mr. Ding doesn't care, but I can't pretend that I don't know anything about it! What's more, it's a matter of fact? I took advantage of Mr. Ding. Mr. Ding has a lot of money. If I don't have a common sense with me, I can't pat my ass and leave! "

Ding Yu also nodded, "ordinary things, nothing to blame!" Although the old man has come, what about Ding Yu? It's still the previous situation, slow and methodical. What you do seems to be a bit of a little bit of a heart, while the old man is with Ding Yu's side, and the two people walk as if they were talking with each other.

"Mr. Ding is traveling here?"

"Take the two of them to come and see! The motherland is so big, taking advantage of the time and energy? It's also about walking. Do you have this time in the future? It's really hard to say! "

Because Zhou Zhi used Ding Yu earlier, he felt guilty. After he came to find Ding Yu, he didn't mean anything, which made Zhou Zhi feel a little uneasy.

What about Chen you? It looks like it's powerful, but what? Self identity, he and he are not the same way, so there will be no impact. But what about the young man in front of him? Absolutely is not rich then expensive, such a person is really concerned about, their own problems can be big!

You have to know that you have lived such a big age and have eaten too much salt. Naturally, you also have certain experience. The more such a person is? The more difficult it is to be provoked, people are not willing to quarrel with themselves, but it does not mean that the matter has not been put in mind, so they have resolved this "gratitude and resentment".

"If Mr. Ding doesn't mind, I know a good place! Mr. Ding must have tasted many places of interest, but what about some? It's really what we old ghosts know. After all, we've been here for a long time, so what do we know? It's a lot more! "

Ding Yu also takes a look at the two little guys, and then points his head slightly to Zhou Zhi.

Seeing Ding Yu nodding, Zhou Zhi is also a loose heart. Ding Yu nodded is a good thing! To know that the previous time their attitude has been very good, but how this has never let go, and now nodded? What about their role? Or played a little effect!

"The old man is very interesting!" Ding Yu also took a look at the fan in the old man's hand. Do you want to know who is holding the fan in his hand at this time? Really not very much, in other words, is to pretend to force, at least now people will understand so!

"Used to it!" Zhou Zhi seems to be in a good mood, "what about me? Hang the name of a calligraphy association. I learned some from my teacher in those years. How about taking this thing? How many have so some of the mean elegant, but do not take the words, always feel so some uncomfortable! "

"Understand!" Ding Yu also smiles, "my father is also a doctor. He once told me that when he took the scalpel, he was bewildered. When he put down the scalpel, he didn't feel very strong. He always felt a little bit less! But what's the good news? I didn't get into the habit of holding a kitchen knife! "Hearing Ding Yu say so, Zhou Zhi also laughed. Since he said it, other things would be easy to do. Do you want to know each other? There are not too many contradictions. What about such old doggies? Ding Yu didn't know that he really hated him in his heart.

"Mr. Ding's bearing is extraordinary. He doesn't look like a doctor!"

"Is it?" Ding Yu also pointed to his face, "is it a pity to be a little white face?" This is a joke, there are some self mockery meaning, "is really a doctor, my father is a doctor, by the father's certain influence, so it is more interested in this!"

Ding Yu is not an acquaintance. After that, Ding Yu reported to his family. What's more, he was originally a doctor. There is nothing to say about this, because this is his own duty, but he has not yet completed his graduation. You should know that even if he comes out with two children, he has not given up the relevant research.

"I don't have the smell of a doctor. You know, I have a few friends who are doctors, both Chinese medicine and Western medicine. The traditional Chinese medicine is a little better. Although the flavor is strong, but after getting used to it, I feel very kind, but the smell of Western medicine is really unable to bear, and you do not have such a smell on your body, anyway, I did not smell it!"

Ding Yu took a close look at the old man in front of him. This nose is very special! To be able to clearly distinguish the taste, there are really so some unusual, to know that many people are unable to distinguish.

"Maybe I have less of it." Ding Yu did not force to explain what, there is no need for this aspect, and then four people also found a car, a taxi, since the old man's kind invitation, he can't refuse, anyway, there is nothing else on his side.

After arriving at the end of the land, Ding Yu also stood outside and looked at it. How about the prosperity of a store? There are also a lot of attention. What about the environment here? It's not a place of elegance, but after looking around and looking back, it's really special!

"Good place!" Ding Yu also said a rare sentence, but Zhou Zhi beside him was slightly stunned. "Mr. Ding, I've been here many times, and I've been with many friends for many times. But we all blame the remoteness here. Fortunately, the things here are good, so the business is OK."

Ding Yu shook his head. "It's really a good place." Then Ding Yu also took a look at the eaves, then turned around and looked around. After a while, he went inside. The reason why he looked at the eaves was that he was very particular about business people? It's not that the higher the eaves, the better!

Seeing that Ding Yu didn't refuse to come in, Zhou Zhi also looked at the eaves of the house. It was just a little primitive, but he didn't see one of them. He didn't know what Ding Yu really saw. He said something nice on purpose, but it seems that there are some things that shouldn't be?

Looking at the interior decoration and layout, it is really quite simple! In general, what about the hotel? It's basically chairs, and what about here? Long benches, looking at the polished, absolutely old, the table is very clean, solid wood table, very solid.

The two little guys didn't take the lead in sitting down. After waiting for the old man and his father to sit down, they found their own place to do it. Then they seemed to see something. They also put the backpack in the password box not far away, and hung the key on his wrist.

Not to mention such "high-tech" in such a simple and unsophisticated store, it is really not suitable for some people, but it is really very convenient for customers. At least, they will not worry about their belongings when they eat!

Then I saw the waiter coming over with a towel. They picked up the clothes from the bench, and then went to their suitcase to get something back. "Uncle, can I take a picture of you?" Two little guys are also the first to ask about, and did not rashly to start.

The waiter is also a human being and needs to be respected. The words of the two little guys also made the waiter stunned. Obviously, some of them didn't think of it. Then they agreed. The two little guys also set up the equipment, and soon they took pictures. What happened after the shooting? Thank you very much.

"It's wonderful to have a good family education." Zhou Zhi also said heartily, "I am an old man, but what about the children at home? It's true that we don't know. People are more dead than people, and goods are better than goods! "

"Well, that's right, you old fellow. You look like a little bit, but your children and grandchildren! It should have been that way back then! "

Ding Yu will also have a look, who is it! Yes, but it's a little aggressive!

As the saying goes! Hit people but not in the face. I swear, but what about the old man? I started to scold directly, but I still criticized it. Especially when I said it in front of an outsider, this is not very decent!

Zhou Zhi didn't give it for nothing, and then he started to scold him. However, two little guys were beside him. How old are these two grandfathers? How old are they? How can they look like children? It's even about to start! It's not so popular!www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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