Ding Yu looked at the two old men, the expression on their faces can be said to be quite indifferent. There was no sad expression on the faces of the two little guys, although what about the two old men? There are so many blushing, but what about the quarrel between them? It doesn't mean to last.

Then two people's eyes also looked at Ding Yu, Zhou Zhi also said aloud, "don't look, I'll invite you here! If you say that we are not satisfied with today, you should be careful not to mention that I didn't remind you before

The chubby old man looked at Ding Yu. The so-called honored guest was this young one. Ding Yu slightly nodded his head, but two little guys stood up and said hello respectfully! Ding Yu looked at the two children carefully and then looked at them with a smile.

"Lao Zhou and I grew up naked. Apart from entering the bridal chamber, they didn't replace each other, did they? Basically, they are all alike! Today, there is a distinguished guest. How can I say that I can't make my old friend lose face, can't I? "

Ding Yu also looked at it twice, and then took out his own pocket. What about it? It's also a small object from the inside. It's not very big, but it's golden. Then Ding Yu put it on the table!

The two little guys didn't say anything about it. Instead, the fat old man stood there with his eyes narrowed slightly, and Zhou Zhixin was under it? There are also so some shocked, to know that this is just something to take out at will!

The fat man is also looking at the small objects on the table. When people take out the things, they will pick them up or not? No one's going to say anything? But then, if the guests are not satisfied, they will definitely smash their own signboards. This is not to say that you can take things up at will.

After thinking about it, the fat man also motioned to the man behind him. After a while, the man came forward with the tray. What about the tray? It is not held by one hand, but held by both hands. Ding Yu takes a look, and then places the small object gently into the tray! It's a very simple and smooth process.

Then Ding Yu also took up the wet towel, and cleaned his face and hands. Everything was obviously very natural. What about the two little guys? Is also looking at his father's movement, do it in a straight line, give people the feeling? It seems a little clumsy.

"I grew up with the fat man, but it's really rare for him to be so formal!"

"What? Do you always feel like I'm really going to screw this up? " Ding Yu also felt so funny, "it's rare to see such a traditional restaurant now! I once saw a similar traditional restaurant in North America. At that time, it was an eye opener. I didn't expect to see it in China as well! Some exclamations

After that, Ding Yu also sighed, "China is so big that the generation of Hidden Dragon and crouching tiger can be described in endlessly!" What about Ding Yu's exclamation? Zhou Zhi was stunned for a long time, and then he bowed to Ding Yu. Obviously, he didn't expect Ding Yu to be so nice to talk!

What about the previous time? I have so many preconceptions! Want to come really is to feel so some blush!

But I still really have so some do not understand, this said is a noble, but from their own point of view, is really a strange person! What about his style and performance? Can also see one or two! Is it strange? What about their style and style? More ordinary people don't see any difference.

When talking, the waiter also brought a pot of tea, Ding Yu also personally held the tea, and Zhou Zhi didn't have much to force. But for the two little guys, the taste of the tea was not as good as they thought, at least not what they liked!

Then, several kinds of cakes were sent up. Two little guys tasted two of them. Then they put down their chopsticks. What about Ding Yu? There may be so many greedy, so eat some more! Because Zhou Zhi is a little older, he also knows this? It's just an appetizer! Good things are in the back!

The food is the same, and then the same, Ding Yu basically tasted, but has never said anything. The two little guys are obviously so uncontrollable, and the food is very delicious. What do you think you are interested in? Will also taste two more, but encounter do not like? The interest is weak.

But Ding Yu didn't show too much at this point. It was very natural. The man standing on the table also paid attention to it. What if it was a general situation? No one will deliberately stand here, but today's guest? Obviously there are so many different!

After the tea was too bad, the main course was also sent up. Ding Yu didn't seem to have any intention of trying, so he went straight to his mouth and ate a little too much! Zhou Zhi has been paying attention to it. He has been paying attention to it from the beginning. It seems that every plate? They moved more than one chopstick.

