Ding Yu talked with the other three people for a little longer, and the time was really a little bit late. But after that, Ding Yu invited everyone to have a supper together. What about the supper? It's a face saving process. What's important is to get in touch with each other.

If there are other people around Ding Yu, then Ding Yu may not show up at this time, but the question is who can use them now? All of them are involved, at least those who are exposed to the public? Are involved, so really not so convenient, Ding Yu can only be personally mounted!

What about the good and bad? Really don't judge! But when Ding Yu comes back? The two little guys are already sleeping first! Ding Yu felt quite sorry for this, because he didn't accompany the two little guys at night.

The next morning, Ding Yu didn't really mean to sleep in. The two little guys were the same. Although the time was not very long, they were used to it! But when you wake up? I blame my father for coming back so late last night!

Ding Yu is also upside down on the ground, in the air to do a few stand up, as punishment for their own, two little guys are obviously very interested in this, looking at their father? Just a few fingers support your body. What about the muscles of your body? I don't seem to see too much tension, but I can control my body freely. This really makes me feel very envious.

Of course, it's more fun. After all, I haven't seen it before, so after seeing my father punish me so much? How much seems so strange, of course, although dad punished himself, but the two little guy's exercise? Still have no intention to give up.

"Today is the last day for us to stay here. We are going to start a new journey soon. Let's see what you think. Are you going north? Or choose other places, give you a day to consider! First of all? I will grant you yesterday's request! This is what we have already agreed to! "

Ding Yu didn't have to ask for anything. In the process, he added some private work to himself? It's not a big deal, but what about everything? They are mainly composed of two little guys. This is the main thing.

It's better to be away from my mother in two days? It seems that there are so many reluctant to give up, but they also know, stay? There seems to be no challenge! What should be played has been played. What should be eaten? Eat it all!

"Dad, since we're leaving, we'd better go to the restaurant yesterday and have a taste of it?" What about the two little guys? I am also looking at my father with a searching eye. Although I have asked for this before, what about yesterday's things? It is very in line with their taste. What about this requirement? "Since they have already promised you, there is nothing to say! It's just what you want, anyway

When I was ready to eat in the morning, before I left the hotel, someone came to me and said, "Hello, Mr. Ding!"

Ding Yu looked at the middle-aged man standing in front of him. He also blinked his eyes. He didn't ask what the situation was. Then he nodded, "you haven't had breakfast yet! I didn't eat it either. Let's go together

What about the attitude of speaking? How many appear so undoubted, the middle-aged people are also stunned for a moment, and then nodded, it seems that some of their own came at a bad time, but the problem is that they really need to block people in the morning, otherwise, who knows what situation will be, no one will be seen.

What he didn't think of was that Ding Yu didn't show any so-called anger and kindly invited him to have breakfast with him? He really can not refuse, Ding Yu with two children, in this case, if you say he refused Ding Yu, who knows what will happen?

When they came to the restaurant, the two little guys also went to sit at another table. They didn't sit with Ding Yu at all. What about their small movements? Also let middle-aged people see a Leng, Ding Yu is to point a lot of things, put on the table.

At this time, a man in a suit came to the table with a quick step. When he came to the table, he also bowed slightly, "Secretary General Qu, you're welcome. It's really a long way to welcome you!"

Qu Tong laughed, "manager Zhao!" Then he took a look at Ding Yu with the rest of the corner of his eye, but Ding Yu did not show any sign. He began to eat breakfast in front of him leisurely. In other words, he didn't mean to put the two in front of him in his heart, and he didn't know what Ding Yu thought!

"Give two children a little bit of our characteristics!" Qu Tong also indicated with his eyes that he didn't say much. What about manager Zhao? Is also pleased to nod, and then turned away to arrange things! The one who left is called happy.

After waiting for Ding Yu to eat almost all the time, Qutong looked at Ding Yu again. "Hello, Mr. Ding. I'm Qutong. I work in the municipal Party committee. Welcome to our Spring City, Mr. Ding!"Ding Yu also blinked his own eyes, a slight smile, "how about you? The housekeeper of the government, let's just regard it as it is! What about me? It's not a nobody, but it seems to be almost the same. I don't quite understand some of them. Of course, if Secretary General Qu is willing, he may help me solve my doubts. I'm all ears! "

And this one? Government departments work in the morning to find it, there are so many people can't feel it! But Ding Yu is very clear. What about yesterday's meeting? Let some people move, whether it is a trial, or a warning, anyway, some people are so difficult to sit still, this is certain!

