Zhou Zhi looked at his old friend and snorted, "you old boy, if it wasn't Ding Yu who mentioned this matter to me today, I don't know you've been hiding me for so many years. How do you say this? This is not about one meal and two meals! "

It's obvious that the boat of friendship between two people turns over when they say it, but what about two people? It's just a joke! Then he returned to his seat again. What about the waiter who had stayed in the seat at this time? Is also to clean up the table, and then also sent a new tea! Attitude is also respectful.

"Xiao Gang, come here, too!" The fat old man is also looking at his apprentice, "originally? I'll tell you later, but what about now? It doesn't matter. You can go to the stove anyway! The foundation has been mastered. What about these years? I've learned almost everything I need to learn! "

"Master!" The speaker did not sit down, still standing there, "I thought I was wrong, I always feel that master you did not pay attention to me, today I feel a little regret! It's me who's in trouble! "

"You have a good fortune. How can you say it? Luck is a part of your strength! What happened to me back then? A little earlier than you, but not two years earlier, the rest depends on your own understanding! What about this foundation? You've done it, and the rest is very simple. "

After saying that, the fat old man also waved his hand, OK, now this time don't stay here to continue sensational!

Zhou Zhi looked at his hair small, but also a smile, "how? Is it sad? Or not? "

"It can't be said that it's sad. It's just that I feel reluctant to give up. After all, there are a lot of professors, but what about the graduates? Xiao Gang is the only one who can go to the stove now. I have something to say to my grandfather! " The fat old man also shook his head, "anyway, I am worthy of my master!"

Zhou Zhi is also a little unconvinced, "no! I remember your master is your father

"Father is father and master is master. There are two different identities. If the conditions at that time were not so harsh, my father didn't want to be my master, but the conditions at that time! As you know, the cook will not die of starvation after three years of drought, so my father also has considerable consideration

Shit! Zhou Zhi also called out, "think about it, it seems that I ate a lot at that time. At that time, I didn't feel anything at that time. Now, it seems that it's true that the cook can't die of hunger after three years of drought. Now, it's the cook who can't die of hunger, and the son of the cook doesn't die of starvation!"

"Bullshit, it's like your father didn't eat less!" The fat old man is also slightly dissatisfied. "What about Dagang? I don't have a lot of bad heart, and I'm honest. What about all these years? I don't have too many complaints, what's more, I met a noble person today, that's him

The fat old man also said with one stroke. Then the fat old man also looked at his hair small, "by the way, what did you say you were looking for, 150, what?"

Zhou Zhi's eyes were bright, and then he said it carefully. The fat old man also had some smacking tongue. What about such a thing? Will there be any so-called losses? I'm not very clear about this, but in my opinion? This possibility is not as big as you think!

But Ding Yu also took a look at the two little guys on the way back, "Dad will have a meeting at the hotel when he waits for a while, which may need to be delayed for a while!"

As soon as their eyes were bright, the two little guys were also chatting with each other, and soon they reached a consensus. What about the dinner in the evening? They are still more interested. If they have a chance, they still want to have a try. Ding Yu is not happy about this.

You know, just ate, now think about the next meal, typical food ah! However, Ding Yu also nodded immediately, just a meal. This is really not a big deal! It's enough to make them happy!

Taking them out and educating them is a thing, but it can't make them too depressed! In that case, the so-called adverse effect will appear, which is really not what Ding Yu expected to see! After all, it was my own child.

Back at the hotel, Ding Yu took the lead to change his clothes, and then walked into the conference room. The people in the meeting room were not as many as they thought, but they were clearly divided into three small circles, but what about the atmosphere? It's not as intense as you imagine, and even we will make eye contact with each other!

What about the person who was sitting there when the door rang? All of them stood up. Someone pushed the door open, and then he saw Ding Yu coming in from the outside in neat clothes and full of energy. Seeing all the people standing there, he also slightly nodded his head, "would you please go there in person! Hard work

Then Ding Yu also took the lead in extending his hand, and there was a special introduction for Ding Yu nearby. Ding Yu told everyone that he could have two minutes. Then Ding Yu also came to the main table and waited for Ding Yu to sit down first. What about the others? Also follow the seat! After all, what about Ding Yu? It's the master!The conference room is not small, but what about the people who can sit down? Not very much, plus the lights around? It's basically turned off, just a few lights around the table, even when a few people sit down? The assistant and others left at the first time. It's not appropriate to stay.