What about the previous time? Do you think this noble man is? Maybe you really don't understand? But after waiting for the main course to come up, Ding Yu still did not choose to put down his chopsticks. What about the two little guys? After eating two chopsticks, they also drink their own juice drinks. They can't eat anything at this time!But what about Ding Yu? There is no intention to stop at all. Zhou Zhi is so stunned that he doesn't even talk about the guy next to him? Also widened his eyes, to know how many sets on his own is very clear, he has been standing beside watching, but this young man? Where did you really eat everything?

I really have some doubts!

But until the end? Ding Yu didn't mean to drink. After eating, the two little guys sat there honestly, without any action. They were very upright!

When you put down your chopsticks? Ding Yu also slightly ordered his head, and then wiped the corners of his mouth. "The pastry in front of him is general, the time is too short, less than five years at most, but what about the dishes behind? It's full of heat and at least 30 years' skill, so the taste is very different! "

Zhou Zhi didn't believe in it! It can be tasted? " Obviously, Zhou Zhi didn't quite believe it. How about the fat man cooking himself? It's possible, but what about the fact that a fat man has 30 years of skill? I feel a little bit of a problem, because the dead fat people have already run to seventy today!

Two people have been together since childhood. I know this guy's heat for at least 50 years!

At this time, the fat old man of the previous time also came back again, "the guests ate well!" The clothes on the body have already changed, and you can see the sweat on your forehead!

Ding Yu also nodded with a smile, "it tastes good. It has been used for at least 30 years. It is said that 360 lines make a champion. It's a good fortune to see you today."

Then Ding Yu took out two small objects from his pocket, but put them on the tray at the same time? There is also a card with some simple cards. What about the front? There's a special looking logo with a phone number on it? That's it!

"It's delicious. If you have a chance, let my parents have a taste, but I don't know if the old master has this free time!" Ding Yu doesn't mean to be forced to do so. If you want to, you can do it!

But the fat old man looked at the business card on the tray. Do you want to know the general business card? Basically, the name or address will be printed, but what about this card? Nothing, just a logo, plus a phone number, that's all!

"Sir, I've had 30 years of experience. I'm almost 70 years old."

"What about the matter? They are all by analogy, but do you want to be proficient? However, it is not a simple thing. Many kitchens are displaying their own techniques, but they do not know that the control of the fire is the most basic thing. If the heat can not be controlled, then even if the technique is good, it will be just a castle in the air! "

The man standing next to the old man is also stunned. You should know that he has been with the master for many years, but what about these years? The master has always allowed himself to burn a fire, and basically did not give himself the opportunity to cook. What about this? I don't have any resentment, but I feel that I don't understand why the master did it.

"Sir, I didn't go to the stove until I was 35 years old. Whether it's manipulation or deployment, what about these? In fact, it can only be said that it is the follow-up. The control of the heat is the most basic excitement. If the heat is controlled, all the follow-up will follow its own course, but now there are not many people who understand this truth. "

"Just in a hurry to succeed! It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong. The progress and change of society is too fast! It's not a bad thing to stick to tradition, but we need to adjust measures to local conditions. " Then Ding Yu also stood up and made an invitation gesture to the fat old man. The old man thought about it and then sat down beside him.

"Fatso, when I got married, you didn't graduate yet?" Zhou Zhi also can't help but scold, and the fat old man? "It's just a routine, it's not a great opportunity. If you don't look at you as a brother, who knows who you are!"

Fat old man is very disdainful to say, but then it seems to see something, and then his face is stunned, "the children are here, pay attention to speak, don't bring bad children!"

Zhou Zhi's face was also red. The old bastard, he really wanted to scold his mother. However, two little guys spat out their tongues slightly. Then they sat there holding their own juice drinks. They didn't mean to make a sound at all. After taking a breath, Zhou Zhicai slowly said, "Mr. Ding, if it wasn't for you, I would have been given nothing by this guy For so many years! "

"You can't lie to me. It's like I'm a doctor, but in fact, what about it? I haven't graduated yet! What about now? It belongs to the extreme of laying foundation, but I can handle some small operations. Can you say that I am not a doctor? This thing? It's really hard to say. It's too serious! "

"Is Mr. Ding a doctor?" The fat old man also looked at it carefully, "it doesn't feel like it!" Then he also looked at his old friend, and Zhou Zhi also stood up on his shoulder. "At least there are some things that are not very similar in this temperament, which makes people feel strange!""It seems that all the people I met say that, and they are used to it!" What about this meal? It was Zhou Zhi's invitation, so Ding Yu didn't mean to pay for it. If he really paid for it, things would change. What's more, what about the small objects that Ding Yu took out? The price is also quite high.