"Mr. Ding, I'll get to the point!" What about Ding Yu's identity? How much or know some of their own, but also can not say that there are too many taboos, anyway, between each other? There's not too much involvement. How about coming by yourself? It's just a test! "Yesterday, it seems that Mr. Ding met with several merchants in the other side of Cuihu lake!"

Ding Yu also nodded without any surprise? "Oh, that's what happened? Yes? What is the impact on the economy of the province or the city, or what is the identity of these people? " What about that? It's a little bit of a taunt.

Qu Tong's face changed slightly, and then there was a smile on his face. "Mr. Ding may have misunderstood that. The municipal Party committee and the municipal government did not mean this, but because these people represent different economic strength. What about their arrival for the province and the city? They are of great significance. We always need to do a little bit of friendship with the local people! "

"It seems that it's a little late to get the news." Ding Yu also knocked on the table with his hand, and then looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. "As far as I know, what about them now? Seems to have left! Even after having supper last night, I left by plane

Qu Tong's face didn't change too much. He just looked at Ding Yu attentively, and then Ding Yu nodded, "very clever means! But why do you think I should give this face? Who dares to breathe so much in front of you

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ding. I don't quite understand what you mean!"

"Do you understand or don't understand? It doesn't matter for the time being. What about this one? It seems smart, but what about the actual situation? It's just tickling. It doesn't have any practical effect. I'll leave at night. Some people won't be at ease! That's enough! "

After saying that, Ding Yu also shook his head and laughed. "Originally, I thought there would be other means and ways. I didn't think it was like this. I really felt that there was something special about it. What is secretary general Qu's feeling?"

Qu Tong looked at Ding Yu, then he also gave a smile, "Mr. Ding, see you!"

Looking at Qu Tong with a smile on his face, Ding Yu nodded, "what's the name of secretary general? Sure enough, it still has a considerable effect. If I really care about it with you? Apart from the lack of accommodation? It seems that they will offend the whole people with this title. What about this? It's really beautiful, but Secretary General Qu should have heard that he would rather cheat the old than the young! "

Having said that, Ding Yu also stood up and ordered the table twice with his hands, and then left with his two children. What about Qutong? Ding Yu's face changed. He came to see Ding Yu with a special identity, but it was obvious that Ding Yu was not blinded by this. Instead, he saw through Ding Yu.

It is a taboo thing to use his own identity to see Ding Yu. If it is pierced, it will be very difficult. Ding Yu did not mean to pierce the matter, but he clearly saw the way inside, and what about it? It also gave me quite a warning.

Qu Tong also made a fist of his own, compared with stabbing this thing? Ding Yu's threat is really so lethal. How much do you know about Ding Yu's situation? Do you want to know his age? Originally not very big, if really remembers own words, will definitely let oneself suffer unbearably.

In fact, Qu Tong can also figure out that he sacrificed himself in exchange for Ding Yu to leave here. From this perspective, the sacrifice is worth it. And he didn't have any chance to break free. Looking at Ding Yu who left, Qu Tong also sighed for a while. Sometimes, he couldn't help himself!

But what about the things you tell yourself? He has already done it. Qutong also made a phone call. He has already communicated with Ding Yu. Ding Yu will choose to leave at night. What will happen to the rest? It has nothing to do with myself!

Because he had already had breakfast, he went to work at the first time. What's his identity? Ask yourself to have a lot of things to deal with!

However, when I arrived at the office, I found that someone was waiting at the door? I really don't know, "Hello, Secretary General Qu!" The visitor was also the first to stretch out his hand. When he saw that Qutong was confused, he also laughed.

"You threatened Sir in the morning. I'm just courteous. Of course, I'm just saying a few words. I want to turn the door off? It might not be the best choice, would it? Since I have entered the gate, I must not be turned away by Secretary General Qu? "Qu Tong looked at the visitor with a gloomy look, but he did not hesitate for a long time. Then he opened the door of his office. The visitor also followed him. After coming in, he also looked around and nodded slightly, "the office is well arranged!"