Four people around the table around the small table, close to it? In addition to the convenience of speaking, it can also deepen the communication between each other. Obviously, Ding Yu arranged this way? Also has the quite consideration, absolutely is not does this matter for nothing!

"And me? I like to get to the point. Since everyone has gathered here, I think we can express our own views and opinions. What about myself? Are more welcome! Only by expounding our own ideas can we communicate and understand each other! " Ding Yu is also the first to show his views and opinions, if Ding Yu does not speak, then other people are not allowed to speak at will.

Now Ding Yu has such a force, and what about this force? It's a real sword and a real gun. It's not what you say. So when you see Ding Yu? It is also more convincing. After all, this one has a firm foothold in the United States, and now it has become a power. How about leaning over now? Although there are some icing on the cake, it's important to keep a good relationship.

In the past, we didn't have much contact with Ding Yu, so what about Ding Yu? I don't know much. What about today's meeting? It's really the first time, but what's the impression Ding Yu gives you? Still very good, capable, direct, but it gives people a very comfortable feeling, there is no so-called overbearing and overbearing.

Ding Yu has such capital, but Ding Yu did not choose to do so.

"Mr. Ding, Singapore is looking forward to your coming!"

Ding Yu also laughed, "thank you! What about your sincerity? I have already felt it. Other people all know that this is just a means and way to close the relationship between each other. What about stripping these? It will make the conversation between us seem so straightforward

The other three people are also laughing, because the fact is true, if we do not add some other seasoning in the process of talking to each other, it will appear very stiff, there is not too much relationship between each other, if the emotional aspect is not a little familiar, then it can only make the conversation more and more embarrassing! It could even collapse.

"Just a little joke. Where's the merchant? It is based on interests, but what is everyone's understanding of businessmen? Maybe it's a little bit different. What about my sense of it? It is to seek common ground while reserving differences, but I do remember that he once said a word to seek unity through struggle? What about the balance of the league and unity through compromise? Then unity will perish! "

In a word, it also allows three people to look at each other, and there are some fright in the heart. This word can be said to be quite domineering. What's the hidden meaning? It's also quite worth pondering.

In Ding Yu's opinion? Do you have any objection? This is a matter of common sense. There is nothing remarkable about it. I didn't prepare for it? Open the so-called one talk hall, but the same, I am afraid of any challenge, if someone is willing to test it, I am very welcome!

What will be the outcome of the follow-up? What about this problem? I won't make any guarantee!

After all, what about friends? Is it a way to treat the enemy? It's another way. It doesn't mean that all businessmen just pay attention to interests, not other things. It's not like this! Everyone has their own bottom line!

Ding Yu said his bottom line to the point? It's very simple. Do you want to get closer? I'm welcome, but again, what about some things? First villains, then gentlemen, don't you cross the bottom line? It's easy to say, but it's beyond the bottom line? Don't blame me for what I said!

What if other people say that? You may laugh it off and won't treat it as a thing at all. But the question is, what about the people who say it now? But Ding Yu, he said such words, it seems that there is a little bit of overbearing, but in fact what? It has also been very gentle!

Now it depends on everyone's reaction. I said the most basic thing. Mutual cooperation is OK, but I need to see your sincerity. If you are sincere, you can continue to sit down and continue to talk. If you don't have the so-called sincerity, then there is no need to talk about it!

When Ding Yu met with people here, the capital got the news at the first time. When did you know about the relevant information? Is also feeling scalp to have so some numbness! What about this? Ding Yu didn't want to hide the meaning of everyone, but it was because he didn't hide it that everyone was deeply touched.

Afraid of Ding Yu's action, but expect Ding Yu to do something. But what if Ding Yu does? We really don't know how to deal with it! Even don't know how to arrange it. Does Ding Yu want to go to heaven? As for playing so much?What about the three aspects of the meeting with Ding Yu? The relevant information has been sent to us. We all know that all of them are Southeast Asian forces. How about meeting Ding Yu now? It's not a chance meeting. It's definitely well thought out.