If it is equivalent, a few more tables will not be a problem!

"Come out with two kids like this?" After communicating with Zhou Zhi for a period of time, the fat old man also looked at Ding Yu with disbelief, "is this mind too big?"

Ding Yu looked at the two little guys who were slightly clever and shook their heads. "Now it seems that they are so clever, but what about at home? Are about to grow up to be like the character of the devil. What about the children now? After all, it was different from the previous environment. At that time, there were a lot of children in the family. Now? Just a few seedlings in such a thousand mu land are like what they are like. They dare not give the moon to the stars. "

The fat old man also patted his thigh, "that's true. Damn it, the children in the family are all precious. When I taught my son? What about big mouth? May not have played, after all, the face is too delicate. But his ass didn't hurt him, but he had a little one in the house? My wife's caretaker is like what, don't say to hit, touch a little finger, all want to fight with you

Zhou Zhi also sighed, the situation is almost the same, but it is precisely because of this, what about the descendants of the family? How much is to appear to have so some out of line and not quite decent!

"The situation of the two of them is about the same. My work is relatively busy, and I have not had much time to take care of them. Therefore, I have developed a lot of bad problems for them, so I also bring them out to let them see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and the local conditions and people's feelings. At the same time? It also gives them a little education! "

"It's all like this. Are you educated to let other people live?"

The fat old man looked at the two little guys and said with pity, "where are the children in our family? Don't say it's like this, it can reach half of the level, I have already started to burn high incense! Really

What about the two elders about their children? There are also many complaints. What about this time? They don't know how to educate the children! In the early years, the stick education seemed to disappear completely. Now who dares to do so? This also makes the old man feel useless!

"It's the same in our family. Didn't we take them to experience life before? Their mother came by plane, and my father and mother, this telephone bombing! If they were present, I'm afraid they would have been able to chop me at that time! "

It seems to be a joke, but it's the truth. The two men feel the same way!

What about now? It's not about eating any more. Do you eat? It's easy to understand after a meal, but what about the child's education? It's really not a moment and a half to finish! It is true that there is a time difference between them, but in a way, it is all the fathers. What about the education of their children? We all share a common language.

"Where to stay at night? If you can't, you can rest here! " The fat old man was also very hospitable and said, "the whole house is covered with food, clothing, housing and transportation." It's rare to meet such a young man with taste. Is it a noble person? Now is not so important, people do not have to pretend, they do not need to look down on the dishes.

Just as he was talking, a man came in at the door, and then he also stood there. After seeing the visitor, Ding Yu nodded his head slightly. The visitor then went to Ding Yu's side, nodded to Ding Yu and his two children first, and then looked at the two elders and made a sign.

"Sir, it's ready over there!" Then he went on to say, "the same coin has been found at home. The price is 150, but what about the appearance? Maybe it's a little bit worse! "

After seeing Ding Yu nodding, the visitor also stepped back two steps, then turned around and left without making any stops. Ding Yu also apologized and looked at the two old men, "two masters, I have some other things to deal with, I'm afraid I'll fail the two old men's hospitality!"

Then Ding Yu also looked at Zhou Zhi, "what about the people in the family? I found it for you. What about the details? Maybe it will be delivered tomorrow. You always have a look at it! " When you talk? Ding Yu also stood up.

The two little guys also went to take their own things and said goodbye to the two old men. The two old men also had some feelings. When they came to the door, they found that they didn't know when two cars had arrived, two square cars.

And someone has been waiting at the side of the car. After seeing Ding Yu and the two children, they opened the door of the car for the first time. At the same time? Is also alert to look at the surrounding position, a look to know is a bodyguard!

Looking at Ding Yu who left, Zhou Zhi and the fat old man looked at each other and shook his head with a smile, "I said Lao Zhou, where did you meet him? Is it true that he is not a mortal, such a person has never met several times in his life? You old man, how could you not know that before? "www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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