"I don't know what you mean?"

Oh! The visitor laughed and said, "I hope Secretary General Qu can resign from public office!" This is very light, even some do not know the so-called meaning, "I know to go to the Secretary General's daughter? Studying in England! It's a coincidence. What about home? There are a few forces in Britain. If Secretary General Qu resigns from his official post, all the things will be written off! "

"You are a threat!"

"Is it? It's as if you didn't threaten to see Mr! In other words? You don't deserve to sit in such a position. I don't want to talk about the extra words. What about before the husband leaves in the evening? I hope to hear accurate information. Of course, you can do nothing. I believe that I am not the one who regrets

After that, the visitor didn't mean to stay, but what about walking at the door? Also pause for a while, "Sir, don't you care? It's Mr. Zhang's business, but as a subordinate of Mr. Zhang, I need to have considerable consideration. We don't have any grudges. You are the first to make the choice, so I need to bear the responsibility for such consequences. And? You can also call your so-called behind the force, I believe you will do the right thinking

After that, the visitor also left the office and closed the door! Qu Tong clenched his fist and hammered it on the table. He never thought it would be such a consequence. Moreover, he just came back, and even in his office, he was blocked.

This revenge came too fast, even quite out of reach! Then Qu Tong also took up his mobile phone and told the relevant information again. What about the people behind him when they knew about it? Also feel that there are so some toothache!

What about your own side? It's a Yin move for Ding Yu, but at the same time? Ding Yu didn't have any hesitation. At the first time, he knocked back with a stick. What about Ding Yu? Anyway, it's no big deal to leave after leaving. But for some people, even if they want to sacrifice Qutong, they can't be so fast.

Do you want to know where Qutong is now? Definitely not to give up on giving up, but Ding Yu's request there is very simple, before the evening? Look at the effect, otherwise what will be the situation, don't blame others for their ruthlessness!

In order to move Ding Yu, what are the serious consequences? Before seeing Ding Yu, some people were forced to leave? It doesn't stop us!

What about the whole morning? Qu Tong was sitting in his office and began to write the so-called application report. Do you want to know how to resign from public office? It can't be completed in a moment and a half. Although we haven't got the so-called reply, what about such a thing? There is no so-called back road, Qu Tong's heart is very clear.

When I went to the hotel to block Ding Yu? I knew that the consequences might be very serious, but I didn't expect to come so fast, so fast that I could not even prevent myself!

And it has been such a long time, there is still no phone call. Qutong has already estimated his own situation. Previously, he thought about all kinds of possibilities, but he did not expect such consequences! Quit public office, this is not demotion or transfer, but directly to their roots!

What about the people behind it? It must be to appease oneself, but no matter how to pacify yourself, can you compensate for your loss? When he was sitting there, he held his head with both hands, and he was not willing to open his eyes for a long time, because he was in a moment? Some of them can't accept it!

For some people, what is Ding Yu's attitude towards this matter? It's also a great embarrassment for them. They played one hand, and Ding Yu also played the same hand. Everyone was courteous!

But relatively speaking, the loss can not be described in words. Do you know that you have to compensate Qutong in the first place? It's not as easy as you can imagine. If you don't compensate for the Qutong, it will make other people feel frustrated or even tired.

You know, Qutong didn't do anything, but threatened Ding Yu according to the requirements of the forces behind him. The consequences have come out. Now, Qutong is facing dismissal. There is no choice.

Don't doubt Ding Yu's influence in Britain. You should know that it was one of his earliest bases. What about such things? What about Ding Yu very early? It has been verified to you!

So now we have to agree and disagree!

But similarly, there is no problem in giving certain compensation to Qutong. But if there is any follow-up, what should others do? How to handle this discretion? This is also a problem!Give Ding Yu a stumbling block, but what about the same? Ding Yu also threw them a considerable trouble, the test is really so big! Even a little headache! Ding Yu is such a guy! Also really is not the general deceitful, similarly, this bastard also is not the general ruthlessness!

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