Everyone has reason to doubt. What about Ding Yu? I went out with two children. It was definitely not a sightseeing tour. There must be a purpose in it. But now? This purpose seems to have been exposed! Although it is exposed, but we still feel that there are some thorny, not so easy to deal with!

The relevant identities have been investigated and even can be guessed what they are meeting Ding Yu for. But what can they do at this time? I can't do anything!

What about this? Although it happened in China, what about each other? They are not subject to domestic jurisdiction, and they have other identities on their bodies. Even if they want to exert pressure, they don't know where to start. What about this? It can be seen that Ding Yu is just disgusting everyone!

Because from the beginning, Ding Yu did not hide anything. I was in China, and what happened? It will let you all see it, but even if you all see it, what can it do?

Ding Yu has revealed his attitude. I just want to disgust you. What can you do? Of course, I'm happy if you don't want to see it, but the question is, will you people not? Don't you stare at yourself? It's impossible! They will stare at themselves.

Now that you're staring at yourself, you're going to suffer. Don't talk about Ding Yu's skill? Really is to let some people have so many up and down do not go feeling! Move Ding Yu? There is no reason, the important thing is not to give Ding Yu any constraints, but don't move Ding Yu, just watch, as if it is not a thing!

Ding Yu is becoming more and more powerful now. What about this time? The meeting was arranged in China, to a certain extent? This jerk is here to show his muscles. I just hang them in front of you. What can I do? If you don't accept it, you can have a try! See whose wrist is harder!

In any case, some people are disgusted by Ding Yu's hand, but they are not too angry. But there is a saying. The toad jumped on the instep of his feet and didn't bite people!

Besides, we are not sure about it. Will Ding Yu be more aggressive in the future? Is it to watch Ding Yu move further? Or are you strangling now? But the so-called strangulation? It seems that is to say, what kind of action should be taken? To strangle Ding Ding Yu?

It seems very simple to say, but who will do it? It's not as easy as you can imagine. You know, all the time? Ding Yu is the estrangement in many people's hearts, but the problem is that Ding Yu is a toad, but who can give him?

What about Ding Yu? If we really seize the opportunity and attack with absolute ruthlessness, people can say that they have quite learned from it, so now? What about Ding Yu? It's true that you can't fight or scold. It's OK to make a small stumbling block behind your back, but that's it!

In other words? Some people have also realized some problems. Ding Yu seems to have gained momentum. At this time, he continues to fight with Ding Yu. There are not too many benefits and results!

Ding Yu has already tied up the outer fence. Now, do you want to break through the fence? The possibility is not as big as we think, but what about China? Really, if it comes to that day, there will be an egg? Now many people have begun to play the so-called retreat drum, especially now Ding Yu has shown his muscles again.

In the past, it seems that Ding Yu has never been so active. Now, what is the reason for Ding Yu's initiative? There are so many emptiness in our hearts! Inexplicable is the most frightening thing!

What about Wang Pu and the old lady when they know something? I also feel confused. What do you mean when you make such a mess at this time? There's no end to it. Let's do it for a while? There are also some who can't touch their own minds!

"What on earth does this guy want to do? Previously, the issue of student aid came out, but now there is such a thing. Even if you want to enter the country, is it too much? That's why you're so restless? "

Because of everything? It's really hard to understand! Now, no one knows what kind of medicine is sold in Ding Yu's gourd and his style of doing things? It's really not right!

"What he wants to do, no one can say clearly now, but one thing is certain, that is, there will be a lot of people who feel extremely irritable now! This is certain! "Wang Pu also said faintly. He didn't know what the grandson wanted to do, but he was very clear about it. Now it's the turn of some people!

"Will they come to the door voluntarily?" The old lady seems to be asking questions, but she seems to be asking herself.What about Wang Pu? He was silent for a little time. "Counterattack is certain. If you don't fight back, you don't know what the bastard will do next. But how to fight back is really open to discussion. Now I just don't know what direction to start from."

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